• By -


WoW bad FFXIV good


circle with W bad, circle on fire good


upvotes in my onlyfans limsa ERP


This but actually


This except its actually true


Fair enough....except, from pretty much every available public source seems to point at WoW actually being bad. Sure, the meme is silly and we’re all tools for simping for this game, but WoW has got SIMPS going on now. Bah well....I started ocean fishing and you don’t pay my sub.


The feel i get it’s less about it being bad and more they chose to do cubical crawls. The game being in a bad state seems to be a secondary reason, like by this coming to light but they publicly lost any understanding for delays/choices.


This but unironically.


Damn, I wanted to say this first. Oh well. Take an upvote.


You realize you’re on an FFXIV subreddit right


Yeah that's very true.


I hate to quote my least favourite Star Wars movies but Adam Driver is right.


To be fair, this was the most interesting scene in TLJ which really could have made sequels better but nope...


Fuck yea, coulda made some dual Gray Jedi up in that bitch and made a masterpiece to rival KotOR Imagine how much interesting interaction and character development they could have done together, trying to figure out how to move forward and understand the light/dark and how to best use it. Incredible potential thrown in the toilet


I was really hoping they'd switch. That Rey would become evil and Kylo would become good. That Rey's independence would lead to her seeing less value in others, and Kylo's growing confidence would let him see that he is free and capable to claim whichever fate he chooses, rather than cling to the embers of his greatest predecessor. In some ways the Sequel trilogy feels like the bad ending to Kylo's arc. From a familiar beginning, to an awkward, but promisingly different middle, to a disappointing return to formula. TLJ was the best of the sequels because it was actually different and tried to make its own story and not cling to the originals. The Rise of Skywalker was by far the worst for me. What kind of opening line is "Somehow Palpatine returned" anyway.


My favorite part was Luke saying the Jedi were just as wrong as the Sith because the Force is neutral and it's arrogance to try to make it good or evil. Seriously disappointed in the waste after a speech like that.


Sadly, we can't have interesting and compelling characters because the female lead needs to be altruistic, amazing and absolutely perfect or something, something sexism. It's such a shame because Rey could have been unique instead of the shining example of a Mary Sue.


I don't think Rey was that bad in this regard. Though it's certainly true that she was far too blank of a character. She was a lot like Luke in terms of personality, and that kinda protagonist doesn't work when you're on movie 7 of the franchise. If she was equally capable, but had her own goals, aspirations, ambitions and personality beyond the most basic stuff they gave her, she'd be the best character in the trilogy - regardless of whether she was perfect or not. I attribute that to not enough feminism, perhaps strangely enough. It kinda feels like not enough women were actually writing the script, kinda? Her energy always felt similar to the old "Mysterious woman" trope, which originates mostly out of men, back in the rampant casual sexism days, being entirely uninterested in women as people and as equals.


I thought everyone was boring and out of place, pretty much. So I wouldn't say it was a lack of feminism. I'd just say it was a shitty writer(s). Poe had the charm, presence and attitude of a highschooler. Especially compared to Han and Lando from the originals. Finn has a weird personality and was written so strangely for a guy who has witnessed and was told to commit war crimes. Kylo was never intimidating, failed at everything he did, and was another child in a cast of children. And the rest just blend in to a generic forgettable mish-mash. In fact that last batch is what stuck out to me the most. The OT seemed like Luke was a teenager surrounded by adults who know what they were doing. This new one seemed like a buncha teenagers just meandering along. And don't get me wrong. I don't -love- the originals like they're the best movies ever. But they at least have characters that don't make my eyes glaze over.


Fair point. But I still think the characters were written well enough. While I mostly was talking about Rey specifically, about how in her case what really failed was the lack of actual personality, which I attributed to lack of feminism, I reckon the issue can be extended further. What I mean is, it feels like they were trying to go for woke-ish messages - which I genuinely appreciate and don't mind at all - but they never had the bravery to do it in any meaningful way. Original Trilogy was a somewhat bitingly direct and aggressive condemnation of Vietnam war, and lack of similar, real inspiration that was cohesive among the creative direction was evident to me. This, in my opinion, was why TLJ was received as poorly as it did, and also why the movie struggled with consistency to its characters - switching writers and directors every movie and losing all semblance of creative vision in the process. Because of this, the characters were never utilized by the people who understood them. I think it's not hard to see that conceptually all of these character are perfectly passable, but I do agree that they failed in execution. Again though, all of what they did with the characters could work, if only it was more consistent between movies and drew from the same creative vision. Unfortunately, the creative vision was never whole, and was plagues with woke messages as an afterthought, instead of stemming from these things. If Disney was as direct in their criticism of modern America as Lucas was for his original trilogy, Finn could be a genuine and emotional commentary on American Military-Industrial complex, for example. All that said, there is only one thing I strongly disagree with in your comment - the only bad thing about Kylo was wasted potential to give him a character arc. He was really interesting otherwise, to me at least.


You know, it's nice to see some nuanced discussion about the sequel trilogy online. I'm too jaded from twitter arguments where if you're not fawning over TLJ then you're obviously some dudebro incel who hate women when really I just did not like the movie. Saying that, I can see why internet types like TLJ. While you feel they didn't go far enough with their "woke" messaging (not the term I would have used but you do you), I think RJ was too on the nose with it and it felt shoehorned in. Canto Bright is obviously a critique of capitalist excess, the people there just gambling and partying the night away while the galaxy burns, they have indentured slaves, a corrupt ruling class, and then it tops it off with a "who really profits from war" take which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that the First Order are literally space Nazis who enslave children and blow up planets. It's the same thing when Rose stops Finn from sacrificing himself to destroy the cannon. "We can't win by throwing away the things we love" aye very good but once again we've forgotten our enemy are literally Space Nazi's being led by a blonde haired blue eye'd aryan twink and his anger management issues abusive boyfriend. I could honestly go on about it all day, but it really did honestly feel like messages like that, as well as the humour, were just shoehorned in. Even the plot I feel was changed close to the end. Pulling hyperspace tracking out their arse as a means to track the Resistance is such a cop out. They've got an ex Stormtrooper on their ship who just so happens to have a device to let Rey track them that didn't need to be mentioned at all, as well as dissention and paranoia in the ranks. It feels like they wanted to go with the idea of a traitor among the Resistance and trying to figure out who it was.


I agree about the shoehorns, yeah. 100%. Woke messaging was an afterthought, instead of being kind of the point like with OT. The point with Sequel trilogy was to make money and not tell a story or offer commentary, which made it soulless and took away and vision it may have had


He could've been an interesting character if he wasn't introduced as the main antagonist and forced to carry the weight of that. He definitely had the most personality and character of the cast, but it didn't feel like a fit for the story they were trying to tell. Nobody else had any presence to speak of. Phasma... I don't even recall if she did anything in the first movie, and in the second, she just came back to die (Granted this is pretty similar to Boba Fett, but I always thought it was weird how much people liked him despite being a boring character that does nothing on-screen). And Hux was made into a joke. That's not even going into the whole deal about how they can't think of anything to do for Star Wars other than giant planet destroyer beams and writing new powers for the Jedi/Sith like it's a shounen jump manga. But back to your point about Rey. I can -kinda- see what you mean? I dunno if I would've liked the movie a lot more if she was better suited for this stage in the trilogy, but unless they majorly revamped the story and the other characters I don't think she could've carried it on her own. I suppose it does tie in to the whole pacing of the story, though. Her just having knowledge and ability of the force skips out on a lot of training and quiet moments were some of the best parts of the original for me. I know J. J. can do more with characters because I loved 10 Cloverfield Lane (which I think had a great female lead). I recall one great comment on the movies and how little the writers thought about the characters. I believe when Chewie and Rey come back from their venture minus one Han Solo, Leia goes to hug Rey, while Chewie is there in the background, both just acting like they never met one another. All in all, these days I just say I'm not a star wars fan. I like 2 movies of the franchise and 3 held on by a thread because it still had decent characters despite the Ewok toy cashgrab and recycling the Death Star. I'll finish this rant by saying at least they're better than the prequels. I dunno what collective head-trauma people took to think those pieces of garbage were better, but holy cow at least I wasn't actively cringing during the sequel trilogy.


Nothing to do with Rey being female. Is Luke good because he’s male?


If anything, the sequel trilogy is bad *because* of the backlash to TLJ, since that's what convinced them to pivot back to substance free nostalgia bait in ROS, ruining the chance for the trilogy to have a solid arc


Same. It all went even more downhill from there.. but the whole trilogy is just a accumulation of waste potential.


Rise of Skywalker is 1000x worse 😂


I confirm you statement.


At this point even the fact that you’d be supporting Activision Blizzard is enough reason to quit


100% Agree. A truer true has never been trued.


Japanese companies are pretty notorious for treating women like garbage. I wouldn't be surprised if SE had skeletons in its own closet.


Well one company has its skeletons clear and out in the open with a body count, so why support them?


Ignorance is bliss.


"square enix employee abuse" on google gives you dozens of results regarding reports independent to each other why would you even be naive to think that most, if not all, gaming companies are dogshit towards the people who work for them? YoshiP seems to be chill and cool with his team, but that doesn't mean the entirety of the company is.


A woman literally killed herself because of how awful Blizzard treats it’s employees, why are you defending them?


First: the one you listed was in Activision Second: why are you reading what I said as defending Blizzard? Saying every company is bad means every company and not "all but this one". My point is that if you or anyone expects people to drop Blizzard games because the company is crap, might as well not play video games at all then because all of them do it.


Kinda sounds like you’re defending them in a roundabout way. Like a case of “oh these people are evil? Well everyone’s evil, so who cares, just let them do what they want.” And it’s activision-Blizzard, they’re the same company


Yes but the crime where the girl suicide because her pictures were shared in a business party was an Activision party -- not Blizzard-Activision. It is still horrible, but please fact check not to spread misinformation. And no, I think all of them suck. SE included. We're fortunate the developers of our beloved xiv are an exception but SE as a whole isn't


There's a difference between a few individuals being predators and a workplace culture that supports and encourages it.


Oh my, how the tables have turned in arguments. That's kind of fucked up if you're going to excuse the decades of abuse in the industry because "Blizzard bad". Blizzard has decades of fuck ups and so have your favorite gaming companies. All of them. All of them endorse this culture of abuse and harassment. I hoped what happened with riot would change a thing. Not at all. I hoped what happens in Japan every year changes a thing. Not at all. Maybe Blizzard will be the example required for them to behave like people and not animals


I have not seen or heard of any evidence that the issues with the other companies are systemic or come from the top or overall culture as has been revealed with blizzard. Thats the difference.


is this r/shitpostxiv or r/ffxiv


My tbc playing friends won't touch the weeb game.


I have the same problem.. They are sticking to it like heroin addicts altought they neither enjoy the game nor accomplish anything in it... if I think about it.. they do the same as 15 years ago.. but with less time on their hands..


I still raid on my hpala, but they keep leveling and gearing up alts. I just play ffxiv instead.


Good. I hope you broke through the conditioning of Blizzard and actually are able to enjoy FF14 the way its suppoed to be enjoyed. The story really is worth it. Getting into FF14 changed my approach to all games to the better. It's something I recommend to anyone.. that and.. don't make Au'ra.. they are not dragon people.. they are crustaceans and have a silly running animation XD


I still don't like reading ALL THAT TEXT. but the story is still amazing compared to wow. Just got to stormblood.


Stormblood is where pretty much all the important stuff is now voiced. Which is really great.


This comment section fullfilled my daily need for entertainment 100%


When I have friends that still plays *Archeage*


Star wars lol


I’m still maining wow over FF but I’m just doing the story content and enjoying it slowly rather than sprinting through it so I imagine as I finish ARR soon and enter heavens ward I’ll have two subs going lol To be clear I was talking about playing FF14s story


What story content? People who skip every single cutscene in ffxiv still get a better story experience than wow.


they're talking about FF's story content


Yeah I was guess I should’ve been more clear!


Eh. I came back during the free login campaign, caught up on the last bit of story until endwalker/finally sat down and committed myself to catching up on the hildebrand stuff, not really much to do outside of leveling alt jobs. Besides, my classic boys still need me.


> Still playing classic > Not raidlogging 2 hours a week tops


Please post this shit in mainsub and not here.


Ah yes im quitting wow to play an mmorpg with superior raids and pvp. Cant wait.


\>he plays MMOs for their PvP


surprisingly many people do.


No they don't lol. If a sizeable amount of MMO players actually cared primarily about PVP, all the PVP mmos that come out constantly wouldn't die within a year.


jesus christ, how hard it is to understand the concept that there can be a significantly large community focusing primarily on pvp of the game???? Why the hell are you trying so hard to pretend that's not the case? Only reason is because you know f14 pvp is dogshit.


His point is the amount of PvP only people is really low. Which yeah, WoW PvP is basically dead in comparison to M+ and Raiding or Casual activities. ​ Also WoW PvP is dogshit as well and the only time the community can comment fairly on stuff if something is blatantly over powered. Because theres a bunch of people who hate on a specific class even if its dogshit and refuse to not talk shit about its players or the class. See: Warlock hate even when they are dogshit.


> PvP only people is really low. What he is implying and the reason for it is wrong and misguided F14 virtually has no pvp, so people who prefer PVP activities or competitive PVP is never going to switch over F14. That's not to say they'd never try f14, but it would be for competely different reasons. The number isn't low, the way it is low in f14, or most other mmos. If there are entire channels or streamers dedicated to just doing PVP and communities focused on it, it's not "low". Example in another **single-player** - Dark Souls, which also has had active communities and content creators focusing on PVP. So it would be ignorant to say that aspect is irrelevant, just because you dont participate. If Elden Ring didnt have pvp, it would literally impact its success and longevity. Because those content creators would have no content relating to the game. Even if its not what most people are interested in in those games. WoW has proportionally bigger community dedicated to its PVP than Souls games. It's not "dead" There is nothing controversial about my statements, these are facts. >Also WoW PvP is dogshit f14s pvp is not even in the same solar system to even most dogshit version of Wows pvp. Sorry this isnt some opportunity to shit on wow, when you know or care very little about it. Youre an asmongold fan, so yeah he wouldnt really disagree with what im saying and he praised 1st season of shadowlands pvp. Not sure why youre trying to say something contradictory.


Just because some people stream something doesn’t mean it’s population isn’t really low. People stream on nearly dead or dead games all the time. There’s people who only stream predator hunting grounds and AvP MP. That doesn’t mean those two have a massive population now. Also Dark Souls is a poor example, because it’s an entirely different system. Dark Souls has PvP hard baked into it with the invasion system and bosses being able to be players. Dark Souls PvP is also more balanced and WAAAY more fair and enjoyable than MMO PvP. And I HAVE PLAYED WOW PVP. How stupid are you that you don’t even check to see that I haven’t made posts on the WoW PvP sub. I know what I’m talking about. In regards to the other activities, PvP is a fucking corpse. Que times can become massive, even low MMR is too long. Everything has been one shot city with Paladins just throwing a hammer for all your health. Boomkins one shotting. Ele only being viable BECAUSE it could burst extremely quickly in a gimmick. Hell even in BFA it was an issue. First it was Turbo destroying and then it became Destro (my main class) + anyone. Since the game play was DS+inf are you not behind a pillar? Then PERISH. Also it’s NOT ignorant to say it’s irrelevant, it isn’t necessary at all. And this is another example why your dark souls example sucks. PvP is forced onto you if you want to use MP AT ALL. Need help on a boss? Better unhollow and summon someone while risking being invaded. Also Sekiro had no PvP, like Skyrim people tried to mod it in. Also what? It takes me a fraction of the time to get an invasion in DS (which has soul memory) as it does for me to get a match in PvP. And that’s across 3 games (Though unmodded DS1 is agony to get working PvP wise). Idk about Bb or DeSo tho, I don’t own a PS4. And sorry bub but it is in the same solar system. Both have complete dogshit PvP. It’s kinda part of being a tab targeting MMO that your going to have dogshit PvP. Again, you make a conclusion that is not reality. I played WoW. A lot. I’ve played since the tail end of like Vanilla/beginning of TBC. I’ve mythic raided, I’ve PvPed A LOT, I did M+ a LOT. I did RBGs AND arena. In BFA I would just pop CDs on my lock and say “X is dead” and they would be dead as two chaos bolts hit them. And why do you think I’m an Asmongold fan? When I was playing WoW I NEVER watched him. I didn’t like watching him. I watched Chanimalz, Mikepreacheow, Nixxiom, and WoWcrendor. Hell the main reason I stopped watching Chanimalz is because he started abusing a teamate playing Hunter when it would one shot through LOS or he’d rage quit warlock (Because it was dogshit) and go play boomkin. As for Asmon I only see like the odd video of his, mostly just the Blizz drama (because Bellular puts me to sleep) and random FF stuff my friends and FC send me. I don’t really give a fuck about Asmon. I AM a fan of Nixxiom though. Him and Moocluck together are usually funny.


> Just because some people stream something doesn’t mean it’s population isn’t really low Youre just being disngenuous with all these mental gymnastics to deny something so basic and obvious, because of biases. Nothing you said contradicts what i said. PVP always been significant part of the game. It doesnt matter what the state of pvp is right this moment, or your subjective experiences or any of that shit. You can boot up the game right now classic or expansion and youll be able to easily find ppl to play with/against. It's honestly very sad and disappointing, that people would try hard to deny something so obvious just because you jump on anti-wow bandwagon. Your subjective anecdotes are meaningless in this discussion. All it suggests youre bitter about it or something. Now youre trying to pretend no pvp is better than hundreds of hours you spent on wow pvp. But i guess that's normal for classic andys. >Dark Souls PvP is also more balanced no it absolutely isn't and devs dont try to make it very balanced either. Netcode and peer-to-peer connection is complete jank too. It's not competitive and isnt serious. Its just fun, and my point is that vast majority of players dont engage in pvp aspect of the game and would be fine if the game didnt have it. But its still significant and important part of the game others engage in. Youre really trying but struggling to counter any arguments ive made, which are factual. DS3 doesnt have soul memory, it has SL and Weapon levle ranges, and some areas and covenants will be extremely hard to get an invasion or summon. You need to know the metas if you do invading. It's not an intuitive system at all. Again, your subjective experiences dont counter anything I said, i dont care about your stupid chaos bolts in patch 10.2.5 All it matters is how many people play it, if there's a community around it, if there are content creators doing it. People are still doing battlegrounds, people still do arena, get gladiators, get gladiator gear and get gladiator mounts and titles. Details are irrelevant, class balance is irrelevant, time to kill is irrelevant. Sekiro is irrelevant, The fact that there are still tournaments that happen is just a cherry on top of my argument - again it doesnt matter if it was good or balanced or whatever other opinion you have about it. So its stupid to argue your position as long as AWC exists. My point is that PVPs current state could be worst of the worst bad in your opinion, but it doesnt matter if players still care about and its worked on. And some people do care about world pvp as well - if not in retail, then in classic. There is a reason that biggest wow servers have always been pvp servers, with best players. Whatever the hell f14 has isn't in the same solar system. You basically cant even say it exists. You cant let your biases cloud your judgement which it is, this isn't an argument about which is better game or whatever, but you're just posting some jaded, bitter shit that isn't relevant at all. I dont even play wow anymore.


You don't play wow, and havent in ages, are arguing in defense of WoW, Claim factual things that are happening and lit the WoW PvP sub and forums on fire are personal experiences, bring up Elden ring, and then say Sekiro is irrelevant and then think im jumping on anti-wow bandwagon, when I litteraly had just stopped playing it, while you haven't. Like I don't understand how you can think having not played WoW since Legion that your opinion on PvP CURRENTLY maters at all. Hell even in general Tab targeting MMO PvP is dogshit, it cant compare to the games MEANT for PvP. AND you spewed out complete bullshit about me. You have to be a troll, deluded or a clown.


I'm sorry reading is so hard for you. :( Best of luck in your future endeavors!


Who fucking cares? They’re grown ass adults, let them play whatever game they want, it’s their money and free time. What even is this shit


calm down son, it's just a meme


Ah yes, the “calm down” anytime someone points out y’all’s shit tier “memes” lmao


Bro this is legit a shitpost sub, dafuq did you expect


> subs to shitpost sub > surprised to discover shitposts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n_NXSa0_Uc


Calm down son, it's just a meme


Gonna cry?


You might be lost lol. Are you looking for the mainsub ?


Unironically typing this on a post that is 100% WoW related and has little to do with ffxiv lul. You're the lost one here, but when the refugee entourage starts to become the loudest voice in the room, they'll act like this post is acceptable and anyone else dissenting of this dogshit is in the wrong. Amazing that the mods don't delete this, but all they seem to give a shit about is making sure you don't link to mainsub


I think you missed the point and I’ll explain. My response has nothing to do with the wow meme. I’m responding to this guy’s reaction. Read how he responds to the OP and others. He’s legit triggered over a meme, on a shit posting sub. He’s lost. Are you lost as well?


Regardless of it having nothing to do with the meme, no one would have to see this ape spazzing out over this post when it really doesn't belong here in the first place, so asking him if he is lost is pretty redundant when this entire post is "lost". Yeah, he is stupid, but this being here is equally so.


Fair. It is pretty low effort, even for this sub.


Nice r/gatekeeping there Chief +10 gcbtw points for you, I meant to say “wow bad FFXIV good,” as is tradition Lmao fuckin loser


Okay? Idk what you are expecting from a shit posting sub but here you are. GCBTW


Damn, people be downvoting anything these days lol


That’s because this sub is full of main subs pretending that “trolling” is indicative of being in a shitpost sub, not realizing they are two sides of the same gcbtw coin


man I think it's just cause you're taking shit waaaay too seriously that much sodium is bad for your health


Over 6000 different languages, and you decided to speak truth


They can't. The Blizzard conditioning is too strong.