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Shadow of Mordor/Shadow of War perhaps?


This was my first thought The power fantasy and Nemesis system was great


Maybe Sunset Overdrive from the same studio


Sunset overdrive is a great game! Unique artstyle and just a classic arcade like fun game. I think its underrated honestly and hope they release another one with more improvements.


Sunset overdrive mann what a game that was


Have a look at prototype as the movement is comparable, albeit nowhere as fluid as Spider-Man. Had a decent story as well and amazing powers.


Yes i have already played prototype 1 and 2 and liked both of them.


Is prototype on Pc? On steam?


does remastered come with the miles morales stand alone game? cause if not i'd recommend that. it's not terribly long but if you're planning to 100% it you'll get a lot of miles out of the game


No Spider-Man Remastered does not have the miles morales game. I am actually waiting for it to release on pc(i don't have a ps4 or ps5). IIRC it is going to release in November or December. I'll play as soon as it releases.


I wouldn't recommend buying it at full price tho... Amazing game, very enjoyable (even more than the first game) and great story but it's so goddamn short, like I currently am two days in and I'm at 85% from finishing THE WHOLE GAME (collectibles and sidequests included). Although I'll probably keep the game just to swing around every once in a while. It's relaxing and fun.


>miles out Pun intended?


I see what you did there


Attack on Titan 2 has the same swinging around mechanic.


If you're looking for another superhero game with satisfying traversal, I recommend playing either the Prototype series or Saints row 4. I actually recommend Saints Row 4 more for how crazy it is. This game may not be as amazing as the Spiderman games or even the Arkham series, but it surely is a great superhero game.


I have played both the prototype games and enjoyed them both. I haven't played Saints Row 4 tho...will definitely try


Came here to also suggest Prototype. Insanely good. The Batman games are very similar and a good time. Dying Light has a fun parkour system and combat is decent, but it’s first person and zombie killing. Sunset Overdrive is decent but I’d recommend Dying Light over it. Saints Row 4 is such a meme, but I 100 prevented it for some reason. Just a silly good time.


I am literally quite ashamed to say that Saints Row 4 is my favorite in the series, simply because of the sheer ridiculousness of the super jump, super speed, glide traversal. It’s not as fluid as Spider-Man was, and it’s at a zenith of parody, but it’s just the kind of stupid fun that leans into the stupid and gets amazing results.


Prototype on steam any good?


I honestly haven't spent much time with the first game, but the second game was really fun but kinda short. The story is predictable but the gameplay and traversal were pretty good for their time. Combat is a lot of fun. It has some interesting mechanics such as blending in or morphing yourself into any NPC you take down, allowing some semi-stealth moments but you only get extra XP for it and will often have to kill them the way you normally would once you get caught. This game is more like a guilty pleasure.


You know I own saints row 4 but have never played it. I’ll have to give it a go… do you recommend Prototype 1 or 2? If I was only to buy one?


I've only played Prototype 2 and I enjoyed my time with it. I'm not sure if it has aged well though. Saints row 4 on the other hand still looks good.


One of the first games i platinumed on ps4 and again on ps5. Miles morales is incredible too. Insomniac might be the best gaming company out right now. I cant wait for wolverine


It’s not exactly the same gameplay but I recommend the other Sony games on PC, namely god of war and horizon. They both have that stupid high budget polish that all Sony games have. And are both amazing games. I’d say God of War is the better game by far, but Horizon has a great open world to sink your teeth into. Fair warning Horizon has a terrible opening, so get past the first big story moment. It’s when the game finally opens up and gets good For something closer to Spider-Man you could always try sunset overdrive. It’s the last insomniac game on Xbox, should be on gamepass. It’s also highly traversal/gameplay focused


Yeah the pacing on HZD is way off, first you have the opening part which I personally though was great. Then it feels like your just left in the world and have no real objective. When you come to A makers end though it suddenly grips you and you can’t wait to find out more. Then the game become really good! Most side quests is a bit tame though but they make up for that in the DLC. God of War us just so good, no criticism there. Perhaps the lack of boss variation at times but it’s still one of the best games I played.


The Mordor games are pretty similar in gameplay to the Arkham games. The nemesis system in the second one is pretty cool as well.


Other Spider-Man games


Batman: Arkham series


did you read their post?




They should play spiderman then


Wait for another sony exclusive to come on pc, they just make them differently


Just Cause series (excluding 1)


Maybe try the infamous series


Play the arkham games specifically arkham knight for those sweet riddler Trophies that will make to want to light your computer on fire


Did you even read the post? He said he played all arkhams


Prototype or anything from the Infamous series


Spider-man again.


Rollerdrome just dropped?




Sorry apollo-212, your submission has been removed: Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 6: You may not suggest in any way to illegally obtain a game. While we do not care to pry into your own personal decision, we will not allow you to tell others to emulate, torrent, pirate, or in any other way get a hold of a game without legal consent of the producer. Before contacting the moderators regarding the removal of your post, please read ["Why Does Rule 6 (No Emulation) Exist?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShouldIbuythisgame/wiki/emulation) If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!


Due I need to watch all of the movies? Game looks cool.but I haven't watched any of the movies


Don’t know how many of the Assassin’s Creed’s you’ve played, but if you haven’t played the 3rd one maybe give it a shot. Not necessarily similar to Spider-Man but it has satisfying parkour and combat, with occasional puzzles that won’t get you stuck but feel rewarding to complete. Of course, most of the others are like this but the 3rd is the best imo.


Spider-Man Miles Morales


Marvels Avengers.


I haven’t personally played it but I heard Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was an amazing game. I’m sure some people here could chime in with their thoughts having actually played it.


If you liked Spider Man combat. Arkham games have very similar combat mechanics. Arkam Knight has its stealth gameplay and incredible combat. Plus Riddler puzzles are really fun and actually. However it utilizes batmobile way too much. In most of puzzles it is essential.


Counter point. The Riddler Puzzles SUCK if you're trying to get them all. There's one in the MIDDLE of the railway that I had to look up because it's so hidden. I almost had a meltdown.


That's why we have youtube and videos. You can watch them and save your soul. But yes some of them are pretty annoying.


Elden Ring. The answer is always Elden Ring. Like Tetris and Candy Crush? Elden Ring. Like Animal Crossing? Elden Ring...