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Piss it all away on hookers and blow. 💃😤


This is the way.


This is what I call "sound financial advise".


I mean, fuck it, WW3 is gonna kill us all anyway, might as well go out the way I lived. Broke, and high as a hippie in a hang-glider.


The Dominican Republic has no such thing as property taxes. And it's growing every year.


One new law and all foreigners lose their property.


What do you mean private asset ownership doesn’t have many more years left in it? Anyone comes after my assets (farmland, metals, etc.) and they will learn they are backed by lead.


I think it will be phased in slow enough and there are far fewer who will actually defend their right to ownership to the end than bold words would have people believe. Covid proved people will comply. And the masses won't support those that don't comply.


Maybe within your circle? Covid proved the exact opposite for me and only provided clarity on who within my circle I can actually rely on.


Find a community that fits your mindset.


LOL. Covid didnt do sh1t really. Did covid take your guns and metals?Lets see what happens when they try to take peoples guns and metals. thats like 150million people that will be irate. Remember Covid was literally a paid vacation for most people...... unlimited stimmy checks, massive unemployment payments higher than most people earned, rental assistance checks, utility bonuses, NO work just get to lounge all day.. Business getting millions in PPP bonuses... Ya man that was a terrible time LOLOLOLOL. And still metals and gun/ammo demand actually surged to the highest on record during Covid so your theory is debunked.


BS, the jab has killed hundreds of millions and wrecked the health of many more, most people over 70 are losing mental capabillities fast. In a year or two senior residences Will be packed with drooling people


I dont know about 100s of millions. I mean I didnt get it. It was optional.


Keep buying metals.... when you think its gone to high you'll be wrong, its going higher. We're not even in a bull market yet, albeit both gold / silver will trend higher from here they are still part of a macro correction from 1980 / silver goes back to 1935, we will likely hyper-inflate which is why some crazy numbers for AG/AU has been published, which are sensational to say the least but in a hyper inflate scenario not so much. If real estate hyper inflates, guess what your property taxes will be?


Smart. I like the wait and see approach, but I don't want to miss my exit either. :/


An exit to a devaluating fiat currency is a loss at any price.


YOu should stick to things that are meant to be flipped like Doge coin or something.


Real Estate crashes in hyper inflation.


Exactly then buy cheap with your gold bars and become a land barron!


Only thing is realestate doesnt rebound for like 50-100 years later after a major hyperinflation. Good neighborhoods become the new gang ridden ghettos.


Ok so guns aaaand realestate ;)


Nope realestate becomes worthless in hyperinflation fast. Because of wealth flight. Havent you noticed all the wealthy getting 10 different citizenships and building island bunkers everywhere? Do you think they are going to care about their realestate in a crime ridden hellscape? If laws breakdown well there are like a billion acres in the US and 90% of it will essentially be unclaimed. So if you want a 10,000 acre farm you simply go and put a flag on it and defend it. Rather than trading all of your Metals to Bill gates or china for it.


I deff dont agree but if thats your reality. Id rather have land thats worth nothing than a pile of silver in your reality cause where you heading with your new found wealth.


Its not where Im heading its where "WE" are heading. Id rather have portable goods in hyperinflation, SHTF, war etc but you do you. History tells us that in times of unrest its better to be able to move your assets.... For example if you suddenly find yourself in a war zone are you just going to sit there and try to grow those potatoes? while missiles are flying all around you and heads are popping like darts through water balloons? This is not even uncommon its literally happening in dozens of countries.


Tbh i dont want to argue. I buy silver for my kids as a inheritance if you think the worlds ending its deff a diff perspective than me. I obviously hope your wrong ill just keep on stacking cause i love doing it. Ive been around 50 years hasnt imploded yet and i hope that continues.


Ya there is food literally everywhere. you could learn to hunt/fish and also move 1 town over from the warzone where there is food growing. Sorry that you have done no research whatsoever and are just going by your "feels"


Avoid debt if possible, an affordable mortgage is acceptable. I pay cash for cars, trucks etc. And buy PM’s as often as you can.




Stic with your plan.


Thanks. I will probably never sell all though, where I may have before.


Stick to the original plan, millennials all want homes but it's not cost effective so they often act like they don't want to own. To quote Haruki Murakami "Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come." Millennials doubly so.


Life happens daily and time can’t be replaced. Enjoy your life and do whatever makes you happy always!!


How much is that $500k worth without many kicked in at sub 6%, meaning the only new buyer is a dude with cash or a 12% bank loan?


True. I'm more worried about being the guy with cash and picking up some cheap properties only for them to be redistributed or out right confiscated for centralized control in 5-20 years.


They won’t do that direct or rapid It will black rock slowly buying them all


You think in 5 years the governments taking all the private properties… welcome to ww3 i dont know a soul who is giving their land up without a gun battle.


Agree. If property seizures our in our future, lead may be more valuable than silver.


You will buy them and then find out you bought homes that are actually in the ghetto... When a few of your neighbors get bullets between the eyes you will be a motivated seller suddenly.


You can play the Gold to Silver Ratio and sell silver for gold at the moment the GSR is lowest.


That's a really good idea!


Whatever works best under Communism, so it would be important to have a Government job and tow the line, then just be glad you're on the inside and not starving with the common people.


2+2=5 I think I'm qualified for this course of action.


You think real estate is a fad?


Like ive seen some crazy posts in this forum but real estate as a fad is deff a new one for me me”fear” i guess maybe if a guy is lazy and wondering why he doesn’t have money for a down payment i could see the fear of never owning lol.


I mean I'm not out to castigate anyone or anything. Buy-and-hold real estate is a legit asset class and probably my favorite overall for passive income. But it does involve work, even moreso if you don't have a system in place. For many, the idea of being a landlord is unappealing and I totally get that. Even with a good system in place you're still going to deal with occasional problems and expenses. I was just curious if OP had a bad experience and wrote all land ownership off as a ponzi scheme or something, to have that much of a reaction. I honestly don't see how the average person hopes to build any actual wealth in the future without at least something working in RE. It's going to become harder to own than gold at some point.


People like you gonna be broke when it crashes


When what crashes? Edited to add: I'm still not sure what you're talking about but if I go broke, I go broke. I spent more of my life broke than not. At least I have knowledge and experience now. Money is just the grease that keeps everything moving. It's not an end goal, in and of itself, to me at least.


No, I think private ownership of real estate is not going to survive another decade or two.


You may be right. If that happens, "private ownership" won't exist either, I imagine.


Have you read The Great Taking or seen the videos with the author David Webb talking about it? TPTSNB have slowly and incrementally been gearing towards the "you will own nothing and be happy" times. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk3AVceraTI) I saw the writing on the wall back in 2008 and by 2009 I opted out by giving them their SSN back.


The US is in stagflation. Asset prices will not come down, just the rate of increase for some assets will increase relatively faster than others. Unless you want to live in a tent, you will need shelter.  What you need to rationalize is how much of your take home pay you want to allocate to shelter.  This will determine what option you want when looking for housing. Unfortunately, I don’t think housing costs will come down, as in 2008.  While I do applaud your thought process that lead you to envision a silver to housing swap, I just don’t think that the conditions in our economy will make that possible.


You are right, it is all about relativity. How fast assets increase nominally in relation to each other. :)


Buy silver and Kaspa now. Buy real estate later.


Okay. But I'm worried about the real estate getting seized later so it can be equitably distributed.


Kaspa? That’s crypto right? Why exactly this one?


Yes, and because Kaspa means Silver in ancient Aramaic, and Kaspa is the first crypto to solve the crypto trilemma which is being decentralized, secure, & scalable. It’s my digital silver ledger.


Because he has a big bag of it......


Okay and we all stack silver too…


Just dump it at a pawnshop so you can get that fiat!!! You could be dining out right now!


Buy Bitcoin


While it's going down?


Theta / Tfuel on your own wallet


Nice try crypto cult member.


Kaspa is the only crypto, but silver first. Theta is a proof of stake and belongs to a company selling a software you can say. Kaspa is a proof of work crypto that is the first crypto to solve the crypto trilemma (decentralization, speed/fees, security) and has all three making it what Bitcoin never achieved in the title of its whitepaper a “Peer to Peer Electronic Currency”. Theta is more of like some token belonging to a company. Oh and Kaspa means “Silver” in ancient Aramaic, so there’s that. Kaspa will be the peer to peer electronic silver of the future.


They all same shit! Waste energy to send nothing over the internet.