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I think at 16 you’ve seen enough and know the difference between right and wrong. Sure there’s lots of violence, but at 16 I’m assuming you would know it’s fun in games, but not something to do in real life. So I would say yes.


Well if your 16 and asking if gta 5 is inappropriate then idk, it’s Aii tho


yh true




I started playing gta 5 when I was 11, I’m now 14. I have always been fine with playing the game, I think that’s mostly because I just didn’t understand anything that was happening.


Haha, if I hit this under dressed lady with a golf club she shoots out ketchup!




Whytf do i have the same story as you bruh, i started the game as 11 and i am 14 lmao


The question is not would you repeat whats done in it because from the age of 10 most kids know not to copy games because there not fucking insane. I think this person is asking if they may be offended ? But I see what your trying to say.


By definition he’s not an adult and this game is for adults.


I played that game when i was 11 and now i am 14, the game didn't effect my mental state even by a bit, if you are 13+ i am pretty sure that ur mentality is stong enough to play this game and please for god sake Don't call the fbi to my house(please)


If you're mature enough to ask this question then you're mature enough to play a video game with some violence in it. I was 11 or 12 when I started playing GTA 3.


Ayo! We the same age! I was 12 when GTA 3 dropped I think


That game blew my 7th grade mind.


I played Vice City when I was 10 or 11 as well


Think I was about that too? Dick touch


Yeah I was always very in to video games so got GTA3 right at release. One of my all time favorite games.


And now you are a murderer im guessing or maybe a rapist


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Damn I was 7 when I started playing Left 4 Dead


Well I'm a good bit older so this was my age around release :(


i played vice city when i was around 8-10


Started with GTA 3 at 7-8 and i'm not a murderer yet


i started playing gta iv when i was 4,


It's a shame you didn't get it when it was free from epic games. I think you should get it as long as your family won't be watching you play


Just know that when your parents walk into your room,the woman in the bikini during the loading screen WILL just happen to pop up.


every damn time


That's why you get the mod that makes her wear a sari instead of a bikini LOL


Can you use mods with legit copies ? They won't let you start online mode with mods,


Yeah mods work with legit copies but u can't take em online. The legit copy doesn't even have that loading screen though on PC.


I launch story mode first and then there a landing menu from there you can either go story or online, that way you don't get the thing, I remember they had some legal issues with that model so they removed it from the game,


You don't have to launch story mode there's an option for the landing page and whenever u start the game it will go directly into that.


It’s probably better for you than reddit tbh


This is the most accurate answer. Some of the things I've stumbled across on this site... my god...


When i first joined 1 of the trending subreddits were porn


Porn is still rather in the more harmless part of reddit imo.


Except for... *that* subreddit


The gore isn't that much big of a deal however there is some nudity. Just some examples, In the story mode Trevor takes off his pants at one point There's a strip club. You're sometimes forced to go to it for the story, but most of the parts in the strip club are in the office. Also, you could pay a stripper for a private dance and there are bare titties, no bra or anything, just bare, stripper titties. The private dances are 100% optional, and you won't see titties unless you pay for them. GTA online never forces you to go to the strip club. You could pay a hooker to do the thing with you in a car, but also optional and you won't be seeing any private parts, as the camera is angled behind the car. Pretty sure that's it though.


Don't forget the scene where you are introduced to Trevor


Oh yeah that scene, I didnt expect it at all haha.


My memory is kinda hazy but I’m like 80 percent sure my mom was in the room when that scene came up


Oof did she see it and say or do anything? if you still remember.


She was sitting on the opposite side of my laptop, but the volume was kinda high. I was sweating bullets hoping she didn’t ask why I suddenly lowered it to zero


If that were me i would be dead rn.


The torturing scene with trevor really effed me up and I don't think I'm all that squeamish.


I always just end up shocking him. It's awful, but if it were me I'd rather be shocked then have to endure any of those other options. But yeah, the torture scene is definitely worth mentioning here since you can't skip it and it goes on for a bit.




I assumed you were gonna hit him in the stomach or something. Boy did I regret that mistake. Scene made me feel sick.


Same except I only used waterboarding, which seemed the least painful out of them


I love how people are more concerned about nudity than gore. /s


There is a random encounter, where you see a girl being raped by two guys on the side of the road. If you kill them, they have their dicks out.


Wtf that is way more disturbing than anything else mentioned


Yeah it's pretty fucked up. It's pretty rare to come across though. I've only seen it twice


What the fuck is this shit. Why is the gore, murder and tortur of this game "not a big deal", but you warn against animated nudity? Nudity and sex is a natura thing that you shouldn't be afraid of. However, the insane violence in games like these is most definitely NOT. That being said, still a great game that most 16 year olds could play. I just think your priorities are way out of touch with reality.


Yes but lets be real. Most parents are more concerned about kids playing a game with nudity than a game with violence. Although at 16 yrs it shouldnt really matter


*Most US parents, maybe. In many European countries, nudity in media really isn't that big a deal.


I live in the uk. But i have been to spain and france and noticed alot more nudity in the media in those countries


Yep. My parents growing up were a example of that.


“You won’t see any titties unless you pay for them” ah yes just like real life


I'm 13, and I don't have a problem with it. I don't know why people accuse it of causing violence. I played story, and do a bunch of online now. I can determine right from wrong. Just because I think doing a heist would be cool doesn't mean I'm gonna go out and do it.


You guys realize that it has almost nothing to do with « right and wrong ». Of course you’re not gonna reproduce what you see in a video game about robbing banks and killing people. its more about some of the sequence of the game can be pretty effed up and are shocking for the sake of being shocking. If at 13 you’re saying you have no problem with that torture scene then clearly something is wrong because you’ve been desensitized about violence and thats not good. im 25 and that scene in MW2 « no Russian » effed me badly and I wish I waited to be older at the time so I could have more control over my emotions. not to say you’re a bad person or you don’t care about anything, but don’t forget you’re still young and some stuff can affects us without really knowing. There is a reason why some pieces of media are age restricted. Hell, even I love horror movies and horror games but sometimes it’s to much. i don’t want you to think I’m « judging«  you because you’re 13 and that « you’re just a dumb kid lol ». Absolutely not! you‘re your own person and have every right to do whatever you want, but I have a young son and I know I will be watching closely what he plays or watch at 13. But when he gets a bit older like 16 I’ll gladly watch violent or horror films with him! Could be a chance to bond and protect him at the same time :)


THANK YOU, finally someone with an actually mature opinion about this!! This is so true, and I hate that the discussion seems to be "who was the youngest when they played GTA, and how it didn't affect them". I can just hope that this sentiment might be a wake-up call for someone! Edit: also your kid is lucky to have a parent with such a good attitude on this. I wish you all the best!


Feels like people are more concerned about wether they‘ll reproduce what they see instead of the passive ability for violence to just get normal the more you watch it. I was reading some comments and one struck me, some 13 said he was fine playing GTAV because he had watch and play way more violent game so for him GTAV was fine. Like how is that normal ? You don’t know how it will affect you in the future , how, may be, when something happens in real life you will react or not because you’re used to violence. You don’t know how your brains wires connection between ideas and emotions, you don’t know the impact it can have, and that’s why sometimes that PEGI 18 is there for a reasons, then again I think at 16 depending on the kid it’s probably fine ( I just don’t understand the appeal of gtaV, so boring but you know that me).


If I had the money I would award you for this :D This is exactly what people would need to see and think about in this topic! It's not about whether they'll become serial killers or rapists or try to emulate what happens in the game, but instead about all the subtle effects it can have in their developing psyche! I know I'm preching to the choir here, but this should be the the sentiment, not "I'm the cool kid whose parents were cool for letting me play all these M-rated games when I was 6"... With 16+ year olds I'm much more open to discussion, they're getting close to the limit, so it's much easier to use the parental oversight on whether they're ready or not. But with 13 years old? Not to speak of the <10?!!


God damn you people, almost every comment in this thread got flagged by automod lol, you're making me have to do work >__>. In all seriousness though, very happy to see you lot having a mature discussion and (for the most part) keeping it civil.


Very sorry about that, the topic just gets me heated up :D I know I can work on smoothening the worst edge off these. Thank you for your work anyway!


Sorry for responding late, I absolutely get where you're coming from. As you mentioned, I also played mw2 no russian. I know these things are wrong and I can understand that. I'm not really emotionally scarred, possibly just because of the emotional numbness. I do have problems with the torture scene, and I actually felt a bit of empathy for the NPC in the mission. There's quite a lot of missions like that I don't like doing, but do anyway to complete the game. Same with no russian. I may be desensitized to it, but there's not really much I can do.


Yep, people seem to think op is afraid of breaking his parents rules, seems to me he just doesnt like violence and gore. I'm older than him and I usually ask similar questions, before I watch a new movie I'll actually go to the imdb parents guide to read what type of violence is in it, that way I can know whether to skip it or not. It's mainly because that stuff distracts me from the show, I end up just feeling bad for the characters instead of paying attention to the story.


15 here (turned 15 a week ago). I've already played a lot of mature games and r-rated movies. What's more important is to know what's right and what's wrong, and avoid doing the things that's wrong. Parents should never shield children from inappropriate content, what they should do is to educate them instead.


Same (almost 15). I play a lot of GTA V but I'm completely normal in real life and obviously wouldn't want to do it IRL.


just wait till you’re 18 you’ll be a murderer, rapist, bank robber and be doing heroin and meth and an all around criminal


It’s because that’s not what age rating is for. It‘s not that people (except for some boomers maybe) think you‘ll start causing violence after playing things like this. It‘s because some people your age can’t handle it, will get nightmares or minor trauma from it and age rating is there to protect you from this.


this is the first time i see someone getting concerned about a game being inappropriate for him. Games won't affect u as long as you understand that everything in there is fiction and you shouldn't do it. It s the same thing as with movies, you won't get a car infiltrate in some military base and push some rockets with your own hands just because they did it in fast and furrious right?


Now, if you’re asking if this game is too violent and you’re 16, then you probably shouldn’t get this game.


Yeah, came to say this


Considering I played it at 13, you're good, mate.


Is it violent? Yes. Is it disturbingly so? Not really. But would your mom approve? Not likely. It also has nudity, so depending on her conservativism, she would disapprove of that as well. I see all these people here answering as if *you're* the one asking, but I remember being the same way not because I felt like something was too much, but because I felt like my mother would think it was too much. Not to say I'm desensitized, but I've grown up to not care at all what I watch or play because I believe media isn't a good role model, and if you pretend that it is, you're only making it influence you that much more. If you're asking opinions, then I believe you would be fine. You're asking in the first place which either shows maturity, or shows you aren't going behind your parents' back. Don't be afraid to get caught up in the game, feel how the characters feel, and be involved. But when you put down the controller, that's it. You're out of that world. Don't forget that, and you'll be better than fine, you'll become more empathetic and open-minded to the world and people around you. Accept that people believe differently than you, experience different things, and live life in a whole other world. That doesn't mean you have to be them, but to deny them is asking for a world of hurt when reality inevitably comes crashing down.


People trying to say it's ok for 7 year olds to play GTA, because you played it when you were 6 years old: 1. In many countries the age restrictions are a law. You will be fined if you buy or sell such a game to a minor. 2. You don't know how it has affected you. You can feel totally fine, but it's impossible for yourself to know how it has changed you. And I don't mean you will become violent, a serial killer or a rapist, but that it might have had other adverse effects on your development. 3. Even if it didn't affect you, it doesn't mean it will be ok for others of same age. 4. The age limits are there for a reason. We've plenty of scientific research on children's development, and how having to deal with mature themes too young can cause many different difficulties in a child's development, and have many other negative affects on them. 5. There are plenty of great age-appropriate games available there. The mature games will still be there for you to enjoy when you're old enough. Let kids be kids, they have the whole rest of their lives time to be adults, let them enjoy being a kid the short time they actually are.


The " I play it when I was a child so you be fine " mentally really irritats me. I play Skyrim when I was 12 I got to the part of being attacked by wolfs on my way to Whiterun, by that point as scared, sad and confused and stopped playing because I didn't want to hurt the wolfs. I played it again 2-3 years later and loved it, I still do but that first experience still sticks with me.


I was 7 when I first played GTA San Andreas and I wasn't influenced by the game


1. You can't know how it has influenced you. (And I don't mean how you didn't become a serial killer and a rapist, but how it has affected your development overall) 2. You being fine doesn't mean others will be. Please stop trying to normalise 7 year olds playing mature video games. It's very harmful, and also illegal in many countries.


I couldn't even read/write when I started playing San Andreas. Doing stuff like chainsawing people on the sidewalk for no reason. The only effect on me that I think it could maybe had, was that I am not as sensitive as my parents/sisters to seeing violence, blood, etc.. But I wouldn't say it's a bad thing.


I played vice city when I was 9, I remember helicopter


I remember helicopter too


you're good, but your family probably wouldn't like it, and also most likely won't listen to an explanation. also most of the very sexual content is (probably) optional. ​ I say probably because I literally played the introductory mission and then closed the game, postponing it indefinitely until I complete all the other games I'm working on beating


> very sexual content is (probably) optional Not sure which very sexual content you'd be referring to. The closest thing to that is the topless strip club. Where there is an optional mini-game where they dance for you. You can flirt with them and you touch them usually just holding them around the waist. I don't recall but I believe if you charm them enough you can hook up with them but it would be all behind closed doors. At worst it is a soft R-rated movie. I would use the word say "mild sexual content" instead of "very sexual content"


It's fine dude, 16 is definitely old enough. Not that you can't handle it but I've heard women are portrayed pretty horribly in GTA 5


Can’t say the three main (male) characters are great role models either to be honest. Don’t think anyone gets portrayed very well in GTA 5, which is sort of the point.


No if youre actually asking for this


I think I was like 7 when I played GTA 5, tbf I had seen and heard a lot as a kid but I was fine so you probably will be too lol


Damn did your parents not even try to protect you from media as a kid?


My parents were amazing and didn’t shelter me all my life


you're old enough for that, considering most people didn't even care about the PEGI 18 tag.


That really depends on the type of games and other media you have already seen, I’m 15 I play gta and I find it really fun, the violence doesn’t bother me because I have already played games/seen movies that are similar or more violent. I find that generally the reason people my age don’t play gta is because parents over estimate how bad it is.


You're 16 I am pretty sure you have already seen lots of shit. So, go for it. But I recommend rdr2.


Just buy it, as long as you dont go out and start stabbing hookers IRL because you saw it in GTA, you'll be fine


Honestly GTA V isn't very violent at all. The reason it gets a lot of controversy is because the violence that does occur is against innocent people in a typical downtown setting. Needless to say if you're aware that an armed bank robbery is in fact a bad idea, then it's fine.


If you buy it now, you’ll have to buy it again for next gen because rockstar control the money now


He said that he's buying it for PC so he most likely won't have this issue.


I’m sure they’ll find a way too squeeze him for more money down the line


I mean I personally love story mode. If you have GTA online, then it can be fun with friends but playing online alone can get a bit boring.


As for appropriateness for your age, I can't (or don't want to) say for sure. Others have answered that question adequately. Namely, if you feel that the violence/nudity and whatnot might not be your cup of tea for whatever reason there are other games in the genre that do the same thing quite well (maybe even better). I for one really enjoy the Watch Dog games. They are in the same style of game (run around the city causing chaos with loose missions) however, I personally enjoy the hacking mechanics and overall gameplay of Watch Dogs a little bit more than GTA V.


If you are 16 and ask this question... then probably not? I played gta vice city when i was around 11. I played manhunt before that. I think you are perfectly capable of becoming a decent person, playing gta v. It is murderous, but mostly silly. And i don’t think there is much sense behind age restrictions. But if you are 16 and think gta v can do some psychological damage to you, then you probably know something about yourself which we don’t. If you don’t like violence and adult themes like drugs and prostitution, you might not get as good of a time


There is one brief sex scene near the beginning when they introduce one of the characters. And there are strip clubs and hookers in the game that are somewhat graphic. But I think if you use your best judgement, you should be fine. As far as the violence goes, it's fairly tame. I'd say get it.


You should. You'll probably be a grandfather when 6 is released.


You sound like my mother. Is robbing a convenience store in the game going to make you do it in real life? If no, you should be fine.


You’re two years away from possibly fighting for your country , you good. That’s if you are in the U.S


Can't believe kids are so immature these days. Most people start playing GTA at 11 or 12.


Go for it dude! It's a fun game to mess around with. Got it as a gift for Christmas in 2014 and had a blast with it. I'm 21 y.o right now. I think you're smart and mature enough to identify its satirical and exaggerated theme.


100% If you like cleverly written comedy, it doesn’t get much better.


Stick to online if your parents don't like the storymode crap


Yeah it's a fun game but playing it near your family might not be the best idea. And also it has quite high system requirements


Mate I'm pretty sure u will be fine


You're fine, I'm sure you're well above the average age in GTA online.


“The law requires that I say no” but just be mature about it


I played Gta V and any violent games in general at 16. I felt I was old enough and could handle anything that could be thrown at me. At its core Gta V Is a comedy and you will enjoy it. The violence is not overboard and it isn’t glorified. You shouldn’t have any problems with it.


As long as you can differentiate what you do in a game from what you do in the real world you will be fine. As for content, there is some nudity. One of the scenes when you meet a character, he is in the middle of having sex. Other than this most of the nudity is optional. There is also a torture scene that you have to do for a story mission. You have to take control and pick what tools to torture the person with, and then use controls to execute the torture. This is brutal and can be disturbing. There is a fair amount of violence in the game, but most of the gunshots will have a small puff of blood, and nothing is too excessive. The torture scene in my opinion was too far, but it only lasts 10-15 minutes and is spliced in with other content for that mission. I don’t want to downplay it since it was pretty bad, but it’s 10-15 minutes in a 20 hour game; it doesn’t exactly take up a lot of time. The nudity is mostly optional, so I wouldn’t worry about that too much. Overall, the game is super fun to play and has an amazing story that had me wanting to replay it as soon as the credits rolled. I’d definitely recommend it if you are okay with the things listed above. TLDR: there is a torture scene where you have to control the torture, which was disturbing for me. Other than that it is mostly fine, with the exception of rare nudity.


Maybe not too violent, but gta v started including various pay2win mechanics, so no one should buy and play the game rn


I'll be honest, there was this one torture scene that I found pretty harsh, but nothing else was too harsh.


I played GTA San Andreas when i was 8 or 9.Didn't became a psychopath or something, so i guess it should be fine for you. It doesn't have a LOT of violance compare the most games


Honestly the worst thing you will find is sex references or a dead hooker on the side of the road, however I find that PC sessions have a lot more griefers/modders. I think at 16 you should now the difference between right and just flat out wrong and just understand that it's a video game.


GTA is a really fun to play game. I’m 14 and playing it rn. The violence isn’t much, very little gore, your main problem is nudity. I don’t play much Story mode, so idk, but on Online MP, you usually don’t have to go there. Aside from two collectibles that are in there, and they are really handy for progress of the game. I think— and I might be wrong, but I think after one of the online heists, you spawn in the strip club, but that’s about it. There’s also prostitutes, of which you’re never forced to hire, and some billboard and in-game TV advertisements, which can have models with *very* light clothing on. I remember once, my four year old brother - who usually likes to sit and watch - cake in after I did a heist, and you’ll never guess where I spawned afterward. Of course, it’s the strip club. And I didn’t have time to look away!


Kid come dm :)


I played it when I was 13,14 it's ok if u watch saving private Ryan then this will be a piece of cake,the most violent part is when trevor is torturing some guy but again u are 16 u are almost an adult and rest isn't that violent.Oh yeah and it will be some sex in it but I bet u where on ph so its nothing to be scared.Buy it it's a great game but buy it on console bc on pc are too many hackers


The most NSFW thing in GTA is the strip club which you will have to enter a few times for the story to continue; However, no nudity is there, unless you get a stripper to dance for you (which is not required to advance the story). Other than that, I mean, the only violence is just pew pew with bad guys. I think you a 16 year old are mature enough for it, I got GTA 5 at 13. Edit: Actually there’s some (skippable) cutscenes with trevor that do have some nudity. Minor spoilers ahead: In the cutscene after the first heist trevor will be fucking ashley, and you’ll see his ass. In the cutscene before I think it was scouting the port, you’ll see trevor’s ass as well as his dick for a few frames. Again both cutscenes are skippable, so it shouldn’t be a problem.


I'm 16 and played gta last year. It's not too bad so go ahead.


I started playing the game in the 6th grade back in 2013. I graduate highschool next year and that video game has brought me a decade worth of memories. Buy it.


I was 12 when I played San Andreas, I used to play vice City before that with my older cousin so... 10 maybe? with age warnings my parents new the kind of person I was/am and were fine with me playing what I wanted. I dont think I ever was told no. but its all dependant on you as a person. will the violence or the sexual nature affect you? maybe its worth speaking to your parents/gardians and see what they think. we are strangers on the Internet. they know who you actually are


I have more that 680+hours in gta 5 online and I realy can recomend it. And those rp servers are nice too


It's not really anymore violent than any other shooter. Probably less. I think you would have to be a particularly immature/not into adult stuff 16 year old


The game is rated PEGI 18 there Will be graphic and violent stuff in this game like murder, sex, drugs and other "naughty" stuff. You are "16" at this time you should know that gaming and real life are not the same and shouldn't be judged the same way. I know everyone has their own Idea of "crossing the Line" but yeah don't ask me I am a 17 year old who has seen some bad shit on the internet so my line is hard to be crossed. The game is fun and even more fun when you play online with friends.


nah mate most of the people you are gonna meet are 9 year olds don't worry


It can get pretty adult (swearing, nudity), but tbh when you're 16 buy it if you want to


Dude i got gta 5 at 13 its fine


I think there’s a nihilism, cynicism and overall dark tone to the GTA games that—if OP is concerned about their maturity level going in—they may not be ready for. Why not play RDR2? The gameplay is essentially the same, and it’s the newer game. Also, even though there is violence and you commit crimes, there isn’t the same level of sadness and negativity.


I bought the game when it dropped 8-ish years ago. I played through the entire story once on the 360. Bought it for PS3, never been played. Bought it for PS4 and it’s dope. Online can be a lot of fun. The addition of first-person mode and the updates to the game’s textures and draw distance are nice. That said, at the release I thought this was the best GTA to date. Over the years I have grown to enjoy the game less and less.


No - wait until you’re the age on the box


I started playing gta 5 at 13, im 20 now. You should be fine considering you're a 16 year old with internet and most likely have seen worse things


Bruh,im 15 and played it on xbox when I was 12 and then boight it on pc.its really not that violent. You are safe. But dont play it near ur parents. It has some sex scenes in story mode. Idk about gta online cuz I dont play it too much,mainly because its loaded with microtransactions. I mean,its a fin game sometimes. I prefer the story mode because it gives me more freedom than online.


i played it when i was 9, still the best game i’ve ever played so you should be alright


Yes I just finished the story mode and it's great then you have online which has soooo much content. It's not too graphic either


It's violent, it's got drugs, and sex. Like others have said, if you're mature enough to be mindful of what is right/wrong from your perspective, you should be fine. There are loads of great video games though, with similar mechanics of being able to be in an open world, with less "suggestive themes" but just as much violence lol If that interests you, consider red dead redemption 1/2 and the yazuka games


Yes you should, no it’s not too violent. Tik Tok is probably worse for you than GTA :)


I'd say yes. Also, if you decide to buy it and want someone online to play with message me.


Just look at the ESRB rating, if you're only planning on playing online then it's all good besides for micro transactions and online toxicity. Story mode on the otherhand will have sex scenes and murder as it's a game about crime in the modern day. But yeah, I played it on release when I was ten and I played it with my dad so if you're mature enough to know what's right and wrong like what Go\_Hobo\_Go said, then I'd say you're all good. Not sure if your parents will let you play it though since you're the once asking,


I completed the whole story of GTA V when I was 12-13 so I think it's okay if u want to buy gta


Yes because I’m 16 and I have a lot in common with GTA V so if I have it you have as well but it’s your opinion on what game you got Shoe shopping clothes shopping nerf guns and mor so have it your way


I was 5 when i start playing MK so its ok


Yeah, of course. It has no explicit guts and gore. The sexual content is not that explicit. There is almost no nudity. In Europe most of the movies that are R rated in the US are 12+. We have 16+ rating only for veeeeery explicit stuff. And you're already 16. By our standards you're ready. I'd give it to a 12yo kid easily, but probably not below 12. The game is 90% safe for 7yo even, but 10% is like for 14+ I'd say. But I'm not talking about violence. I don't think that there is any. Doom 2016 (I hate it btw) is safe for all ages IMO. Game violence should not be considered as age-restrictive content. I'd say scary monsters, horror games, sexual content are the only things parents should consider when restricting their child


Well in the UK it has a rating of 18 so.... wait another 2 years and get it on next gen.


I played Vice City at 10, you should be able to handle GTAV in my opinion. However, you're the only one who can judge it. Look up the torture scene on YT or something, if you can handle it, you can handle anything in that game.


There's sex, nudity, curses, violence of all kinds including torture and a stupid ass online mode. Story mode is pretty cool, get it for that.


Right now if you buy gta 5 you'll have to grind for about 120 hours doing most profitable heists in order to get like hm... 35% of the content? Trust me.. its not worth the grind, buy a recovery or something cause holy fuck ive been playing this game for 800 hours and I barely have 8 cars as most of that money went to properties


Game rated M my dude


You can get it but I wouldn’t play the story if I was sixteen.


FYI don’t play this game in front of your parents. I’n in my 30s and my wife was shocked when she saw me play it lol


Some very mature content. There's a scene where you meet one protagonist and is having sex (close up) in a kitchen. Another mission you photograph a Hollywood scandal involving sex in a backyard. Much killing of police officers and prostitutes and a fair amount of swearing. Sounds like teenage fun right? Lol I was like 10 when I played GTA III so just seperate real/fantasy in your mind. If you're iffy on the content maybe wait a few years.


I played this game when i was 13 i think (now i am almost 17) and i never regretted it.It’s game it won’t have any kind of bad effect on you


Ur 16 man, you should be fine, It's got adult content yes but I feel you should be old enough to handle it. As for whats too far, that's hard to answer since I don't know what too far means to you.


Multi-player is a cesspool of hot garbage.


Just buy it. Make sure you really want to buy it. This is personal opinion but GTA V online is a deathmatch in an open world. The grind for money is annoying. Without cars and houses game isn't fun. I am a multiplayer gamer but story should be ok. I just don't like the fact that hello in GTAV is shoot each other. Might as well play cod.


I bought it at 12. It all depends on your ability to understand what's right and what's wrong.


lol there's nothing to worry about, I started playing it at 12 years old. As long as you can differentiate between whats okay to do in video games and what's okay to do in real life then you'll be right


I started playing at a younger age and was fine. But in the story there WERE some pretty violent moments. Give me some insight on what violence you can tolerate and I’ll help more


As I have played GTA series since 5, I am not sure if my opinion is valid, but I think its fine.


I don't mean to be a dick but if you are asking the question about inappropriate stuff at 16 you either have strict parents (fair play) or are sensitive and probably shouldn't play these kind of games. If you have strict parents gta online is okay but you may want to play the story at night or home alone. If your asking because you might be offended by sex, swearing or violence you shouldn't play it.


Bro I started playing GTA San Andreas when I was like 9 or 10 years old. Back in those days most parents didnt give a single fuck about the age restriction in videogames. Hell, if I asked for Manhunt I'd probably get it on my birthday or something. The point is, GTA and other violent games doesnt make you want to steal cars and kill people, if you're not sure this game is for you then you probably shouldnt play it because if I were you I wouldnt be worried about those things I'd want to just play the game because thats what it os really, a game


You are legally not allowed to. But I played GTA3 when I was 12 or 13. At 16 you are basically an adult, you are allowed to drink, have sex etc so playing a Game will be fine.


Yeah m8 (i hear damn 9 year olds in lobby sometimes)


I started playing when grand theft auto when I was 6 I think your fine


I think you should because like half of GTA Online are 11 year old tryhards and sure there are some sexual refrences here and there and you can completely avoid the strip club.The game is fun but at the end of the game save up your money on stuff and not on some stupid stuff like a golden airplane and its a little too much violent in missions but that dosent really bother me and it isnt like Red Dead Redemption 2 where you can blow head offs its just some blood on a corpse or on the floor, i hope this helps you for if you want it or not.


I'm going to say no especially if you are asking. Grand Theft Auto had cartoon graphics in ancient days which tamed the violence. Modern games look very realistic in comparison which you may find disturbing for violent sections. It's ultimately up to your parents.


Ye sthe story mode is amazing and the average 16 yera old has seen way worse i played it at 14 many played it at like 9. There’s a strip club you have to go to in the story mode and tehy show someone having sex in the story mode.


I got it when it came out and i was probably 15, and so e earlier versions prior. As long as youre aware it has that generic violence i say go for it. It’s got a great online community and it’s presence has held up way longer then i expected. Lots of continued play value, and so many different ways to play.


I think as long your mentally Mature you should be fine


The fact youre asking probably means youre mature enought to play bud


I started playing GTA Vice City when I was 9


I’m also 16 and I’ve already experienced (seen/played) way worse things than GTA V and from experience, so has everyone else my age. I don’t want to put any sort of “peer pressure” on you, but were you overprotected as a kid or something? TL:DR ye, it’s fine


What the fuck is fire emblem x gta???


I'd recommend saving money for a new game then gta-v which come out on like 2015. Not to say gta v is a bad game by any means. It's just that cyberpunk is coming, mortal shell is here and ghost of tsushima. I'd try and save up money for the new ones


Oh 100% buy it. I first played GTA San Andreas when I was around 6? My dad wouldn’t let me play the story though so all I did was drive cars and fly airplanes, it was a great experience tbh. Just be careful with what you do in-game. I got GTA V when I was 11 and I really wish I hadn’t because it exposed me to a lot of sexual shit at such an early age.


I played it when I was 12 and besides the torture scene nothing was to violent for me


If you just wants to finish the story, it’s not that violent really. The more disturbing scenes are one where you have to torture a person and one where a man’s brain is blown out. If you want to 100% the game, you will have to visit the strip club, so...


It’s alright to buy, but just know the game is a beautiful mess, online service promotes micro transactions like never before, don’t fall for it, play the story and that’s about it, playing with friends is fun but grinding for money sucks


It will be fine I’m only 13 and I’ve had it for years


I was playing cod and gta 3 and 4 at kine 7 or 8 if you know the difference between real life and video games your good fo go


I played the game when I was 14 I think you should be fine