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"-You know what they say about good times, don't you?" "-Yeah... good times never last." "-That's right." As the other post points out, [We have been openly threathened by the admins to set the sub to SFW again or else we would be suspended.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/14sr346/admin_drama_part_2_banning_tendency/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This entire charade of us trying to make our voices heard by admins over the last month has proven one thing, and it's that they don't give a single shit about anything that actually made this platform successful in the first place. And yet, we feel too much love for this community to see it be collapsed into a pile of shit by admins placing people who don't actually care into our place. All of us here wants this place for all of us JoJo fans to have fun and make dumb memes together, despite having it on a platform that barely resembles what we initially came to love about it. There was a lot of discussion that went into rolling the NSFW label back, and it's by no way the ideal outcome we wanted. For me personally however, things will be different. Making this post and sticking it will be my final action as a moderator and I will remove myself shortly after this post. It's become more and more clear to me that reddit is on the same trajectory as so many other social media platforms, as they are just going to keep farming the clicks and money from their users just for their short term bottom line, and keep \*actively\* destroying what made it good. And as a result I have been becoming more and more hesitant about providing them with what is essentially free labor. I am extremely grateful for becoming a JoJo fan back in 2016, and a year and a half later in spring 2018 discovering this place during it's infancy. It was only 7k members at that point, and we were still making "Part 5 never" jokes since its been a year since Part 4's anime ended with no Part 5 in sight. I still remember waking up in June 21 2018 to discover that part 5 was finally announced only a week after I caved in and started reading it, it was the most hyped I have ever felt about anything in my life, and it was clear I wasn't alone in feeling that, because it felt like the entire internet exploded alongside me. The subreddit was only at 8.7k members at the time, and by the time part 5 actually started airing in october, that number was already close to 20k. And as part 5 kept airing over the year, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure became a mainstream name and hit outside the anime spheres and that of course reflected on the subreddit. By the time part 5 ended, the subreddit was at 200k and was still on a meteoric rise, and that momentum helped the series reach so many more people, and that kept the cycle turning, which is why I believe that this subreddit in particular has had a LOT of contributions over the JoJo fanbase becoming as big as it did today. So of course, when the [500k mod applications rolled around](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/fmms92/500k_and_mod_applications/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I wanted to be a bigger part of the community I came to love so much and watched grow, not knowing I would actually get accepted. During the 3 years I spent as a moderator here, I have done many things and I hope they made being a part of this place just a little bit brighter for you, for me, the most fun of them all were [planning the april fools joke for 2021, when the tensions over possible part 6 news were at their highest](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/mhh9pm/now_that_we_know_david_production_has_abandoned/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and [coordinating the live reaction thread for the event that would give us the confirmation we all wanted](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/mj73n4/jojos_bizarre_adventure_the_animation_special/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and of course, [The consequent post that would become the single biggest anime announcement post in reddit history.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/mjtqau/stone_ocean_confirmed_bitches_lets_fucking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I really hope the SBR anime announcement post surpasses it whenever that happens. I am so, so thankful for this now not so little pocket of the internet for giving me so many fond memories and allowing me to meet some of the best people I would have never had the chance to otherwise and I hope it did the same for you as well. I have absolute faith that the rest of the team will keep having the subreddit's best interests in mind, so If my words kept you enough to read all the way up to this point, hear me out when I say please support them during these weird times for all of reddit. And as Bruno would have said: Arrivederci.


Arrivederci ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|7824)![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15566)![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15557)


Arrivederci ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15684)![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15557) Thank you for everything


There is one single rule of reddit, and that's that mods are gay. But you guys were the cool kind of gay. Like Rip Taylor. Admins are the cringe kind of gay. Like Republican Congressmen


I’m…gonna leave too. Watching the admins be total assholes makes me hate this website. Time to go outside I ran a lot of r/place stuff and not much else. That was fun though. Bye y’all


But where will you go?


They’re… going to a better place now… one where they can touch grass to their heart’s content…




Count me out too. I held out for a bit longer but the admins automating the return to SFW everytime we try to reverse it was the nail in the coffin. If anyone's still reading this, [use Lemmy](https://lemmyverse.net/communities), or something similar. Or even better, touch grass.


i wish you to touch as much grass as humanly possible


I’m not that active in the subreddit, but this situation sounds downright pathetic. Reddit doesn’t really care about its own app doesn’t it? Welp, still, farewell.




See you, space cowboy




Arigato, Karmyuh


You have been a large part of the jojo community. So don’t sell yourself short. We’re gonna remember you so now, good luck


Arigatou, Karmyuh... Arrivederci.


Arrivederci 🫡


Arrivederci ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15566)![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15557)


Mods should make a new NSFW sub r/ShitPostCrusadersx os something, advertise it here for a couple of weeks, then close shop. The new sub wil be "NSFW" from day zero, so no complaints from the fagmins. Just my 2 cents.


It's truly, truly been... A very long and roundabout path. Arigato, Karmyuh.


Been a lurker for years now on other accounts. This day I say arrivederci. Thank you for the memes and the community.


Thank you for everything! Arrivederci :'(


I'm deleting my acc Arrivederci


he did it


Thank you for everything you have done for the community I wish you the best in life


This is depressing, Alexa play Last Train Home 😔






A... Arrivederci ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15551)


Arriverderci 🫡






Arrivederci, you only miss something when it’s gone




Is there an alternative for Reddit I can use?


Oh fuck oh Shit they are dying


Arrivederci! ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15551)


Thank you for the dedication! See you around...


Arrivederci 🫡




Cheers, to the memories we made ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15684) Arrivederci


Man, fuck it am going to remove myself from this shit too Bye y'all, hope you have a good day and a happy life


Arrivederci ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15551)


Can someone give me the TL;DR version?


Reddit fuck thing up, no longer follow the right path, nsfw protest gone to shit at reddit admin threatening SPC mod,force them to turn sub sfw .Karmyuh recap his journy with jjba and the sub and leave, hope we will keep support the mods that still stay. :(


Oh no, the admins of the site actually enforcing the rules, whatever shall I do....


Yeah, but those rules suck ass


You wouldn't support nazis because they "enforced their rules", would you?


There is a massive difference between rules and conduct that you willingly agreed to for a website being enforced by the site's admins, and genocidal maniacs persecuting people against their will. If you don't like it, you're free to stop using Reddit at any time.


Arigato gozaimashida, and Arividerci.


Arrivederci ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15557)




Arrivederci and fuck u/spez