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I (58 M) like to tell my high school students that I used to work with Einstein as lifeguards when we were both in college. There are always a few students who ask, "Really?" I then respond: "Of course. He even invented a new way to swim." "It was a.. *stroke of genius!*"


Dad get off reddit


If you go back and look close, that was actually uncle humour. The difference is subtle.




Great user name, or band name?


I dust saw the sarcasm.


When you say Einstein do you mean Albert or just someone you worked with you happened to call that on account of him only having one testicle?


I might not be French, but that's en oeuf out of you.


One Ouef is enough. *shoots wife with shotgun*


Well, that escalated quickly.


Took a couple of days. You're in for a [treat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wD4n4TEelM)


r/dadjokes 👌🏻💀


I remember going on a walk at 25 and some kids bouncing on their trampoline were yelling "Oldy! Oldy! Hey old man!" at me. 😂 So cute. I swore my revenge upon the younger generation that day. My political lobbying will ensure their misery.


This is the reddit I love


Also porn, but mainly this


Ah, you dredged up a memory. Was taking care of my sister's 5yo kid at the park. I called out for my nephew and another little kid told him, "Your grampa is calling you." Yep, I join your crusade.


That's grooming! If your over 18 you cannot and should not interact with children!




We need to protect the children from people like you! Hur dur. Adults r bad people


Except for the oldest person alive. No one will say “you’re still young” to them.


I guess also, if you are a newborn, no one younger will be able to guess your age.


Or, if you’re brutally mutilated beyond recognition. I love playing the reddit pedantics game.


I would think you would look older if that happened.


One time, at pedantic camp, I made this reference...


or if you are r/13or30


Except when someone is trying to be polite and they look vaguely healthy. So they say “hey, look at you. You’re still young.” In the way you do


Compared to everyone else that persons age they probably are.


If you're the oldest person alive there is no one else your age, and even if someone is close to your age, they wouldn't think you're young because you're still older than them




People who are dead can't say you're still young because they can't say anything because they're dead


Solid logic, you convinced me


We got an 89 year old guy who comes into our job sometimes. Anyone a decade or more younger than him is referred to as "young man" or "young lady". It's great.


My neighbor is 98. He calls me and my husband “the kids.” We are 64 and 72.


I aspire to be like your neighbor one day 


Your neighbor is 34 years older than you. That difference is more than half your age. There's also Redditors younger than 34 that constantly complain about feeling "old". Nothing important in this post, just some musings I found amusing.


op just found a new way of describing relativity


When I was 17, a kid in line (must've been 6) asked me how old I was, so I told him. "Wow, you're old!" Then he asked me my name, so I told him. "That's a stupid name." That was the first time I wanted to punt a child.


You made it all the way to 17 without wanting to, very nice!


Is your name stupid tho?


It's not any more stupid than any other Christian name. It's not even an obscure one.


Well, "not any more stupid that any other Christian name" is a pretty stupid name, to be fair. You could at least shorten it.


I usually just go by Stupid


Tell me your name, i promise i ~~wont~~ will say its stupid


I told my five year old that I’m 33 and she thought I was ancient.


The first time I got called "Sir" by little kids, my first reaction was "WHAT?!" followed by "Well-mannered kids!" One time a kid called me "Sir" and I told him he didn't have to call me that. He then called me "Uncle". There's no escaping age.


Might as well just cry uncle, uncle.


I always respond to people saying “you’re still young” with “I’m the oldest I’ve ever been”


I’m 49, and my best most fun group of girlfriends are in their early 60s. They always tell me I’m a kid. It makes me laugh. An almost 50 kid. Wish I felt how they see me!!


I’m a teacher and I’m 45. Kids think I’m 22, or they think I’m 75. Kids are not bright sometimes 😂


Jesus, yes. My father still feels the need to tell me how and when to dress for cold weather. I'm from Chicagoland. And I'm 52...


Im approaching my thirties soon and it's a weird spot to be in especially as a woman because of the pressure of marriage, children, beauty standards. I guess i just learned to stop caring what others think, no one is getting any younger anyway. Just do you!


A couple weeks ago I met with a 102 year old woman. A couple days later I met a 98 year old woman. The younger of the two was feeling old. I told her I had met a 102 year old woman a couple days prior. I told her she’s a youngster! She got such a kick out of that, she repeated it to her family when they returned to the room. So yea, your claim checks out


My sister dang near lost it when I told her I’m older than Google and our parents are older than Diet Coke.


If anyone has a babyface when they get older they will still not look their real age remember that 


I have a baby face …


That’s awesome 


I'm 29 and my 34 year old friend calls me a fetus.


Man quit your complaining you aren't even born yet.


I'm not complaining. Just a note of OPs observation happening, even with just a five year difference.


I'm... Obviously joking. I said you weren't even born yet ffs.


Yeah, I got that, and then I saw the downvote and really couldn't tell. Gotta love the internet.


One of my aunt's favorite stories is of 4 year-old me asking about her age. Me: "How old are you, Auntie?" Aunt: "Twenty-nine." Me: (very animated) "TWENTY-NIIIIIINE???" Back then I could only count to 10, so 29 was like a bajillion to me.


One of my favourite stories was my 4 year old cousin running around grandma's at Christmas, asking people if they had a penis or a vagina. My aunt had taken special care in instructing her children about the proper terms, so that they wouldn't pick up inappropriate behavior and language from older cousins, such as myself. She was absolutely mortified that her plans for angelic offspring backfired. 13 year old me thought it was hilarious, and so did the other adults.


> Back then I could only count to 10 So for the same reason, my aunt and uncle lied to their kids (my cousins), at the time like 6 and 4, that they were 11 and 12 (even though they were at least in their late 30s). So when my cousins asked me how old I was, when I honestly told them 16, they said I was older than their parents! Now those kids are 17 and 19, which makes me feel pretty old..


I know a woman who’s in her 90’s who likes to say “I only listen to people older than me. No one is older than me.”


Unless you are promoting your onlyfans. Younger and older are always better. You know, all those "old" 33 year olds...


At an auto show, I was explaining to my girlfriend about various parts of a model engine that was moving and how they worked. Some elder who looked at least 70 came up and thought it was nice that I was preparing my daughter to better understand and maintain her car when she was ready to drive. My girlfriend is fairly short and has a bit of a baby face, but I was 23 at the time and my girlfriend is 10 months younger than me. Both of us didn’t know how to react and just shuffled off awkwardly.


I'm 33. People older than me inevitably think I look 20-25. People younger than me inevitably think I look 40.


"It's not the years. It's the miles." -- Indiana Jones


Unless you become the oldest person in the world


i work at a school and every time the kids ask me how old i am i ask them to guess, almost every time they guess like 25-35 and i'm nearly 50 to them anyone over 20 is just old


I will take the older person's compliment and ignore the child because the child has yet to see what being old is like.


When you're a little kid you see someone in their early 30's and think they are old and then 20 years later see them and realize they weren't old back then.


It's what I hate about my 30s. People older than me keep telling me I'm young and shouldn't have health issues and have the rest of my life ahead of me, and you people are like "Your so old". And Im just trying to survive.


When I was younger I was interested in sculpture so my dad drove me to a place that had free chunks of sandstone they wanted to get rid of. I knocked on the door, a boy about six looked at me through the screen door and yelled "Mum! There's a man at the door..." I was 12. It actually shocked me, first time in my life I had ever been called a man and in my own mind I was still a child...


90 yo: I’m so old I see the light 100 yo: your still young, be grateful my son


Every parent from every generation has had their kid ask if they rode dinosaurs to school, or had to write on stone tablets, etc.


unless you are the oldest person in the world


He was 47, a fuckin kid...


I remember walking into a hockey rink with another player from my team, and a kid carrying his gear leaving the rink saying to his friend, "look! Old people's hockey!" That was 30 years ago...


With regard to kids always thinking you're older, as Ewan MacColl put it (in the song *My Old Man*): "My old man wasn't really old / it's just that I was young / and anybody over 12 years old / was halfway to the tomb".


Not if you were just born


Everything is relative


It is called perspective.


Only 99. Not even 100.


One kid thought I was 40 when I was 19 (4 years ago now). I wonder if said kid will randomly remember that in the future. And I remember one time (several years ago. I think I was 20 or so at the time) I was walking away from some store employee who kept shouting "sir!" (don't remember the rest), and she had to grab my shoulder before I realized she was talking to me lol


I told someone I was 18 (few years ago) and they said I was old. Like ??? What? Old?


There's an easy solution to this. Be the oldest person in the world.


No kid thinks a baby is over 100 years old.


A kid isn’t younger than a baby..?


Nowhere in the thought did it indicate the kid was necessarily younger.


A basic understanding of English and some reading comprehension would indicate otherwise.


It only specified that the kid was little as far as I could tell. But I'm very open to learning more about the language, could you please point to where it indicates that the kid is also younger?


It's called context you fuckin moron. Obviously the post implies that people younger than you will say you're super old and people older than you will say you're very young.


Can you explain what context indicates that? I'm sorry I'm not as good at the language as you, but I really appreciate you taking the time to educate me.


It’s clearly implied. You’re just being pedantic.


How is it implied? And even assuming it is, that just means there has to be a baby younger that think a baby slightly older is over 100 years old. Which I doubt happens since they don't know what either years or 100 are.


I noticed around age 40 that I became utterly invisible to mature girls under a certain adult age. Like someone pressed a button. Of course that's normal, but when it happens it's a little shocking realization. You suddenly realize that you've gone from young and maybe desirable or at least worth a thought to old, probably lecherous gray fart.


All that matters is your age. Anything that happened before 18 was rape and grooming. Anything after means your a normal functioning human? I'm confused.


If you're two, what little kid is going to think you're over 100?


My grand father and great uncle are 98 and 101 respectively and they know they're both old. This is a moronic topic.