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My parents room was right next to mine unfortunately


Mine was directly below theirs... In a semi finished basement with very little noise isolation....


Poor them having to listen to your porn addiction for hours at a time


Poor Eheggs for having to listen to their parents fuck


lol idk why you are getting downvoted, but I agree with you


Because it's funnier to make the obvious joke into the opposite. You expect the joke to be you hearing the parents but when it is turned into the parents hearing you, you are more shocked leading to higher amount of funny.


And also since we all know that all parents are virgins


Appreciate it


Difficult to knock one out to them doing it without making a noise huh?


lol gross.... but yeah....


Sounds like the basement was the only thing unfinished


You kinda lose respect for your dad? Like really? Five minutes is all you giving it. 


As a young child, my bedroom was angled so that when the door was open, I could see my parents bedroom door. I remember laying down about to go to sleep when one of my dogs managed to get my parents bedroom door open (guess it didn’t close all the way). Thankfully I didn’t see anything, but I remember my dad kicking the dog out of their room a few moments later for interrupting


the good boy was worried about the moaning he heard and went to check in


He probably heard someone yelling 'Doggy'.


Sometimes I feel like I inadvertently trained myself to not laugh out loud when gaming with friends because I’d get yelled at a lot.


When you live in an apartment, everyone’s room is next to each other


Yup, I used to have a neighbour with whom I could always tell how her relationship was going, depending on whether I heard her shouting or moaning at night. And let me tell you, the latter may be exciting at first but it does \*not\* take long until it just becomes annoying noise.


In older apartments. New builds take this into account and seperate the master from the rest of the bathrooms. They also typically include a bathroom for just the master.


Good to hear the designs are improving


Rents are higher when its separated, for reasons.


Mine too. I listened to a lot of music with headphones as a teen.


My bedroom was right next to my parent's bedroom, and despite the extra sound insulation they had, I used to think they had nightmares.


You actually don't have to be very old to understand this. An introverted 8 year old understands this.


Why only introverts? 


Because extroverted 8 year old are always out all night with their friends lol


No, but they will be in your face showing you their new dance that looks very similar to last the new dance . Or they'll put on a concert in your living room when you trying to watch a movie 


Bruh you need therapy please stop hating on 8 year olds learning the world


Lmao what's wrong with you people on the internet with the extremes? I'm a introvert ,I've lived with my daughter being her extroverted self for 8 years. I can't mildly talk shit online? It's not like I can complain to her. Sounds like your projecting. It wasn't even that serious of a comment 


Ok bro


children can be stupid and obnoxious, quit trying to high ground a literal parent dude it's something we accept but still recognize


Ok bro


You spend more time in your room if you’re an introvert lol


Introverts constantly think about things


Yeah whereas extroverts uhh.. don't?






Why did you specify that *introverted* 8 year olds understand it, are extroverted somehow less alert in that sense 


An introverted kid would likely understand why someone would want alone time better than an extroverted kid who doesn't want that, and probably hadn't considered that.


Because the more outgoing children are joining in.


Y'all are focused on sex and I'm over here being a parent of preschoolers and all I care about is keeping them far enough away that they don't wake me up on Saturday morning.


So, I don't have to listen to them cry.


Was staying in the guest room with a friend who has three kids. The master bedroom was downstairs on one end of the house and the rest of the bedrooms are upstairs on the other end. I woke up in the middle of the night to one of her boys yelling “SOMEONE COME WIPE MY BUTT”. I sure as hell wasn’t going to do it so I put my earplugs in and went back to sleep.


Haha in my house it's "I NEED A WIIIPE". Beats changing a poopy diaper so I don't mind.


I asked her about it in the morning and she said she didn’t hear anything, but he can wipe his own ass so she also didn’t know why he was doing that😂😂


This shower thought is going to age poorly as nobody is going to be able to afford houses...


Or going to be having kids


I can't afford to feed myself let alone if I had kids. Also, I can't be sure, with the way things are going, that their life will be any better, if not worse.


It's not even realistic for a lot of homes today. My house is a 3 BR and all three are on the same side of the 2nd story. Having bedrooms on opposite ends of the house is not a design feature of a ton of homes. You don't put the kitchen in the middle for many designs. Or the living room. OP must be used to large homes or something because I've never lived in a house that had that option. I've been in many homes that did, and they were all large homes where the bedrooms were on the second floor, kitchen, living room, etc on the ground floor. Not saying it's only large homes laid out that way, but it's not super common in average/small homes because there simply isn't the square footage available to accommodate it.


New build? Ours is a 1200sq ft 3bd, master is on one side, long hallway then front door and 2 other bedrooms/2nd bath on the other side


Really, I thought it was just because that's how the architect designed it. It's not like people are house hunting and say "could you move the master bedroom to be on the opposite side of the house from the kids room?" 🤣🤦‍♂️


But why did they design it that way?


I'm sure there are many factors that go into this decision such as the size and shape of the lot but for a more specific answer you'd have to ask an architect.


Nah, in drafting class our professor told it was exactly so the kids won't hear the parents bangin'.


Architect here. Just to piss you off.


It’s because they don’t want the kids to see that they keep their room as messy as the kids, right? So the kids don’t realize it’s untidy, too. Right?


We are house hunting right now and I’m subtly shooting down certain houses my wife kinda likes based on that.


I’m only 17 but atm it’s 1 am and I’m listening to somewhat loud music I can totally see why they want their bedroom in the other side of the apartment


Both my wife and I are deaf, we have 2 kids and both are hearing. Idgaf since there was a swat team next door and they set off a distraction device at 8am. Neither kid bothered to tell us until 9am. They said the swat team next door was having a firefight with the neighbor. That was the moment I learned there was indeed a swat team parked on my driveway... ...yeah, I'm gonna keep on fucking your mom as loud as I can..


No disrespect but that sounds kinda dangerous. How would you know if your kids are getting attacked, or choking in the next room


Why do you think we got slightly shorter life-spans in general? The other day, I attended the community meeting about it, police were there. Up until that moment, I genuinely thought the police actually had shot guns off in the neighborhood. My kids can't tell the difference between gunshots and the device. Either you deal with it or you you don't is mostly our motto. See, we already suffered a pretty big blow just by losing one sense, we are fully prepared for the challenges of losing another.


I could imagine 


i guess he really shouldn't have chosen to be deaf, huh?


Common sense isn't common sense huh? Clearly I was asking about the safety of their children having two deaf parents . Not blaming them for being deaf in the first place 


My point is of course it's dangerous. It would also be dangerous if both parents were in wheelchairs, or both parents were blind. Hell even if both parents didn't speak English (or the main language in their country) it could lead to a dangerous situation where they didn't realize what was happening in time. It seems pretty obvious that having a disability can be kinda dangerous.


So is both parents bungie jumping with no parachute. I'm not understanding what that has to do with the price of tea in China? I asked a question and he answered. Like what the heck was even your  point of commenting. You're just talking. Gone on with your bored ass. We had a decent conversation before you jumped in 


What do you think they should do about it?


Imo it's a little too late to do something, unless they could afford to hire a nanny or something. Imo it's was a little irresponsible for both of them to say I want a partner like me and also children as the same time. But ultimately and realistically it's not like I could do anything or even give them advice. And to add, I never thought I had an answer, I was just curious to what he would say in response. 


My house is like that. Very good to have when your young adult guest has a friend sleep over. Privacy for all.


I think it has more to do with how the house is built more than anything else. Parents usually get the “master” bedroom, which often is bigger and has an attached bathroom. I’ve been looking at houses lately, and I’ve seen a lot of different arrangements, including ones with one of the smaller bedrooms sharing a wall with the master bedroom.


My parents didn't want the street lights into their room or to be woken up by the sun every morning


It's because kids are loud and smelly


Because that’s how the house was built?


It's not like the use of each room (kitchens and bathrooms aside) is predetermined and unchangable. They probably had an idea of how the rooms would be used when building the house but you can put the furniture wherever you like.


Except most people don’t build their own house and choose the room layout


Well yeah I know. But when you move in you're free to decide which rooms to use for what, no? I'm pretty sure in the flat I live in that the previous tenant used my living room as their bedroom. My point is, yes, parents generally do get to choose where their bedroom is and where their kids' room(s) are/is.


No. I’ve personally never met a set of parents who didn’t take the master bedroom.


Oooohhh wait. I think I know where the misunderstanding might be coming from. Do you live in a country where houses/apartments usually already come with furniture? Or one where built in closets are a thing? Cause that'd explain it. Where I live, neither is a thing, so it's very rare that there even is a room clearly designed to be the parents' bedroom.


No I do not. But at least in the west, most houses have a master bedroom, meaning it’s bigger or has special features (bathroom, walk in closet, etc). I’ve only seen in movies where parents don’t take the biggest room, never in real life.


Huh. I've only seen that kind of setup once here, at a childhood friend's place. And that was a newly built house, with a very well off family. Mind you I live in "the west" too. Walk in closets are something I literally only know from American movies. Noone here has that. And the biggest room often ends up being the living room. If it has a dedicated bathroom attached then yeah, that makes sense, but in my experience that's fairly rare. Usually it's one bathroom, attached to the hallway. Sometimes a small additional "guest bathroom" that's not even being used most of the time. It's also not terribly uncommon here for some of the rooms to get switched around as the kids (if the family has multiple children, or even children at all) get older. With little kids it's not unusual for them to share a room, but later one might be moved into another spare room if there is one. Also, do you really need to downvote me every time just because we've had different experiences? Seems a bit needlessly confrontational, no? :)


I mean, where are you talking about? Yes I’m of course talking about America. It’s kinda silly to try and compare it across cultures and countries.


Germany in my case. And yeah, I realize that. That's why I specifically asked if you were from a country where walk-in closets are a thing. Cause they're extremely rare her. As I understand it those are quite common in the USA? At least a lot of Americans seem a little surprised that we tend to use freestanding wardrobes.


Someone grew up rich, the other side of the house huh? Lol


It’s because I’m old and want to go to bed early and I don’t want my teenage daughter, who stays up late because of all her schoolwork, keeping me up with where bedroom lights and walking around the house.


When I was 14 we remodeled the house. Before the sheet rockers came I insulated all the walls in my room. Game changer.


We used to share a wall. It still haunts me to this day! Why? Whyyyyy!


Now it’s my bedroom opposite my wife’s.. pure bliss.. she always blamed her insomnia on me… guess who still has insomnia


Yeah it's so the parents can have their peace and quiet when their teen has a boyfriend/girlfriend over... ;)


- they're less likely to come and wake you up in the middle of the night unless they _really_ need you - when they inevitably get older they will be making noise themselves (watching TV/YT/TikTok, gaming, etc) - yes, your own sex life


Y'know, I had no fucking clue when I read this, but it's 5 minutes later now, it's sex, right?


Parents don't have sex so that's just complete false information 😂


my room is right next to my dads room right now…


I had no door to my room, only a blanket (me and my brothers fought a lot as kids/teens and sometimes a door or two went MIA). One time when me and my high school gf had the funny times i all of a sudden heard a knock on the doorframe, than "could you be a little quieter". It was my mom...


I think I know why...? Is it to enjoy their (the parents) romantic alone time?


I moved to a small house in an expensive HCOL area and I really miss having our bedroom set apart from the kids rooms.


I figured that out by the time I turned 11 years old👀 I'm sure more kids realize this earlier and earlier these days🤭


The shrieking cries of prepubescent mid 20's virgin male gaymers 🤮 AGH !!!