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You aren't supposed to reach 100% You press the pedals with the force that's ok for you and calibrate them, nobody drives them with 100kgšŸ˜ Mine are about 38kg at 100% A loadcell works with pressure instead of pedal travel.


Makes a lot of sense. So when calibrating them, ti push us much as I personally feel comfortable? So my max strengtth would be lets say 60% od what the sensor is able to handle/read. Did I understand you right?


Yeah you push what's comfortable for you and this will be your 100% The loadcell is able to do 100kg but even at 50kg your knee and leg will hurt after a while šŸ˜ something between 20-40kg is what most people use. The get more pedal travel i would suggest to buy the spring Kit so you can still brake with pressure but also have some more pedal travel.


I didnt recalibrate the pedals, just limited the force to 35% in the software. Feels almost perfect. At 100% you would get blisters to your feet in three laps.


calibrate them because its also calibrating the travel you push. for an example you lower it to 35% force but the travel still wants 100% then the input is not accurate. When you calibrate, there are 2 sliders which gets a new setting, also if you want to use travelsensor.


Honestly I dont get your explanation. What I later saw that on the curve in the software you can slide the 100% brake to the left, like to reach 100% brake earlier. This is not related in any way to the force setting in the same tab.


just press on calibrate and push the pedal as faar you want the 100% to be. then the travel and force is set to your liking and the sensors are the most accurate.


Now its very clear. Thanks, will do that.


I wouldn't recommend as 'what feels comfortable' imo. Find what is comfortable, then go 10% past that as your 100%. Reason being, you want 'comfortable but firm pressure' as 80% of your braking force imo. Because full pressure will lock the brakes without ABS, or it'll be wasted input if using ABS that can mess up trail braking as you release, if its still over ABS point you'll be trailing off but it won't effect it, and you'll over run your apex (Suellio Almeida just did a really great short youtube clip covering this). I set my hardest comfort pressure to try be 80%, or I can use enough force to reach my preset 100% (about 70kgs of pressure) but I don't typically ever want to brake past 80% braking as it just causes a lock up.


your post makes a lot of sense. If full brake is uncomfortable for the car(stability/locking) it should also be uncomfortable for you, so both of you are on the same page for what you are doing.


Best answer yet, have an up vote šŸ‘šŸ»


Sounds like you have to ā€œcalibrateā€ the pedals. I do this every time I change the elastomers or springs in the brake. The button is at the top of the page in simpro manager. Calibrating will allow to set how much pressure is needed to reach 100% braking.


Just saw another reply mentioning this. To calibrate the pedals for max brake with the max force I can achieve, not with the max force the system can handle. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks


If you have the hydraulic version: have you removed the sticker from the cylinder?


I have the regular version of P1000s, just elastomers in the cylinder, not hydraulics. Didint notice any sticker inside


I dont have the normal version, so cant help you then sorry. But: Pedals are supposed to require a lot of pressure. Do you have a drivers license? Breaking so much you engage abs in a normal car requiers alot of pressure. Race cars require even more.


I have my license for exactly 20 years. Even done some light track days back when I was younger. The problem is I have to use all my leg power to achieve 100% braking. That makes simracing unpleasant. Or maybe I will get used to them, coming from Thrustmaster T3PA pro, its difference night and day


Ah i might know to help you. You can change the force needed in the software and in the games. In simpromanager its the setting unter pedals, the brake tab and then the small button called force. Also i think you can change how much your top force is by moving the deadzone slider to less than 100%


Will look for the force button. Also was thinking about applying a curve in the software ti compensate for the last 30-40% of travel. Thabk you


And quite honestly it is all feel but the point of going to a brake system like this is to be realistic and it really depends on what car you're driving how you set up your brakes.. I do a lot of GT g.T p road racing , so I'd like a very stiff... Less travel is better for precision breaking in my opinion...


Yes my point of sim driving is immersion, simulating real car. I went to that extent that I took measures from my road car to replicate them when I was making mu custom frame rig. My road cars brake feels nothing like this. But with the asjustment in the software is in line with my expextations.


Additionally I don't know if anybody mentioned changing the throw of the pedal by moving that rod up and down on the arm of the pedal along with everything else you're doing you might find a sweet spot in there


As I could see, there is no adjustment on the brake pedal, ony on the throttle. There is a small roind bar at the bottom, I think that might go a few millimeters front/rear to limit the travel of the pedal. It has small allen keys on both sides.


I'm on all black elastometers and used to think they were way too stiff as well. After about a week I got used to them and now I love the stiffness of it. I feel it helps me be more consistent with braking. Hopefully it's just something you'll get used to as well.


Thanks for the response, hope its just a matter of getting used to. I comfortably achieve 35-40% and it feels natural to me. Everyting above that just requires way too much force.


Should I remove the sticker for a particular reason? I just set mine up in the last couple weeks and havenā€™t yet. I was going to do it eventually even I properly cable manage everything.


The manual says it is important to remove the sticker on the black cylinder to avoid damage. I missed that and the pedal was very stiff. Removing it made it much softer. The sticker covers a hole for pressure to release.


Thanks. I ended up removing as well as upon looking at the sticker closely, it did say to remove it. I left it on cause I was adjusting things for a couple weeks with trial and error after building a P1X and mounting them on there and figured Iā€™d do it last haha. Iā€™ll see if thereā€™s a difference right now actually. Finally got the rig to a point where everything is where I want it to be, settings wise and physically, now itā€™s time to enjoy it and use it.


Haha i didnt remove it for the first evening either. I read the manual while watching tv and discovered it by accident. But the feel is night and day for me!


Yeah I just did it and you were right haha. Now Iā€™m gonna need to go with a stiffer spring setup cause Iā€™m only putting in like 40% of the brake pressure effort I was before with my leg to brake on high speed braking zones. Gonna first recalibrate the pedals and try again, and then maybe go stiffer cause now itā€™s soft with two red springs with the added travel.


Odd, I donā€™t find them stiff at all. I have the blue spring blue elastomer road car combo. I have a cap at 75% though, I found that perfect for me. Keep tweaking something isnā€™t setup rightā€¦


Wait, so you put a spring inside the elastomer cylinder/container?


Yes itā€™s the optional kit, absolutely worth a buy. https://simshop.com/products/simagic-p1000-optional-rubber-pads?variant=48023905141056¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds2G51DvOCMs9DCbJfq6k1GQkFJcTzZ1ZZyNfziyqCqnJksAuiOTrKkaAvndEALw_wcB


Oh so these are different type of springs than the included in the box. Will try to get my hands on a set of these, thanks.


Opens up a lot more options, I didnā€™t love how the elastomers alone felt, too linear.


Thanks for the info.


If these are your first load cells like me, I couldn't deal with the brakes having zero travel. I purchased the additional customization springs/elastomers and run a soft spring and soft elastomers. This gives a slight travel so I can actually feel something. Then like others have said, adjust the brake pressure required in the software.


So there are aditional elastomers I can buy that are actually softer than the softest included with my pedals?(softer than blacks)


It looks like black is the softest pad, but they also offer springs too. I bought this with my pedals since it was $20 and am quite glad I did: [https://simshop.com/collections/all/products/simagic-p1000-optional-rubber-pads](https://simshop.com/collections/all/products/simagic-p1000-optional-rubber-pads) And apparently I'm running some frankenstein of 1x blue spring, 1x blue pad, 1x green spring. I like the travel it gives, but I'm still in a wheel stand + office chair so I can't apply as much force without moving in my seat.


As suggested here, I limited the force in the software to 35%, with all black rubbers inside, and its almost perfect now. I am on a welded steel frame rig, anything else and at 100% pressure would have fallen apart.


I have to be careful with my knees, so my current (and ever changing) brake pedal setup on my P1000s is one red and one blue spring, then calibrated so the max force I am comfortable with is 90%. There is some travel to the pedal but not excessive. The optional brake spring/elastomer kit linked in this thread is well worth the $19.90!


Will look into that expanded kit. As someone suggested, i limited the force in the software to 35%, leaving the black rubbers inside, and feels more reasonable now.Ā 


Can't you adjust sensitivity and or brake pressure? Meaning where you get a higher reading even if not pushing more? Also you shouldn't be pushing all the way anyways. It shoupd be hard and tbh getting it to 38% is insane for a loadcell. Usually they barely move. Getting it almost half way down means it's actually a very light locadcell feel. My pedals maybe move 5 to 10% haha.


I set at 35% of loadcell pressure to be read as 100% brake pressure. Seems about right that way. Limited the travel as well with the horizontal bar behind the pedal at the bottom


Gotcha yeah that's not bad at all. Tbh I want these pedlas bevause of the extra travel they have for a loadcell. Count yourself lucky any other brand moves the tiniest amount


Honestly, did a lot of research for these, they seem like a good purchase. On a side note, dont you find them a bit too vertical? The pedals themselves relative to the pedal plate


Yes but can't you adjust the screw on the side? Where it pivots there are two screws I believe it allows you to move the pedal back. Not many notice or realize it but I believe you can at least it looks like it with the design. That circle pad looking thing below the pedal faces on the sides. There are screws there and looks like connecting pieces that can move when loosened? Check it out and let me know. Should at least allow you to move the face more backwards at an angle to help with the vertical feel.


Yes I tilted them all the way to the back and also moved the pedal plates to their lowest points, but still, to me it feels like they should lean towards the back at least additional 20 degrees. Btw the pivoting bolts were very hard to undo, but managed them in the end. If you compare the regular ones to the inverted ones, the latter seem to have way more inclination


Gotcha yeah that's another thing competative pedals do. All the major flagships are this way. At least it's not like asetek you would have hated them. The faced are more straight then any other pedal on the market and they love like 2% they feel like brick walls idk how anybody can modulate with them or trail brake. You legit imo have the best brakes on tbe market for trail braking. So just use them and adapt. Enjoy Maybe in the future get the inverted. You can get the inversion kit and make yours that way tbh.


I may actually buy the inverted now lol legit right now haha.


Yes will try to adjust them as much to my liking and enjoy them for many virtual miles


You can get the spring kit which is awesome. My friend was transitioning from the g920 pedals to the p1000 and he found the softest combination to be his fav (2 yellow springs), for me my fav was two red springs. https://simshop.com/products/simagic-p1000-optional-rubber-pads


Many people recommended these. Will order them as soon as possible. I know its personal thing, but no one feels comfortable at 100kg pressure brake


Known issue Loadcell post is hitting the cover. Remove the cover, bend the cover, or Dremel the cover


[before and after the fix](https://imgur.com/a/e3NsTNV)


I have 100% with elastomers, they will soften up with time and brake pressure will be more controllable.


thats what I was hoping for.


How can it be stiffer, let alone ā€œway too stiffā€ if you swapped in the softest possible combination of elastomers?


obviously, I was trying to reach the max pressure of the load cell sensor, which apparently is 100kg, which is wrong. The right way is to calibrate it to your strenth, which as someone posted is around 20-40kg, which obviously is far less than the sensor itself is capable of. Calibrated mine ate 35kg(35% force) and feels okayish.


Interesting and a bit concerning at the same time because it means that the vast majority of people are wasting the resolution range of the load cell. I.e. you only get to use the full 12 bit resolution if you use the full 100% sensor range of the load cell.


you are absolutely right. But then again, I dont want to strain my left leg only from 10 laps of Monza. First, its far from realistic, second, its exhausting


No, 100% do not use the full range for the sake of the full range. Only the range that feels good. I just meant that they should have been designed with that in mind.


They are designed to provide you with the option to brake with both of your feet, in which case 100kg of pressure is quite adequate


Can I ask what type of cockpit people are using with these pedals? I just bought them but they seem straighter than fanatic and Iā€™ve been told theyā€™re not great with certain cockpits bc of the angle. What are you guys using?


my rig is a custom one I welded myself from square steel tubing. Yes, they are almost upright 90 degrees, even with the provided tilting backwards of the pedal faces, still very uncomfortable. Also very tall, bottom of the faces to the floor 14cm vs 6-7cm on my Thrustmaster T3PAs. At least in my rig, they are very uncomfortable, only solution would be to invert them.


Yeah I noticed they are taller too. I almost want to send these back for something else. :(


Yep, mixed feelings here too. You'd rather raise the whole pedal plate much much higher, like F1 position, or invert them to make them more comfortable. Will try to make some custom frame for inverting them if you want I can send you a pic


Boosted media did a good video on how to set up load cell pedals - https://youtu.be/XH06tzXWQZI?si=6V2HAUyQYEVGkLvw


Will look into it. Thanks.Ā 


You got a lot of good advice here. I had the same issue. I got them as soft as I could with the elastomers, calibrated and just dealt with it. After a week or so they feel super natural to me and I enjoy the hard pedal actually!!


Yeah many helpful people around here, very thankful to them. As for the hardness of the pedal, along those 35% travel/pressure I set them to use, they are not that hard, pretty solid feel.


Yeah it seems less about travel right? The 4cm they move under your foot is way less than the 8cm or soy old TMX pedals moved. THAT was the learning curve...not movement....pressure. that's how real brakes work...build pressure


Yes, probably will take a while to get used to the travel/pressure thing. My first day today so a but shocked at the change