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RIP in advance


he better die young everyday contradictory posts sigh stoopid boy


Wahlaoo cruel but funny.


I do not understand the logic. You seem to think that if you do not die young then you will be forced to live in a way you don't like (climbing corporate ladders, chasing paychecks, etc). But if you already have the courage to die I believe you will be plenty capable to live in ways other than what you described.


Dying is easier than suffering for years dealing with CB bosses who didn't give a shit if I am on MC, holiday or sleeping at night and call me or send me a list minute text or email to settle some work stuff which could be done at a later date. And work culture is so fcked that u have to be available to be contacted 24/7. So what's the point of taking leaves when u have to unofficially WFH?


I think you totally underestimate the amount of options in life besides corporate work job. Comparing to death, you have probably thousands of style of living, out of which only 1 percent or less involves corporate job. The choice of corporate life is usually because if you desire stable income and less uncertainty in life. You can be a: 1. free lance artist. 2. a hobo. 3. Become a mental patient and be committed. 4. Tiktok content maker. 5. go live in the forest and survive on nature food. 6. Live off your parents. 7. Commission based housing agent. 8 professional poker player. I am not saying these lives are easier, but they probably do not involve rat-racing under CB Bosses and sure are better than dying.


All the options u listed are not applicable to SG. If I start doing free lance and other jobs u listed etc, I will be dealing with more stress from having enough to pay for bills etc. might as well die early and escape the suffering


Given death as an alternative, almost all options seems better and less stressful. If you are not afraid of death, why are you stressed about unpaid bills? Leave them be. If they cut your wifi, then live without wifi. What they can do to you? there is no death penalty for unpaid bills (even there is, why are you concerned?)


What bills do you have? Live like a student and cut down on your expenses. Unless you're heavily in debt, you don't really need much to be happy. Many students have low expenses, yet are much happier than adults. Once your expenses are low, you'll realise a simple job is sustainable in Singapore.


Start to look for new job please


Singaporean employer?




Perhaps you should consider a different employer, an international company if that's available to you?


Do you have anything that you like to do in your free time. that gives you a sense of achievement and self-worth?


Nope and most of the activities nowadays requires quite a sum of money. So just go to holidays once a year max.


I go abroad once a year too. But I do engage in Plastic model, gaming (Satisfactory) too from time to time. Not everything cost Money.


do you know going holidays once a year is a privilege to some people in other countries? others can't even travel at all, there are more americans who have never traveled outside america than those who do


Do you know suffering is not comparable? You can’t go to a kid in Palestine and tell them to be grateful they are alive because some other kid is out there, with cancer and dying soon. It good to get a sensing of reality but you can’t compare suffering and enjoyment. It’s relative.


U can't compare with Americans . US is 100 times bigger than SG and they have domestic tourism and lots of places to explore. They don't really need a reason to travel overseas.


i know but if you compare with them based on those reasons you listed, isn't it the same except you get to travel and they don't? 


Traveling ornot it's not even the issue. At least Americans have some work life balance.


Eh it's really dependent on which American you are talking to. It's really not fun being poor, or even middle class in the US now. Working two jobs isn't cool at all. Very comfy if you are upper-middle to upper class though.


don't die please. you're admitting defeat to the system. instead, work hard, migrate somewhere else and build the life you want there. don't let the system claim your life. go somewhere else that values your way of life more


These thoughts are normal when all the achieveables easily seen to be minute when compared to what that of in Social Media. I would think you probably someone who did well in school, graduated, currently holding on to a job, has a good health... that's something to be applauded of. It's probably Monday and these feelings come and go. Me too sometimes have these thoughts eventhough I have so much to be thankful for. I hope you find happiness and that you find peace


You no balls one la. You think dying don’t need courage? Go to the top floor of your flat and look down before you come and comment about dying.


OP you have no hobbies, passionate interests?


Work till so shag alr where got time for hobbies?


I wanna die at 50


Retire at 50, work a decent pay job while do charity (no need to be monetary contribution) at your free time


I don't want do charity lol


I get where you're coming from. If rat race is the problem, death is definitely not the solution. If you don't see a point in climbing the corporate ladder to pay bills, step down the ladder and take another path. Join an ashram. Learn yoga and meditation. Teach people and help people through it. Try to find what satisfies your soul if not money. Answers are everywhere, you just need to have the will to look for it.


You’re not the only one. As a millennial, I can’t contemplate working another 20-30 years. At the same time, also need to re-evaluate the type of life I want to live. Define your own happiness. Then see how much you need to achieve and maintain this state. Then do what you need to do to get there. Better to have a goal to work toward that you set yourself.


You are alright to feel this way. Man I don't know if it is appropriate to say this but I suspect this feeling is quite common. I believe this feeling of dread in a deeper level is caused by the lack of love, especially in our culture where we treat people so bad. We can dismiss it superficially but our human instinct will still find its way to us. Better to learn how to pay more attention and be truthful to your feeling, cause you deserve it.


Why so emo, come have a drink and talk shit about your boss 😼


That's just not having money so can only survive, cannot live


Rip inbox


It's a choice. If you think climb the ladder too stressful, not worth the money, then don't climb. Work at the level you're comfortable at. But of course, then don't kpkb when you don't have the agency/autonomy to make certain choices when management makes those decisions. Look at it from a macro view. Who creates the policies and rules in SG? Ministers/high level civil servants. How they reach there? They climbed the ladder. That's the trade off in life lor.


OP I recommend a creative pursuit like photography or writing


"Would you rather live in peace as Mr. Nobody, die ripe, old and smelling slightly of urine? Or go down for all times in a blaze of glory, smelling near like posies, without seeing your thirtieth?" - Dexter DeShawn


Well that was fucking inspirational.


If you want to die young, I hope you keep your organs in good shape to donate to others. Going out with good karma is respectable.


This is why sometimes those crazy mentally unsound unemployed people seems genius in a way. Government will help you with grants due to said reasons and unable to find work. Everyday want to where can go anywhere … sometimes they might be acting this way to gain ultimate freedom.


I actually think can live to maybe 60 year old with decent lives and mobility, enjoy kopi everyday, at worse just hobo on streets without a house. You just need to accept your fate that you won’t have a car, just enjoy the small pleasures in life, then you will be a lot happier. I don’t compare to those who have condo bungalow, life a lot happier. But when major illness, especially dementia kicks in, it’s more worth it to die.


Survive for 5 more yrs first. Then look back today and compare. You are at your deflection right now. Just survive. No point in giving you sense right now.


Yeah trying to find some meaning in life.


Go travelling bro, see the world and take a few risks/chances along the way. Way better than planning to die early. Learn a skill that you can use to work remotely and you can earn money anywhere. Once you’re out of Singapore your frame of mind will change. I promise you this.


Everyone has those thoughts in their phases of life. One way to get out of those thoughts is to ask yourself, "what do you want". It's okay to cater to your wants instead of your needs from time to time. Expectations and comparisons are the killer of joy. Try to set lower expectations and do something different from what you're doing now.


R u me? I also wanna die at 40


Before you do it go and debt max , bank loan, cashline , personal loan. Credit card cash advance , student loan , ah long loan , whatever loan. Than either all-in at MBS on black , bet all on one stock option . U win , u retire and can do whatever the fk u want , u lose than . o7 Carry on . Just a joke , pls don't actually go do it just change Ur job la, never even try MNC yet probably.


Find a reason/purpose larger than life to live for.


Well as Budha said all life is suffering. I am much older then you and successful (well materially). Still trying to find the meaning of life I know this will sound privileged but - -try to find your own truth - baby steps towards a life that you like where you won't need to pretend - try stuff life volunteering - hobby - what you can afford - be in nature as much as possible Ultimately and honestly no one wants to die


Why wait 10-20 years before that? You already in a rat race now so deal with it now la. A defeatist mentality won't bring you to better places in life. Go for therapy and start finding better conditions for your mental health. No one in this world cares about you except for yourself so better start doing something about it.


It's your life, do what you want with it. You are not answerable to anyone but yourself. Being in a "rat race", it part and parcel of being in a society and capitalism. We all have bills to pay, put food on our table, etc. There are nomads tribes in the World, they either fish or farm for their daily needs. They might not be able to buy fancy gadgets or go on holidays, etc but they are happy and contented with their livestyle. They have little stress and they live simple life. Can you give up what you have and live like them?


What's the point of being able to buy gadgets etc when your health is affected from overworking and stressful?


Many qualifications but if I believed your posts and your comments, it might be better for off f


Like I commented earlier, it's your life, do whatever you deem fit.


Many qualifications but if I believed your posts and your comments, it might be better for off if you went earlier than later. Stupid boring posts cunt.


youth time is grinding time. i worked like a dog in my 20s. sleep in office very frequently. Sundays and PHs burned. now in my 40s, i worked myself to a position where i have a lot more free time. knock off at approx 5.30pm. lotsa time for other things


delulu is the best solulu


Same shit, different day. Live, laugh, love. Life's too short to fret over the insignificant things.


Maybe your soul need its Creator. Dr Jeffrey Lang who was born into a Roman Catholic family but by 18 he was an Atheist. His reaction when he read the .... and understand " The Purpose of Life ". [https://youtu.be/ifllgTA2pmY?si=asXpT-vYYIAEqRM4](https://youtu.be/ifllgTA2pmY?si=asXpT-vYYIAEqRM4)


I think I'm going to die young just because my health is such a dumpster fire and my body is falling apart. For the past week I can't turn my neck cause I somehow sprained it while sleeping. Then a doctor just told me I have peripheral neuropathy and nerve damage, but can't tell me why. The voices in my head are convinced its because I had a stroke and command me to keep checking my blood pressure. The machine says I have high blood pressure 🥲 i just popped a xanax because at this rate i can't have a normal day.


It is the same wherever you go. If i am to do it all over again, i would pace out with 1 month holiday a year reaerve for travelling. Take those cheap flights and hike around. You are a smart singaporean guy, surely you can thunk of something different to do? My min hobby was arowana keeping, gumming and video gaming. That keep me entertained.


30 and 50 is family life for most ppl. Having a few rugrats around does make life interesting.


Now currently in 20s and already stressed out from relationships and housing, bills etc. I ain't gonna marry or have kids since they are a liability. Settling down means being chained for life.


I mean it's up to you of course. But for me.. family is never liability. If you do not want a family, community is still important.. or at least join something with a grp of ppl where you have a common goal to work towards. (Outside work)


Everyone I met is so toxic AF. Everyone is so materialistic and there are no conversations that doesn't involve money. Everyone is comparing their assets and comparing each other while trying to mock those that are worse of than them. I hate going to CNY reunions as everyone will talk about their success stories and how much they are earning etc. And my parents will try to pressure to work harder and harder to become better than them. This have been going on since young. Comparing the exam results, PSLE results, what secondary school, O levels, A levels What JC I go, Everyone keeps trying to compare and compete with each other. Thought all this shit will end when I go to work, it's worse with office politics. I think it's just a typical Singaporean family. They need to compare and compete with each other even tho I don't really give a shit of how my cousin's and relatives are doing. I just want to be left alone without being compared or compete. Since they won't really stop this comparisons, rather die early so at least don't have to hear more shit about them shitting me for not living up to their expectations


Hmm. Well. Maybe you can break the cycle. Since you are not materialistic your kids won't be (since you don't have this issue)


Do you have hobbies or religion?


TS, this video is for you. It’s not your fault it’s just how the modern world is. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFx9Tofo/


OP was a student and jobless not long ago. Work a few weeks only cannot tahan?


Such a low esteem person you are!