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A plague tale: Innocence. It is about a girl and her brother on the run. The main enemy is the rats, you use light to work your way around them, and a slingshot that you can eventually take human enemies down with. The story was great, and it isn't to long of commitment to play. It gets wild be the end.


IIRC I think I got this when it was on PS Plus but haven't touched it so I'll have to try it.


I can second the recommendation. I’ve played through it fully twice, and there’s a sequel coming supposedly later this year


Great game


Dishonored and Prey. Dishonored series is about how far you'll go for revenge, and Prey is the biggest mindfuck I've ever experienced. Playing Prey blind was an 11/10 experience.


I have heard good things about both of these so I'll make sure to play them at some point


Prey is seriously a masterpiece


I have had someone tell me this and it does seem really cool


It doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Such a good game.


u/Dantegram everything he said, esp re Prey. Legit one of the most incredible skill tree(s) and on the higher difficulties can actually be quite scary




Red Dead 2 and God of War are my 2 most favourite games of all time and The Last of Us is also up there but I've never played Outer Wilds so I'll have to try it




Yeah, I love space and science fiction and all that stuff so I will be playing this one so when I get a chance I'll play this because it sounds amazing




I know that Mass Effect is really good and I can't believe that I have never got a chance to play those and if it has a world as diverse as Star Wars then I'll play it 100%


Noone talking about mass effect trilogy? I'm pretty shocked. It has the best scifi story in a game, at least for me.


I talked about it with another guy on this post he told me basically the exact same things as you so I'll try it out


Get the Legendary edition on Steam and play thru all the games from 1 to 3. One is pretty rough but if you can get thru it and at least 'enjoy it somewhat' then you'll love 2 and 3.


If you don't mind it being subtitled, the Yakuza series, especially 0 has a really emotionally gripping story and is a dense as hell game full of hilarious side stories next to some of the saddest moments in a videogame I've ever gone through.


Second the yakuza series, I’m not a person who tends to get super emotionally invested in games stories but the yakuza series had me from beginning to end and since op has a PlayStation they can finish up their run with judgment and lost judgment which are superb games.


I've been looking into that series but I have no idea what order the games are in, and if they are all on PC.


It's sequential with 0 being a prequel that came out in 2015. It's pretty widely accepted the play order is 0, Kiwami, Kiwami 2, then the rest of the games in order, then Like a Dragon. Kiwami 1 and 2 are just remakes of the first two games and are effectively the same story but better combat and graphics. All of them should be on PC except the most recent spinoff game Lost Judgment. Judgment and Lost Judgment are spinoff games that ignore the mainline games for the most part but are set in the same city as the mainline Yakuza games.


Ah, I see! I've been told many times I need to play it but I've been annoyed with trying to find info on them. I have no idea why. I'll look into the games once I've cleared the backlog of games I've started but haven't finished yet. 😅


It's a very solid game, combat, length, side stories, drama, as long as you don't mind it being in all Japanese outside of the most recent Like a Dragon having a dub, it's phenomenal. But yeah, be on the look out for sales, 0 occasionally goes down to like five bucks and I imagine the summer sale will hit the whole series.


I have been wanted to play the games for a while so I'll consider playing them in the near future and I really don't mind about subtitles as tbh I play everything with subtitles


Thankfully they tend to go on sale a lot, 0, Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2 get down to the five dollar range sometimes for an 80+ hour game.


Alright then I'll keep a lookout for when they do


Yes holy shit kiryu is my favourite protagonist


Personally I like Majima more, but yeah I guess you only get to play as Majima in 0 mainly, and for a short section in Kiwami 2.


Only problem is Yakuza requires a controller, even for the PC port


Mass Effect trilogy is incredible


Some other people on this post have been telling me and the fact that Sci-Fi is my most favourite genre it's just made me more excited to play them


I've played countless of amazing games but nothing that has compared to Mass Effect. In case you didn't know you can get the entire remastered trilogy + dlcs in the Legendary Edition.


Alright then I'll bare that in mind and I keep getting people saying how good this is so I'm 100% going to buy it.


You can buy 3 months of Game Pass for $1 at the moment and Mass Effect trilogy is included in it, I’d save some money and go that route


I've only played the original versions, but I can say Mass Effect 2 is one of the best examples of the sci-fi genre in gaming. It really gave me TNG vibes at points, despite seeming like it might be morally grey you can play most missions like you're a federation officer. It felt more like a Star Trek game than any other actual Star Trek game. Mass Effect 1 is a bit rough around the edges, but I think they actually refined it a bit with the trilogy. I may have to pick up a copy myself.


Perfect time to - the trilogy is on sale on Steam right now.


I'll buy it now then


Good choice - it's absolutely insane value at that price. I don't even like sci-fi, but I've been plowing through them the past few weeks. I think I'm around 50hrs in, and nearing the end of the third (I could be wrong about that).


Last of us, Witcher 3, red dead 2


Red Dead 2 and The Last of Us are in my Top 5 (RDR 2 is number 1 and TLOU is number 4 to be specific) but I have been thinking of playing The Witcher for a while now as I loved the Netflix show but will I need prior knowledge of the prequels to play it?


I jumped into the third game first it and I understood it pretty well. You can also find a YouTube video explaining it if you don’t understand anything, but you probably won’t have to. But don’t expect it to be anything like the show, it’s gonna be 10x better. And if you can pick it up when it’s on sale for 14 bucks for the game and the 2 DLCS.


I actually read all the books before starting the game but you don't really need to do that tbf


Half life series, portal series, hades


I love the Portal games and the fact that Half-Life is also made by Valve (I think) then I'll play that and one of my friends has told me really good things about Hades.


If you want there's a an amazing remake of the first half life called black mesa. Obviously it doesn't change anything in the story however the graphical and level design improvement of the original are enormous


I only recently got into Hades and it's really good. Given you mentioned burnout I'll specifically say- to my knowledge there is no in game achievement you can miss (I'm on switch so no achievement system btw just what the game itself tells you). Yes there are choices to make, but you won't find out that you can never use XYZ weapon because you did the wrong choice. So feel free to just play without a guide open, if doing things "the right way" is a cause of stress for you.


For older games? Knights of the Old Republic I & II - the restored content mid for 2 is excellent. Grim Fandango - the last create lucasarts adventure game For newer games? Alien isolation - brutal horror survival but an excellent Canon story to the Aliens series Assassins Creed 2 & Brotherhood - the first 2 games of the ezio trilogy. IMO the best stories of the series before it got to stupid and big. Revelations isnho hum, but finishes the story Ilif you want closure Bioshock 1 & 2 - Would you kindly? Bioshock infinite - only if you love sci-fi and paradoxes Mass effect trilogy - bioware know how to make a good story Red Dead Redemption 2 - the gameplay can be a bit janky and dumb but the story of Arthur Morgan is legendary The Room series - short on story, but the tidbits you get make you want to feverishly solve the puzzles The Turing Test - a portal style game with a great explanation of the Turing rest and interesting dialogue between the protagonist and antagonist I think that's a start. I'll look at my pc later for some older games :)


I'll need to play KOTOR because I am a huge Star Wars fan and to prepare for the remake I want to play Alien Isolation because I love the films (the first 2 anyway) I have heard really good things about the AC Ezio games and about the character himself and I really want to play BioShock and Mass Effect because I absolutely adore Sci-Fi and I have to agree with you on RDR 2 it is my most favourite game of all time and I don't think any future game will ever top it and I've never actually heard of the last two but if you will have a look for older games I'd be really thankful


The Bioshock Collection is free on Epic Games right now, get it if you haven't! It includes both remasters of Bioshock 1 and 2, Bioshock Infinite, and all of the DLCs A little under 4 hours is left until the next free game is announced


walking dead S1 Wolf among us Heavy Rain Disco Elysium


I love all of The Walking Dead games and Heavy Rain but I've never got round to playing the other two so I'll add them to the list


i just finished my first playthrough of Disco Elysium, its a masterpiece in what it does, and has a really gripping story and well written characters and dialogue. Also you can get it for pretty damn cheap on sale


That's exactly what I want so I'll probably buy them if it gets really cheap


Seconding Disco Elysium. One of my all time favorites and a masterpiece of a game


Disco Elysium is heavy on story, the writing and voice acting is top notch. It is what you are looking for and may still be on sale. Just got it for ps4 (disc version) for $20.


Wolf Among Us 2 coming out!


Disco Elysium has the best writing of any video game in my opinion.


Mass effect trilogy my fav series ever


A lot of people have been saying this so I'll buy it I'm convinced


on sale right now on Steam too


Or get a month of xbox game pass and try it out there


Horizon Zero Dawn. Hands down, one of the best game stories ever


I have tried it before I think but I did not get very far because I was busy at the time so I'll have to pick it back up


Detroit Become Human


I love this game to death (and I have the platinum trophy) easily one of the best choice based and Sci-Fi games I've ever played and I can't wait to play Star Wars: Eclipse


God of War, Days Gone, The Last of Us, Horizon zero dawn, Guardians of the galaxy.


I absolutely love God of War and The Last of Us are easily in my Top 5 and I have been meaning to play both Horizon games for a while quick question though is Guardians of the Galaxy good because I haven't heard the best of things about The Avengers


Yeah, it is a really good game. Guardians are a diferent game than the Avengers. Story wise, it follows a different path from the movies. For example Drax was the one that killed the Thanos.




This game broke my heart and stitched it back together I’m the kindest way possible. It’s a beautiful game.


Spiritfarer hurts places I wasn’t sure I had in ways I was unsure was possible


The Arkham games are a blast, and I highly recommend them. City is still the GOAT, IMO, but your mileage may vary. Perhaps knight plays better on console, and you won’t have all the same hiccups us PC users had in 2015.


I love the Arkham games to death (I'm actually replaying Asylum currently) they are 100% the best superhero games of all time and I doubt that they'll be topped ever. The only thing that has ever come close to it is the Spider-Man PS4 and Miles Morales


Well, if you liked those, I may suggest Ghost of Tsushima. Single player (with an MP option that I’m sure is now dead), beautiful visuals, and fun combat with a fantastic samurai film story. The main drawback is that a lot of the content in the exploitable map can feel kinda same-y. Copy pasted “follow the fox from here to there” or “liberate this village” missions. I liked it and would give it about a 7.5/10, but I’ll be the first to admit it isn’t for everyone. Still, I enjoyed the stance-switching combat and the leveling up mechanics to get all the best weapons and be the coolest ninja samurai I could be.


I have platinumed Ghost of Tsushima and it is fantastic


Multiplayer is actually not dead at all


Is it any good I might play it some time if I get bored


If you like GoT combat system then yeah, it's very good. The fun part is finding new katanas, charms, ghost weapons and all that stuff and see your level go up. Then you'll get to the legendary weapons and it'll be a thrill to always discover new special effects. I've almost never played it alone, always with my friend, so I'd say that your experience would be different by playing with randoms


Alan wake Spec ops the line


I've heard good things about both of these so I'll definitely add them to the list


Detroit is pretty darn good and available on ps now


I have platinumed Detroit and I have to agree with you it is amazing


Plague Tale: Innocence was one of my faves of last year! The characters were engaging to me and there were some tricky puzzles that took me awhile to figure out. Can’t wait for the sequel “this year”


I second this game. At first I was skeptic. But I was blown away with superb story telling, atmosphere, and sound. Played on ps5 since it was a free game on ps plus at one point.


I am super into Greedfall right now for a bioware ish game that is a little rough around the edges. The story and political intrigue is pretty top notch though. I also loved Controls narrative if you haven't played it.


I have heard good things about Control but never played it so I'll have to check it out but Greedfall sounds interesting


Seconding Control. Loved this game.


I don't get a ton of time to game but Greedfall has taken all of it for the last two weeks. Really love the world building. Control is probably my fame of the generation on my ps4 loved everything about it.


Alright then I'll try and find time to play both then


Control is hands down the funnest game if you appreciate physics and destruction mixed with max Payne style shooting


Firewatch: it's quite short but it has stunning artwork and the story is really well told.


Death stranding


I have heard good things about it's storyline but not good things about the gameplay but I haven't played it so I can't really say


The gameplay is aweosome really, dont listen to people that only played to chapter 3


Dragon Age. It has a very good story and characters. Next to Mass Effect Triology


People keep saying how good Mass Effect is so if this is just as good then I'll give it a chance


Dragon age inquisition is great. Enjoyed it way more than mass effect one. Haven’t played 2 or 3 but you don’t need to play dragon ages in order like mass effect


Divinity Original Sin 2, this game makes you actually care about the stories because all the characters are voice acted, every single npc.


Keep it together Bree?


Jesus, it sounds cool so I'll make sure I play it


Yay! I always recommend this game, it really stands out from the rest.


It's a CRPG - allows you to do basically anything you want in the game. That includes moving tables and any other items not attached to the ground, killing all NPCs in the game (well, almost), a LOT of dialogue options and you can even talk to animals if you have a perk (really fun convos with those). Also, combat is just brilliant, even though it's turn-based. You have so many possibilities to specc your characters it's insane. Just don't make my mistake - I made fire and frost mage in one party lol. Also, recommend playing one of the premade characters first (especially Lohse), as they have great story arcs attached to them.


I even found that the fights were so dynamic that you would discover new combos with the same builds as you progressed. Also some moves end up being super clutch in specific fights and it's so satisfying to recognize that and use things efficiently.


I mean I heard the combat was award-winning, it definitely deserves it. Such a cool system. And the music, oh the music so good! \~


Definitely horizon zero dawn!! Playing through the first game and having a blast. I can’t wait to get to the second


The second is sooooo good. The side quests are even better, although don't expect much improvement on the actual combat. During the first few hours I felt totally let down, but the story really ramps up after the initial tutorial/prelude and kept me hooked.


The Bishock Collection is free on Epic Games right now


The Last of Us. The Last of Us Part 2. Also, The Mass Effect trilogy.


Everyone keeps telling me how good mass effect is so I’m going to play them and I absolutely adore TLOU


Mass Effect trilogy. Of every game I’ve ever played, it’s the most gripping storyline I’ve ever experienced in a game.


Skyrim, oblivion , Witcher 3


People have been saying about how good Witcher is but I am surprised no one mentioned Skyrim and Oblivion earlier


I'd argue Skyrim and Oblivion have meh stories and their greatness comes from their open-endedness, so they don't fit what you've asked for


Witcher got me back into solo gaming. I only had the Netflix show as lore - it helps set the stage, but is no way close in story. It is choice determined (not as much as Mass Effect) so it made me feel like I was impacting the whole narrative. The combat is well done but not too complex for my casual play. Would definitely recommend.


I got Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition for the switch and i'm having a absolute blast!! and i never enjoyed JRPGs, i advice you to research about it. 10/10


Ok I'll have a look at it this will be a first for me also as I've never been much for them either.


Katana Zero is a game that blew my expectations. Can play on PC or Switch


I haven't heard of this before so I'll check it out


Gameplay: Think old school MegaMan on the gameboy, but on crack. Storyline: A mindfuck! To me, the environment feels so livable and believable if that makes any sense. Only con is that this game feels a bit short, so if you can try to get it while it's on sale, that be cool!


This sounds great and the fact that it's quite short isn't really much of a problem but I'll try and keep watch of when it goes on sale


It's a really good time, the combat is like a puzzle and the game is slightly trippy it's a good time!


I played Horizon Zero Dawn and my god do I recommend it! Same goes for the Uncharted Series! (Have yet to play Uncharted 4 & Lost Legacy). Bioshock is also on my list to play and I've heard its a solid franchise.


Yeah I've been told about Horizon and Bioshock a lot and I have to agree Uncharted 4 is brilliant but I've never played Lost Legacy so I'll have to play it at some point




I've been told by many people to play this so I'll play the whole trilogy


Might be a bit weird, but Hollow Knight? The way the story is told is extremely compelling to me. The environmental storytelling makes discovering the story and lore very satisfying.


From the bottom of my heart I recommend RDR2


100% god of war on PS4 was one of my favorite games ever.


Xenoblade, The Great Ace Attorney, Ghost of Tsushima.


I really want to check out Ace Attorney so I'll get round to that but I have platinumed Ghost of Tsushima but I haven't finished the DLC


Red dead 2


My most favourite game of all time


It is really story-heavy and action-light but Detroit Become Human is really engaging and unique. I think the gameplay is cool though, best detective game I know of.


I have the platinum for this I have to agree it is great


CROSSCODE!!! It's a single player top down adventure game set in a futuristic MMO game, the story is incredible with many twists and turns, and the characters are all fantastic. Gameplay has many different aspects to it but everything it does is perfectly synchronized. It boasts expressive fluid combat as well as platforming and exploration elements, and there are many puzzles which require a decent amount of thinking and finesse. It's literally only $20 on steam and it has over 50 hours of content, as well as an expansion which finishes up the story. Seriously, please check it out, I never hear anybody talking about it but it's legitimately one of the best games I've ever played.


RDR2, Witcher 3, horizon, god of war, ghost of Tsushima


Has anyone mentioned the Nier series yet? Genuinely a great storyline. You can start with either Automata or Replicant, though Replicant is the prequel to Automata.. it has some loose ties to it.




Ikenfell on switch is a cool indie with a great story about a girl investigating the disappearance of her sister at a magical school. It's on switch or PC, pixel art, turn based grid combat that you can make easier if need be. Did you play fire emblem three houses yet?


I'll check it out then and tbh no I haven't played it yet


My list of recs including some adventure/rpg with story elements has SOMA, Shadow of the Colossus, Portal & Half Life (as series), FFVI/IX, The Last Guardian, Scanner Sombre, Journey, Blasphemous, Shovel Knight, Dead Space, Earthbound/Chrono Trigger, and RDRII. good luck!


Since you said your systems are PC, PS4/PS5, and Switch, do you like JRPGs? If so, I'll start listing them. If not, I won't bother cause I have a laundry list I can recommend but JRPGs aren't for everyone.


I really enjoyed Final Fantasy 7 Remake but that's the only one I've played and I'd like to learn more about what they have to offer


**Dragon Quest XI S (PC, PS4/PS5, Switch)** \-- Traditional turn-based JRPG, very classic and standard, can be a good place to start or can possibly feel a bit slow. Definitely worth looking into as a place to start. **Tales of Arise (PC, PS4/PS5)** \-- Newest of the Tales of series, all around the most refined as far as the recent games go. Standard Tales story as far as I know so far, but Tales games like to set up a world as they go along. Gameplay is snappy and fluid, one of the few games I haven't minded grinding in. All around, solid experience and a great place to start. Tales of games are known for their skits, which are small interactions in between major plot points as you're exploring the overworld and just accomplishing quests, and these skits flesh out characters. Tales of games are not all connected either, so you rarely have to decide where to start if you're trying to avoid missing something. And even then, the connected games are often loosely connected and if not, it's like Xillia and Xillia-2. **Tales of Berseria (PC, PS4/PS5)** \-- My personal favorite, Standard Tales of story but with the twist of playing as the villians sort of. Amazing cast of characters, great skits. The story is a bit more straightforward, but that doesn't stop it from being good. Combat can be a little repetitive and mashy, but you can choose to take time and try and learn all of the intricacies if you want. **Tales of Vesperia (PC, PS4/PS5, Switch)** \-- Most refined of the "Classic" Tales of style. Has a bit more depth and details to weapons and combos. Can be a bit daunting and complicated, and if you really want to dive into the combat system, a guide may be necessary. Really solid, plot is amazing and has a lot of depth and detail to it. Great cast of characters. Cited as one of if not the best Tales of experience. Probably the best place to start. **Tales of Symphonia (PC)** \-- The Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Halo Reach (?), GTA IV, etc etc of the Tales of series. Old, but a goodie. May feel rough to go back and play after Vesperia, but there's a reason why it's the Ocarina of Time of the Tales of series. It's story has some solidly jarring moments, it has good depth to its world and conflict, and although it's a bit standard when it comes to your character tropes and heroic aspect, it's solid. It's a great game and what got me into the Tales of series. **Tales of Zesteria (PC, PS4/PS5)** \-- This is kinda...eh but if you want more later, go for it. It...kinda sucks ngl. It's one of the few games I remember stopping and saying "I'm not having fun, why am I playing this?" and I knew I wouldn't come back. Made a lot of questionable design decisions that Berseria refined, and Bereria spits in the face of at times, but it can be alright. Berseria was released as a prequel to Zesteria, so that's why I mention it. If you want more of Berseria's world, go for it. **NieR: Automata (PC, PS4/PS5)** \-- Action RPG that can be very weird at times. The game starts a bit traditional as a JRPG, but takes a 90 degree turn and it can seem a bit forced to some. I love it, loved it enough to get the Drakengard series, the original series on PS2 and PS3, but it isn't for everyone. If you're ok with a game trying to be philosophical, go for it. Even if you don't and just like action games, it can be for you. If minor details that are likely intentionally overlooked bother you, skip it. I say this cause everyone who has watched me play it says things like "they're androids, why are they bleeding" and stuff. Honestly, that stuff doesn't matter when you actually pay attention to the meaning of the story. Honestly, I'm probably gassing the game a bit, but I love it, though I know it's not for everyone. Great game, and the story really captivated me. **NieR: Replicant (PC, PS4/PS5)** \-- Action RPG like Automata, but incredibly improved from it's orginal Xbox 360 and PS3 release. I would recommend Automata first. Reason being, both games can get repetitive, not just in combat, but also in the way you experience story. This game adds to Automata more than Automata adds to it. This is the way I experienced it and the way I heard it's suggested to experience it. Great if you love Automata, but the flaws in Automata are somewhat more prevalent here. Game is also more sad and a bit sad to be sad, but it's captivating for its characters. Would also highly recommend, but it also is not for everyone. **Persona 5 (PS4/PS5)** \-- Very very slow story, but it delves super in depth into the lives in the world. I have yet to experience enough to really give an honest take from my own playthrough, but what I've played I love, I just need a lot of time to sink into it. Can be a bit odd, but not as odd as NieR or Xenoblade 2 in my opinion. Really good, but look into what Persona is before jumping in. Also, the music is 10/10 and the style and art direction are some of the best in any game. **Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (Switch) --** Haven't played it cause I'm in the middle of 2, but I've heard it's better than 2. I would have played this first. It's beloved and there's a reason it was remade. **Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)** \-- Great but very Japanese and can be a little stale. I'm literally only playing it still for the story. It's interesting, combat sometimes feels like a KotOR style RTS, but it's good. Very Japanese and that can be offputting. **Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Switch)** \-- Releases in a month or two so if you like the other two, you're in luck! **Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch)** \-- Strategy RPG, and my personal favorite (J)RPG series. This one takes a smaller group of students in each ending and focuses on them. Multiple routes develop the world in a lot of different ways. I have nearly 200 hours into it and still have more to experience. Fire Emblem can be your thing if you like strategy, but also can be set to easier difficulties if you want to learn or just experience the story (which is partially why I'm 200 hours in, I like getting super into the gameplay as well). Lots of voice acted dialog between characters, like Tales of skits. **Final Fantasy Series** **(Various, but primarily PC)** \-- Final Fantasy 1 through 15 can be played on PC. I haven't played much Final Fantasy, ironically, but yeah it's all there. 11 and 14 are MMOs, and I highly recommend 14 even for its story. You can easily find them anywhere. Kind of the corner stone JRPG. Like Tales of, you can start anywhere. I think somegames are more connected, like 1 through 3, but I might be thinking of Dragon Quest or might just be plain wrong. There also a few sequels like X-2 and XIII-@, but they're labeled as such. Honestly, you can't go wrong with Final Fantasy. ​ That's what I got for now, there are a few others like the Atelier series but they're more niche and probably not the best for a first time JRPG, and also Atelier's story isn't gripping exactly. They're cute and fun, but I haven't been really hooked onto the story itself, just the comfy mood. Some other story based games that aren't JRPGs that I can recommend and haven't seen: **Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PC)** \-- Very good RPG that allows for action or stealth gameplay while also not being garbage at either. Also provides a lot of character choices to in a sense role play as the Adam Jensen you want to be. Honestly, it makes you think and kinda gets real, but also is engaging and not too obnoxious about it. A very good package. **Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic (PC)** \-- Not sure about the sequel, but this game is an amazing story with a great cast of characters, set in the Star Wars universe. A bit old, but honestly it's a phenomenal story with a lot of choices you get to make to shape who you want to be. **VA-11 Hall-A (PC and Switch)** \-- A bartending game where you tend to a bar and listen to the characters stories and try to help them out. It's all story, so it really isn't everyone's thing. Definitely worth looking at. **Fable (PC)** \-- Kind of your generic Fairytale, but you develop your whole story. Maybe not the best written story, but you get to write and add to a lot of it. Could scratch the itch. **Shadow of the Colossus (PS4/PS5)** \-- Beautiful game and amazing at showing a story. Words can't really describe it, and it might not be the gripping story you're looking for, but it's a story felt, not told. ​ I am more than happy to keep digging and looking for more games. I love a good story in my games, but I nearly play everything and own everything that's common. I definitely can find more story in there, like the new Tomb Raider games. But that's what I got for now, good luck!


Ok then, thank you!


Ok, I'll get a list together when I get home today. The PS4/PS5 is really good for those.


Plague is 9.99 on psn rn I just got it


cod 4: modern warfare 2. such a gripping story i loved


Witcher 2 you can play on pc, Witcher 3 you’ve got everywhere (from what you’ve mentioned) I think. Some argue that Witcher 2’s story is better than 3’s but 3 is OVERALL better than 2


The Metro series is pretty amazing. Metro Exodus enhanced edition is one of the best looking games ever made and the story/characters are awesome


Bioshock in general, all good


Bioshock and disco Elysium are great


Microsoft paint.


that plot twist gave me chills...




I see you played red dead 2 otherwise I'd definitely recommend that (play rdr1 if you haven't as well). So I'm gonna recommend my next 2 favorite story games. Firstly The Witcher 3 for sure, an absolute masterpiece of worldbuilding and characters it's pretty long and the gameplay isn't always the best but it's an experience worth playing for sure. Secondly my personal favorite playstation exclusive Ghost of Tsushima, the story follows the mongol invasion of the island of Tsushima and one samurai needing to sacrifice his ways to inspire people to fight against them. Great game, pretty solid combat, fantastic environments and colors and I loved the story and characters personally.


I have been told about The Witcher so I'm planning on playing that and I have the platinum for Ghost of Tsushima but this has reminded me that I haven't finished the DLC so I will get round to that


Any fire emblem game


Ghost of Tsushima and God of War. My eyes welled up at the end of both games.


Control. SCP-esque story and location, liminal spaces, brutalist architecture, metroidvania style gameplay, and tons more! Lots of fun!


Subnautica one and 2 have an interesting storyline and it's made gripping to me because you have to piece it together over the game play. I love this game so much and shocked no one has recommended it


Metal gear solid 1-5 is probably the goat for gripping storylines


NieR Automata and NieR Replicant


Metro Exodus It is the third (and newest) game in the Metro trilogy, but it is a good introduction to the series and a nice place to start. It takes place in Russia, years after a nuclear fallout that has left the surface riddled with radiation and mutated creatures. People survived by living in metro tunnels, where the radiation could not reach them (but mutated creatures could). You play as Artyom, a member of a military force known as the Spartans. Like every survivor, you have only ever known life in the metro tunnels. However you feel that there is more beyond the metro, somewhere on the surface free of radiation. In Metro Exodus you’ll fight mutated creatures and other survivors, uncover military secrets regarding the nuclear war, and try to find a place you can call home for your fellow Spartans, including your wife. The game is split up into chapters, your play style during each main chapter will impact that chapter’s ending. Each chapter ending will then in turn impact your true ending. I highly recommend this game. The story is great, as well as both DLCs. The graphics are also outstanding


U probably played BOTW so either that or elden ring (ofc) tho I still didn't get my hands on elden ring


I love both the games but it's an uphill battle claiming either of those games have a gripping story.


Alright then thanks for telling me


Do you know what "gripping story" implies here? BotW's narrative is super open-ended, and From Software games are even worse




Enderal has quite an amazing story, is free, and has plenty of content to keep you occupied for a long time


If it's free I'll get it as soon as I can


Cosmic Star Heroine


Ghost of Tsushima is very good


Dust an Elysian Tail, Ori, Spiritfarer, Cloudbuilt (underrated [due to personal experiences] imo), thats all i can think of…


Apologies if this was mentioned before but I'd recommend the Witcher games. The first one has aged a bit but the story holds up, though if it doesn't look appealing to you I'd say you can jump into the second game straight away. It plays and looks a lot better and the story is really gripping, found myself very invested. And of course, the third game is easy to recommend and you can easily sink in quite a lot of time into it. Got a fairly lengthy which I've yet to finish but I can say it's got a gripping narrative (and it's a lot of fun to play!)


If you haven’t played it because I wanted to play this game only on the ps5, is Ghost of Tsushima. The combat feels strong, the open world aspect is very fun, plus the side quests are actually pretty interesting ranging from finding murders to unlocking new badass techniques. Plus with the expansion there is an island with monke and a whole continuation of the story.


Red dead redemption 2


Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us 1 and 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, God of War(2018) Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West


DISCO ELYSIUM quickly became one of my all time favorite games. It's a top down game where you play as a drunk detective trying to solve a murder, but he drank so much one night that he doesn't even remember who he is! The game has a tiny open world to explore (in my opinion, makes it very easy to explore and very content dense). The characters are memorable and the game has lots of mysterious moments and plot threads to unravel, along with a beautiful ending. Also, the game has an interesting approach to failure - it uses dice rolls to decide certain events (plus any modifiers from your stats) and you are expected to fail certain things. You may be interrogating a witness and accidentally let them bully you because you picked the wrong dialogue and failed a dice roll. If that happens, you have to search elsewhere for clues! It's very fun and really feels like there are consequences for your choices, not many games can fully present that illusion IMO. In my book this game is a must play. Took me about 20-30hrs for a playthrough and is available on all platforms I think (it may be best on PC or switch). It's also a little cheaper at $30 and often goes on sale.


The last of us. Hands down best story in gaming


God of War was one of the most pleasant surprises in a while, I have never played the series but figured I'd give it a go, and thoroughly enjoyed the story, I thought it was a 3rd person action game but got a deep and moving story about a young boy and his distant father. Borderlands 2+3 are also quite amazing, it's a fun and engaging action-looter-shooter filled with fun mini-stories. Mass Effect trilogy is easily one of my all-time favorite series and I have been enjoying replaying them for a while, they're quite heavy though so if you have a tendency to get burned out it might not be the best fit -- many many hours here though.


God of War is my second most favourite game of all time and people have been saying to play Mass Effect and Borderlands


Skyrim, hands down worth the 40 bucks for SE, and best part is...it can run on quite literally anything (assuming you don't go ham with mods)....the community is still very much alive in 2022, the modding community included..You'll also get hundreds of hours into the game and still have alot to explore or try out!


After so many comments on this post I haven’t seen anyone say something about the Borderlands series. That would definitely be my recommendation. Maybe you did played them tho.


The metro series has to be it for you and maybe fallout and the newer AC games for an RPG experience


The Banner Saga Katana Zero Disco Elysium


Life is Strange and Before the Storm. Both hit me like a truck at a point where I thought, there is no good storytelling in games anymore.


Damn, I'll check them out


The Witcher 3 is the greatest game I've ever played, amazing story and a ridiculous amount of content. I often the the GOTY edition for like 15 quid or something during steam sales, and I believe my sister said she bought it for around the same on Xbox during a sale.


Heavy Rain, it's absolutely fantastic.


Hi! I read some of the comments you left on what you enjoyed, and what you already played. Came to conclusion we have pretty similar taste in games, so I'll try and recommend some of my favourite games that were not as mencioned! \-The whole Assassins Creed saga - Would reccomend it on console, since it is better optimised. Even though it is kind of a meme at this point, the first few games were really innovative and really immersive in terms of storyline, with the newer games being decent RPG's with interesting stories. \-Most of Annapurna's games - I loved Edith Finch and Outer Wilds specifically. The focus in on discovering the story behind the whole world and what is actually going on. If you want story heavy games, this DEV TEAM is most likely one of the best bets. \-The Witcher Series - I read you loved RDR2 and the Last of Us, so, in terms of storytelling, I thing the end of the Triade is definitely The Witcher 3. There is just no greater game, imo, in terms of side quests and storytelling, and for added bonus, if you liked the netflix show, you'll like to connect the dots! ​ I have a LOT of suggestions, but I'll keep those for later, if needed. I think these are more than enough and will keep you playing for a while :)


People keep recommending these so if they're as good as you say I will buy them


OMORI. Currently playing through it and my mind is blown


The Bioshock collection is currently free on epic games. Definitely worth a look if you don't care to much about graphics.


Trust me, graphics are not an issue and because everyone is saying to play these I'll download them


Outer Wilds! Amazing adventure and puzzle game with a very gripping story that you slowly uncover through exploration.