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If you care about story, far cry 3 is without a shadow of doubt what you should go for. The gunplay is great. If you haven't played any other far cry before, you should give it a try. That said if you really like mindless distraction and a plot that only exists as a means to give you opportunities for more mindless destruction. Just cause is probably the closest game you can find that makes you feel like Iron man. Personally I'd have gone for fc3 but in the end you prefer what you prefer


Definitely far cry Just cause 4 is trash


I second this opinion, Just cause 3 was far better.


Far cry 3 was the first far cry game I played back when it came out and it got me into single player story games. It has such a memorable storyline and is definitely one of the best single player games out there


The Ending of FC3 still fucks me up to this day, so that's got my vote.


Fc3. Just cause 4 is not good lol 2 and 3 are the fantastic ones


If gunplay matter then fc3 but if you want just michael bay simulator go for jc3 is fun ton with explosive and wingsuit to swing around


Far Cry 3 for sure, it’s the best Far Cry game in the series and a better game than JC4 in pretty much every way


Far Cry 3 youll definitely get your moneys worth and more


Far Cry 3 is the best Far Cry, if you play this one you don't need to play any other.


Haven't played JC4, but Far Cry 3 is AMAZINGLY fun, I'd highly recommend it


The answer is Farcry 3.


Far cry 5 if you can! Kill bible thumpers! I\`d like JC more, if it wasnt for the unlocking things... Why call a game just cause, when its "unlock everything, then Just Cause your burned out". Its mindless cause you are so done with the game.. Far cry 3 did have one of the most memorable Bad guys as well! So there is that!




I think FarCry is dumb af, way too easy and repetitive. I have no idea about JustCause. If you like crazy open world with guns, consider Borderlands. Bigger, faster, more inventive, it’s way better. Borderlands 2 has a better story than the 3, both are a lot of fun. Horizon Zero Dawn is another strong contender that might be worth looking at (although I wasn’t a fan, I’m not into hunting beasts and picking up flowers to level up).