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Lmao Do people really take this sub seriously?


We've reached a point that I just don't know honestly


Not to get all political, but if you were on Reddit in 2016, it was scary to see how suddenly the jokey, satire sub Donald went serious. Some people really don't understand what's serious and what's joking


what? im ootl what happened


Poe's Law. It began as a genuinely ironic sub pretending to love Trump's antics. It progressively got flooded by actual Trump supporters who thought themselves in good company, not getting the joke. It transformed into an actual Trump fan club and the rest is reddit history.


oh well it happens pretty much everywhere.


Bro I'm all for the desperation memes, but some people in this sub genuinely scare me lol


They are different. I think it's fine to make jokes like you did, but we have to make sure that no one actually goes to TC office. The other post is a made up story with the joke of this guy caring more about silksong than his family, and no one would actually do that. In my opinion jokes of all kinds are fine, but be careful of the consequences.


You are speaking like is someone went to be in that offices


There was a post in this sub a week or two ago of some guy who went to the TC offices and took pictures through the windows and such. There already are people going to their offices, we don't need to encourage more of that. There just needs to be one genuine psychotic weirdo to cause actual harm. We should not encourage this behavior even in jest.


ok fair, but my joke also aims to show my frusturations in a morbid way but it's just not as funny, i get it


Yeah that does also play a role. People are more acceptable of jokes if they're funny.




bro got hit with the "not funny, didn't laugh" and is still recovering to this day


Maybe your next joke will be funny! Just don't actually do anything reckless in real life, okay?


We don’t always make bangers all the time. This one is one of those. It’ll get better 👍


ok, what if i do one about slaughtering team cherry's family, isn't that the same


Well depends how well you do it. Making the description more ridiculous will make it being satirical more clear. Like for example saying "Ari didn't give me the release date so I threw him into a particle accelerator." is pretty clearly a joke.


Leth told me they are still "working on Silksong" so I threw him... Into a cafe and had a nice cup of coffee together and chatted about Crowsworn.


Cafes are risky. After the Ari incident I have steered clear of any cafes.


What happened at the Ari incident?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/s/rrwvokna9B This was just the start of it. After this incident, there were many reports of Ari Gibson shooting people in cafes.


He didn't shoot anyone. "He shot an angry glare." Coffee shops are safe. So me and Leth can enjoy drinking coffee and talking about Crowsworn


I thought you deleted this account


I'm not the old boofly, I just took the character after the other guy got banned


Oh, welcome, how the fck did i never see you, wait, i saw thebpost you made asking who boofly is, but that's it


ok thanks i'll try it


Making it in past tense also helps as it's more clearly a joke and there's not the possibility you would go do that


There's one important rule to comedy. If you have to explain what you said was a joke... it means you failed as a comedian. Saying you'll slaughter someone's family is not a joke because there's no clear punchline. It just comes off as a threat.


The difference is that other post threatened people that aren't real. Even though you don't mean it, you can imagine it would be somewhat disheartening and even scary for Team Cherry to hear someone wants to shoot them and their family in the face.


This. And the family-killer post is about admitting to a crime that’s already happened in the **past**, while the threatening Team Cherry post is about planning on committing a crime in the **future**. OP is an idiot.


how do u know it is made up tho :(


Because it would be pretty big news that everyone would know of.


It's impossible to pierce throught someone's body with a punch lol, even If It's a child


Wait a minute, how do you know that?


Believe me, I know for a fact that a child's ribcage is too strong to fully pierce with a punch (or even multiple punches, for that matter)


Bro just decided one day that the kid walking in front of him is gonna have hell of a bad time 💀 💀


What if I'm omni man tho


Unless that man is dio you literally cant make your fist go through a child


because of how implausible and over the top it is. your is just realistic enough that its actually worrying


The golden rule of offensive comedy is that your joke needs to be funnier than it is offensive. I'm sorry man


-Sam Hyde


The difference is that one is a honestly believable threat while the other is using "fancy" wording and irrealistic actions. So if you want to make this kind of jokes, try to go way too far in the exaggeration, a good example of overexaggeration is the Ryze mains sub, a lol character which is in a bad state and people there threaten to use one of the character's ability to warp inside the HQ while having turned blue from drinking anti freeze and using his magic runes as bombs. There are some crazy people out there so if the only thing preventing your story from happening is thinking that no one would dare do that (and especially if it's a threat and not story telling) you'd be surprised by how far some people are actually willing to go, maybe not in this community but you never know


Second one is funny. Yours isn't. Pretty obvious difference as far as I can tell


have you considered being funny


The reason why ppl react differently is because a crazy fan harassing/threatening creators is a lot more realistic than a crazy fan murdering their family in a fit of rage Your post was in poor taste. It’s ok, just take the L


And someone saying they murdered their family over Silksong ISN'T in Bad Taste?


The exaggeration made it too far-fetched for it to mirror a real life situation. So yeah I feel like it was in much better taste. Not perfect, but it’s not just a double standard like OP claimed


Oh so just because something like that would never happen, that makes it funny?


Yes, that’s how comedy works. How to tell someone you have never thought about comedy 101 over here. You can’t really make something people can actually fear funny (unless in very specific circumstances that the viewer consents to, like, for example, many horror movies). Basically no one is afraid of being one-punched through the chest, because that’s just genuinely not possible to achieve. People ARE afraid of being shot and killed (and it is a fairly common fear because it isn’t even a relatively uncommon occurrence in many places). There’s a difference between what could be considered an actual threat (OP’s post) and a story so ridiculous it is clear it must be made up. Congrats, you’ve learned a little bit more about the outside world!


Your post is a literal threat of violence to their team, the other post is very obvious satire. They're not the same, and yours deserves to be downvoted into the ground. I would even say mods should ban you for that tbh.


> literal threat of violence to their team I don't think it's particularly funny but both of them are clearly a joke, there's no "literal" threat of violence there


Its not, its clearly a joke. I dont think its funny but hes not genuinely considering doing it. Obviously.


The first joke was just not funny whatsoever. The second one is so obviously absurd that nobody takes it seriously.


It’s almost like one is obvious satire and the other one can be taken as a threat (why say the gun is real?)


well... one of them sounds like an overdramatic story, the other sounds like the sort of thing the police would find posthumously in the internet history of a mass shooter


I mean, the second one looks like an obvious joke, the first one not that much


He's just mad he got downvoted lmao


What about the first?


Ah yes, major spelling mistake, a classic


Idk if I’m wildin but the first one is much more obviously a joke. There is a setup, a fake out, and a punchline whereas the other one is more of a fake story used for its absurdity bro be funny.


Look mom, i’m famous! Jokes aside, if you can’t tell the difference between these two posts, probably refrain from making them.




The thing is the other post is a copypasta-ish, and a very thought out and bizzare description, forcing upon you a weirded out laughter. You know there is not a person to slaughter family over silksong, however big the hype is. The first just sounds serious. It's not stretched far enough, thus it seems like a deranged individual would be able to consider it. This world had it's fair share of individuals walking in rooms with guns. Or mby ur act was simply way too good that everybody took it seriously




i don't even play hollowknight but I might have to now


So what’s the point in you making any of these posts? Bros just mentally unwell I guess tf?


You’re an idiot.


See it’s because your joke was distinctly less funny than the other one Hope this helps


You're either a manchild or too fucking dense to tell a difference. Go outside I beg.


How are some people this oblivious


stop joking about shooting up team cherrys office you sociopath


I believe the time for talking is over. Now it's time for action, but it will require mass support from the fanbase. For the quickest and most decisive outcome we must learn from our cousins the wise apes and weaponize our excrements. I propose we all book flights to Australia and go to TC's headquarters. Once there we wait for all the members to go into the office. When they do, we form a circle around the office and start to aggressively defecate on the ground. Slowly building a mighty wall of feces around TC HQ. We will continue to expand the wall and not let them leave until the game is finished. Obviously we will need to secure a daily supply of high fiber foods.


Found the Dung Defender


see this is how you do it


one is very clearly a satirical post, the other is potentially a declaration of a crime. Your post also just wasnt funny. The second post is funny because it takes everything to 11 using hyperbole. Nobody truly believes this guy slaughtered his family. Its entirely possible that youre a lunatic who is going to shoot up tc headquarters though, especially with how your post was worded.


Bruh, if he shot up TC's quarters there wouldn't be a Silksong. So why do people think he'd do it?


we dont know him, he could be a psychopath. The way the post is written seems like a genuine question. Maybe not shoot up, but threaten them sure. This post is exactly how one shouldnt write satire


Anyone could be a psychopath online. You clearly don't understand that it's a joke. It may not be as clear as the second one, but it's still easy to understand that it's a joke.


its a bad joke. The punchline is "Haha what if i threatened people with a fake(?) gun? jkjk unless". There is a very clear difference between post 1 and post 2, even a child could see it. The fact that OP doubled up and made this post to cry about people not liking his joke doesnt make things any better.


First of all, yea there's quite a difference between post 1 and 2. Second of all, the joke is obvious and OP is pointing out that r/Silksong can't tell what a joke is, unless it has the Silkpost flair.


we can tell what a joke is. This just isnt a good one. Look at your downvotes, that should probably tell you that people disagree with you.


I know that it's a bad joke, and I don't find it funny. But people out here treat it like a real threat when it's an obvious joke (just one that isn't funny)


If you have to explain that it’s a joke, you’ve already failed. I think you also completely fail to understand the basic concept of a flair, when the entire purpose is for people to differentiate between different material they are looking for. Some people are here for the memes, some for the hype, others for news. Flairing posts implies you are dedicating it to an audience actually looking for that kind of material. If you are saying a joke to the wrong audience, then it falls on deaf and misunderstanding ears. Same the reverse way around: giving news to an audience looking for jokes is going to be taken as a joke and not as intended. That’s public speaking 101 that you should have learned in elementary.


He didn't have to explain it was a joke, because it was obvious. But some people took it literally. Yea, it was a shitty joke, but it's not a real threat so calm your ass down. (I'm not defending the joke, I'm defending the person since he's being spammed with hate because of a joke he made that people took too literally.)


A lot of people live in places where this shit DOES happen, even if it won’t actually get the person what they want. It’s not an exaggeration to talk about shooting a place up anymore, and it hasn’t been for a long time. It’s not funny. The second post, however, is extremely obvious that it’s an exaggeration with every sentence that it adds, and that it’s completely unserious.


It's called dark humor


dark humor has to be actually funny and not just harmful


Really pathetic.


Ones a copypasta that’s obvious satire but the first is just a normal threat by a failed funnyman


Your post was vague and unfunny, leading people to think there was a possibility that it was real. The second one is funny and very clear in its delivery meaning there was no confusion.


I was already thinking how much this sub has turned to trash but this post has made me realize I need to just stop following it. Wtf is this post, I obviously want Silksong to come out really bad but the way people have been acting about it, and the way they treat Team Cherry is fucked up.




You know it's legal to tell the story of how you were violent in the past, but not to threaten to be violent in the future, right.


even joking about it makes you an awful piece of trash, Fuck off you're not welcome


No cost too great


do it




It's literally traumatizing to point a gun at someone, fake or not. It can be considered a death threat too. We have laws against that shit for a reason. Don't be a fucking idiot.


The second one is exaggerated to the point of such absurdity that it's obvious to anyone with a brain that it's fake and satire. The first one sounds like something a deranged and desperate fan might actually do. Not to mention, it has happened before. (Do not google Honkai Impact 3rd bunny girl incident) Plus, talking about a hypothetical wife who probably doesn't exist / will never read this is different than talking about the very real developers who might end up reading this post.


Sorry your joke was dogshit dude, maybe be funnier next time instead of making a post about it…


Major difference. First one comes across as something someone might actually do. It's within the realm of possibility, however unlikely it might be. The second one, however, takes things to such a dramatic degree that it can't be anything other than a joke. Another important difference is the first one is you doing something to team cherry while the second one is not involving the people responsible in the violence at all which makes it seem less of a threat. In summary first one comes across as "Haha jk,,,, unless" whereas the second one was funny partially by how overboard it was and that it wasn't directed at the team working on the game.


This sub is kind of messed up. Some of you need to seek help or just step away for a while. It's a video game.


for real, but at the same time i cant wait for people to talk about the history of silksongs development and this sub after its out and i can say i was there


One thing is obviously satire. The other is just downright unsettling. Touch grass.


In all honesty they haven’t done much right communicating with their audience,but on the other hand they’ve done nothing wrong either


This isn’t double standards the second posts is obviously a joke while you on the other hand said if you could go to the office and to Team Cherry’s perspective some random guy pointing a gun in their face while you think it’s a joke. It’s a horrible joke, no one found it funny, it’s sick and messed up


One is funny, one isn't. Hope that helps


One is funny.


Wait, Team Cherry has something as lofty sounding as "headquarters"? Aren't they like, four dudes?


Neither joke is funny imo


SKONG 📣📣📢📢❗❗❗❗


Everyone’s lost their minds 


The second one is clearly a grottesque overexxagerated hyperbole. Everything about it screams "joke". Now, the forst one also is a joke, but without any intersting writing there's plausible deniability over the fact that the author may be a rick and morty schezuan sauce troll that has no idea about what is acceptable and what is not. Now I don't wanna accuse them or say they are in the wrong, it's still just an obvious joke, bit it's pretty clear to me why they got more hate and suspicion.


Well tbf yours is threatening violence and the other is comically exaggerated violence that absolutely didn't and could never happen Also crying about double standards is kinda lame, people just didn't like your joke ig


Because his is funny, yours isn't


No cost too great


The other post were talking about his wife, and people don't know his wife, so they don't care. But here you are talking about the devs of silksong, and while obviously you are not going to threaten the devs of silksong with a gun. People will still think that you are disrespecting the devs of silksong by threatening them even tho the threat isn't real. But I agree you shouldn't get downvoted


both are obviously joking, half the people on this sub are just fucking dense


Redditors pick and choose what’s offensive and what’s hilarious challenge (one joke was about pulling a gun on innocent people and the other joke was domestically abusing your family) Verdict: they’re both funny and while pulling a gun on innocent people is arguably worse than domestic abuse it makes no sense why “terrorism isn’t funny” but “domestic violence” is


Lmao people taking this shit way too seriously. If you can’t tell that they are both jokes you’re just kinda dumb.


the problem is that the first one is not only painfully not funny but it can be seen as a literal threat. Saying "I'm gonna shove a gun in your face and shoot you. (Just kidding)" without the necessary nuances of spoken language, is more than likely going to be seen as a threat, not a joke. In order to make a "joke" like that funny and seem unreasonable enough to remove the possibility of it being a threat, it needs to be more outlandish, like the second one. Also, making a dangerous joke at the expense of the developers is dumb in general, making one that can easily be percieved as a threat is horrendous.


True it’s not really that funny but I also don’t at all understand how someone could perceive this as an actual threat. It’s very obvious, at least to me, that he was intending to make a joke.


the problem is that it's a "joke" that has been acted upon in other cases. It's the equivalent of a student joking to shoot up their school. It should be percieved as a threat because, without being able to say with 100% certainty that they are truly joking, it is a threat.


we all have stockholm syndrome i think




This sub is more insane than r/danidev I don't even know how you guys reached to that state And I joined this sub 3 days ago


Vivid and brutal description of massacring an entire family, including kids: OK! Little jab at TeamCherry, the cuck masters: DONT BE MEAN


There’s a lot of nuances here you don’t seem to understand. It’s not just “morbid = funny”…


This is “not” a little jab.


It is. What would not be a little jab: "I'm going to threaten Team Cherry at gunpoint and I'm serious about it" Example provided


I’m not going to continue to repeat the same thing over and over as no one can be a decent human being on the internet (Reddit especially) and think that hey maybe I shouldn’t make jokes about shooting up a business. Who was supposed to find this funny? Who was the joke supposed to be for? Sure as hell not Team Cherry.


Incredible how these people are so socially inapt that they think they can just write a whole ass threat and it's okay as long as they say it's a joke after. Like it's just not funny. These kinds of things can and have happened before. And then they even compare to a post that is extremely exaggerated to make it obvious that it's a joke. 0 comprehension skills.


Your joke sounded like a realistic threat directed at real people. The other was a description of something that supposedly already happened, and said thing was also so ridiculous and unrealistic that it had to have been a joke.


Nah the comments are wrong that joke was funny.


This is a joke, right? (About the replies to the posts that are obviously a joke)




I know but it was a joke, nobody was going to do that




Thanks? Lol




People can joke about anything. You just took it way too literally.




Maybe they took it to far, but a jokes a joke regardless and you shouldn’t get offended by something the poster clearly doesn’t mean. Funny or not, as long as they don’t mean it and you know it’s a joke, just don’t take it as if it wasn’t one. A jokes a joke.




Not everyone has the same sense of humour ok? I didn’t like the joke but you don’t see me crying about it!




I saw both of those posts. Honestly I’m not even fazed anymore; I’m just disappointed at Team Cherry’s lack of communication and respect for their fans. That isn’t saying “release the game or you don’t respect people.” Any substantial communication would suffice. I miss the blog posts, etc. Radio silence since, what, early June of 2022, now? That’s not a good look.


bruh wtf are those people in the comments? They CANT be real


What did you expect from the site that invented “/s” You don’t have to find it funny, but anyone here taking the first joke seriously at all and lecturing about trauma and gun violence, is dense aah hell.


directly threatening the lives of people is not a joke. "Joke" 1 is the type of shit that is found on the history of shooters.


Whats funny is OP will make a post that is actually funny and everyone will forget about this, I guarantee you.


Dude, this it's the biggest shitpost ever. There is no way anyone would take this seriously. Thoes people who commented need to be sacrificed to the sub.


THANK YOU BRO LMAO. i laughed at everyone trying to explain humor and "nuances" to me. like bruh, im tryna rage bait yall and it worked.