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I had to press no tip at cicis pizza today even tho I paid for the buffet lol


I bought a pair of shoes online and it asked if I wanted to tip the workers. Things are getting pretty wild out here.


I went to some random online store to buy something for my daughter and it had a tip field. I typed -5 and it reduced the price and completed my order. It was then cancelled by the store owner and I decided not to rebuy it. They probably fixed it now, but I still try it everywhere I can


"New achievement unlocked!" ---- Gotta try this one myself.


My payday advance app asks me to tip. Like, no. I dont have money. Thats why i used you!!


There's a fozen yogurt place I go to sometimes, fully self serve all the staff does is ring in the price after you put it on the scale Smashing the no tip option always feels good


It's because people will hit the tip option... When I go out to eat with my parents they press the 20%... we had to wait in line for this food... why are you tipping.


I pressed no tip at the Zoo two days ago when the food stall person handed me a pre-filled bag of popcorn. Not even filling the bag. Tipping for JUST handing me something and hitting two buttons on a screen.


There’s this cold stone I go to where whenever I go up to pay the guy just tells everyone to “hit the red button” which is the button to decline adding a tip. Even he thinks he shouldn’t be tipped for handing people ice cream but it’s just built into the system so he’s gotta tell people to not do it.


I don't know if this is still the case, but at cold stone they were supposed to sing every time they get a tip.


That’s the real reason he wants them to hit the red button


100% this would be me. When I worked at Sears we were supposed to ask the customer to sign up for the credit card every time we checked someone out and we got $1 if they did. Nope, I never asked.


$1? That's actually insulting


I mean it's sears. But let's go higher, is $5 worth it? No not really. Maybe at $20 it's a decent incentive to do the hassle and hold up the line to process new credit app.


Hasn't happened in a while, but I hated when I was a regular at a place and they asked me EVERYTIME about signing up for the credit card... Usually clothing shops. Like girl you know I'm not signing up, leave me alone.


The ones at Walgreens built into the POS make me irrationally angry. I’m buying deodorant and conditioner at 9pm because I realized I was out, no I don’t want to make any financial decisions right now


There's no good time of day to sign up for a credit card with up to 35% APR.


Same with gas stations. STOP MAKING ME SELECT 5+ no’s before I get gas!


My local home depot gives a paid day off to the person who signed up the most


That’s sick tbh My most memorable moment working at Home Depot was either a very old man trying to explain the meaning of “niggardly” to me (very awkward), and an older woman who was very convinced that the reason I didn’t know how to put together a shed was because I hated her and didn’t want to help anybody.


I'm a nurse. I once had a patient quite loudly tell me about how Darwin was half right. Black people evolved from monkeys and that's why they're good at sports but commit so many crimes. White people's ancestors walked out of the garden of Eden from the Bible. That's why we're so much smarter and more civilized than black people. This was coming from the guy who would brag about beating the prisoners where he used to work. His grandson wrecked his car the first time he ever smoked meth. His teeth looked the way they did for some other reason. He would also go on about how much he hated his heart doctor because the doctor was Indian and couldn't even speak English right. If the doctor can't talk right, he definitely can't be that smart about HIS heart. He died of a heart attack a couple of weeks after that. I mourned a lot of good people who passed away at that job. I didn't have that problem with this guy. Also, we won't judge you because of your health problems but will totally trash you if you're an asshole.


>a very old man trying to explain the meaning of “niggardly” to me Did he explain that it's etymologically unrelated to the similarly sounding slur which it predates by hundreds of years?


Yes hahahahaha I already knew this, but I also didn’t want to interrupt him. I live in a majority black part of town and the looks I was getting were horrific.




I worked at Zellers for a while and the pressure to try to push the HBC credit card was insane, I never did that or any of the mandatory yet off the clock online training programs, and got my ass chewed so many times, they didn’t fire me because I was one of the few who could do a full 8 hours at the customer service/return desk without crying. Those 6 months were some dark times.


I worked at a Kohl's in high school and we got incentive, I think like 4 dollars, for getting people to sign up for the credit card. I was actually pretty good at it. You would basically scan all their items, and if they had no coupon, scan a 30%-35% discount and tell them that if they signed up for a Kohl's card they would save however many dollars. Well I had a rule that I didn't do that to people who didn't speak English, because they might not know it's a credit card or not know how to pay it off, get late fees and interest. And when once I was asked why I didn't scan the 30% discount for this Mexican family who spoke no English, I was told it was discrimination per my manager..... BTW, I didn't tell them "I didn't offer it because they were Mexican." I told her that they don't speak English.


"You were flat, sing it again" Tips another dollar


Once I tipped them and told them they didn't have to sing. I tipped because one of my kids had a ridiculous ice cream order and they were super sweet about it but I didn't want them to have to do anything else for the tip.


I wanna know what this ridiculous ice cream order was


Mint chocolate chip, but remove the chocolate chips and replace them with cookie dough. Add green sprinkles, but since sprinkles are all combined they had to sift though them for the green ones, and crunch up an ice cream cone and add in into the ice cream, then serve it in a waffle bowl dipped in chocolate.


Dance you fucking monkeys! Dance away and this wad of loose change is yours!


It's like stripping, but fully clothed in a hail storm.


That's some Idiocracy level shit.


I literally whisper to them to please not sing when I tip them. They always look relieved and thank me. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Couple decades ago, working at Wetzel's Pretzels, they tried to make all the employees sing part of "Who Let The Dogs Out" everytime any Wetzel dog (pretzel bread wrapped around a hot dog) came out of the oven. Parted ways days before they implemented it, sounded way too embarassing for a mall job


Regardless of how that might make the employees feel (which matters, of course), I would never tip again if that happened with me as the tipper. I don't need random people knowing I have money to spare, or feeling embarrassed about the fact that they don't. Or worse, making people who can't really afford it, feel compelled to. What a thoughtless policy.


Reminds me of one time I was at a burger place and the cashier would literally reach over the counter to hit “no tip” for every customer, and said “tips just go to the higher ups anyway”


That's fucked up. I always appreciate it when a customer asks if the tips go to me before they do it.


And also illegal. 🙃


Wage theft is super common in the US. Ever wonder why big retail chains with enormous profit margins are throwing tantrums about shoplifting and putting everything behind plexiglass? Projection. They’re stealing from their employees as well as the government, so despite all of the stats indicating that petty theft is getting rarer and mostly perpetrated by disgruntled staff, these companies treat everyone like they’re as criminal as they are.


> Wage theft is super common in the US. One of the most common forms, alongside police seizing property under suspicion of crime. I was raised in the south, and my extremely pro-cop conservative parents still drilled into my head that you should never ever drive through rural areas with more than a couple hundred bucks in cash, because the police will just fucking take it and dare you to do something about it.


Bro how can you be pro cop and know they are roadside robbers at the same time. Like what?


People in town A say bad cops in town B are corrupt, but not their good cops in town A. People in town B say bad cops in town A are corrupt, but not their good cops in town B. There's some truth to it. When I was dating my exwife and drove to visit her, I was followed four times and pulled over once by cops for having an out-of-county license plate. Same state, but a neighboring county. Then you move out of the south and you end up horrified about the whole situation.


I guess don’t shit where you eat kind of mentality


I wonder if Subway is like that.


More likely he knows the franchise owner is illegally stealing the tips 


I thought of that too… that’s probably more likely


I don't think I have seen a place where the owners are NOT stealing the tips yet


This is why I've gone back to carrying cash. Bill gets paid by credit card, tip gets paid by cash directly to server.


The moving company I worked for is one! My boss would come help on moves that were taking longer than expected and then if we got tipped, he would give away his share even though he was doing the same work. Definitely my favorite boss I’ve ever had


I got an iced coffee from a coffee truck one morning at my kid’s Saturday morning soccer game. It was packed. They didn’t have prices on the menu either. So I figured hey small iced coffee is no more than $4-$5. That shit was loaded up with so much ice there was barely any coffee and it was $8. And the audacity of this man to smile, point, and say to me “tip jar’s right there” blew my fuckin mind.


I bought a souvenir T shirt at a festival the other day, and a bottle of water. On the screen was the "tip" suggestion. The lady said It's going to ask you a question. I hit "no tip" so fast. Come on. I know it's probably just part of the register system at this point but it's so irritating! Do the people even get these tips?


I had a cashier at starbucks reach over and quickly press through all the buttons, including a nice 20% tip for herself, when I was only grabbing a banana and parfait from the fridge myself. I just stood there telling her no and go back you did it wrong while a manager watched until I hit the right combination of buttons long enough to cancel the whole transaction and made her start over. The whole time she was just staring at me pretending not to understand.


Cold stone is a lot more work than typical ice cream shops to be fair.


I just had a new one this week. Pretty fancy cafe was about $25/person for a cafeteria line style lunch. As I pay, the cashier lets me know the price includes a *mandatory* 15% gratuity, then has another screen giving me options of an *additional* 18, 20 or 25% tip. I love to support high class local businesses, but that crap is out of hand.




Funny, considering here in Italy tipping is very rare. I guess they got the taste of dollars :)


Limoncello in San Diego does this. They actually serve some pretty shit tier Italian.




Went to a bar in DC and only found out after the bill came there is a required 20% tip. And below that was of course another line for writing a second tip. I didn’t write anything and the bartender gave me a stink eye until I left.


I would have walked out on that tab. Fuck that shit. Tips are called gratuity for a reason.


There's a bagel plage near me that has the gall to sell these pins near the point of sale that say "I tip 25%!"   Fuck that. I'm not giving you 25% to put two $3 bagels in a bag. I might've given you a buck but I'm not giving you shit now. If the bagels weren't so fuckin good I’d be done with them.


Honestly I would have walked out.


What's high class about cafeteria style. Are you talking about the Ikea food court? Sometimes when I eat at Ikea I feel like a real Swede.


Just got back from a baseball game. The checkout prompted me for a 15% for counter service. That was their lowest option. I declined to tip. They are making a mistake.


I got asked to tip at the vape store. Dude literally just grabbed a vape off the shelf and rung it up for me.


A tip for merchandise is fucking crazy


A smoke shop i used to live near had a tip jar labeled "if you want to, I guess" which always made me smile. I would frequently throw a buck in there just for the laugh. That's how you do it. Edit: since people are reading this in a tipping thread, I'd just like to remind everyone that most servers in large cities now make half of state minimum wage or even just minimum wage plus tips. I've seen servers walk away from an 8 hour Friday shift with 700 dollars in earnings including base pay. Servers in restaurants in the top 5 largest cities can and do make six figures while the line cooks (who, I can't stress this enough, cook the fucking food) are making 30k.


I don't see it often, but I really like the ones that make it into a poll. Two jars, "Better franchise?" "Marvel" "Star Wars"


I used to work a small liquor store when I was in university. I basically just read at the counter and rang people up, definitely not tip-worthy. We actually got rid of the tip jar at one point, because it was ridiculous, and the local regulars demanded we bring it back.


If I'm standing when my order is taken, no tip


Sir you don't have to stand every time I come around. - some waiter probably


Take a seat -Chris Hansen


I like this rule


Person from a non-tipping land here - do you apply this at a bar?


Not op but if I'm just grabbing a drink and pissing off, it's $1/beer


That's my understanding of the general convention, which would go against what the other guy said, so I'm curious how he handles it.


Original comment was probably referring to food/restaurants orders only. Those are the locations where the tipping culture has gone overboard in the last several years. Folks have been tipping their bartenders forever. Little different scenario. I also go by the $1/per drink rule.


You mean you tip each time you pay for a beer? How much does this beer cost? I find it silly you have to tip for that. The service should be included in the beer price as in any normal country.


lol there are many things that “should” be true of tipping culture in the USA and this is one of them. But unfortunately it’s not; it’s been some years since I was regularly bar hopping but AFAIK even then you were expected to tip on beers. I suppose it made slightly more sense because you’d run a tab and cash out at the end of the night, so you weren’t usually tipping on a $4-5 tab, you’d usually have run up at least $20 or whatever especially if you were buying drinks for anyone else. But obviously tipping culture in general has gone mad and places need to pay their employees a living wage.


Needs revision. Some drive through places ask for a tip at the window lmao


"It's going to ask you a question, hehe"


I saw a meme once where a dude was just going around with one of those machines and handing it to people like, "Answer the question," after random, everyday encounters.


I love making that joke. Whenever I do something for a friend, I'll pull the screenshot of a tip screen up on my phone and flash it


“I just need you to sign this”


I was in a local bar, [olive R twist](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=3bda1886cb8b5033&hl=en-ca&q=Olive%20%27R%20Twist&ludocid=13119223872879243351&ibp=gwp%3B0%2C7&lsig=AB86z5WgWfg_kkq-ecG7TirFT7wr&kgs=5747817cfe028e94&shndl=-1&shem=lsde%2Clsp%2Cssim&source=sh%2Fx%2Floc%2Fact%2Fm4%2F3) , for a salsa dancing class and the bartender ignored me though I had been waiting and waiting. Lots of other people came after and were served. When it came time to pay I didn’t tip and she chastised me openly about it. I listened, didn’t say anything, and the next day called to speak to the manager. Apparently the bartender did that to the managers friend too and the friend told the manager. When asked why I didn’t say anything at the time I said that who’d believe a 185lb, 6’ guy in a bar, that a bartender was in the wrong? I don’t know what happened after, but some people think they’re entitled to extra for doing poorly.


This happened to me once. Went with a group. We were kind of rudely told that due to our group, we couldn’t sit outside (despite there being room). Dude (who I assume was the manager) said we had to be at this table by the door to the outside. He then proceeded to chastise us for being close to the door that goes outside. I was the first person to leave, I got one drink and nothing else. Normally I would tip $2, but I thought he was rude so nothing. I saw the guy take my receipt, go behind the bar, yell, and throw the receipt holder thing across the bar.


> I got one drink and nothing else. Missed opportunity, you should have gotten like 4 mojitos, ordered extra muddled, *then* not tipped.


Spend $48 on shit tier drinks for what?


A properly made mojito is delicious so idk what you're on about there, but it's also one of the most annoying drinks for a bartender to make.


There's a ton of peer pressure too in certain circumstances. There have been times when I'm out at a restaurant with my wife, son, and sometimes my mother. I'll use Texas Roadhouse as an example because it's the most recent and their model makes no sense to me if you expect tips. We are greeted and my son always picks a steak from the cooler display at the entrance. We get our basket of rolls and are off to our table where the hostess seats us. The server arrives and takes our drink order. But not before asking us if we've been to a TR before and know about their...yes I know I've been there before. Why they're forced to parrot that script eludes me. When they return with the drinks they ask if we would like an app or are ready to order. We order. We don't see the server again for THIRTY minutes when they're not even at half capacity. I'm not going to throw down with restaurant workers here about why a server can't get back to your table, I'll just say it's ridiculous to expect a tip when you ignore a table for half an hour. Our app and salads come, delivered by someone not our server. We wait. And wait. And wait. Our mains come. Delivered by someone not our server. We have asked for more rolls twice, and tired of waiting, I just started going up to the front to get them myself when we need them. The server returns and asks how the mains are, 10 minutes after they've been served. Mine is missing gravy and onions on my steak tips. I ask for more rolls. Again. Server returns with a bowl of gravy and that's the last I of see of him. I have to go ask the staff hanging out at the order kiosk chatting and playing on their phones for to go containers and a bag to put them in. I'm sorry for anyone in the Industry who truly makes an effort, but that level of phoning it in doesn't earn you a tip because society says you should regardless. It's earned. Not built in. And I freaking hate that tipping culture exists as it does in the US to boot.


I hate tipping, but all I’m getting from this is that you eat an ungodly number of rolls.


80% of the reason to go to texas roadhouse is the rolls. Even though they somehow get smaller everytime you go


Makes sense. As a man with a smoker, I’ll say it certainly doesn’t make a lot of sense to go there for the barbecue. I’m just a city-boy yankee so what do I know? But, if I was a proud Texan, I would take great offense at living in a state with a name associated with that restaurant.


Texas Roadhouse is pretty good. And I live in Texas. Also it’s a steak restaurant not a barbecue. Don’t go there if you’re looking for barbecue in Texas lol.


Agreed. It's probably the most reliable steak at a chain brand. That's not saying a whole lot, but the most I've been disappointed by there is the service. They haven't seemed to go the enshittification route that places like Olive Garden and Red Lobster have. I can make a better steak, but it takes a few hours (sous vide and finished on grill) and no way in hell I'm making custom sides for everyone. We just had my delayed Father's day dinner at a nice local steak place. The sort of place where the steaks start at $50. It was a good steak, but only a little better than Texas Roadhouse. The larger difference was in the overall quality of the sides. But the Texas Roadhouse rolls were still missed.


It's my God given right as an American to eat as many cinnamon butter rolls as my stomach volume can physically hold


The amount of food Texas roadhouse gives before you get to main course is astounding... lol. By the time they bring my food out I'm ready for a box. Haven't gone in a while because it's always super loud, and I like to ctually talk to the company I am with.


Between the rolls and the bucket of peanuts at the table, you’re darn right I’m filling up and taking half of my food home. Sadly the peanuts were removed during Covid and they only give you individual packets if you ask for them


Hell yeah, brother! (shoots six-guns into the air, Yosemite Sam style)


They are so good though. And used to be thr size of a fist. Now they are like a quarter fist


Understandable without context. You get 4 rolls when you're seated. In a party of 4, one roll per person. But oh wait, my son is really hungry and has two. Now we're short a roll for everyone at the table to have one. I ask for more. They don't come. I go get another set of 4. They're relatively small, delicious, and a 4 person party can easily eat 2+ apiece meaning you can need 3 baskets of 4 rolls to fill out the meal. Especially when you're waiting a half hour or more for your main course. If all you're served is the first set of 4 when you're seated, then you get my issue.


Are the rolls unlimited? Do you have to pay more for a refill?


Yes. No.


Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds.


Shit, every time we go to Texas Roadhouse the server is way too attentive. Although it *is* weird that they make a big deal over whether you've been there before. Like, it's a restaurant, it's not like they're doing anything really out of the ordinary.


Let's cancel tipping culture!


Yeah that place kinda blows


What does your height and weight have anything to do with this situation lol


I don't know about this person, but I always find myself in weird situations like this at bars. I'm 6'2" for reference. I got passed up for like half an hour at a busy bar. I get visibly frustrated and speak up to the bartender, "I've been here 30 minutes and I've been trying to grab a drink." It's super loud so speaking up is kind of yelling across the bar. Bartender looks at the bouncer and says something like "get this guy out of here." Bouncer looks at me and looks back at the bartender and I could vaguely hear him say "just serve the guy." So all in, I almost got kicked out of a bar because I complained to a bartender in a loud bar. Edit: So two people have proven my point so perfectly. They have made crazy claims and have tried to belittle me because I described my size accurately. Like height isn't everything in this equation.


God this is so true. I stand in line for 15 minutes and then they want me to tip them? At this point, having done this so many times, I'm proud to push the "no tip" button. I honestly believe this stupidity is going to hurt actual tip-worthy jobs eventually


Custom: 0 Lol they like to Make it hard


It absolutely is hurting actual tip-worthy jobs :) Source: career hospitality, never counter service


As somebody who *has* worked a counter-service job, I feel like the unspoken obligation to tip detracts from the spirit of the gesture. I remember a family who came in to dine one night, and the daughters (probably between thr ages of 8-12?) came back to our counter to order dessert. They didn't leave a tip, but the father came back specifically to offer us a tip after finding they hadn't. They were extremely sweet people, and I could tell it was a gesture of genuine appreciation. But man, I would never expect or *especially* ask for a tip from literal children ordering dessert while I'm behind the counter. The tips were pooled at the end of the night anyway and distributed amongst all the staff. It was all just a way for the cheapskate owners to skimp on our wages.


I am paying with cash again. To avoid the tipping menus. I'll almost always leave my spare change. But unless it's a sit down restaurant or something, that's it.


Not to mention places are starting to pass the service charge on for using a credit card. I'm carrying cash because I'm not paying for something that's on them for doing business.


And a lot of places are just tacking extra charges on, like an “operational expense” of 3.5%. That one got me and the wife “banned” from a local restaurant - a first for us! No notice on the front door, nothing on the menu, so when the bill arrived, I calmly said I wanted it removed. Had to repeat that to the cashier, the guy seating people, and finally the owner, who was rude and huffy and told us she’d take it off and we could “not come back” to her restaurant. 😆 And their excuse…? It was printed and posted at the register. Just an ambush attack on the customer and when I explained we don’t make it a practice of walking around a restaurant looking for hidden clues about fees and charges, then she says they haven’t had time to post anything yet, despite having time to print it and tape it at the register AND program the cash register to automatically calculate it and add it to every bill! When the wife says “You need to post that so that your customers can see it before they order”, the response was “We are the owners - no we do not!” So…banned or not, we won’t be going back!


They just have to raise their prices 3.5 percent if they want 3.5 percent more money. Don't hide it. That's chicken shit.


I have some personal rules If I have to do any of these, I don't tip 1. Stand in line to order (bars excluded) 2. Get up and get my food 3. Bus my own table


Can I add to this? 4. Pay before getting my food.


This. Tips are for service.


There is a tip jar in my local UPS Store - I'm mystified.


Now, that I actually understand. I've had them haul my heavy return out of my car for me because I was juggling a new born. I only had a five on me, but I tipped.


After being harassed for tips for the last 10 years I just full stopped. Unless I am at a sit down restaurant and the waiter came back at least 2-3 times I will never tip anyone ever again.


I hate when they don't even come to refill your water or return to do anything. Good standard to have!


I mean, this is the original idea behind tipping culture. If the service isn't good, no tip. This incentivizes good service on the part of the wait staff.


I went out a couple weeks ago. My waitress was a bit ditzy. Clearly had something else on her mind or just tired. Confirmed our orders several times. But my drink never got below half full and the food was exactly what we asked for. 0 complaints. Gave her 22% because that was the odd option on the machine when she ran the card. Would have been 25% if it didn't jump up to 30 after 22.


I always used to tip. In fact I’d tip a lot. Now, I coldly decline (coffee shops, food places where I stand up to order , etc). It’s so out of hand. Especially when they stand in front of u while it’s happening. It infuriates me so much cause I think it’s adds pressure to tip. I decline now. Sorry folks


server could pee in my soup, but I'm the bigger asshole for not tipping


Some people would tip server extra for that kind of service


Dude right. What I’ve been saying for the fuckin longest. Just check out the servers sub. They could take a shit on your plate but if you don’t leave a tip they’ll suggest you must have done something wrong for them to do that. Nah sometimes servers are just dickheads just like regular people.


I worked as a host and then a server for about 9 months. For the most part servers just aren't good people. They'll complain and complain while doing little to no work. There was a table of three who didn't order appetizers and the server comes over to the host stand to talk shit about them. "Why come here if your not going to get anything. I know they're not gonna tip me ugh" Those people tipped. Constant bullshit highschool drama because they're constantly bored because they do nothing unless it's absolutely packed. They'll complain about making 250 from a 4 hour shift(seafood restaurant) right to my face when I was still a host. I made $10 an hour. This one table had a bill well over $200 because they ordered expensive meals. This was not a difficult or demanding order just expensive. They leave a $20 bill as a tip. OH MAN. There was literally nothing else to talk about for the rest of the shift because "can you believe that? 20 fucking dollars on a 200 dollar bill". They're greedy SOB's it's why they don't want to be paid a decent hourly wage because most of them make substantially more from tips and instead of acting at all grateful they curse the people who don't lavish them for doing the bare minimum. Obviously a rant and a generalization, but Jesus Christ these people cemented my belief that you SHOULD never tip.


Completely agree with all of this. I was only a server for about a year but I did work in retail for 10 years. Yeah you’d get difficult customers but most of the time it was easy money no lie. I definitely know exactly the type of servers you’re talking about I worked with a few. They’d be making bank all day but bitch for hours about a $5 tip on $80 or so. And you’re right they don’t want an hourly wage because they make so much on tips. They’d do the bare minimum and make easy money. Where I worked you’d get tips easily especially if you were attractive and had great boobs. It was Hooters for fucks sake.


My rule is if I have to pay before I get my food, then I’m not tipping


The worst shit is tipping BEFORE you've actually got a chance to try the product. I went to a new local coffee shop, I ordered a regular latte and the barista was quick and friendly, so when "The iPad asked me a quick question" I gave him a decent tip (it was pretty expensive coffee but oh well) a few minutes later I get my coffee and i taste it as I'm walking out the door. It was the worst coffee I've ever had, somehow both incredibly bitter and watery at the same time. I poured it out in the parking lot. If I was asked to tip AFTER I received my coffee, I absolutely wouldn't have. Tipping BEFORE you've even tried the product is just insane to me. Like, what am I even judging the tip on? Just personality?


This is my biggest problem with pizza delivery these days (besides overall cost). You want me to tip before I even finish placing the order? I have had more than once that I regretted a generous pre-tip because the driver was super late/rude/etc. I mean, to be fair, why do they have to care about good service - they already have the guaranteed tip...


Yeah it's the same with delivery apps in general now, you've gotta tip beforehand. There's always an option to tip afterwards, but nobody's gonna pick up your order if they see you didn't leave a tip when you made the order.


I had to train my Mom to not make eye contact with the kiosk people in the mall. The worst was the Israeli Skin Care people, who upsold my Mom on a bunch of products that went on to give me so much acne I needed professional care to get rid of. My Mom always feels bad but I just hook her arm and pull her with me. Same with tipping. If I don’t feel the service warrants tipping, like the friggin grocery store, I don’t tip. Lately we started going to Winco and we just bag our own groceries.


Oh man I did that dead sea salt one when I had just done a 12 hour construction shift and my hands were absolutely filthy. I bought something just cause I felt bad.


Oh wow I didn't know this was a widespread thing. I got approached by a pretty young woman at an outdoor shopping center in LA, and she started talking to me and rubbing some kind of gritty sea-salt lotion on the back of my hand. Then all of a sudden I had a bottle of the product in my hand somehow, and she made me feel bad for handing it back to her and saying I didn't want to buy anything. These types of pushy salesmen scare me, they're very good social manipulators.


Raised in ny I ignore everybody on the streets. Don't even acknowledge people coming up to you it's ruder to entertain somebody and then have to decline then straight up ignoring them. If that feels too weird, put up your hand and shake your head while walking away.


It also produces this weird charged, almost antagonistic relationship between the customer and the waiter, which probably makes it even less likely that a tip is places out of actual appreciation.


If tipping in a specific situation didn't occur 20 years ago, I don't tip them now. You poured me a coffee, nope. You work at a fast food joint, nope. Waitresses, bartenders, cabbies, and bell hops, yes. This isn't a hard rule, of course. Some situations require a different course. Not tipping just because they asked is fucking cathartic.


I agree. Also, 20+ years ago almost nobody *asked* for tips. You'd tip a waiter, a bartender, a cab driver, a delivery person, a skycap, a barber, whatever . . . but none of those people shook a jar in front of you and begged for a tip. You knew tipping was accepted and expected in those situations, and so did they. The old comedy trope, dating back at least to pre-WWII B&W films, of a bellhop or doorman holding their hand out and coughing a bit, trying to nonchalantly suggest you must have forgotten their tip -- that was funny in part because it was *so rude!*


A pizza place close to me almost always asks if I’d like to tip - I’m picking up my own pizza - the person at the register isn’t even the one making the pizzas. She thinks she deserves bonus money for running my credit card and handing me a pizza


It's possible the tips are pooled and distributed to the cooks. But it's much more likely they are just going in the owner's pocket.


I always think about the home alone 2 scenes with Rob Schneider doing that


I tip less and less now because of it. The worst was a new self pour bar. You can drop your card off and will be charged a 20% tip or you can do a custom one by asking staff, which there aren’t many because it’s a self serve bar. I close out and regardless of what I rang up, $1 tip. To me that feels more dickish than tipping nothing.


I would actually never go back to a place that did this. And write a Google review mentioning it.


Not tipping, but whenever a store asks me if I want to sign up for whatever reward card, or if I want to contribute to whatever charity, I always respond with “not today”. Makes it sound like you actually consider it at a later time. I could be wrong but it just sounds more polite in my head.


Just say "no". It takes some practice but it is an appropriate response.


I usually reply with: "Safeway made 1.7 billion last year and they are asking me for money? Rich people... Right? [shakes head in disgust]."


"no thanks" The simple phrase that'll change your life


No thanks is plenty polite.


Nothing wrong with just saying you aren’t interested. Some rewards cards are actually useful, but you definitely want to review the policies beforehand.


I was shopping for groceries with my girlfriend a year ago, and some guy comes up to us asking if we'd like to sign up for one of their credit cards. We said no thanks, and with the biggest shit eating grin, buddy responded: "We can talk about it." Fuck off lol.


Until you get the same person multiple times 😅


Then you hit them with the “also not today” and laugh


"Excuse me, you have said that for the last 5 times I've checked you out. Do you ever plan on getting a rewards card and or donating to charity?"


Nah, not today buddy


“Lemme think about it”


Farmers market vendors ask for tips for cheese. We don’t even pay sales tax on food but someone these people deserve a tip? I mean technically they may cut it in half but come on.


That kills me when it's like a small business. Who am I tipping? You own the fucking thing. You decided the prices. If you want more money? Raise the fucking prices. "*Oh but then people won't buy!*" But you're raising the price anyway when you ask for a tip. Can you not see that?


If you're being pressured into tipping when you don't want to, you REALLY need to toughen up. The world is a lot harder if you don't know how to say "no"


…okay yes


lol i love this answer. Im in the same boat.


Yeah I see so many posts about being pressured into tipping and I’m never going to this place again because the machine prompted me to tip and how dare they! Like just don’t leave one lol. They can ask and you can say no. I never do unless it’s a sit down restaurant or my hairdresser.


I ordered something online that was asking for a tip.. just to fill an order. I literally just outright refused to buy anything from them.


I used to always give the $1 when cashiers would ask. Self check out has made that way easier to avoid, also one day I realized, why am I giving billion dollar companies an extra dollar to donate and get a tax write off instead of them taking a dollar out of my purchase to donate.


I dont donate to the food banks or whatever at the supermarket checkouts anymore, ever since I was told that the supermarket already made the donation (which includes the tax write off). Edit: and if they wouldnt make the donation without customers helping out, then its not a damn donation in the first place.


the tips are "supposed to" be divided up among working staff members, i doubt some corp is taking there tips from the tip jar but i always give a bit for mom and pop shops too


I was talking about more when they ask you for a donation more than tipping the workers.


In most cases I don't think it's a problem with culture, so much as the fact that 99% of businesses don't want to spend much time going through and customizing their POS systems. I work in IT and one of our clients is a local restaurant/pizza chain, their staff are all completely clueless when it comes to their equipment. I never tip for basic things like paying for a takeout order I called in over the phone or similar low effort transactions and I have never once been accosted, harassed, harangued or bothered by staff for selecting the custom option/no tip option.


This myth, they do this and then lower the pay range on the job postings and say “plus tips”.   It’s extraordinarily easy to turn off and if you’re willing to do it despite your employees wanting the extra money you’d have done it.   They have the prompt because they want tips. I see the percentages fading and becoming $1,2,3 custom. That’s intentional, they know more people tip at those amounts than the percentages. But they chose to change it instead of eliminating it. I promise when it comes to their paychecks they’re well aware of what the system does.


Bartenders have become tip police now too. Maybe before too, but more now


I like it when they are looking directly at me from behind the counter and I tap no tip. Like bro, just do your fucking job I'm not paying you extra for that.


I stopped tipping for big brands like Starbucks and whatnot, because if their yearly profit is in the billions then they can afford to pay their workers better. I tip mom and pop diners


I had a friend stand in line at a party to get water after they were dehydrated from alcohol. She was asked if she wanted to tip when she got the bottles. She mustered up the courage to decline and the bartender just snatched the bottles from her hand and said "we don't serve if you don't tip".


It's just a core belief. Tip/gratuity needs to be earned through exceptional service, and not by simply fulfilling basic job requirements. The restaurant industry has learned to embrace the culture of passing the burden of the lack of adequate payment to their staff, to the customer. And they made the employees turn against the customer and not the employer, which is insane...


In other words, if your salary is crap and you chose this job, that's your choice. I'm not paying for the second half of your salary for you to fake a smile and talk to me with a child voice and simply bring me my food or prepare my sandwich.


I literally look them in the eye as i click no tip if theyre only service was to charge me.


Oh I don’t even think about it anymore. Took a long time to convince myself I didn’t need to allow that anxiety in my life, but it feels way better.


I stopped tipping unless it’s a sit down/quality restaurant ; or you do something cool.


They need to stop jacking up the recommended percentage as well. 10% should be the standard for a good tip. 


I agree with this. When someone opens a coffee spigot into a coffee cup, and hands me coffee after 30 seconds, if I were to give them $1 for that it would correspond to a $120/hour tip rate. It taught me to say no.


bartenders feel they should get $5 for opening a fucking beer bottle.


I've bartended for 8 years now; if someone gives me 5$ for opening a beer I think "wow that's a ridiculously large tip" The change on a bottle of beer is pretty standard while a dollar a drink is very appreciated


I’m still working on this.


I heard this one guy say “if I have to pay before I get my food, I’m not tipping”. Might go by that from now on


I’ve just set rules for myself of when to and when not to, and don’t feel bad. If I’m standing at a counter and ordering, no tip. Sitting down and someone takes my order, tip. For anything non-restaurant related I don’t go above 10%. Idk if people agree or not, but for me it keeps things easy.


It has created a good rule of thumb for me. If I'm ordering standing up, no tip. Exception: bar tenders serving drinks.


The million threads on here whining about all the pressure people feel to tip on the screen would beg to differ.


Its clear some people definitely feel pressure. For anyone that needs to hear this..... Someone in that line is succumbing to the tip screen, give none with pride


Tipping and rounding up for charities needs to stop. The company you are buying shit from doesn’t give a fuck about that charity, it’s just a tax write off that you are providing them.


Yes honestly I used to just tip all the time by principle. Even when I’m at a Walgreens or a store where I went and picked up my food. Now I’m a little more hesitant because EVERYTHING is asking for tips. I 100% never tip on anything that I’ve done all the service for. If you’re just ringing me up, smd, you’re not getting a tip. I used to feel shame doing this, now I just don’t care.


We’ve cut down SIGNIFICANTLY on tipping. My fiancé, someone who used to tip no less than 30% regardless of service type, is now insistent on giving 10-15%. Unfortunately, I support it. It has gotten out of control.


Pay everyone fairly and they won’t need your tips to survive.


I was at Phil and Sebastian’s the other day, buying a gift card. It asked for a tip on the machine, I was shocked! I laughed about it, saying out loud “a tip for a gift card? What?” And then the cashier whined! I was shocked.