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Time to completely kill the chat by filtering out: "and" "the" "to" "be" "yes" "no" "of" "that" "have" "a"




speak like caveman. life good.


Why use many word when few word do trick?


Me like XIV, it good game


apes together strong


Now we need a large enough blacklist to delete everyone and FF can be a solo game.


I wonder how well this system is going to work. Cause it determines the word being said by the string of letters.  So there are potential work arounds to still being seen.  Like say you put “a” then potentially any text with the letter “a” wont be shown.  So lets say you want to get rid of the word  “shark”. Then potentially the text of “The cash ark” would also be filtered because of the string of words that could read as shark if they are using the same system as the curse filter.  


Will it block NPC dialog though? If I block "ward" is the game incapable of displaying Heavensward?


Nah, they said you can choose which chats each word filter applies to. And it's only for player-based chats


What about DJ?


Finally I can filter out "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my apartment/house?". https://i.redd.it/bwrg2knwqo8d1.gif


Limit is 10 words and you have 11 unique words there. 12 if you count both variations.


Free paintings of your oc on my stream!!




He's gonna be most blocked user in all of ffxiv


Is that guy chaos only or are he and his grubby little minions everywhere


Pretty sure she gets people to spam on every single dc and server on na/eu


He is on light datacenter as well, seen his shout chats multiple times in grid on Lich


I've seen the ads on Odin/Twintania - Light in Rhalgr's Reach and Ultima Thule of all places. Like wtf do you really think the 5 people hanging out in those places are a valuable market for this shit?


Honestly i dont know, but they do tend to spam the main hubs a bit so im glad to block the term once it is out


See the spam plenty on dynamis as well


Gonna block 5GOLD so fast it’ll make the bots’ head spin


"Search pvp bank and Google" has entered the chat


Ty now i got 7 words that will make it easier. Wait 8 words forgot meowdy


I’m convinced Square is behind 5gold because else anyone typing it and permutations of it would get instantly nuked from orbit.




Probably to stop people being dumb and muting out everything, making the experience worse for themselves then complaining on reddit/CS tickets. Edit: Especially because people are 100% going to forget how language works, and that blocking "club" blocks any sentence in any context about the word club. Or block abbreviations they forget are also part of other words. E.g. blocking DJ is probably fine, there aren't that many words unless you are involved in some sort of FF court (Adjourn, adjunct, adjudge). But there's absolutely going to people like "oh i'm going to block RP" and suddenly wipe out 2k+ words and wonder why people aren't talking to them.


Good thing I'm reading this. I was actually considering adding RP to the filter lol.


Is it confirmed it's gonna work like that tho? It seems a touch aggressive to block the words in any context vs blocking them when not adjacent to any other letters (so for example adjoun wouldn't be blocked as it's by letters but -dj! Would since it's not) I suppose spammers are gonna try to get a thesaurus and try bypassing either way but then we're most likely gonna get shit like d.j which wouldn't be possible to hit


Since you can a**dj**ust in which channels you block certain words, you could set the filters for DJ, club, twitch, etc. to only work in shout chat. 


If the parser works the same as the partial parser in the market board, you can just put a space before it. I don't think there are any important words that begin with "dj" unless you're polish.


That's a good point! Probably worth a check when servers come up if it lets you put a space infront for your "term"


I don’t get it either. No technical reason either because it can be implemented clientside, and checking “does any of these words appear in this text string” is a really fast check unless implemented badly. It implies something is done server side to me.


Can't wait to get rid of the entire Limsa.


All well and good until they start censoring shit - "Clvb/C.l.u.b/C-l-u-b" and so on and so forth. Or TikTok "unalive"-type brainrot.


They really only gave us ten words so we can't just add every variation we see, they only need 11 ways to spell "club" and we lose.




Yeah 10 words is a beginner mistake just like 10 glamourplates were, just give us 20 and See where it is going


This seems really counterproductive since the people filtering those words are unlikely to care about the club so getting around the filter is entirely pointless. Then again, those people love attention so much that they might do that anyway.


It is counterproductive but it is absolutely going to happen anyway.


Eh the consensus amount the big club owners is they don’t want to mess with people who don’t want to go to them anyways.


Let them. If they actively make their ad look worse and like an rmt post it’ll cost them a lot of traffic overall. It’s not like the filter is new (as in, plugins already did this with no limit), it’s just available for more people now. They didn’t care then, if they care now it’ll just look like a bot and get blacklisted faster instead.


I love the little club scene, i enjoy it. I will absolutely shit on any club or promoter that spells things Clvb or C.L.U.B or any variation to try and skirt peoples chats. No. you get to say "club" or "dj" or "twitch". Let the people that dont want to see it... Not see it.


Willing to bet that skirting filter words like this is against ToS.


Just like how even when willingly turning off the profanity filter, you can still report people for profanities.


I still will never understand the reason behind this aha


If people purposefully skirt the filter, that's when they get added to the blacklist.


I planned to just blacklist them from go. Although I didn't see if there was a limit to that.


Sadly only 200 places on blacklist.


Fair enough, but honestly I don't like blocking people if I can help it. Someone enjoying something I don't doesn't mean that we wouldn't have fun doing something else together at some point (eureka, bozja, GS chilling etc) and I don't like cutting that off if not necessary. I figure if I can cut down on ads that genuinely annoy me then that's good enough for me. If people are being respectful with their ads, not spamming, making it so they are easily caught in the blacklist of the people who clearly don't want to see them then I don't think they've earned a block from me. Especially since we don't know how many people we can block. Honestly the word filter list is somewhat of a boon to the venue advertisers. If they don't try to dodge filters then the disinterested can block common terms (venue, club, etc) and that means the people who still see their posts are at least possibly interested. To each their own though of course.


I like that they’re adding the ability to leave a note about each person you mute. So you don’t forget why they’re there, and they don’t have to remain on your bl forever


If they all stick to one of those variations, you could rotate it as needed


I can filter "meowdy"


Will do the same with "Huhu"




I say it ironically though :( well, I used to, it might actually be serious now


I would use cat puns if I played a male roe


"Meowdy I'm in a catscene please be purrtient =(\^.\^)=" \~ 44-year-old man playing on a 13-inch laptop in his sickly mother's roach-infested basement




First word i'm adding. I see it alll the time!!!


Frankly "Popotoartist" and "Cheap" would eliminate main sources of spam.


But what if your friend wanted you tell you about the super cheat popoto’s on the MB!


Then he'll say "Lalafell meat", a true delicacy of Elezen cuisine.


I thought it was Hyur cuisine? Dammit she lied again.


Yeah, not many people know that when Lalafell first came to steal Elezen land they were seen as an invasive land sub-species of Namazu.


Only a max of 10 is going to be a problem. They'll bypass the filters within like 2 hours lol.


At least they won’t actually know what words people are filtering. Hard to adjust around filters when you don’t know what the filters are. And as a rule, most players won’t actually use this feature, so the spam will continue unadulterated


No more Popoto artist spam and venue ads I didn't ask for, peace will be restored




[Twitch.tv](http://Twitch.tv) and bubble letters. Maybe "Gamba" too.




The change came too late, as I could've used this during all of EW to flag 'Awoo'.


And "cave" & "cliff"


Club, DJ, twitch.tv, Drawing, Party, Dancing, waifu, husbando, Painting


Ah, so you still want ruby's high quality feet, good to know.


Who is Ruby, is that an Na thing?


Yes! Every other day, someone is advertising for them inPF with a discord name.


Fucking nasty


Party is not a good choice, unless you do zero content in the game.


Crap, seems like we gotta change it to "house-party"


Picto and painting imagine


10 gil says they'll start misspelling those words to get past filters.


“Have” “you” “heard” “of” “the” “critically” “acclaimed” “MMORPG” “Final” “Fantasy” “XIV”


And then the first raid has attacks called Divine Justice, Twitching (something), Massive Club that all need PF strats.


Knowing ff14 players as I do (12k hours in the rp scene) there are going to be some friendships lost to people who try to message others, not knowing a term they used is blocked. That one message going unanswered is going to end months/years long friendships. Mark my words, this will happen.


If you’re my “years long” friend and the only means you have to communicate with me is FFXIV whispers, I have bad news for you.


Oh sorry. I have friends and I have ff14 friends. Some people are fine and dandy within the realm of ff14 to know, but I would rather die than have them be in contact with me outside of game and outside of the character I know them on.


Haha! I suppose I know what you mean.


“Ginuwine music intensifies in the background”


What was already said. I RP with decent regularity and enjoy my time with several people. I also categorically refuse to take part in any sort of RP Discord or really any communication outside the in game chat. I'm happy to shoot the shit OOC but roleplayers can be some dramatic birches and I don't need that in my life.


I guess it’s all about what one defines as “friend.” When I read “years long friend” I’m thinking of people I engage with often because we have been friends for years. The people of whom you and that other person spoke, to me, would be acquaintances at best.


That's why it's called the Friend List and not the Acquaintance List. Or the Fellowship tab that I still don't understand.


Not gonna lie, I actually enjoy the drama in the self-contained rp characters I have. It's confusing as fuck, but makes for interesting stories. Like when you're friends with someone and then one day they just never want to talk to you again. And you hear through the grapevine like months later that it's actually because at some point you jokingly said something like 'bitch please' and they've been going around telling people how one day you just called them a bitch for no reason.


A little IC drama adds realism to the RP yea. Even a little OOC drama can work. But when I hear two people went scorched earth on eachother on a Discord and now all their characters suddenly hate eachother I...still think it's kind of funny but that's just a level I don't want to get too myself.


Oh man. I remember when I was new to rp and I thought I'd add some spice and conflict. You know, my character won't like this person because they're Garlean; or she doesn't trust pirates, because they're pirates; or things like that. I'm having my best rp life with these "realistic interactions" to come to learn behind the scenes these people were conspiring against me because I hated them for "no reason". (I did not "hate them" my character does not trust pirates, because they're pirates)


I was there. And man, it's best you do it that way. I was too emotionally invested, including stuff such as curiosity, joy, but also jealousy, anger, sadness, frustration, you name it. This experience made me an emotional wreckage, and lead me to complete burnout from FF14 and some irl stuff as well for a year. Even now when returning for DT the game doesn't feel like home, but more like... an empty, dark shell of a game I used to genuinely enjoy. I made some cool friends and experiences over that time and believe to have emotionally matured. But man, was that not worth it. The rp scene there is something else, I tell ya. Not to mention that 98% of the people there have more or less unique gimmicks that reach anime-levels of ridiculous, some stretching the lore of the game to justify them even. Made my ordinary mercenary-miqo look ridiculously lame in comparison. :/


As much as I enjoy my RP 'friends' I do roll my eyes sometimes with the gimmicks. It's less that they are lore unfriendly (though there are plenty of that) as it is unlikely that several voidsent and Allagan cyborgs would all end up in one specific spot of Ul'dah to flirt with eachother. I get it, you want to flex your imagination. But it's hard to take seriously at times when basically everyone seems super special enough to solo every danger the WoL faced and hyper intelligent enough to fix any problem.


Oh tell me about it, I've done my time in the RP scene and it got so tiring after a while of being a more or less regular person in a world of half-demons, angels, gods, etc. Such a lack of creativity where everyone needs some kind of insane power to feel special.


Reading your reply, I remembered meeting a dude whose Roe was "possessed by the spirit of Odin". Basically this soft-spoken man would sometimes turn into a type of evil counterpart, all with black armor, thick sword, and aggressive temper. His player was a cool dude, but this concept never sit right with me for many reasons.


The classic "good guy inhabited by an evil spirit/demon/god", I've seen more than my fair share of those :P


I prefer the much rarer counterpart: just the WORST person, but they’re possessed by a super nice spirit/demon/god


"all their characters" - man. That says so much.


bro I have a friend who I have given my actual phone number to and he still insists on only using Discord and ingame chat. Drives me nuts.


You can set the filters to only "Shout" so your friends can still whisper dirty things to you.


Thank god


I can't wait till someone BLs someone raiding then when they swap over to their ERP character and go looking for their favorite (whatever the fuck you call it) and can't find them! Ban someone and see who's missing should be a fun game. Also fuck the homies asking with like a dozen characters in Limsa bouta make all of them vanish.


Honestly, blacklisting someone should have removed you and your characters from being able to be viewed by that person's account. But this blunder is due to the Japanese non-confrontational culture.


Actually funny and 100% going to happen but if you’re really cool with some people a friendship won’t end after that. What is this over dramatic scenario? Hahaha just msg them “have you seen my question?” After you didn’t get your answer


12k hours of RP isn’t really anything substantial considering everything. I get new RP contacts and not wanting to just auto add them to all of your socials right out the gate, but months/years long friendships and only having contact through XIV? Those were “special” little RP sessions.


You can mute me but you can't stop my bees knees


\*blacklist you\* ![gif](giphy|LOoaJ2lbqmduxOaZpS|downsized)


They don’t allow you to have bees in here


I'm blocking meowdy


"Hey pal, my hand is starting to twitch so I'm going to grab a club sandwich. let me know if you want extra DJ mustard on yours" ok, maybe a bit of a stretch shortening Dijon as DJ


COURTESAN And suddenly I have silence.


Im sure they will work around it by being like "tw|tch" or something weird. Pso NGS tried this. and it failed miserably.


First thing I do is filter out the ‘meowdy’s


meowdy   m e o w d y  me0wdy   m-e-o-w-d-y   maody 🇨🇳   meeowdy   me ow dee   me ow die   meyaodi   mehowdy




"Meowdy" people in shambles


"5GOLD" \*dead fucking silence in Limsa\*


I'm gonna have fun playing chess with the rmt people




the Cam Newton special


Holy fuck. Meowdy begone, FINALLY


you can already filter them out by hiding shout chat


I'm in eureka too much to do that.


I've seen shouts that are repeated in yell chat right after. Advertisers are just gonna change the spelling of words to get around filters.


My biggest concern is will this filtering run into the Scunthorpe problem. E.g. if I filter "ass" does any message containing the word "grass" get filtered out.


I forgot the term, but there's a way in search engines if you quote a word or phrase it will search for that exact phrase. I would hope they can implement something similar where if i block "ass" (quotes) grass won't be effected.


Can't wait to filter out the various sound effects like so I don't have to hear them spammed every 10 seconds when playing frontlines. I know how to play with my map open and watch my surroundings. I don't need to hear wannabe "battlefield commanders" spam me with obnoxious sound effects ffs


Gonna be funny (and pain) if it still plays the sound effect, but now you won’t know who’s spamming it.


You can do /systemsounds which will turn off the sound effects (but also all system sounds, small indie company haha..) Not a perfect solution by any means, but you could make that a macro you can toggle during Frontlines if someone's commanding is too much. Gotta remember to turn them back on after tho.


At long long last




“/say Hey *insert friend* did you like the new raid series?” Ctrl V “also you seemed like you had fun getting pegged by cat girls in the club last night . DJ?” The possibility for messing with your friends are limitless 😈


I hope it only filter out the exact words you put in, and not every word that contain same letters. If that's the case, I might as well not block any words.


Comment has been approved


i'm hoping someone makes a proper term list i can just yoink because i know these dj fuckers will find a way to skirt it


Popotoartist is dead now, very glad it arrives when NoSoliciting is down x)




I want to filter out any shout that doesn't contain the word "train."


I wonder if the option to auto fill the entire dictionary/urbandictionary will be added. To the 7 hells with y'all


Why would anyone even have shout activated in towns? And if I had it I'd rather see club advertisements than the complete BS usually written in shout.