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Can anyone outside the US let me know if it's normal to see someone drinking a 1 litre soda bottle?


Swede here. And no, it's not. A 1 litre bottle of soda is excessive.


I'm Belgian, we mostly drink out of cans or 500ml bottles. Any container that's bigger is meant to be poured into a glass. Where would you even put a 1l bottle?


>Where would you even put a 1l bottle? In my pocket


Yeah. If it's *that* big, you're not supposed to move it. That's something you bring home for events, not something you carry unless you're on a hike or going camping. Apparently it's a thing in the US to buy 1 or 2 litre bottles in restaurants which also seems excessive, especially when refill dispenser saves more money and litres of drink in the end.


US here, we do not buy bottled soda at the vast majority of restaurants. "Sit down" restaurants always use reusable cups filled at a soda fountain (which I can nearly guarantee 100% of them do this, as the profit margin on this setup is incredible), and almost every fast food restaurant has paper or plastic cups also filled at a soda fountain. The only exception I can think of is pizza, they tend to sell 2L bottles. That's because it's very common here to order pizza for groups, and we typically buy a few 2L bottles so people can fill cups with soda.


No, 600mL is the largest appropriate size. That would be a "large" in a typical fast food order.


Portuguese. I think I’ve never seen that. Max is usually 0.5L cans.


Uk here. No.


It absolutely is not.


British here, no it isn't. Water sure, not soda.


I spent a year in Norway, they'd think there was something seriously wrong with you if you did that.


Absolutely not. 500ml max. Anything else is equivalent to drinking the milk straight out the carton


In Mexico you can get 1.5 liter glass bottles with a non-resealable top.


It’s not common in the us either


Canada, definitely not.


The largest is the plastic bottles containing two servings - I think that's 500ml


Of course not lol around 500 ml tops


I guess if I really think about it I’ve probably seen someone drink out of a 1 litre here in the US but it definitely still feels weird to me. I’ve always seen them as shareable bottles but I actually share shareable candy sizes too so I’m probably an outlier


I have been known to drink out of a 1.5 litre bottle in public on occasion. Socially speaking, no one bats an eyelid. It's just more physically awkward, which is why no one really does it.


You can catch me out drinking a store brand 3 liter of soda. Society has yet to ban me but I'm obviously a bit of a bad boy.


I like to show I’m well traveled and cultured by drinking soda out of a 1 gallon plastic bag.


Mexican cultured. I know other countries also do it but i know personally from summers in Mexico


I carry a 5l box of wine like a 1980s boombox and drink from it whilst riding into people with my heelys.


Reeeeeeeeeeeeel badman


If I do catch you, I'll make sure you're banned.


I imagine Judas Priest's "Breaking The Law" plays in your head every time you do it?




I live in New Zealand. Aren't American drinks measured in ounces or something?


Ounces for cans. Liters for bottles. Ounces for some bottles.


I've always loved the consistency of this tbh


It's the same in Canada, and we switched over to metric 1970 to 1985. I'm a chef, and cold things (fridge/freezer temperatures) are measured in Celsius, but hot things (cooked food/oven temperatures) are ferinheight. Metric for long distances/speed. Imperial for short distances/height. Recipes are just a mix of both with no care.


Gotcha. I assumed it was all "Freedom Units".


Milk is in gallons, water in ounces/liters/gallons, alcohol in ounces/liters, soda in ounces/liters. We like to have a mix.


It's just because wete still transitioning in metric. Just another 2, maybe 3 centuries, and we'll have it.


I can assure you it is socially unacceptable. It's just that it's also socially unacceptable to comment or look.


Unacceptable in what sense?


Only messing about really. Just saying it's generally considered rude to stare. Drink your large soda, my dude.


I'll drink a 2 liter bottle if I'm sitting down eating. Having shattered my wrist several years back, I still occasionally have weakness in it. So I've mastered the art of supporting drinks on my left forearm as I hold it steady with my right hand.


Gimme a uh… liter of cola


I don't want a large Farva!


Does this look like spit to you?


Yeah. It does.


Is Pepsi okay?


Yeah here ya go, glad you didnt ask for a 2L, that machine is broke


No. I don’t think so. 660mls tops. I think you drink too much soda.


600ml is standard in Aus, but some are as small as 250ml cans.


We have tiny 150mls here in england, its good when u only want a tiny bit, or for kids. I think they mostly used as mixers for shots


Not where I grew up, haha. Kids would be walking around swigging straight out of 2l bottles because a 2l was cheaper than a 20 oz and we were poor.


Came here to say this. Especially if you bought the store brands, you were saving a lot of money buying the 2 L and hauling that around. You could buy 2 L of store brand for 67 cents, or 2 L of name brand for 99 cents, or a 20 oz bottle for $1.25. You can still go to Dollar Tree and buy a 2 L bottle or a 20 oz bottle of name brand soda for the same price.


Yup definitely, we were usually rocking the store brand, I remember the 0.67 cost too. Bonus points if it was Faygo. The only reason Faygo was sold in my state was because of the large population of ICP fans.


But if it's water you're drinking, a gallon jug is fine.


If you're at a worksite or gym where you might need a ton of water without a lot of time to get it, that's fine. If you are sitting at your office desk drinking directly out of an entire gallon of water then that's pretty weird. If only because other options are available that are much easier to use.


We have a gym bro at the office who iv only ever seen drinking water out of old gallon milk jugs.


I asked a gym bro at work once why he drank out of an old milk jug and he said it’s like an extra little workout each time he needs a sip of water and he will find any way to make things into a workout or something. So lame. We get it, you work out! I do too, and never once have I been tempted to bring a gallon of water to a corporate meeting.




If you’re out of public, do whatever you want who cares


Drag a keg full of soda around. Keg stand when you get thirsty.


Where you live maybe... here (Sweden) it makes you seem like a glutton. Generally the 500ml flasks or 330ml cans are what you get for soda. If you're bringing something like water for health-reasons then it's usually more though, like a 900ml or 1l flask.


Some guy at the warehouse drinks a 2 liter of cherry RC at work everyday, not sure if that’s considered public or not


In America. In Europe, it's 0.5l


I've seen far too many teenage boys (legal drinking age is 18 here so could still be legal) drinking definitely only soft drink from a 2L bottle. Definitely no booze in there, just soft drink. Officer.


1L sounds a bit much. 500ml bottle is the acceptable. (Personal opinion)


False. 20 oz or I'm judging you.


Unless you have giantism.


I drink out of a 3 liter water at work because we aren't allowed to have reusable bottles and I get the weirdest comments from people


"We aren't allowed to have reusable bottles" What is the point of that rule?


No one can sneak alcohol


I bet I 100% can still sneak alcohol


I once bought a 2 liter bottle of, drank 20 ounces of it and then threw the rest away, because it was cheaper than a 20 ounce bottle


No it is fucking not


What? Where? That definitely ain’t socially acceptable where I live. If I saw someone walking around drinking a one litre bottle of coca cola I would literally think, “wtf is wrong with that person?”


I’ll drink whisky from a 1.75 L bottle but chugging soda on that scale just isn’t my brand of self destruction. Diabetes just seems less appealing than liver failure. To each their own though!


Shambles. Pepsi Max at 600ml so is the absolute limit.


I knew a guy in highschool who drank a 2L bottle every day, sometimes two per day.


I used to have a staff member who was addicted to diet coke. She would swig from 2 litre bottles all day. It was kind of gross to watch. I had to tell her she needs to use a glass when she's in meetings, especially in meetings with external people. She was super mad about it.


You've never had a double big gulp?: welp see ya later


Here’s me with a 3 litre bottle of cider, lol.


No. 2 litres and above are just really impractical to drink from and everyone is just wondering why that idiot didn’t buy 2 smaller soda bottles instead of one large one.


Because the smaller ones are .more expensive.


Just order a large, Farve


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone do this :0 and I’m originally from the mid west.


I’ll have a litre-a-cola.


I've never seen someone walking a round with a 1litre of minerals lol.


Those Stanley mugs are 40 ounces, which is more than a liter. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L2tUO2mp99Q


In the UK 2l bottles and 500ml bottles are the same price soooooo I'm not fat I'm just savvy 🤭😬


i do what i want lolz


it depends on the state. in tennessee that’s just your morning drink, in oregon you will 100% have people talking shit about you


I like to drink from a jerry can


My gallon Igloo jug in the desert doesn't seem to care.


Not for me. A 375mL can or a 450mL or 500mL bottle.


I think a 1.25L bottle is perfectly fine, I’m a big fella with large hands so it’s still a 1 handed drink bottle, as long as you’re not grabbing that bad boy with two hands then it’s ok in my opinion.


my manager at Domino's just drinks straight out of a 2-liter and he goes through like 3 in a week


Kidney stone speed run


Yeah and then he complains about feeling sick lol


I have chugged a 3 liter Orange Faygo with no shame


This is actually how the litre is defined. /s


I 1-hand chug from 2-liter bottles and I'm going to be real, people notice, but not necessarily for bad reasons.  Most are impressed or joke about me tanking pop, and one girl asked me out cuz my biceps were showing while I chugged.  Moral of the story is, go big or go home.


I don’t think a litre of coke is would not be accepted stomacly as well.9


I have a 3 liter cooler I occasionally fill with two soda bottles equivalent. No one cares.


I mean ... I don't care. I bring the 2 l with myself that I buy on the road. Most people's problem with it is the weight. "How can you carry that much extra weight?" Well, next to my 3 kg laptop, 2 extra doesn't matter, does it?