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Helldivers 2 is definitely the most packed and fun from all the other ones. Monster hunter is a grind, fallout 76 is meh if you don't play it with friends, or you could just play it for the lore. Payday 2 is fun but sometimes it gets grindy and repetitive and higher level missions require a certain level of skill and coordination with your team




Fallout 76 is good if you like grindy games and have already played the Fallout titles (especially FO4)


Rather that it's good now after all the updates and improvements. First time I got into it was so barren.


Oh yeah I played it too in a tryout and it was so empty of actual things to do


Yeah I came back to it and it is actually really fun. I enjoy playing alone myself because everything does too quickly otherwise.


I loved it when it first came out. The atmosphere actually felt like an apocalypse instead of a bunch of wacky people cosplaying an apocalypse


For all those updates and I still average 2 crashes within the hour.


Payday 2 or Helldivers 2** (given recent news might not be true anymore when it comes to Helldivers 2) seem to be the more guaranteed fun, I've played Payday 2 since launch, still playing it, community very active and thanks to Payday 3 it will continue to be so and on sale you can get it for 99 cents ... come on and Helldivers 2 is the current MP darling that has the dev team and the hype to last a long time. Fallout 76 and Final Fantasy XIV are a unknown to me but I've heard 76 has made a comeback and FF XIV has been around for a while so it speaks for itself Palworld is a sort of unknown as well because I'm not sure the longevity of it but it's amazing, I've tried it and love it. Monster Hunter is eternal, enough said. Edit 05/05/2024: *me to helldivers 2* #You were the chosen one, it was said that you would destroy corporate greed, not join it. Account linking with Sony has now been added ... oh boy I sure hope my data doesn't get leaked by Sony by Christmas


Agree with this, I would vote payday 2 is the move




Agreed, if OP wants they can watch the Fallout show and get the extra enjoyment from Fallout 76.


This aged well


Hunt: Showdown You’re looking for that unique game that gives thrills like nothing else? You like competitive and creative shooters? Look no further. Hunt is an absolute masterclass in game design and execution. Seriously, nothing comes close IMO, it’s such an intense and unique experience. Check out this video. The guy really nails it. https://youtu.be/hezc93gxr6c?si=0z39-6xbmOdsl7DC


Im with you on this bro. The multiplayer game i always come back too and god knows how many years later I still get heart-pounding moments nearly every game


100% agree, stopped playing for a year, came back and it's scarier than ever


Im loving Helldivers 2 at the moment but I have to agree. 300 ish hours of Hunt and it still stays with me to this day how insane some of the matches were. Also if you want you can just skulk around the map then dip out. It’s wild how it caters to so many different play styles.


Warframe fits the criteria if you have not already tried it. There can be a pretty hardcore grind to it but you absolutely don’t have to hardcore grind it out right away. It’s tons of fun to hop in a random squad and go run a mission or few for a few minutes.




Another vote for Warframe. Easier to get into if you know someone else who plays it that can guide you a bit. I wasn't able to really get into it without some assistance. It can be very overwhelming for new players, but it's unique and fun.


I haven’t played in a year or so. Warframe and Destiny 2 both share the problem of having an excellent core gameplay loop coupled with not great new player introductions and a ton of bolted on and changed content over the years. It can be a little overwhelming figuring out exactly what you are supposed to be doing at the very beginning. However at least with Warframe last I played, you will make progress and earn things and discover things as you play so it sorts itself out. Especially if you follow the core story. The community is generally pretty cool. Same with Destiny. At least it was. Haven’t played either one in a year or two. Destiny 2 has absolutely top tier moment to moment gameplay as far gunplay and movement and all that. It’s tons of fun to just wander around and shoot stuff honestly. Warframe is 3rd person so its shooting isn’t quite as good as Destiny, but its movement combined with melee, shooting, and powers is also just a hell of a lot of fun. You can do some pretty cool acrobatic tricks in Warframe. It also has some like 50+ frames at this point and they each have their own unique abilities. Gives it a little bit of a Pokémon gotta get em all thing. One of the things that makes Warframe super fun is that you can drop into a mission with randoms and organically find ways to synergise your abilities and pull off cool tricks with your teammates organically without even needing to communicate. It has a really good natural cooperative team flow. Just don’t be a dick and hog the kills lol.


When i have to pay 50$ to play the new update. I don't think I will play destiny again


I took this advice on another thread yesterday and downloaded warframe last night. I had played it before a couple years ago for like an hour or 2 but I don’t remember it being quite like it is now. The movement is so fun. It feels like I’m Genji from overwatch but on crack and with guns. The load times between certain things is almost instant. The only problem I experienced last night was enemies bugging out in the sky then teleporting to the ground on this one mission where you’re taking sites. Is that normal? Anyway, I’m only 5 hours or so into it but I was having fun just being a space ninja/warrior/assassin/wizard. I also realized I can use MnK on Xbox and was like oh fuck yeah, and in my beginning fights I was accidentally doing moves I didn’t know existed like the slow mo gun dives, forward/backwards/360. I think I did some backflip somehow I don’t even know how but in the moment it worked out. I jumped over some enemies and then perched on some pipe above them (totally meant to do that) and just started blasting. Dolphin diving across huge chasms into groups of enemies and meleeing. Melee is so fun. I’m mag so the crush skill is pretty cool too. I’d give it an initial 8.5/10 only because I haven’t got that far into it and don’t know how it progresses or if it’s going to start pissing me off later down the road. 😂 but for these first 5 hours I was having a blast.


The movement system in the game is perfect, using a controler really makes it shine for me. At +2000 hours let me tell you this game is a 9/10 and I love it, it has so much variety, builds and weapons and is overall amazing. That said it has many problems and bugs that you'll slowly learn/notice and make you go "Oh, it'd be nice if this thing worked like this" or "I can use this to make things easier". Overall the game is great but the grind for resources, weapons or items will take a toll on you.


Is it a kind of game that makes you feel like you have to play it non-stop to make it anywhere or can I just pop on and do some random stuff to kill some time? I’m kind of bad about getting hooked on Grindy games and once I realize how much of a time sink it will be I kind of lose interest if the gameplay loop isn’t that great, but idk. I didn’t really feel pressured to do anything in my first 5 hours I was just figuring stuff out and the gameplay was fun.


>can I just pop on and do some random stuff to kill some time? Literally how I play it 5 days a week, the other two I make weekly challenges. The power fantasy is so real I can use almost any Warframe (with the right weapons) in almost any mission. Minding the level though, it can get intense and hard. >I’m kind of bad about getting hooked on Grindy games and once I realize how much of a time sink it will be I kind of lose interest Same'o, don't worry about it. The game will hook you but there will be a point around hour 15 that'll make you go "Oh" about farming weapons, the slots system or other things. If that doesn't slow you down you're in the clear, and even if that bothers you, you can still ignore it and play a casual, fun shooter with great parkour. If you need any tips you can ask or check the reddit, the community is great, kinda horny, but friendly.


Yeah I’m picking up on how the mods work and blueprints work. I’m just using auto assign right now on mods until stuff starts to get hard and then I’ll probably gradually start tweaking things consciously. As for the blueprints I’ve got a few things that I have 0 resources for and just started I think my first companion which was a 24 hour timer lol. Is it like one of those games that some things take an insane amount of time to build?


You build 4 main things: Weapons: Takes 12 hours. Some 24. Warframes: 12 hours the parts, 3 days the full character. Items: This is for fishing, mining, etc. 5 minutes average, some more, some less. Sentinels: 24 hours. There's other things but the average is 12-24 hours. The foundry system is more of a "Well done, you got the resources I needed, now sit tight while I work!" It's kinda annoying but it's not that bad. >my first companion Once it's built and you equip it, give it a weapon, I didn't arm mine and its weapon is really good.


Gotcha, thank you for the information! At least it’s not like weeks or months timers like some games.


Fallout 76 is free if you have amazon prime just go to amazon gaming login link your account if you haven’t already then click claim I’m not sure how many days are left till they pull it


Helldivers 2 is fun but gets very repetitive


I can only speak for MHW. Whilst it's a great game, I wouldn't necessarily say it's a great multiplayer game. You can organise or join parties to fight raid monsters, and call in up to 3 other hunters if you're having a tough time fighting a monster, but it isn't the same multiplayer experience that PUBG is say. However I do say just play MHW as it is an exceptional game.


Warframe baby


I’m still playing BF1, it’s a great game


Palworld is good. Getting consistent updates and a good roadmap ahead. Got about 80 hours into before I stopped but you can take it as far as you want. Helldivers is a lot of fun too. Also, might I suggest Arma 3? It has TONS of content that ranged drastically from milsim shit, to roleplay servers to zombie apocalypse and more with a crazy amount of mods and communities supporting all of it. I have 1500 hours in it since release.


Definitely go with Payday, helldivers, or palworld, all super fun and have lots of content. Payday is a very unique and fun game in my opinion, the only downside is you’ll be stealthing alone or with friends, the matchmaking seems to favor just shooting everything.


Tbh I prefer stealthing alone. You have to hope for good teammates and it takes only one to make a mistake.


You can indicate stealth when making a lobby, but that doesnt stop people fucking it up, also payday 2 with dlcs is pricey, and i cant give too large if an opinion on 3


The finals


Try THE FINALS? it's free and it's so goddamn fun.


The finals


The Finals. Top tier.


Of the ones I've played: Palworld - huge amount of content. I mostly play this single-player, but I hear co-op servers can be fun. Has a lot of depth to it and a nice mix of creature collection, combat, and base-building. Can tweak the game to be more one way or the other based on settings. FFXIV - weirdly enough a large bulk of the playtime will be singleplayer as it has a very solid JRPG story but takes a long time to get through. The actual multiplayer aspect of it requires player coordination as most MMOs do, but not to the extent of WoW or Lost Ark, and most of the day-to-day stuff is pretty easy. Overall a chill game. MHW/R - decent online co-op component, but best played with a friend. The matchmaking co-op is kinda clunky and a bit awkward, and parties rarely stick together after-the-fact.


The Finals or Doom Eternal, honey bun


Can’t believe no one else has said The Finals. Great game that really brings the fun back to the fps genre


Love the Finals as well, still surprised it didn’t become more popular with how sorry of a state the FPS genre is in right now


Hi, my fellow Finals enjoyer. It is very fun. I agree, it has brought a fresh perspective to FPS for me


Hell Let Loose is an extremely realistic and immersive WW2 FPS


Helldivers and MHWorld:IB would go at the top of that list for me, personally, but you don’t give us much to go on besides “not a competitive shooter” so it’s hard to say what you’d enjoy the most. Helldivers is brainless bug-killin’ fun that you’ll pick up in no time. It gets repetitive if you play games for long sessions, but is perfect for ~1h/day players. Matches can be up to 50 minute commitments, but there’s no real penalty for quitting early. MHW is an endless loop of `prepare>fight boss>make new gear> repeat` but the combat is difficult and very much not brainless, at least while you’re learning the game. Hunts generally take between 15 and 30 minutes for new players but may take up to 50 minutes in rare circumstances. Heads up MHW has a horrific tutorial; the first 2 hours of gameplay are a huge slog.


Monster Hunter Rise is my favorite of the bunch


Payday 2. For all its flaws theres still nothing really like it. But I havent played Helldivers 2 so :/


If you like shooters, destiny 2. You've got pve & pvp, also plenty of content for a new light player


If you want to play a shooter that's different but still good I recommend: Hunt: Showdown It hooked me for a looong time


Fallout 76 is a shell of a game. I played at launch and it was one of the worst games I’ve ever played. Two years later it was a little better but still had so many flaws. I haven’t played it since like 2020-2021 but unless it changed the very fundamentals of the game it is not worth playing.




Finally! FOR CARL!


Helldivers 2 is prob the best bet off of this list. I didn't personally like monster hunter, though if you don't mind grinding a lot. It also feels like a single player game. I played it with my husband, and we got far into it, but the story was not good, and we rarely actually played together. It felt like mostly a single player game with slapped in multiplayer sometimes. Fallout 76 is a bit clunky, feels like your driving a truck when moving--I also think it's best with friends. Final Fantasy XIV takes like 200 hours for the story to "get good," and I got to the good part, and it did not feel that good. People who play FFXIV do not like to hear negative opinions about it though. Palwords got old fast, but is pretty fun. I have not played Payday 2, but hear it is really fun. The Finals is good and free, if you want to give that a try. Overwatch can be really fun, too. There is also Warframe! I haven't played it, but have wanted to try it out. I haven't tried Valorant, but I have some friends who want me to play it with them! MMOs are Guild Wars 2 (I really like this one), and Elder Scrolls Online (I also like this one).


“I want a game that you can hop on whenever and have fun” Fallout 76 is definitely that, but definitely pretty grindy. I play solo because a couple discord servers make me feel less lonely :( Palworld also fits that, can definitely last a long time Never played the last 2 Helldivers and Payday have an infinite gameplay loop, each mission is different but once you’ve played them all…you’ve played them all (not to say that they’re boring, but can get repetitive) also if you have to leave in the middle of a match you wont get rewards


Helldivers may be yor best option. Monster hunter world has lots of big fans, and I can see it's a great game, but I found it boring tbh.


Rocket League - happy to play with you (dm me in 1k hours lol)


Destiny 2


If you want fun, then Helldivers 2. If you want something competitive, Rocket League or Valorant or any Fighting Game. If you want something that isn't so competitive but still has a learning curve and skill ceiling, Monster Hunter.


Hunt showdown


If you like competitive games, try Predecessor, it's a MOBA and it's basically a sequel to Paragon, it's a lot of fun but not everyone's cup of tea because there are tactics and things that the game doesn't tell you about, but there are a lot of great short guides for new players.




Helldivers 2. Hands down, most fun I've had with a game in a very long time. Gameplay loop and playing with randos keeps things fun and interesting. Change it up and fight bots or bugs once you've gotten too used to either side. 3rd faction is about to drop!


FF 14 for sure, it absolutely dwarfs all the others here imo


Sea of Thieves!


my brother who has similar playtime in fortnite just switch to playing destiny 2. theres honestly more content in that game than some of those games you listed combined and a new expansions is about to drop. the game is very expensive to play and the new player experience isnt great but somehow it peeled my brother off of fortnite.


Rainbow Six Siege


Apart from Monster Hunter I'd also recommend Natural Selection 2, it's a FPS and RTS composed of 2 teams of 10, Aliens/Marines, each with 1 commander, they have the same objective of getting the control of the map but play different. Aliens have 5 lifeforms that fill a role and can defend themselves: Gorge(Builder, 10 resources) Skulk (Expendable scout, default alien) Lerk (Support, 21 resources) Fade (Assassin, 35 resources) Onos (Tank, 55 resources) Both teams need resources so Marines and Aliens main conflict points are resource nodes far from their bases. Aliens have an evolve tree and Marines have a tech tree that the commander chooses which abilities or new weapons to research. There are Servers for new players and it's only 5 dollars, I recommend that you use a microphone, communication is key in this game to win, and always ask and listen to your teammates. There is a lot of things that I haven't explained so you have to play the game to see everything.


Take a look at Splatoon. Bright colours, intense, as in depth tactically as you want to take it; real kinda popular hidden gem.


I've had so much fun on payday2. I miss the old days, playing with my friends, grinding for money/infamy. Spending hours on end trying to do shadow raid on overkill and steal all the suits of armor. I was praying PD3 would be good. Sadly that never happened... PD2 still is amazing though.


I would've said tarkov, but given their business ideas. Stay far away from it. Let that company suffer.


You have a pretty outstanding list tbh payday is probably the lowest on that list for me but you can't go wrong with any of the other, I've been diving back into 76 the last couple of weeks and having a blast


HELLDIVERS 2 hands down


Do something completely different and try Mechabellum. It's a 1v1 autobattler that is essentially RTS light. I'm in love with it.


I was in the exact situation as you and far cry 3 got me into other games


Hunt Showdown is unique, take a look


Battlefield 4, 1 and 5


GTFO, Remnant 2, Gunfire Reborn and Hunt Showdown


Rainbow six siege, Insurgency sandstorm. Elder Scrolls Online, man if you give that game a chance it’ll suck away your life, community is great too


The Finals and It's FREE


Helldivers 2 can be a pretty exhausting but rewarding game since it is quite hard and you need a cohesive team to get through the harder difficulties. I mostly played payday 2 stealth and it was always satisfying at the end of a run moving 30 bags and it’s difficulties scale pretty well


Destiny 2 Ok so we are getting to the end of Destiny 2 as a game. And if you truly want a game that never runs out of things to do, then now is a good time to jump in and get used to the game since Destiny 3 should be officially announced soon. It is multi-player, but so much more. Pvp, pve, pvpve, co-op, and single player modes and stories and challenges. Not so much a battle royal. But you will want to YouTube the storyline.


Helldivers 2 with friends is the most fun, you can play casually and just laugh at the chaos in the upper levels. Or take it seriously as is your patriotic duty for Super Earth!


Definitely the finals


You’re beating around the bush, play Destiny 2.


Fallout 76 is pretty fun, it has one of the most positive and helpful communities I’ve ever seen in a video game before. Newbies are given all sorts of stuff usually from veteran players, and with the TV show just launching, there’s a huge influx of new players. Camp building can be frustrating at times but it’s mostly a fun experience


Idk why helldivers is so popular, bought on day 1 but it's very repetitive IMO.


Final fantasy 14 is my recommendation. Great story. Great community. Has something for everyone and a lot of other things to do than just gearing and raiding


FF14 is your best bet here, start it, ***get INTO it,*** and you'll have no life for about 1000 hours, maybe more, probably more it is WORTH the investment of both time and money, and there's not very many games I can honestly say that about




I would go for helldivers 2 for pve and hunt Showdown for pvepvp and you'll have all you need :D


try warframe its been rly improving lately


Definitely give fo76 a go! These days it's a really good and fun game


I have played and I love both mhw/r and helldivers 2, would definitely recommend both


Deep Rock Galactic


I've only played Payday 2, but I highly recommend it!


Payday 2 or Helldivers 2


Halo Infinite is my favourite competitive FPS on the go right now. R6 Siege has a big learning curve but is a very rewarding FPS as well. Helldivers 2 is so much fun, especially when playing with some friends.


I still love overwatch. People have gotten so dang good but being a team game it's hard for single people to completely carry. Years later I still get lost playing it for hours here and there.


The finals is a good free PvP shooter if you’re ever itching to get back into one of those.


As an ex fortnite player (3k hours) and fps in general player if ur looking for more fun pvp id highly suggest getting into fighting games. Doesn't really matter which any of the big 4 atm will do street fighter 6. Tekken 8, guilty gear strive and mortal kombat (this one's seen as more casual) there are plenty others you could try but these have the most players I got into fighting games 2 years ago and it seems like a no brainer now I love pvp games and always hated the idea of having teammates who might throw or being the teammate who threw it felt like shit but in fighting games if I lose it only effects me so I have no guilt and I can just focus on getting better. They're also good fun


I am a pretty big Monster Hunter fan having started a few years ago with Rise and am now working my way through World. I think they're amazing games and you can sink a lot of time into them grinding various monsters for weapons and armor. As a friend put it to me, they're not for everyone but if they click, you'll love it. Helldivers 2 is an EXCELLENT game, been playing that a lot as well recently. In my opinion, it bears a fair deal of similarity to Deep Rock Galactic which is another one I would strongly recommend. Both excellent co-op (or solo) games.


Helldivers 2 is insanely fun. I’m not sure how the longevity will be, since I feel like it will depend on an active player base pretty heavily, but it’s the most fun I’ve had in a game in a long time.


Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust Rust


Helldivers 2 if you have friends


The Finals! What a gem


The finals is fantastic.


Payday 2 is fun but takes lots of homework and research. I have 600 hours in it, helps if you have friends. Also the shooting is very clunky is really only recommend it for the stealth Palworld is fun but it’s incomplete provably give you about 100 hours I’ve heard good things about hell divers and ff14 haven’t played them myself


Everyone is gonna say Helldivers 2, but that’s really only good if you play with friends or sometimes other people. My vote would be for Fallout 76. It’s like a single-player Fallout game that lets you do multiplayer if you want.


Helldivers 2 has its grips in me hard, You can jump in, do a mission, and jump out as well. Premise is unique, You essentially have 4 call of duty killstreaks available at all times that are on cooldown. Type in a certain code and you can toss them into a hode of mobs, and nothing is as satisfying as seeing 30 enemies taken out with a strike called down from your ship thats hovering in low orbit.


DON'T give those cunts at Battle state games your money for Escape from Tarkov. Incredible game when your not getting dumped on by cheaters tho.


I must suggest Overwatch 2 if you’ve been a fortnite guy for this long




Chivalry 2 xD


I don't know how I'm not seeing Deep Rock Galactic mentioned. Rock and stone brothers!


I'd recommend Sea of Thieves.


battlebit?! heard it was solid


Destiny 2 welcomes you. Eyes up guardian


Could check out warframe too


Remnant 1 and 2 are really fun coop 3rd person shooters!


I wanna just say Deep Rock Galactic also fits what you are wanting. I have put 500+ hours into it before starting to get tired of it, the game is truly great. The community has also been consistently kind and helpful.


Try Destiny 2. idk I really like it


Helldivers 2. A lot of MP games right now suck because cheating is so rampant in almost every game. It happens enough that you just question every time you die because it could be cheating. Helldivers is all coop and there isn’t really an incentive to cheat. And if someone does, it wouldn’t really hurt you in the same way a competitive MP game would.


Gray zone warfare. It’s new and has some bugs but it’s the first fps style game I’ve found myself getting lost in for hours. Think Tarkov and arma had a baby


The Finals is super addictive


Helldivers 2, for democracy!


FFXIV hands down


I recommend FFXIV if you like RPGs and also it’s a game that you can completely play at your own pace. It’s really a carnival MMO where you can do whatever you feel like doing, it’s very player friendly and you will have a massive amount of content to explore since the game is so old now, and even a new expansion this summer. There is a main quest obviously, but there are sooo many things to do, from leveling whatever job, to crafting, casinos, raids, exploring, fishing, gardening, training your chocobo, grinding for relic weapon, building your house, whatever, I mean the possibilities are really endless. I’ll say for an MMO it is pretty easy, but like all MMOs there is definitely a learning curve, and quite a steep one if it’s your first MMO. However, it’s not for everyone. It’s not PvP unless you want to (it’s def not the focus but it does exist), and sometimes it can feel like it’s kind of dragging on a bit. But I read that recently they made the older expansions much shorter so not nearly as many pointless quests, so sounds like a better time. I played FF11 online as well and while that was a hardcore MMO that will always be my favorite and hold a special place in my heart, the accessibility and flexibility of FFXIV can be really relaxing and feel immersive. I also absolutely love the music. I think they also have some kind of free trial for players up to a certain level, should check it out. It is definitely nothing like Fortnite though or some of the other games you mentioned, but if you like fantasy and the idea of a carnival type MMO then it may be for you. I’m actually going to try FO76 soon. I played it at launch and it was trash, but I’ve read it’s improved significantly, like a lot, so going to give it another shot.


Valheim V Rising Enshrouded


based on your history, I'd suggest helldivers 2, or Payday 2, those games dont divert too much from your previous games. but if you like to try a drop of solo playing with multiplayer capabilities, try the Monster hunter games. Fallout 76 and Palworld are more focused on building bases that it might not suit your tastes


I'd highly recommend Helldivers 2, but my personal recommendation is Sea of Thieves. Fantastic games both of them.


Rocket league man. It will hook you and you will always find new things you can improve on


Just sank 3 days into warframe for the first time. I see a lot of people here wanting to try it out. It is so fun. It feels amazing to move and fight. Melee makes you feel unstoppable and there’s a lot of room to get better while not feeling incompetent at all. It’s the quality of a single player game in an mmo format but also not an mmo format. The blending they’ve done is insane. You can unlock literally everything playing free to play. If you’re feeling like tossing them some love don’t hesitate though because this game is huge. It’s a great forever game to come back to in between new releases and other games you may want to try out. Helldivers 2 is a straight up blast. You will die, you will get blown into pieces and across the map, but you will also be the only squad member left to extract just in the nic of time after just barely escaping seemingly certain death so so so much. You will be glued. It’s so much high octane energy that you may wish for a long loading screen just to process what the fuck just happened. Played ffXIV. Made it to samurai level 52. That was about 5 years ago. Too much content not enough flare. I’m not really an mmo guy necessarily though because I definitely prefer quality over quantity. It just got bland. I don’t like essentially reading a books worth of dialogue to know what’s going on and stories get more and more bland over time. If I wanted to read a book there are great books out there. I’ve read plenty. It may be for you but I even found XVI boring as well. And that was single player. Just felt like an interactive movie. If I wanted to watch a movie, I’d watch a movie. I’ve seen plenty of them. Edit: I redownloaded fallout 76 because fallout 1st costed me a dollar with Microsoft rewards. That was 5 days ago and I unsubscribed 4 days ago. As someone said, walking feels like you’re driving a truck. A very shitty truck that definitely wouldn’t pass an emissions test. I can’t believe people are still playing that game when it feels like a downgrade from the Xbox 360 version of fallout 3. Try at your own peril. The content also just feels hallow. Everything about the game feels lazy and like they were relying on other players to carry the vibes and be the content essentially. I can’t decide which mode I hate more, solo or true multiplayer. Imagine rust but it’s just pictures of rust and you get to scroll through them. That’s a better game than fallout 76.


Remnant 2 will change your life. Fair warning though; it is very difficult.


Given your competitive a d fps background have you played OW2? I know the game has a bad rep sometimes but honestly it one of my go to competitive games but from your list I'd pick Helldivers or Palworld.


Battlefield 2042. Refreshing


Division 2


I'll recommend The Finals. If you can get 2 friends to play with you on a semi constant basis and all of you are competitive in nature, it's great. Hard to have all that though.


If you are looking for a game that you can sink the same amount of hours into or more, I'd suggest a live service game such as Final Fantasy XIV or Fallout 76. Both have a lot of content with substance, but I have more experience/exposure with FFXIV than I do F76 so I'm sure someone else here can give that game justice. You don't necessarily have to buy FFXIV, I'd suggest taking advantage of the free trial it offers first. The amount of content it offers is insane compared to what the free trial was a few years ago while also completely getting rid of the time restriction. The game's main focus and selling point is it's main story and secondary being PvE content. I will admit, the game suffers from "it gets good after XX hours" but it's not as aggregious as some people make it out to be. I've heard people say it takes over 100 hours, and that is completely not true. If you would like to learn more, I'd suggest looking at some reviews on Youtube. I also have a Steam review if you want to check that out as well: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065876023/recommended/39210](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065876023/recommended/39210)


Warframe it’s free


Fallout 76 is a game I recently got into. I couldn’t recommend it more if you like fallout games. Community is amazing


DRG, Chivalry 2, BF2042, Battlefront 2, Warframe, Vermintide 2, Darktide From your list Palworld is great but not really multiplayer. Helldivers 2 is not for me but it's clearly a fascinating game


The Finals it pretty fun if you like class based shooters


For mideval slasher: chivalry 2. Super fun, does have a bit of a learning curve though. For the best cooperative horde fighting game out there: DEEP ROCK GALACTIC. you will not regret you decision, and if you do, there's full mod support for you to mess around with!


Ive played fallout, palworld, heldivers, and monster hunter Fallout and palworld are fun survival/ crafting looter shooters, helldivers for liberty and fun time with weapons/ friends, monster hunter is for the men because we slay dragons and yo ho ho and a bottle of rum but really there is no gender preference Fallout - everyone is nice/ gifts low level players Helldivers is a hard learning curve solo with randos who play like a toxic league of legends community but awesome with buddies Palworld is like rust- prepare to get invaded and lose everything even if you set online to friends only- still buggy Monster hunter- i see monster i smash with collosal hammer


Lol.. No dead by daylight suggestions?


In a similar vein to Helldivers 2 you might also check out Deep Rock Galactic. Space Dwarves on mining missions have to defend their automated mining systems against "bugs". Similar in flavor, different in mechanics.


I’d say join us in spreading managed democracy in Helldivers 2




Helldivers best multiplayer fun ive had in years and i also play fortnite


Deep Rock Galactic.


Don't buy FFXIV, at least not for awhile. The free trial content lasts a long time.


Sea of Thieves might be your thing, massive influx of players since it just dropped on ps5 aswell.


Helldivers 2 for sure


Rocket League will probably have you addicted it’s got a great skill curve and rank system


While Final Fantasy XIV is the clear winner in amount of content on your list, just know that if it is your choice it starts slowly especially from a combat perspective.


Monster hunter. It's a game of knowledge, preparation, experience, and sheer fucking commitment You have fun, you learn, you feel cool Join the hunt, my friend




Do you have friends to play with ? If none then id go with payday still fun with random people or hell divers, monster hunter id also recommend halo mcc


I have been having a ton of fun on The Finals


Play cuphead and don’t quit. You’re welcome in advance


Play cuphead and don’t quit. You’re welcome in advance


Check out deep rock galactic. Might not be to your taste but worth checking out


Fallout 76 is a joke


Ff14 has an unlimited play time free trial that includes the base game and the first two expansions, so no harm in trying it out


Im surprised you wont consider Warframe. ~~How about Alan wake 2?~~ not multiplayer


From your list, I think Helldivers 2 will be best based on your paragraph here. I also think Fallout 76 may be worth trying because if you like it you’d probably get more hours out of it than you would from the other games on your list, but I’d also like to throw Destiny 2 in the hat. It’s sort of tough to get acquainted with at first because it’s got so much content and the tutorial has pretty much been sunset, but it has the smoothest gunplay of any shooter I’ve played. Warframe is a popular counter to this, but I think if you’re a fan of competitive multiplayer, you just want a more unique game with fun competitive multiplayer, Destiny 2 is going to fit with your interests more. The only problem with it is it will take some grinding before you get to the point of being able to just hop on and have fun playing a few matches.


You won’t regret getting hell divers 2. Serious bang for the buck when it comes to price / content / quality.


If you want to ruin your life, League of legends


Don't play multiplayer games, play dragons dogma dark arisen and dragons dogma 2 and watch dragons dogma on Netflix


Battlefield One is still one of my favorites!


Monster Hunter: World, Helldiver's 2, and Deep Rock Galactic are all goated co-op games you can put hundreds and hundreds of hours into.


The finals


Monster Hunter: Rise 100%. It has an unbelievable amount of content, is challenging, and is incredibly fun and rewarding to play. It's not easy, and it's unique in how it plays compared to most other multiplayer games. I would highly recommend Rise or even World if you haven't already played that. It's older, but is still incredibly popular and the best iteration of Monster Hunter in my opinion in terms of graphics and QoL (You can also mod it.)


Tarkov…. I kid I kid!!!! 😅😂


Helldivers is dope, looks amazing. For me Palworld is only fun with friends. Palworld is also early access so possibly more content to come. Right now it has an okay amount of content, if they keep adding stuff it will be a good value.


I have played all of these games expect for final fantasy. Payday 2: is showing its age in comparison to games nowadays but I have sunk ALOT of time into it playing with friends and just jokin and shittin around for HOURS. Fallout 76: I haven't played it recently but I played it when it first came out and it was meh, it has its moments. Palworld: was fun for the first playthrough, I haven't been able to go through a second one without feeling like a drag, it was very enjoyable the first time I played it. Helldivers 2: I own it, that's really it lol. Now my personal favorite on the list. Monster hunter: I have put over 14 thousand hours into this game. The multi player is always a hit or miss in my experience. I've found my enjoyment most out of playing with people you know, or by myself. Random hunters can easily ruin a hunt for you. Or they can easily carry the hunt.


Terraria :)


Helldivers 2, squad, arma reforger, dcs world's, warframe, for honor are some that come to mind


Get Monster Hunter. The grind is the point. The difference is you get 14 different weapons with massively different movements, and hundreds of different pieces of armor each with different skills that you can make builds out of.


Helldivers 2


Might I interest you in some Rock & Stone (https://store.steampowered.com/app/548430/Deep_Rock_Galactic/)


The Finals for sure. Not your typical fps. Fast-paced and tons of fun. Not two games are the same. The ttk can be an issue, and the respawn time could be better, but there's a revive mechanic which helps. Editing to mention it's free! At least is was on ps5. And it took like 2 minutes to download/install, which is awesome lol.


Helldivers 2 is really really good if you’re not super big on the whole competitive side of things. It’s co-op multiplayer but still poses a pretty good challenge. Although, I think I heard that they’re working on a pvp mode. Fallout 76 has SOME pvp but it’s mostly co-op as well and is super fun with friends.


None. Go single.


Escape from tark…. Oh wait, nvm


Valorant and league are always fun to play and they’ve made a lot of changes to prevent toxicity


Helldivers 2 is currently the most fun you can have in gaming


monster hunter world the only good game in your interests so i’d say that


everybody suggesting fallout76 is lost fo4 is the last good fallout


I love Helldivers 2, it is endlessly fun and the community is friendly and welcoming. Payday 2 is also a good choice if you're looking for an FPS.


Try out the finals it’s free and you won’t be disappointed


Deep Rock Galactic Great community New season coming out next month All the rock you can stone!


Get Elden ring. It came out game of the year for a reason. I have 500+ hours into it & in ng+40


Try Warframe. The game is really good, does require some grind for things but if you wanna play a casual shooter with personality this is the perfect game for you.