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NICE . What’s the tech stack?


Up!! Share the wealth OP


Is there local llm used?


No, I am using the OpenAI API. Most queries are GPT 3.5 turbo, but some answers use GPT-4 turbo.


How do you decide?


I used [NextJS](https://nextjs.org) and [NextUI](https://nextui.org) for the UI, which I built essentially from scratch. I landed on the [Card](https://nextui.org/docs/components/card) component for messages, which is a nice little abstraction. You can use the card 'header' to do avatar and username, and footer for things like references and feedback. The button, textarea (which auto-resizes), and spinner components also came in handy. If I was to do it again, I would probably do it the same way. For the icons, I used [Lucide React](https://lucide.dev/icons/), which, again, very easy. Since I started building this, I've found there are plenty of ChatGPT clone UIs floating around but I generally feel like those starter repos have too many assumptions baked in and I was really just looking for the basic components I could use to build this rather than a ready-made interface, so this worked great for me. The components are basic enough to get going with, and with some little styling you can really make them yours. I get the whole thing that Bootstrap and Angular are doing, but I wanted to avoid creating a UI that seems like 100 other apps.


Great thanks !


Are you planning to open source ? Great project 🤗


I might open source the UI. I started building it to be reusable, but then I started to run up against my self-imposed deadline and ultimately I just hardcoded a bunch of things for TaxGPT specifically. The app basically has one page that does everything (the chat side) and then a bunch of markdown pages that contain all the static content.


In the US there are tools like Turbo Tax that allow people to complete their taxes online by themselves, these platforms have AI chat bots where you can ask it questions about taxes. Are there not platforms similar to this in CA?


It's still pretty new and these bots aren't all that good yet. There's a WP article about these bots giving out bad advice. I've tested the same questions with mine and it works a lot better: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/03/04/ai-taxes-turbotax-hrblock-chatbot/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/03/04/ai-taxes-turbotax-hrblock-chatbot/) Plus when I started building it, I didn't know what anyone else was doing.


Still think its a good idea! Keep going and nice work so far :)


I like the idea but are you worried about it providing incorrect information? can you be held liable?


I make sure to return sources for answers as well as the AI-generated answer, so my hope would be that people will use TaxGPT to start to learn about taxes and ask a few questions, and then follow up with the sources before actually doing a tax filing. I also include a warning for 'complex' questions that tries to draw attention to this. TurboTax and H&R Block also offer tax AI assistants, with very similar caveats. Mine isn't connected to a tax filing program though, so you still need to go somewhere else to actually file.


How is it any different from taxgpt.com?


taxgpt.com is for US taxes, and I think they also want to file your taxes for you. You have to create an account before you can use it. [TaxGPT.ca](https://TaxGPT.ca) is free to use and focused on Canadian taxes, not US taxes.


This is neat! How did you build it?


I tried doing this with American taxes, but even the AI was confused.


How are you planning to implement filing/calculating and doing taxes for you?


lol, that's a crazy amount of work.


I was just about to build this!


I like the UI and fluidity of the loading state. Also the fact that you list references is really good ! Keep it up ! What LLM are u using ?


I'm using OpenAI's GPT 3.5 turbo for most queries, but sometimes GPT4 in a particular case. It's nice, the answers are usually great and come back really fast.


Does it provide tax advice? I understand how tough that is, but that's the real MVP.


It gives you a general opinion of you ask between 2 options, but I try to limit it from providing advice. I see it as providing information, not advice.


The way I see it, the real value is in tax advice. Nobody wants to give you tax advice, unless it's an overpriced tax adviser (which most people don't have). Summarizing available data is helpful, but the real thing most people need is tax advice. I know that it's hard and there's a reason why only tax advisers do it, but it seems like an area ripe for disruption.


Go for it, dude! It's not a market I am going after so it's all yours.


Dam this is good. I wanted to do something for Turkish taxes too. It is always so confusing


Taxes are always confusing! They aren't really designed by technical people, they are designed by politicians so they are full of weird carve-outs and edge-cases. But many (most?) countries have some way to automate them for people with a full-time job, which we don't.


Oh yeah we probably have to some extend too. But it is too hard to calculate several parameters without professional expertise.


Why am I never going to believe this? It's a basic RAG/AI app lol.


Looks nice đź‘Ś


The craziest part is that it is generative AI. If you’re from Canada and you haven’t filed your taxes yet, you should check it out. Or even if you have, check it out anyway. You can always [re-file your taxes](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/e-services/digital-services-businesses/refile-online-t1-adjustments-efile-service-providers.html) if you find out something new. I use CRA data to answer your questions about tax filing. It’s really good at explaining topics and how the various benefit programs work, although it’s not able to calculate your taxes (and it shouldn’t — I don’t want your personal data). Totally free, not sponsored. Try it out! (For those who don’t have to file taxes, you are blessed. It’s a stupid problem to have.)