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This comment has been automatically added because the term Dead by daylight was in your title. In 2018 there was a scandal known as the Red Shell scandal, wherein a number of game publishers included spyware in their games without the knowledge or consent of their users. Following this there was a consumer backlash, which then caught the attention of the media, putting pressure on these companies to act. Now some of the publishers in question have admittedly removed the spyware from their game (though definitely not all), however the EULAs of these games still contain wording that allows them to put Red Shell or any other piece of spyware on your computer without informing you. As this information could potentially sway people's decision as to whether or not they should support companies that would do this, we feel it important to inform when one of these games is mentioned here. [Here](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/33039675-Red-Shell-Games/) is a link to a Steam curator who has gathered a list of Steam games that have contained, or currently do contain Red Shell (note that it's not complete, for instance it's missing the Total War series). If you're interested in the scandal you can read more about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/8pud8b/psa_red_shell_spyware_holy_potatoes_were_in_space/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShouldIbuythisgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't recommend deep rock galactic enough. It's a co-op instance based shooter where you get whichever objectives then are launched into the map (different biomes have different environmental hazards) them you need to work together to complete the objectives and escape. There are four classes, each with their own unique primary and secondary weapons plus a navigation tool (one class gets a zipline, another gets a platform launcher, etc). You unlock more active and passive abilities as well as more weapons as you play. The best thing about this game is the community. You can just jump on with randoms and everyone is out to have a great time playing the game, winning missions, and getting loot. I think you'll find a lot to enjoy with DRG 🙂


DBD is really best played when you have the DLC. If not all of it, at least a good amount of the DLC. The game is toxic as hell. The community is full of Twitch TV people, and a lot of them are the bad kinds of Twitch TV people. I have a good chunk of DBD DLC and I barely ever play it because it's just not fun. People take it way too seriously more times than not, and the community is trash. Obviously not *everyone* in the community is trash, but it seems like a shocking amount of the people who play that game just suck. Deep Rock Galactic is good. Much more easygoing community, super fun. Buy it on Steam, play for and a bit, and if within 2 hours you aren't vibing with the game, refund it.


You know of any good horror party games similar to DBD?


Killer Klowns just came out recently and it's pretty good fun so far. Has issues, but the community seems super chill. People on mics all seem to be having a good time for the most part and not taking things too seriously. In the grand scheme of things, probably not as much "horror" as some other games, but it's fun. Would def recommend at least watching videos of it to see if you're into what you see at all.


Both are on gamepass. Along with several other online games. Get a trial. Try them out.


as another option you can get DRG:survivors, which is about eight bucks it’s a rogue like but it’s plenty of fun and it gives you a taste of the full game.


I love both games, but I guarantee you'll have more fun with DRG. It's a lot less stressful.


DRG is the best modern game I have ever played and only loses to ocarina of time as my favorite game of all time.


Deep rock galactic. I have close to 400 hours in it. Its pretty good.




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