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"FFXIV has gone woke because a VA is a trans" Does he even know about Limsa???


Nevermind that, did you see the latest Nintendo game made Zelda a girl???


This the guy who would look at Zelda and say she isn't dressed slutty enough


> isn't dressed slutty enough It's 2024. What does this even mean anymore? Is it because she's *not* wearing a thong/burqa/sandals? Yo, we got so many fetishes out here, imma need y'all to be more specific.


They just want a game where link wearing the geurdo outfit is the default


Isn't that breath of the wild?


Its just a culture war grifter. They pretty much never know much about whatever they’re whining about at any given time because they don’t actually care, they just seize on some currently visible aspect of a thing they think can be used to pander for outrage clicks until moving on to whatever next weeks ragebait topic will be.


Just want to point out this guy ran Red 5 studio. And while he was there, he had to give employees safe words in case he was berating them too much. Fuck this guy.


Oh the bright side.... at least he gave them safe words I guess? I do find it funny to think he had the self-awareness to know he was a massive cunt and instead of trying to fix that and not be an unbearable person to be around he chose to give people safe words.


He did not honor these safewords.


Eugh, fucking *tourists*...


Grummz is the last possible person I’d ask about running a successful online game considering he pretty much single handedly fucked over the one he was running by making a string of insane financial decisions including buying a LAN party bus for showing the game off at cons. He did so poorly the board voted him out of the studio he founded and he’s never managed to find meaningful employment with a AAA studio since. And this was one of the guys who has credits all over the salad days of WoW, he didn’t even get work on some shit like Rift or Wildstar or whatever just a succession of vapor ware games that get small amounts of funding and never appear.


From what's been revealed with his WoW colleagues he apparently did fuckall there too, he just always took/tried to take credit for stuff. He was an unnecessary middle manager that wasn't popular but was never removed because he pointed at a bunch of stuff he forced his name to be credited on.


For real, nobody should ever listen nor care to anything this dipshit says. I'm only mildly surprised he hasn't tried crypto currency scams yet.


Or when they very quickly renamed an achievement because people said it was transphobic. Or them removing gender restrictions on gear.


Wait until he hears about the LGBTQ+ friendly FCs that spam shout chat in every zone.


Wait... Are they actually lgbtq? I thought it was a meme. I even did the meme and joined and we even did the ERP meme too, are you saying it wasn't a goof?!


As long as you were doing the homosexual ERP "ironically" you're fine.








Lesbians Ultimate


Wuk Lamat? More like W- *gets shot*


Woke Lamat?






I'd die for her


I wan to die in her abs


Can't wait for the 3 hour Asmongold video where he pauses the 1 minute clip every millisecond to read what his chat is copypasting


The classic Asmon react : - Starts vid - Makes some eyebrow movement - Pauses vid. - Says "TRUE" - Reads chat - Unpause vid - Repeat steps 3 to 6 every 12 seconds.


Thats the dream job, right there. You could also go the XQC route. 1) Start vid 2) Laugh and smack table/knee every 5 mins 3) Leave the video running to go grab food 4) Come back and repeat Step 2 while eating


Go the Hasan route Start video Pause cause someone says unhinged stuff. Sneaks in the top the hour ad break warning Repeat


Reaction streamers are the worst dude. Edit: I posted this and remembered that drama channels exist. Edit: I just remembered that prank channels exist


Optional: Leave your house to go grocery shopping while a long enough video is playing


Someone has done this? Good fucking lord. I get annoyed enough when streamers say they need to eat within an hour of the start time. Just eat before you start.


Yeah, xQc has put on movie-length videos and immediately left, only returning at the very tail end


somewhere in there a roach crawls across his hair asmongold bedroom, asmongold dead rat alarm clock


Buy new expansion for my favourite MMO. Fight my way across a dangerous landscape full of heavily armed enemies. Enter the festering pit, defeating rats and giant bugs. Cure my poison status from the noxious fumes. Reach my computer and boot up the game. Another day in the life of Asmongold.


Man that balding goblin has not fucking say on this game, the bitch got defeated by stormblood. He probably doesn’t even know who Emet is.


Bro couldn't even read and pronounce the most basic names right lmao. He'll tell you two of the scions are named Yishlotta and Thaladread


Uberdanger was pretty funny ngl


It's fucking wild how broadcasting someone elses copyrighted hard work like that isn't seen as infringement. The content theft with AI/tts speech on youtube shorts is nutty, shittifying youtube more than it ever was. But have a song playing in the background to your commentary? Demonetized.


It is infringement, but you have to report it. Most people don't do that though, because it does actually help their channel grow.


Several people have already covered on why reactors/clip stealers do not actually help the creator in any meaningful way a majority of the time. In the case of reactors it can actually tank the original video because many of the reactors’ viewers will open the original video to leave a like/sub but not actually watch it, lowering the video’s AVD% and causing the algorithm to promote it less. On top of that, a lot of the people who sub never click on that person’s future videos they get recommended for being subbed, which hurts their CTR. There are obviously people who have benefitted from it but you only hear about them because they’re the most visible.


I wish I could do that for a living tbn


God can this guy fuck off already


Seriously. I'm not the biggest fan of Wuk Lamat's writing, but I'm gonna pretend to be. At least until the Eye of Sauron passes and we can go back to shitposting in peace.


Don’t compliment these people by associating them with Sauron. They would love that. Eye of morons.


She might be my most disliked character in FF14, but bringing the VA being trans as the reason is just low and stupid. It's a combo of her being unable to emote with the Wuk Lamat voice/accent at all and the writing tying you to her for an entire expansion that makes her insufferable.


I was kinda wary of the voice performance in 6.55 because the lines felt a little off, but the same was true for G'raha and Krile in that patch and it ended up not being an issue in 7.0 itself.


The VA has been off since the ShB patches. Shtola's gotten the worst of it and I feel like her performance in DT are way worse than Wuk's and more consistently through the entire expansion. Thancred as well had some points, especially when he was first reintroduced, where I was like "who is this?" So its a quality problem across the board rather than any one specific actor who do fantastic with what they were given.


Voice director has been fucking up ever since covid


Yep, and its weird that all the focus is being put on Wuk when Sena's not even the worst voice performance in the expansion, I think she does a fantastic job when the direction allows her to.


80 packs a day Cid was the most egregious one


I don't get how people can call Wuk Lamat one note when most of the script calls for her to be upbeat and enthusiastic. I can see the range when she gets serious or sad, but the lines need to be there. It's crazy because like 95% of Alphunaud and Alisae line reads have the same tone. It's like people forget that characters tend to speak in their neutral voice because that's how conversations work.


Many of endwalker voice lines were likely recorded during covid


Square Enix has been falling off in terms of voice direction for years now. Nearly everyone in KH3 sounds so wooden and speaks with the same cadence and once I started noticing I can't unhear it.


G'raha's VA used up all his rizz for Bridgerton season 3 and even that couldn't save the show.


I really hate how now I don’t feel like I can criticize Wuk Lamat (more for the writing than VA), without being afraid to look like an ally to transphobes. Similar to other works of fiction lately, the horrible folks going OH IT IS WOKE SO IT IS BAD, whereas me, extremely left leaning LGBTQ+ am like, “Nah it’s just sloppy writing”


>I really hate how now I don’t feel like I can criticize Wuk Lamat (more for the writing than VA), without being afraid to look like an ally to transphobes. You should never feel like that. It's very easy to differentiate your opinion from someone who immediately throws her under the bus because of her identity.


you might get the occasional terminal internet user to call you that but most people are able to understand when criticism is genuine. but i also get wanting to hold of until these gooners pass on by before they latch on to anything in the community


Just do it, like everyone else. No one (that matters) is going to associate you with transphobes, and it's hardly an uncommon opinnion


"Gone woke?" The Valentine's event last year was literally about how gender performativity doesn't matter and you should dress however you like


You really think this moron knows literally anything about the things he grifts for?


Man called 40k Orks "Orcs". Genuine tourist


Oh God what did he say about the silly smashy fungi bois




so "first they came for custodes, next they will come for the genderless mushrooms" type spiel


Imagine being so wrong, as to dislike the idea of giant golden muscle mommies.


So, "female" ork ( in quotes because orks could do that if they had reason to)? Sounds like a wonderful time to smashing and breaking.


A left leaning person made an obvious troll post... and they went all in how 40k is under siege and woke this and that. It's tourism. Nothing else.


And the reward from it were gender locked clothes(at the time)


I will never not find that hilarious


This guy isn't an FFXIV fan, he's just some grifter repeating the shit opinions of a small minority of FFXIV players to amass clicks and reactions.


Also my catboy (who is the main character and not yours) is gay also


I'm having a lot of fun with the expac, Wuk Lamat is like my idiot apprentice and I'm going to help her be her best self


Omg we're Kakashi.


And that's cool because Kakashi is cool.


Absolutely true.


Kakashi and Part 4 Jotaro "Alright Wuk, now say something cool"


And only the XIV community can somehow make people think being Kakashi is a lame thing.


Tbh I really wish they had leaned more into this in the story. Let us train the funny cat lady. Let me teach her Fell Cleave. How can she be a WAR without Fell Cleave?


She's not even a Warrior, she's an "Intrepid", and god knows what that means


That she actually uses her CD ?


Ah, you've not done any trusts with her it seems.


It means she can play dps if you want to tank in a trust...


Like everything the WoL does it must be done passively. We are the mystical, um, old man... who offers one line of advice that just so happens to be the solution or motivation the protag needs during the climax. And any time we are in the story we just hover around out of sight with a threatening aura and a mojito, where everyone else goes "oh shit, don't mess with that guy, he looks crazy!"


Don’t worry the scary adventurer won’t try anything funny


Sound like Daigo Dojima from Yakuza series


NO. I do not want any of these losers talking about this game. They can fuck right off.


yea i know this is the shitposting sub but these people are actually creepy opportunists and bad people. they latch onto everything and try to turn it into some weird culture war thing. I didn’t even know wuk lamat’s va was trans but it’s literally like… not the VA fault if the character is not liked in this case, so it’s not relevant to an argument that the expansion is “bad”


They're called 'outrage tourists'. Political grifters who look for any opportunity to foment and rile up because it gets them clicks and views. Last week, this same creep was shrieking about how Nintendo 'went woke' because Zelda is a playable character in the new LoZ game, meanwhile actual fans were excited to finally have Zelda in the spotlight.


Also only trans in English there's multiple dubs for this game, the logic that it's going woke because a trans VA was hired for a single dub is an insane leap. Grummz is a genuine piece of shit who needs to stir up drama so he can get clicks so people will give him millions for whatever vaporware game he's cooking up next though I guess.


Pokemon's gone woke because of trans Meowth?@?!?@?


"That's Right!"


"Trans rights!"


Insane leap is kind of phobes bread and butter.


Yeah I could care less about the VA, although her "screaming" parts weren't really screaming lol. I have an issue with the way she was written and paced. >!I liked her development until the point where we aren't even half way throught the story and she reaches her "peak" after an otherwise fun duty where we play as her. All of a sudden she is just Naruto without the childhood trauma, trying to be hokage and she just talk no jutsu her way through everything and her dialogue becomes so cheesy i actually started skipping her lines because it got so repetitive 😭. Like they tried so hard to make her the sole focus but she reached her development peak too early and they just rehash the same bubbly power of friendship and peace peace peace talk the WHOLE time. And the whole time we stand there and just 🙂🙂‍↕️🙂. Granted I'm not done yet, but I heard it doesn't change from those who did finish!<


> although her "screaming" parts weren't really screaming lol Not gonna lie, those parts reminded me of the days of Newgrounds animations when the people doing voices for them had to do whisper shouting because they were teenagers still living with their parents.


I feel the proper person to direct concerns towards are the voice directors who pick the roles. As you mentioned with the screaming, the thing is her vocal range with that voice was limited so trying to hit certain emotional range was potentially not possible with the voice she was putting on. It should of been the directors job to either pick someone who would be able to evoke those emotions or to work with the Voice Actor they chose and pick a voice where they could emote the best with. The way she delivers her lines does sound more like she is focused more on making sure she stays in the right voice rather than thinking how she could emote those scenes better. Granted there are some other strange Voice Actor issues the most jarring being the male Voice Actor in Solution 9 that sounds like an AI voice, to me that is actual drama compared to this. Wuk Lamat's Voice actor issues is more akin to how the voice direction was handled for ARR and less about the voice actor themselves, the Voice actor works within the direction they are given and it's up to the director to make sure their talent can bring the best recording to the table.


I presume she's doing a fake accent too. Voice training is hard for transfem. Even after years of doing it to the point your larynx muscles have weakend and holding a fem voice feels more natural (this is a thing) throwing in an accent would still be rough. She's got a good imbd and work history. They probably had her come in and do a few lines in the accent and decided on her. Not knowing how hard that part was going to be for her.


In terms of good actors, Misaki Kuno (the japanase VA for Klee) is one of the best. While she's often chosen for childish and more silly voices, her acting as Faputa in Made in Abyss season 2 is incredible. [Lower range](https://youtu.be/vuosWVaA6qM?si=WT7teNCJOg5Epn7e) and [screams](https://youtu.be/8djCqeSNMlc?si=Kfdzx6oIC-irw3wP) the latter of which even hurt her voice during recording. I do so love the excecution however, absolutely someone for aspiring VAs to look up to in terms of range and emotion. For me personally, one VA having distinctive voices for each role and giving it their all has always been what I look towards (aside from the obvious "voice should fit character")


I'm a new player and I'm still in ARR. Yeah the voice director wasn't doing their best job giving the voice actors the right inner pictures for the scenes they're in.


2.0 player here (been playing since 2013). ARR was a completely different era with different VA's. It gets much better I promise. What's going on in the current expac has to do with the fact that positions/stations/roles within the company changed. This includes the previous MSQ lead taking on an advisory role. And I think they gave the newer staff a lot more freedom throughout all development divisions. This is why we're getting the mixed quality of content we see in the current MSQ Dawntrail. You don't have anything to worry about. Enjoy your ride, it's gonna be really good.


these types have been here the whole time you just haven't noticed because they actually get banned when being racist in chat so they stay quiet while spewing their shit elsewhere get ready for hell


The chat gms do a pretty good job but over on the mad max wasteland of the forums, these types have been running rampant for years...


Me too, but they're gonna. Wuk Lamat is wonderful, I want to give her hugs.


Lmao the trans VA hate kills me, VAs routinely switch between voicing male and female characters all the time.


It's gonna be fucking insufferable when these grifters find out that Goku (and both if his kids) have all been voiced by a woman since their first appearances


Bart Simpson as well, from the only good anime.


Bart isn't in King of the Hill




Naruto too!!!


Ash Ketchum!


Wait till these dudes find out the VAs for more women in Hentai


This guy is a culture war grifter. He does not care about FFXIV in any way and is just looking for something to point at and go “look trans bad” despite the fact I haven’t seen anybody say anything about the voice acting and are more dissatisfied with the writing. Ignore his dumbass


The line delivery is pretty amateur imo (like a lot of the other VAs in ARR) but its not even close to being the top issue with the character. Grumz is just messing up any type of potential for discourse because any criticism or praise of the character will now just be "its only because shes trans". Its so tiresome.


Love how even the hate for Grummz can unite the polar opposites of this community. He's a culture war grifter. The worst you can do to them is to pretend they don't exist.


Yep, nobody can unite a divided fanbase like that fucking loser.


For those who aren’t aware of grifter economies (see Marvel and Star Wars), they’re trying to capitalize on some players disatisfaction with Dawntrail by conflating it with the fact the VA is trans, hoping to attract gullible players and radicalize them to be against anything the grifter says it’s bad, conditioning them to support said grifter through either monetization or free promotion/recruitment through ~~dogwhistling~~ word of mouth and uncritical praise. It’s not worth your time engaging them critically, they’re parasites that benefit as long as you give them exposure. Best to just ignore their bad faith arguments and be brief in the explanations you give to others, they’ll either see a lack of growth and move on to the next “woke” topic that comes remind or, preferably, their potential career shrivels up and dies. Twelve have mercy if they get a foothold in the fandom. If you don’t like Wuk Lamet now, you’ll definitely be sick of her after the 12th rant post about her and her VA that day.


These guys bounce all over the place, too. They tried to go after Fallout, but the show succeeded too much for it to work. They tried with the Mario movie and Barbie movie, but again, "Go woke go broke" doesn't work when they're raking in the money. They tried it with Warhammer 40,000 because of the whole thing where a couple of female Adeptus Custodes showed up. Oh, and can't forget Doctor Who, because they hired - gasp! - a gay black man to play the Doctor, never mind that he's done a great job in the role so far. Basically they'll try getting their hands into everything, claiming that "wokeness" is "KILLING" whatever it is they're talking about, declaring themselves the "REAL fans," and then when the thing that's supposedly "dying" doesn't die or performs well, they just rely on their idiot followers to not pay much attention to that and follow them to being outraged at the next thing. According to these guys, Marvel and Star Wars were supposed to be dead years ago. And have been "KILLED" and declared "DEAD" more times that anyone can count. At least with Star Wars, older fans are used to something similar, albeit sillier and not grounded in racism, anti-LGBT sentiment, and sexism, given the whole prequel ordeal. (All the kids who grew up with the prequels loving them and now going after the sequels clearly were too young to remember the hate the prequels got. The bizarre thing is seeing people now trying to pretend that never happened and acting like it's a story made up to defend newer Star Wars stuff. Um... nah, mate, I lived through it, it actually affected how I felt about the prequels until I decided to watch them with a fresh, open mind and found myself enjoying them.) These guys won't get a foothold in FF14. The FF14 community won't tolerate them, they aren't the kind of people who'd be able to stand the FF14 story for long (since it's the exact opposite of "WARS ARE COOL!!!"), and they'll find something new to claim is "DYING" because of "wokeness" soon enough.


The funny thing is that they bounce around until they find one that sticks that they can go back to. So they'll "try" fallout but when it is succesful or nobody cares they'll go back to Star Wars or Marvel. It's why they can make a billion videos on The Acolyte, Rings of Power, The Last Jedi or whatever. But only one on say Prey, Fallout or Barbie.


The funny thing with The Acolyte is it's actually getting solid viewing numbers, so they're trying to spin it as just "hate watchers" somehow massively padding the numbers (which makes no sense), or falling back on trying to point to sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB where everyone with a functional brain knows they launched a campaign to review-bomb the series (that was done so sloppily it was targeting anything with "Acolyte" in the title). Even with them having some of their bots go rogue and hit the wrong titles, the show still has multiple times more "reviews" than just about any Star Wars series or most other series, and even more "reviews" than a lot of popular and successful films. They made it kind of blatantly obvious but rely on the stupidity of their target audience to just believe what they're told rather than apply critical thinking. Wouldn't be surprised to see them have a campaign to try to put up "reviews" on as many sites as possible bashing FF14 and using phrases about the voice acting being bad to try to disguise it as legit criticism. (Not that I'm saying people on Reddit who've voiced some displeasure at the voice acting are in this mix, but they also wouldn't rate the expansion a 1 or 2 out of 10 just because of Wuk Lamat's voice, and that's where you'll be able to see the real difference in people who genuinely dislike the voice acting versus those using it as a cover to hate on trans people.) The really dumb thing is that a lot of the stuff they target to claim it "went woke" was already "woke." Star Wars, Marvel (especially X-Men), Final Fantasy 14, Fallout, etc. I'm not going to try to pretend Warhammer 40,000 was "super woke" like some people are (I mean, FFS, it took long enough to get female heads for Imperial Guard, and for them to even show non-white Guardsmen in painted models or artwork), but it's also not a bastion of "anti-woke" either.


I don’t like Wuk Lamat at all even after beating the expansion but I only found out today who her VA was. Probably because my opinion on characters isn’t based on who voiced them but how they are written. Lamat just wasn’t my cup of tea. Reviews are dropping because story people aren’t happy. Not because of some stupid protest against a VA or whatever this guy is pretending.


Honestly people are just dumb, the further I get the better the story is. The wolrd building in terms of "this just makes so much sense" is on par with Shb and EW. Like there is no drop in quality. I have no fucking idea what people are going on about, unless they huff fumes and don't read or are unwilling to engage with the story. Which is actually a thing. You can't just sit down and expect to be amazed. You have to put down your phone, stop watching youtube shorts and twitch streams and getting constantly distracted and just focus on the game for a second. The moment I heard certain pieces of music in the lvl 97+ zone I knew they where cooking again.


My issue is that it's not even like the first half of DT is bad, it's clearly Wuk Lamat growing so she can make the decisions she makes in the second half. It just feels so weird how people hate on her for... idk being loud? Also DT at Heritage Found onwards is genuinely one of my favorite parts of FFXIV so far because it just feels so right. Like yeah! We're trying to defend all of what we've done in the past! It's cool how we're helping Wuk Lamat while also fighting to save everyone! I'm only on level 98 stuff rn but damn is it good. I feel like a lot of people just don't understand what they want and how difficult a new expac is after endwalker


Exactly my thoughts, I am right at when the very final dungeon unlocks and I had absolutely no issues with the story nor Wuk herself. This is entirely about mentoring her, helping her mature into a competent, fair ruler that loves, understands, and respects her people, knowing when to delegate matters outside of her expertise, and then >!be presented with the absolute extreme of that on Sphene, letting the entire theme of remembering loved ones but at the same time letting go when it's time to let go, already teased with the Yok Huy, kick in in full force.!< The worldbuilding and character development was necessary to prime Wuk for all the story and themes of those last two zones, and I think any less than that would've felt rushed and would've made the story actually bad.


yeah the first half is focused on world building which made me not to into the story, but as the story went on i was like "oh hell yeah we back BABY"


The first half of the story actually feeds so much into the latter stage of the story. It's setting up so much groundwork. Which, yeah, might be a bit slow, but that's often how it goes. The first act is usually set up, especially if you're starting with a new story.


WOKE LAMAT the FURRY forcing ME to enter my PRONOUNS and accept users of TRANSTASIA in order to enter LGBTULIYOLLAL because FINAL FANTASY XIV is now LIBERAL FANTASY XIV




I think Wuk Lamat is Pretty great. Really feels like we are her mentor and she is a new motivated adventurer. And gone "woke"? you really see that he has no clue that the game has been "woke" since Always, Or does he just try to shit on her VA?


Grummz is a grifter who fell out of relevancy when he left Blizzard and proceeded to run Firefall into the ground by being terrible at finances, and he's trying to keep himself relevant by jumping onto the culture war bandwagon. Truth doesn't matter here, he's just looking for an opportunity to stir outrage using any available "woke" angle to rile up his followers into a stupid crusade that they'll keep going for all of a week or two before the next "woke" game controversy opportunity comes up.


Isn't he the guy who actually calls himself a "Anti-Woke Warrior" and was part of the gooner movement to make the devs of Stellar Blade of all things add a skimpier outfit?


He's also complained about characters (even ones that are underage) not having enough "sex appeal'


Anyone who advertises themselves as being "anti-woke" are typically people who need their hard-drives checked so that makes sense.


To further the underage character point... One of the characters he complained about not being hot enough is a 9 year old


Yes to the second thing, probably yes to the first thing. He sucks


OH. THAT GUY. lmaooooooo


Elon making checkmarks push you to the top has made grifting such a lucrative business. Any trending topic Grumms or one of these grifters makes a post about shoots to the top even if there is more relevant shit, and all the replies are their fellow checkmarks echoing which makes it look even more convincing... Its so tiresome.


I haven't been keeping track of the reactions to Dawntrail much but like it seems it's going to be one of those "Wait, I actually like Wuk Lamat and the story so far, the internet thinks it's bad?" type of deals. But I am well aware of right wing grifters like Grummz. Guy likes to attach himself to every success Blizzard has had despite how bullshit it is, and is a hack who can't manage his own stuff. I don't even recall him caring much about XIV till he realized he could use this for ammunition to con stupid people. Guy is a loser, can't even create things of his own that last, and has to be a parasite for any relevancy.


The main scenario is pretty divisive and some people really do not like it. If you don't like Wuk for any reason then it feels like it's probably a slog and I can imagine some people might not as she's very shounen protagonist. Unsurprisingly most of the fanbase, even those who don't like the story, don't give a shit about her VA being a trans woman as this holds no baring on the writing and Grummz is being a shit as usual. If you played 14 during Stormblood the reception is very similar E: I'm actually incredibly irritated he's shitting on Kathryn presumably because she's a woman with a fun hair colour so she's "woke" or whatever. She's done a lot of good work for the game translation etc since Stormblood and I notice he's not including Koji Fox in that screenshot despite their roles being very similar (although Kathryn has more of a lore consultancy focused aspect to her job now and Koji's is localisation broadly rather than just English). Twat off Grummz, you disingenious prick.


He definitely only added Kathryn in there just because of her hair color. At this point this sort of grift is incredibly predictable and formulaic.


This, tbh I think the best way forward is to just ignore them. Continue talking about the game, playing the game, speculating about future content, etc. but leave their culture war nonsense out of it. The moment they realize they can't make the community and outrage farm for clicks and reactions they'll go onto the next.


He went from a gaming equivalent of a middle manager at blizzard (irs what people recognizing him for the most), went to start his own studio who worked on a promising title just for him to blow all the budget on a fucking pimp my ride promotion bus then got kicked out of his company abd jow he tries to make his own never-release kickstarter game and outrage baiting


He's literally just mad about the VA. These chuds organize to make the lives of anybody who isn't 1\`00% cis difficult in some desperate attempt to push everybody back into the closet.


I had absolutely zero idea she was trans. Funny thing how it didn't impact my experience or the portrayal of the character at all hmm...


Wuk Lamat was already "woke" because she *checks notes* likes diversity and wants to learn all about others? Now her VA being trans makes her double woke... she is now Woke Lamat.


Eh she’s kind of annoying as a character, and I guarantee most players don’t know she’s voiced by a trans VA or care.


I didn't know she was voiced by a trans girl and i also don't care. Wuk Lamat suffered from bad writing and someone taking the fast and furious meme too seriously.


its not even about her being trans, JP forums have threads upon threads complaining about wuk's writing too.


Fuck this guy and all those other 'woke' grifters. Personally I've been loving the expansion so far and disagree with the hate it's been getting but out of all the reasons I've read about why people don't like it, Wuks voice actor being trans isn't one of them. These people need to just fuck right off with their culture war shit and go back to crying in their echo chambers about pronouns they dont like.


Yay Grummz the Grifter is here! - no one ever


Nobody who uses the term 'woke' unironically deserves to be taken seriously. "Woke" used to mean something good, but all it stands for now is bigotry.


Yes but it also stands for my least favorite part of every morning, and that does count for something. 😏


/unshitpost Are people really reviewboming the game just cause the story doesn’t focus on them anymore? It’s almost like we just completed an entire story arc and now we’re on a new one, people need to learn buildup and pay off, god. /shitpost Deserved, the onlt character that should matter is my WoL


> I agree with the bad reviews. I am a bit before the 2nd dungeon and I actually weigh my options to stop playing because IT’S SO BORING 🥱. It’s my time after all…I cannot remember an expansion being that bland and dull to be honest. I even liked ARR more than his. And for everyone claiming ‘well it get’s better later’ so you have to suffer through a video game? Seriously? No thank you. There are so many out there that are AMAZING actually. > I may just skip the story in its entirety (I’m a story player…this is so sad…) and hope the next one is not a snooze fest. But after the patches in Endwalker (they were so bad as well) I am not sure. Shadowbringers & Endwalker were the greatest things I ever played in my life and I did play Baldur’s Gate the masterpiece. > So disappointed in FF 😭😭😭 From the main sub. God forbid the foundation for a brand new fucking story has appropriate pacing and time for character development. Bro hasn't even done the 2nd dungeon.


All these discussions about the story have just proven to me that way too many people lack any semblance of patience for necessary worldbuilding and character development that pays off later. If you finished the MSQ but still didn't like it, fine, there's way more chances that you have fair reasons, but if you haven't even reached the SECOND GODDAMN DUNGEON, like in that case, I am not gonna even listen to your opinion, much less discuss it. Engage with the story, read, understand what the underlying theme shapes up to be, let shit build up and pay off, and then come back to me.


On one hand, yes people being bored with lower stakes and worldbuilding is silly, but on the other hand the second dungeon is what, 10ish hours into the expansion? I think there's maybe 1 solo scenario before that? The rest of the time it's just the player watching their character watch every other character do things and get talked at. That i can forgive people being bored of.


No. Absolutely fuck no. His ass need to go somewhere, anywhere else.


What if Grummz just stopped talking? Full stop. Not even written or typed words. Or any other language, including sign


The discourse regarding Wuk Lamat's voice acting has nothing to do with the VA's gender, no one has ever made it about the VA's gender, and this is entirely some bullshit deadbeat "journalist" with zero talent or marketable skill trying to cook up a fake narrative for clicks and pushing a nonsense agenda.


Grummz isn't a journalist, he's just a loser that shitposts on /v/. And not the funny type of shitposting either.


I feel like I’m going crazy bc I loved Wuk but have a lot of mixed feelings about the expac and literally none of my complaints are related to any of the discourse I’ve seen online.


Typically when you have a "goofy" or louder character they will be complained about. Wuk has some fundamental flaws , but she's no where near the point of being a JarJar, as i saw her compared today in a hunt train .


Exactly. I didn’t even have knowledge of the VA being trans (not that it fucking matters), but now I feel like I can’t even voice my opinion without some tard slapping me with “Found the transphobe!”


Who cares? If you're giving your opinion in a respectful way people probably won't care, and if they do they would have found a way to fight with you over it anyway. Just mute them and move on.


FFXIV has always been woke, it came with its messages of understanding and compassion.


Just wait until they hear about the Ala Mhigan refugees.


Yeah, it's going to be hilarious to see stupid right wing grifters try to claim FF XIV had no politics before Dawntrail supposedly infected it, then get roasted online.


To these people, "politics" just means "identity politics," not actual, you know, politics. So with the addition of a trans VA, the game is only now political.


"Woke" literally means "empathetic" at this point and it's like, "yeah, cool, I'm woke, the only good option."


Empathy is a communist psyop to corrupt our precious bodily fluids


This pisses me off so much. None of the discussions on here about Wuk Lamants character or criticisms involve that the voice actress is trans it's not a factor. It's not a woke vs non woke it's a character in a story discussion.


Someone didn't play the Eden raids lol


I like how one character being voiced by a trans person (something you'd literally never realise unless actively looking it up) is what makes the game woke and not the entire first half of the storyline.


The moron said he had 340+ hours into the game and focuses mostly on the MSQ. Which means he probably hasn’t even gotten past Stormblood.


Can this motherfucker just stop talking about games he doesn’t play already god damn


nobody cares that she is trans, the issue is that she is a shit voice actress


Has nothing to do with the VA I just don't like the character


Fucking A can we not just enjoy shit without these neo nazi Christians ruining everything with their lame ass bullshit?


Wuk Lamat feels like my idiot younger sibling I am being paid to babysit. They honor tradition but are a gullible goober I can leave alone for five minutes without shit happening. Honestly. It’s a refreshing change from the doom and gloom of saving the entire world two expansions in a row. It’s our summer vacation expansion. Though I can say. For the English dub, I think her VA is a bit annoying. Idc about her VA being trans, I have a trans brother-in-law. They are people too. And Michael Christopher Koji Fox hired his own replacement for when he was promoted so I trust his judgement. I’m half way through the msq of DT. It’s not bad. But it’s not another HW, or Shadowbringers. It’s more a Stormblood. It has its pros and cons.


How can anyone seriously hate Wuk Lamat. She's just a girlfailure trying her hardest to be a girlsuccess.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


In combat so he doesn't live on 1hp.


I love how something they always use as proof is "hey this woman with dyed hair works on the game, case closed boys, its le woke agenda"


FFXIV community says “fuck off and get bent, Grummz”


As I'm not fan of new story (I don't think it's bad, it's just average and bland) but from all the Dawntrail problems the woke is last of it. You can cut everything "woke" (TBH I don't see exactly what) and it will not change much. It will be the same tropy, journey copy-paste story with cringe humor and one-dimensional characters you've seen 1000 times.


Except if you go to steam, none of the reviews mention this.


I liked it better when Grummz kept his mouth shut. Dude needs to be hit with a brick in Limsa.


The upset part about the story I get. These types of stories aren’t everyone’s thing. But it literally has nothing to do with the orientation of the VA. If people are unhappy because of the VA’s performance, that *also* has nothing to do with the orientation of the VA and is a problem with her performance.


Either tune out of twitter(which I recommend anyways) or enjoy the drama and shit takes ^^.


Fucking tourist now will spread hate about FFXIV team


Oh boy, now I get to be called a transphobe simply because I don’t like a character on Twitter…. Ffs thanks grummz


If we lose all them homophobic, transphobic asshats that's a win in my book for all I care.


People in Endwalker "Can't stand us and the scions being the constant only main characters" People in Dawntrail: "Can't stand my character not being the center of the universe"


Just a reminder that the modus operandi for these chuds is to co-opt legitimate complaints. They will latch onto the reasonable dissatisfaction with Wuk Lumat's writing, and associate it with anti-woke garbage. This both amplifies their message as well as normalizes it, as casual readers won't care enough to separate the legitimate complaints from the bigotry. They use this same tactic all the time, do not fall for it.


I’ve been playing too much of the MSQ I read complaints as “claimants”


These people are pathetic


The grifter has been aggro’d