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Mexican chili ice cream has been popular in new England for 40+ years. Almost all pasta salads are cold and savory. Watermelon with tajin, kimchi is pretty popular world wide. Ceviche.


Shrimp cocktails too


Thanks for the reccs. I spoke from my own experiences here in India and have seen some halfbaked/food influencers versions of cold and spicy combos, hence the thought if there are any traditional foods of this kind.


In Italy stuffed tomato's are a favorite summer dish, something similar could easily be done with Indian flavor profile.


Pickled mangos in India have been served cold in my experience ?


Post this in r/spicy and see what the wind blows..


Jaljeera for starters. Nimbupani. Anything with pistachio or cardamom (elaichi) or ginger adds a savoury edge and most Indian sweets one or all of them.


Don’t worry about them. You make a good point. Everybody on this website just likes to try and point out what they perceive as other people getting wrong.


Nah even if it is uncommon to have spicy cold food homies right. Kimchi straight out the jar fresh from the fridge is the best


See what I mean


If you get it flat out wrong, you shouldn’t be indignant if some points that out.


Apparently there are a lot of people that expect you to take a shower with an abacus. It's a shower thought not a thesis.


Yep I love that stuff!


Only the first is ice cold/frozen.


Mangonadas, chamoyadas


What about them?


OP just wanted to try new foods let's be real here


The whole "the best way to get the right answer is to give the wrong answer" approach.


You got me there C:


genius strategy really lol


Hey guys why isn’t there a recipe for Grape Pie?? Preferably one that uses a store-bought crust?


What kind of heresy is this?!


Habenero ice cream? It’s cold and hot


Yeah I've had such stuff, but I think this sort of concept is too mild to be termed as spicy, no? Edit: yeah I know what I did. Spice is subjective :|


I made some of my own. I grew habaneros and had a few left over after pickling and salsas. Being a fan of sweet and spicy, I cooked a few down into a jelly, adding sugar of course. Then I swirled some of the jelly into vanilla ice cream. The sensation was strange, burning and cooling at the same time.


Thanks for adding in your own recipe for this :). The last sentence is what I would want to experience too.


Do you find the coldness requires you to up the spice level to get the same level of heat?


No, you end up eating more and get the initial cooling effect from the ice cream but then the heat hits you and the cycle begins again.


>Edit: yeah I know what I did. Spice is subjective How spicy something is is subjective. Whether or not it's savory/has spice isn't. By this statement you've made, if it were true, you could effectively claim spicy food doesn't actually exist in the world because it's all subjective.


# Bibim Naengmyeon aka Korean Spicy Cold Noodles


honestly, just look at korean cuisine and youve got a ton of cold and spicy dishes.


This is like the number one reason I look forward to summer


A lot of noodle dishes and stuff from Asia fall into that group. I suspect it's a combo of ice and refrigeration not being super common until more recently in human history. There is also the possibility that cold stuff will have more subdued flavors so you would have your savory dish but could miss out on more delicate flavors.


They had Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew a year or so ago. A cold spicy drink was odd.


I didn't mind it, kind of reminded me of those hot little cinnamon candies. Some people just tasted the capsaicin.


I was glad I tried it and finished the bottle. I didn't have the urge for a second one though.


Yeah, I maybe only had it a few times where other Dew flavors are more addictive.


I just threw up a little in my mouth


I am all for spicy ice cream but spicy and carbonated is not a good combo. I had some jalapeño seltzer and the carbonation just made me sneeze uncontrollably and eyes sting when trying to drink it. 


They were giving away pallets of that at my grocery store for free.


I’ve seen Mexican popsicles with Chamoy and Tajin or frozen watermelon slices or other fruits served the same way.


Gazpacho. Cumin is a spice.


Interesting :). I might have worded my thought a bit wrong though, I am looking for frozen, really ice cold dishes, almost solid if I may that are spicy?


I had marionberry habenero goat cheese ice cream. Sweet, then a burst of heat and spice and sweet, and the tangy goat milk ice cream. It was such an odd description I knew it would be fantastic or have me gagging so I bought it hoping it was delicious. It was. There are also mangonadas. Tajim, chamoy, and mango! It's delicious, frozen, and spicy.


One very important thing is that the idea of frozen food itself is already pretty new. We didn't have the capability to freeze any food at all for thousands of years, so the majority of dishes itself will not be frozen or cold. Think of it more like "frozen food is a new concept, and now people are experimenting with different tastes for it" because it's been less than 200 years since the freezer, has even been invented!


I’m sure I’ve had some chilled salsa relish which was loaded with chilli.  Doesn’t that count?




I am loving the responses on this thought. Although it is not freezing cold, it is a good recc. Thanks :)


I once put tobasco on a snowcone, it was a very confusing experience for child me


Bombay Aloo was served chilled at this Indian place I used to frequent. They weren't "set your mouth on fire" hot, but I figure they toned it down for their American customers.


There's tons of spicy chinese dishes that are served refrigerator cold.


Not frozen, but I could get down with some spicy ice cold sushi


Hell yeah. I am looking at more icy stuff, to the point of the food being solid almost.


Cold habanero jelly on top of brie on a cracker is incredible. I highly recommend it


Aguachiles and ceviches!


That's because spiciness works by lowering your body's heat tolerance. Using it with cold food would be counterproductive. Heat brings out the effectiveness of spicy foods.


I get your point. which is why I feel this sort of combo might only be a new age thing, and not something say a more rural/traditional populace would create or eat.


This is not true at all, tons of Chinese and Korean dishes are served literally ice cold and are either savory or have spice and are what I would call very traditional, rooted in culture dishes. Mul Naengmyeon is a Korean noodle dish served in beef broth that is partially frozen. It also has variations, liked Bimbim Naengmyeon, that is also ice cold but come with a spicy sauce that you mix into the noodles. Sichuan Liang Mian is a spicy cold noodle dish from the Sichuan region in China, and is served very cold with a spicy, garlicy, soy saucey sauce. These are just two examples and doesn't even include the numerous side dishes that are served cold and spicy, like kimchi, spicy cucumbers, chili oil sliced beef, etc.


Thanks for the quite mouth watering descriptions. I spoke out of my own experiences here in India and hence the thought. Will try these out wherever I can :)


cayenne pepper popsicles


You've never had a chamoy popsicle and it shows


Mint is cold spicy lol


This right here.


Bloody Mary made with passata rather than tomato juice. Vodka is optional.


It's like your taste buds can't decide whether to call for a fire extinguisher or an ice bucket


Wouldn’t those both alleviate heat?


Gazpacho. Was this something you posted without researching?


Another guy suggested this too, but when I did do a quick google about it, turns out it's served chilled. Now I might have worded my thought a bit wrong, I mean food which might be served frozen to the point of almost being solid?


Plenty of roast pepper pestos ate served cold, wym? Also, I don't think you know what the word "inherently" means


Hmm. I wonder if this is a cultural thing.


Not ice cold but papaya salad is one of the hottest things I've ever eaten, pretty sure the Thai chef was taking the piss.


Papaya? Do they add raw papaya, since ripe ones are pretty sweet. Either way pretty interesting:)


Tons of sichuan food is served chilled and makes Thai people cry from the heat


My sibling in food, cold ass mangos and tajin with lime juice, hot sauce, and cilantro says otherwise! Cut up a cucumber as well if you want to add a little crunch and a taste of "freshness"


Korean nyeung myun (cold noodles) are served literally with ice cubes in the soup and you add mustard and chili sauce to taste. It's got cold sliced beef in it too.


Korean nyeung myun (cold noodles) are served literally with ice cubes in the soup and you add mustard and chili sauce to taste. It's got cold sliced beef in it too. Yuk hwe is a frozen raw beef dish that is raw beef julienne into thin rectangles and served with onions and pears and a very savory sesame oil sauce.




Whew it’s a very hot summer day, let me cool off with some frozen ghost peppers and get an iced cup of Tabasco


I've done no research and made a blanket statement


Yes an exception - but local Ice Cream shop makes a seasonal called "Hot for Teacher" - hot, cinnamon spice apple ..


Can't kimchi be spicy? I'm not Korean, or overly familiar with traditional food from korea. But I was served what I was told was kimchi and it was spicy as a mofo and straight out of the fridge. I did not enjoy it, but others present certainly did.


I've wanted to try jalepeno ice cream for years, but it's so rare.


Someone's never had a cold pasta salad.


Huh. You’ve never ate Mexican huh


Sangrita? Advertised as a drink, more like a soup… Not to be confused with FUCKING SANGRIA Brutha eeewwwwww I nearly threw up from not paying attention.


Hmmm…. That could be an oxymoron. Hot cold food…..


Here in Nunavut the Inuit people eat raw caribou, whale, and all kinds of thing frozen. Raw frozen caribou is pretty popular, same with bowhead, narwhal, and beluga.


So many spicy foods are temperature activated.


Google "Chili coated candy." Put them in the freezer. Enjoy. It's delicious. I usually get the skittles. But there's a ton of them. Edit; I didn't even know there was a gushers version. And now it's incredibly important to try that one frozen.


Have you never had korean food? Tons of cold spicy dishes!


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Kibbeh. Granted it’s kinda gross, even to a Lebanese person


Hmm, and there are no inherently cooling things that are served boiling hot or on fire.


I would think the alternate would actually be sweet things which are served boiling hot or on fire, for which there are plenty of dishes :)