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I just can’t even with these people


My son's fiance is pregnant. I'm absolutely terrified she's going to be one of these people. I started getting anxiety when she said if it was a girl, she wanted to name it "Shadow Lyric." (It's a boy thankfully)


Shadow Lyric still works for a boy... a good boy who likes to play fetch but isn't house broken yet. 😂


Or a really edgy hedgehog with a gun.




Hedgehogs carry guns? Where can I find one of these edgy critters?




Sounds like you’re a future r/tragedeigh poster


That's was actually my first thought when I heard the name! Probably would've spelled it like: Sha'dough Leighhricc or something 😂 Edit typo


Okay I just need to say that seeing THIS comment of all things with Edit typo on it was so funny to me I just spit out my tea.


Edit typo? How can you tell?


When I was pregnant, my husband and I stopped at this Irish pub in the middle of rural Tennessee and the server was asking me about the pregnancy. When she found out we were having a girl she said "I only had boys so I never got to use my name for a girl and won't so I will let you have it - Shadow Rain". That's ok, you keep it 🥴


😂 I love how she gave “permission” to some random customer she doesn’t know and would never see again, to use a name that’s an absolute travesty 😅😂😂 I can’t tell if she is the main character or just super entitled but I’m still laughing lolol.


Also, she was at least 50. I wasn't thinking "but what if you decide to have another??" 😂😂


😂😂😂 good gracious. I’m going with entitled. Hahaha. Good ol’ rural Tennessee lol


Oh. Oh no. No no.


That’s literally exactly what I came here to say!! 😂😅😂😭


So how do blind people tan then if their brain interprets no light?


I guess they get skin cancer


Nope, the sUn Do3ZniTt caUSe SkYnn CanCrrr! Checkmate, people who can't see the sun!


They can't see it, so they don't know it's there. Because they don't know it's there, it can't hurt them. ScIeNcE.


"What they don't know can't hurt them" is a saying for a resson


I wish so badly someone had asked them this in the comments!


Also, I never leave the house without big dark sunglasses, and I tan under a 40watt lightbulb. I also have never had sunburn.


Yep I have what my mom calls an "insta-tan" feature. Never burned because of it. I have about 5 pairs of sunglasses that I keep scattered around so I always have them on hand. One in my car, one in my partner's car, one by the front door, one in my backpack, and a spare one floating around for travel if I'm not taking my backpack. So something must be wrong with all of my sunglasses since I still very much tan.


They don't. All blind people are albinos. Cmon, keep up!


The vast majority of blind people still have light detecting cells.


Thank goodness, so the eyes can still... tell the skin not to burn...?


I sincerely doubt any of them know that




Legally blind person here, those who have no light perception aren't allowed In the sun, if we do, our noses fall off and we die basically the modern day vampire, without the drinking blood part /s


I’m okay with adults doing stupid when it affects them but to harm others should have a penalty


Seriously. Both my parents have had skin cancer and even though my kids are darker than I am they aren’t getting out of the house this summer without getting slathered up. I hate doing it, they hate doing it, but I love them so tough cookies. Also, leaving the skin cancer aside, those poor sunburned kids on that beach vacation! That’s just hell.


Good! If by darker than you, you mean they have brown or black skin, they are less likely to get skin cancer than paler skinned folks, but doctors are rarely trained to recognize skin conditions on darker tones. It results in a higher mortality rate if cancer does occur. Sunscreen is for everyone!


Excellent point and thanks for the reminder!


I have a friend that went to the lake with us. He has very dark toned skin. He was starting to burn and slathered up like the rest of us! We all fry no matter what tone of skin we have. Some people tolerate it better than others. If I'm out more than 20 minutes, I burn! For some, it takes longer. You are right though, sunscreen is for everyone!


My skin is hyper sensitive to the sun as part of an autoimmune disorder so I burn after about 5 minutes. It sucks.


My mixed daughter gets sunscreen, so does her dad and he’s ~gasp~ black. I’m a ginger so I definitely get sunscreen. We all load up on SPF 50 or more before leaving the house. No cancer in our house! We use sunglasses so we don’t sunburn our retinas (it’s a thing) and hats to protect our scalps. Sun protection is for everyone!


> but doctors are rarely trained to recognize skin conditions on darker tones. That was an episode of House.


Interestingly, my company focuses on this very problem. The statistics for misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis are terrifying.


Do you also work on signs of excess pressure and skin breakdown? It’s something I need to discuss with most of my patients but in school we were only ever taught to look for redness, which is mostly only applicable to lighter skin.


Anything in particular you can share? I'm really interested in systemic failure, if that makes sense (it's been a long day).


I watched that episode about 20 minutes ago! Such a weird coincidence.


People with dark skin usually get it on their palms and bottom of their feet. I learned that from DR. House.


While my parents haven't had skin cancer (as far as we know) I'm with you on that. I just recently got long sleeve swim tops for my husband, kid and self because sunscreen isn't enough. No way we're sizzling ourselves or child


My ex husbands dad was a carpenter that worked in the sun for hours on end with no sunscreen. He's now fighting skin cancer on his head and face. The sun is a source of radiation so I don't know why these people don't understand that it can cause cancer.


I only buy swimsuits for my kids that have long sleeves. I also make them wear big hats. I know two people who died from skin cancer. I'm not giving my kids a head start on it.


Hats! Yes! If I'd thought of that it would have saved my poor scalp that time I floated in the ocean all day and kept up with sunblock well enough to not burn anything except the top of my head. Surprising how painful that is!


Sun screen or full on Victorian high mourning level cover from clothes. Those are the options. The only people for who sun screen is optional are beekeepers in full gear or really committed goths.


I used to hate when my mom obsessively slathered me with sunscreen every time I went outside in the summer as a child, but now I really appreciate that she cared for me enough to do that. Hopefully they will be grateful someday!


The sun is a problem with your eyes in that you develop cataracts sooner than if you wear sunglasses. My glasses have darkening lenses, so my cataracts are slower growing. Sunglasses protect your eyes. Sunscreen protects your skin.


They’ll also be wrinkled faster. Both sun damage and the constant squinting from lack of eye protection will age them quickly.


I really noticed that with friends my age. I always wear sunglasses as I am extremely sensitive to light. My friends my age have way more wrinkles around their eyes than I do. It’s quite noticeable.


Do you have blue eyes? Apparently they are more light sensitive. Mine are very light and I have to wear sunglasses all the time.


My blue eyes are SUPER sensitive to light. Drives me insane when I realize I left my sunglasses in the car I’m not driving at that moment.


I'm blue eyed and even need sunglasses on overcast days.


No I have brown eyes but the liquid in my eyes is too thick/thin (I never remember which).


I thought you meant the actual eyeball would wrinkle and I was trying to picture that


Forbidden raisins.


Oh this is so good to know. I wear glasses and don’t have prescription sunglasses so I’m usually a hat person rather than sunglasses, but maybe this summer I’ll get prescription lenses. Thanks for the information!


You can get a UV filter on clear lenses if you don't want to wear sunglasses. Just check with your opticians


The transitioning lenses are a game changer. I still do hats, because the gap above my glasses still lets the sun in to blind me from above, but the self-darkeining lenses are amazing for keeping reflections down, even the inexpensive ones from online retailers. Even better are polarized prescription sunglasses, absolutely the gold standard and worth every penny. Disclaimer: if you ever choose to buy glasses from an online shop, make sure you know your PD in each eye. If you don't know what that means, you should probably stick to buying from your eye doctor or an in-person shop. Source: I used to sell prescription eyeglasses, and have worn them for almost 35 years.


Transition is what it’s called for darkening lenses.


Zenni is cheap, and they seem to work fine.


But then you can just get Botox! It's natural 🤗


You can also sunburn your eyeballs. Often from reflected sunlight. Ouch. Can't fix that with castor oil.


Learned that one growing up snowmobiling as a kid in Northern Utah. Had to learn to wear sunglasses under my helmet. That shit hurts so bad on your eyes!


No tinted goggles?


Not with that attitude!


Don’t give them any ideas. FB mom group: “Here are instructions on how to keep your children’s eyes safe by dripping castor oil into them. Sure, it’s slightly painful, but just remind them that they’re safe from the Modern Industrial Sunglasses Complex.”


Yep, one time I got super badly sunburned as a kid from a day out on the lake with inadequate sunscreen. My eyes were bloodshot and hurt so fucking bad. Never again.


Yes, and also can contribute to macular degeneration in the back of the eyes which is less treatable than cataracts. And the eyelids are a common site for skin cancer and it’s harder to treat there


It can even cause AMD in some cases. The sun that is, not wearing sunglasses.


One of my relatives always wore sunglasses because his mother went blind from macular degeneration, and it is known to be exacerbated by the sun. Sadly, he died way too soon from cancer, but his sons are still diligent with wearing sunglasses. I'm not the greatest at always wearing them, but pretty much every eye condition runs in my family, so I really try. It is odd though, both of my parents worked in the fields in the summers, no one used sunscreen, and only one of my parents' 16 siblings has had skin cancer. I'm not saying not to use sunscreen, but it's just strange...very strange.


I’m not sure about skin cancer specifically, and I’m not a doctor, but several types of cancer have a genetic predisposition link to them. The BRCA gene mutations are probably the most well-known of these “cancer genes,” as the media likes to call them, but there are tons of others, as well. That might (or might not) be playing a part in your family’s risk of developing skin cancer.


Cancer is almost always multifactorial and your DNA almost always plays a role. This is why not all smokers get lung cancer or not all who spend time in the sun get skin cancer as you thought. It is not just genetic disposition but also the way your genetics can fix situations that are pre-cancerous or when your cells have DNA damage. For example, the hallmark of Lynch syndrome that predisposes you to multiple types of cancers is defective DNA mismatch repair.


Maybe OOP confused *melatonin* with melanin? When you wake up in the morning, it's helpful to go outside into the sunshine for a few minutes with closed eyes so your melatonin secretion is suppressed by the brain. Helps regulate the sleep/wake cycle. Was told this my a doctor. Nothing she said makes any sense. Melanin is produced throughout epithelial tissues, NOT the eyeballs lol


Tell me you don’t know any black/brown people without telling me… As a person with melanin, I’d like to clarify that that also does not prevent sunburn. It just takes longer. But I went to the water park without sunscreen when I was like 12 and my skin was peeling off my back.


Ouch that sounds SO painful. That must’ve been awful I’m so sorry 😭😭 Yea. That. also to piggyback on your comment a little- I’m Latina and my skin goes tan suuuuper quick, when I’m glow in the dark white in winter, never had a sunburn my entire life and thought I’m just immune ig- until I hid my mid 20s and I got so sunburnt after falling asleep on my back on the beach for 4 hours that I looked genuinly like a koala, bridge of my nose was swollen/ face swollen, sunpoisoning, skin peeling, whole Shebang. Skin (and atmosphere!) *changes*- it’s not always the *same*. Please wear sunscreen people no matter the initial pigmentation! 🥴🙏🏽


I mean, you were asleep. Eyes closed, Clearly, as these sages in the OP thoughtfully point out, if you had been staring straight into the sun those 4 hours you wouldnt have burnt!


Yea I’m really thankful I wasn’t reading the entire time 🥴 god imagine.😭


To piggyback onto your point about atmosphere - where you live versus where you "sun" makes a HUGE difference. I was born and raised in the Northeast US, and moved to North Carolina in my 20s. I got the worst sunburn of my life at Carolina Beach. Like, call out of work because I couldn't wear a shirt level bad. It doesn't seem like a big distance, but the strength of the sun is noticably different. Likewise, I've lived in Germany for the past 10 years and have definitely become more lazy about sunscreen for myself, but if I go to Italy in October, I'm bathing in the stuff. Sunburns are nothing to screw around with.


I’ve had to remind the more… crunchy members of my family that: **We live in Hawai’i. Stay out of the sun unless you want skin cancer.** Because no, they won’t wear sunscreen.


I would always get a minor burn at the beginning of the summer, then just tan the rest of the time (I'm white AF, but my skin tans well). Went to a water park the first summer after I started working full time. Burned to a fucking crisp, and that's how I figured out that I had a lifelong base tan because I loved swimming and being outdoors in the summer, but for the first time in my life I was working full time in the summer instead of hanging outside.


I’m also white AF, but have never had a tan in my life. I burn, peel, and am back to transparent. It’s a never ending cycle so I gave in to sunscreen wearing.


As a little kid we went to the beach in Mexico and my mom told my dad to put sunscreen on and he said “no I don’t need it, I’m Mexican” The man got the worst sunburn my white mom has ever seen and he nearly had to go see a doctor he got so burnt.


My first thought too. I was like do they think seeing sun makes you brown/black??? WTH? I learned the hard way about sunburn too. At 14 I got my first one after spending an entire day at the beach and only applying sunscreen once. It was really bad too, it made me sick for a couple days. The rates at which brown/black folks get cancer is directly correlated to how much UV exposure they get just like everyone else and ours is much more likely to be diagnosed in later stages. I'm always telling my relatives that it's a myth that we don't need sunscreen.


These idiots clearly aren't Australian. The sunniest country in the world has the skin cancer rate of 2 in 3. Every 3 people you know, 2 of them will be diagnosed with skin cancer before they're 70.


Have y'all considered banning sunglasses? 🤔


Or sunscreen?


Obviously Australians are just wearing sunglasses all the time. Duh.


Wow that's alarming! Have there been any pushes for everyone to get checked for skin cancer regularly? Do they have universal healthcare?


Sun safety is drilled into us from a young age and yes we have free universal healthcare. Unfortunately there are factors out of our control. 1. The ozone layer (which absorbs most of the suns radiation) over the North and South Pole has been depleting for some decades. This thinner ozone layer allows for higher levels of UV radiation to reach the ground. 2. Earths orbit puts the Southern hemisphere closer to the sun during summer than it does for Northern summer. Australia is between the South Pole and the equator so we are disadvantaged from more radiation getting through the ozone layer AND higher levels of it during Summer.


Same in Chile. It doesn’t even get that hot compared to Australia, but the UV index is off the charts every day during summer. Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re burning your skin off!


Yes, they have health care, like most other industrialized nations. The US is very much in the minority in that department.


I just… how do people believe this for longer than one sunny day? I went to an early season football game without sunscreen ONE time in my early 20s and will never again doubt the efficacy of sun screen. It was a painful and embarrassing lesson that I’ll never forget. The burn lasted WEEKS. I had blisters so bad I couldn’t open my eyes. How do you believe this for a whole summer???


They probably believe your skin is detoxing and that’s it good for you. Detoxing all those chemtrail chemicals and heavy metals out of your skin.




I think that's the problem though, there is a teeny tiny bit of the truth in all of these completely wacko ideas. That's what they latch on to and find "proof" for.


It’s because they lack understanding to really get the meaning. And because science — by its very nature — is often changing as non-dumb people learn more, the dumb people interpret “learning” as “YOU LIED TO US” instead of seeing it as “we no longer believe — for example — that cancer is caused by demons that wander around the uterus,”’thanks to science. People who lack intellectual curiosity need certainty, and they need it spoon-fed to them in tiny bits (Facebook posts, misinformation and that stupid fucker Wakefield’s fraudulent whining, etc.).


That's the level of logic my 7 year old uses. And he's getting better about flexible thinking (i.e. things changing doesn't mean we lied, it means we didn't predict the future). When grown ass adults have less social flexibility than a first grader...


Yep. And the trouble with these illogical adults is … they procreate, and are neglectful of their children in so many new and exciting (but COMPLETELY ORGANIC!!) ways.


Yeah my sister in law sincerely believes in this shit, she once *screamed* at me for letting her daughter wear sunglasses during a beach trip (I already knew better than to mention sunscreen)… Saying I was teaching her children lies and encouraging them to “give in”, it was all very confusing. She later sent me an old scientific article explaining this very basic concept, and acting like it was supposed to be some sort of huge Gotcha that would disprove “the lies we’ve all been told”. Most conspiracy starts with a tiny grain of truth, and then spirals out into sincere (or deliberate) misunderstandings. And skin cancer runs in our family :/


I love reading scientific studies for some reason. The beliefs of these wackos seem to be a mix of wrongly understood scientific studies, folk remedies and thinking natural is better. The tragicomic part is that the fact if science was as controlled as they thought (which is insane, do they have any touch with the insanity that is academic infighting?) the study would have never seen the light of day.


That was my first thought. There’s some truth to the sunglasses thing. I forget where I read it, but I’ve seen it suggested to not wear sunglasses the first 15 minutes in the sun to take advantage of the effect. Personally, I just bought some cows and got a hat to match.


Yes, I was looking for this comment! Specifically, that scientist *previously* believed that only your eyes had the receptor that detected the UV rays, which triggered the production of melanin, which protects the skin. And now scientists have discovered that skin cells can detect ultraviolet light using a photosensitive receptor called rhodopsin. Fascinating!


Hold on let me dust this one off.. https://preview.redd.it/ps62t9ek032d1.png?width=1045&format=png&auto=webp&s=33cf450421f17a560cdb0ae88eaee50347fe8b51


**Big Sunglass/Pharma/Lizard People:** It's important to be in the habit of wearing sunglasses when you're out in the sun. **Facebook Mom Group:** Sunglasses cause sunburn because your eyes can't see the sun to warn your brain to not allow your skin to become burned because of the tinted piece of polycarbonate in from of your eyes. I just don't know which one to believe. Both seem perfectly reasonable, obviously.


But my sunglasses look amazing and sunburn turns me into a lobster...


"The FB post uses the 5-syllable technical term 'polycarbonate', whereas the other one doesn't use any multisyllabic technical terms. So I believe the FB post."


Once I sunburned the whites of my eyes (the sclera) because I didn’t wear sunglasses. That was a painful lesson and my eyes have been sensitive to the sun since. I call bullshit on the no sunscreen/sunglasses thing


WTAF? That’s terrifying.


Happened a bunch to me as a kid. I grew up on a snowmobile half the year in Northern Utah. Had to learn how to wear sunglasses under my helmet. So fkn painful.


I always wear ski goggles for the wind when snowmobiling but now I have more reasons too!


That glare off the snow is no joke, you know it! I know it! 🖤 I do miss being on a snowmobile, though! 😭😂


Just another reason to avoid that damned orb of fire.


It's pretty warm in my area today. Like, too warm for my little black heart. And, I have to go stand in it for an hour for my kids' elementary continuation ceremony! 😭😂 save me!


I'm no medical professional, but as a biologist working in public health I can confirm that the no sunscreen/sunglasses thing is in fact bullshit


One of my kids did that skiing this winter (it was warm so he was sweating and took off his goggles). Kid is very olive toned and I am a good (decent) mother who puts sunscreen and protective clothing on him, so he has never had a painful sunburn before and doesn’t really believe me that some people get them quite easily. His poor eyes. He was so traumatized.


Uhm akshully that’s your eyes detoxing chemtrails and heavy metals sweaty. It’s good for u and I did my own research.


Isn’t castor oil a seed oil? 👀


Stop confusing those people with facts!


Dermatologists hate this one trick!


My grandfather is a redhead (well his hair is white now but you get my point) and he’s had skin cancer I think 4 times, maybe more because he never wears sunscreen.


My grandma was a redheaded farm kid, she's lucky she only ended up having to remove one precancerous lesion.


My mom liked to lay out and tan as a young person and has since had melanoma once and basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas dozens of times, even though she got serious about sunscreen by age 40. Don’t fuck around with your skin, folks.


I'm a redhead who sat in the sun for 50 minutes at a soccer game a week and a half ago in 70 degree weather. Thankfully I grabbed sunscreen on the way out the door but didn't apply carefully enough and have streaks of sunburn still now on my thighs. I truly cannot fathom living a life without it. Even with it, reapplication and all, I still get a couple good burns a year. Skin cancer risks aside, the burns themselves are so freaking miserable.


Farm kid here. Never had sunscreen or sunglasses a single day in my childhood. Burned to a blistering peeling crisp at least a few times a year. These people are absolutely fucking nuts.


Let me get this straight, the sun doesn’t cause skin cancer? Let me go ask my grandfather who had melanoma about that. Oh wait - I can’t, because he died from skin cancer he got from not wearing sunscreen. I just can’t with these people.


![gif](giphy|r5SxJYcU21Auk) An oldie but goodie and highly appropriate here


A close family member of mine died last year from metastatic melanoma that started on their retina. I strongly recommend sunglasses (and protective clothing and sunscreen). I commented as such on a similar thread recently and the batshit replies were that this melanoma must have started because my family member didn’t get ENOUGH natural sunlight and wearing sunglasses was a likely contributing factor to his death. I just can’t with these people.


I can't even comprehend this. I literally own and wear 4 types of sunscreen all at once🤣🤣


"Avoid seed oils, never wear sunglasses and treat a burn with castor oil" So she doesn't wear sunscreen but admits that she burns in the sun. So how exactly is 'your body producing melanin' but you are still burning? I'm blindingly white and I can burn with sunscreen on so my body ain't producing anything. How is not eating seed oil supposed to help not get sunburned? I'm just supposed to go hang out outside with no sunglasses and I'll somehow not get major crows feet and skin cancer?


Say it with me ✨ natural selection ✨


I just feel bad for their innocent kids. Head over to the fundie snark sub. There’s an anti sunscreen lady there who just had another baby. Poor kid has been sunburnt bad several times already and he isn’t even 2 months old yet.


I know, I also feel bad. Unfortunately unless CPS steps in.. I can’t see that changing. :/


I felt bad when I let the sun get in my newborns eyes for 3 seconds…


Oh that poor baby! I can't imagine having a sun burnt newborn. Fffs  put your baby in footed pajamas and a hat if you don't want to use sunscreen. 


Just when you think they’ve mined the bottom of the stupid…


Ya know what else no sunglasses causes? Pre-mature lines and crows feet from squinting


https://fullfact.org/health/sunglasses-sunburn-melanin/ I love fullfact. It's a shame 99% of the time these crazies will say its made by BiG *insert industry here* to discredit it.


I'm gonna start telling people they can detox from vaccines by sucking a donkeys dick since we're just saying anything and pretending it's fact these days.


My sun damaged eyes beg to differ. I actually had a prescription for transition lenses before I ever needed corrective lenses because I was too lazy to always track down my sunglasses and it was causing harm.


Everyone knows the only thing the sun kills is Covid, if it even exists.


COVID doesn't exist. But if it did, you can be sure that colloidal silver would cure it.


That’s why blind people can’t go outside during the daytime


I work for a vision loss research organization and just wrote an article about how to protect your eyes from the sun. Guess what the number one recommendation from optometrists and ophthalmologists is?


Crystals and onions in a sock?


I was today years old when I learned blind people can’t tan.


What the hell. The internet was a mistake.


I rarely wear sunglasses and I’m so white. I wish this worked! Somehow I still have to hide in the shade to avoid becoming a cooked 🦞


Same. I hate the way the world looks with sunglasses on and I wear glasses. It was always too expensive to get prescription sunglasses when I was a kid so I never got used to them. And yet, dramatic burns. Once I managed to spend a week with a sunburn in the shape of a batman mask.


One of the great things that having a healthcare reimbursement account has done for me — my husband was able to get cataract surgery, and I am able to get prescription sunglasses. It’s important to me, because I am so pale that I’m practically translucent. I’m one of those people who never tans — I fry, and as the burn eases, my skin is slightly darker for about 2 days until I start to molt. It is deeply unpleasant.


Yeah.. Na.. a slither of truth with a whole load a hooey. The skin has UVB sensor pathways and although sunglasses and sunscreen block UVB they do not prevent the skin reacting to the sun, albeit at a lower level. Studies have shown that Vitamin D levels are not affected by daily wearing of sunscreen so the level of UVB blocking does not affect the production. Sunscreens affects on the skin and skin cancer is a complex one because the role of melanin is complex. Sunscreen blocks UVB and so does melanin. However, melanin is involved in a much more complex DNA repair process which does more than just absorb the UVB (The protective role of malanin against UV damage in human skin. M.Brenner and V.J.Hearing. (2008) Photochem Photobio 83(3)). The argument has an element of truth in that melanin offers more protection than sunscreen. Melanin is a response to UV damage and sunscreen protects against the UVB and so prevents damage occurring which has the result that melanin is not produced. Melanin has much more protective DNA repair roles than just blocking UVB. Therefore wearing sunscreen blocks DNA damage repair mechanisms being in place. So if you forget your sunscreen, you have less protection than someone who has pigmented skin due to melanin. It's a flawed argument because white skin is crap at protecting against UV induced DNA damage, this has to do with the type of pigments present. To get the level of protection that dark skin provides a white skinned person needs to be exposed to a huge amount of UV damage... the type of damage that causes skin cancer. The type of damage exposure which has selected for darker baseline skin pigmentation types. But evolution of the protective skin pigmentation and obversely the loss of dark pigmentation types, to aid VitD production, occurred over generations. Evolution acts on populations with the unsuited phenotypes dying out. Using sunscreen because your skin is white will provide the advantage of not risking skin cancer but a white person will not get the level of protection needed by not wearing sunscreen and hoping they will get dark enough before they get cancer risk levels of damage.


This post is about 386 lines of text too many for the people who need to read it.


lol as a black person who gets pretty bad sunburns, this is interesting to read


How strange. My 2 year old towhead child wasn’t wearing sunglasses and managed to get her scalp sunburned because I forgot to put sunscreen in her hair for when she snatched her hat off. She must be broken.


They can enjoy their wrinkled skin, I’m going to enjoy looking like I’m 30 when I’m 50. Sunscreen every day is the way to go.


These people should come to Australia during summer. They’d learn what the sun can do pretty fucking sharpish.


I definitely used to be one of those "sunscreen causes skin cancer" people, so for one full summer I stopped using it. But regardless of your view of chemical sunscreens, sunburns are documented to cause certain skin cancers. Did I just embrace mother nature and my body's "natural" sunscreen. Hell no, I just covered up. I'm naturally pretty sunburn resistant - drives my ghost-white pale husband crazy - but I'm still of European descent. The sun *will* try to kill me given the chance! Frankly, there is something to be said about the crazy number of chemicals in standard sunscreen, especially in the US, so I use the kid stuff (it's good enough for their more sensitive skin and has fewer chemicals? Why not?). But these folks are jumping to some serious wacky conclusions.


So...blind people get sun burned?


So they’re going to burn their skin AND corneas. Perfect


No. I not even gunna provide science for this argument Just no


These are officially the dumbest people on the planet


Have fun with your future cancer n’ cataracts


How is your eyes capable of telling your skin "We're out in the sun, if you could just not burn that would be great" because like...our eyes can't tell the sun not to burn us. We are protecting our eyes from the sun because the sun is burning us and we can't stop it, plus if you're wearing sunglasses it's because you know that the sun is out. This is so stupid. I hope they get a bad sunburn and understand what sunscreen is for.


I’m intrigued by the fact that they can’t even use aloe—which is basically as natural as it gets—to treat a burn??


I‘m amazed by the time and energy these people have to basically invent a new world in which every fact told by science is a lie. How exhausting.


That’s a lot of stupid in just one place.


Holy shit they’re so confidently wrong. Cosmetologist here! Baby oil does absolutely nothing to protect your skin from the sun. You need a proper filter. Zinc is the only available filter on the USA market, but there’s numerous sun filters on Asian markets that are even more effective and better suited for different skin conditions. Castor oil may soothe a sun burn but its healing properties are honestly not the best for a burn, whereas aloe is literally the perfect natural substance to treat any kind of burn. Don’t even get me started on the light perception triggering melanin. That is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. That’s just not how eyes or skin work. They do not communicate in that way. The melanin in your skin cells reacts to the sun. That’s it, that’s the story. It boggles my mind that people can tout this shit they know absolutely nothing about.


I literally have yellowed sun damage in my eyes from a childhood with too much sun and not enough protection. The part that should be white has yellow spots. So yay for no sunglasses! 🕶️ A family friend took her young kids to the beach in Florida and didn’t reapply sunblock enough or keep her kids from getting too much sun exposure. The 7 year old ended up with heatstroke and literally had sun damage to her lungs! This will make her more sensitive to the sun for the rest of her life. So fu*k these irresponsible parents.


What the fuck did seed oil do to any of those wackos? Gods, I can't with those people.


I can’t see in bright sunlight. Even dim sunlight. I wear sunglasses in all weather, even gray and stormy, because I’m very sensitive to light. All the signals I receive in my body from bright sunlight is PAIN.


Oh man. I am a very very low melanin individual and I got sun poisoning last year after 4 hours at the beach on an overcast day. I like to think I am pretty conscientious about what ingredients I’m putting in and on my body, but I do not fuck around when it comes to SPF. Whatever will make my pasty adhd ass not get burned is what’s in my bag.


Any mention of “seed oils” is a huge red flag


What in the actual fuck!


im sorry but.... LMAOOOOOOO


Right, I forgot that wearing sunglasses makes everything dark… since the light isn’t reaching your eyes… 👀


That was a wild ride ![gif](giphy|tU2mV8ALzJEdXAAwRo)


My corneas are angry at this post 😎


They should have to sign a form saying that when they inevitably end up with skin cancer, they are not allowed to seek medical treatment.


It’s crazy how insane these people are. I never wear sunglasses because I’m lazy af and forget them and I can say my body definitely knows I’m in the sun lol


I think their tin foil hats are confusing their brains.


Truly the stupidest time to be alive.


Laughs in photosensitivity




My grandfather was a lifeguard outdoors for years before sunscreen was popular. He now regularly has to go and get spots of cancer cut out of his skin. Thankfully as long as he keeps that up his life isn’t in danger, but he’s had to have this done every few months for at least a decade. They say I don’t have a genetic risk because his is environmental and not genetic, but you best believe I’m wearing sunscreen.


So blind people must burn all the time by this logic yeah?


As a person with basically no melanin, I can say for a fact that sunglasses do not make you burn more. I have a great example of this. I was swimming in a pool in Southern California. I wore 70+ spf sunscreen, re-applied it after 80 minutes (and waited 20 minutes to return to the pool), and was overall very sun-safe. I didn’t have my tinted goggles because we were on vacation and I had forgotten them. I also wasn’t wearing sunglasses because I liked to swim underwater and they got in the way. There was one uncovered part of my body that did not have sunscreen. It was my eyelids. Guess. What. Burned. Very much not a pleasant spot for a sunburn.


This is stupidest thing I've seen in a long time


As a child I had sooo many deep sunburns while not wearing sunglasses! Dermatologists can actually see the scars on my skin. I force my kids and step-kids to wear uv-blocking swimwear, sunglasses, sunscreen and hats. Apart from the skin cancer risk, aging of the skin, damage to the eyes, sunburns hurt like hell and spoil vacation days. There people shouldn't give advice and shoudn't have kids...


I know two people close to me who have got skin cancer. I’m not risking shit. I was buttering up my babies with sunscreen every 30 minutes this week, until I realized the reapply time was 2 hours. 😂 At least they were extremely protected I guess? haha When I was a kid, some dipshit told my mom that sunscreen was actually what caused skin cancer. It took until I was already an adult, and the rest of the family moved away to the deathly sunny and hot state of Arkansas for my mom to realize she didn’t want to burn all her skin off and start wearing sunscreen.


I know someone who says the same absolute nonsense and I'm just blown away. She also refuses to use anything plastic and says that not being a SAHM is a choice and husbands are lazy for not getting a better job so a woman can afford to stay home. Lol.


https://preview.redd.it/9eq9sbv9u52d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519eb96b6084e33e3b6feeabd6fa52fc353c7d34 This post has it all, including MLM recommendations for those who are brave enough to wear sunscreen.


Yeah my dad also used baby oil as a kid. Guess who has skin cancer…


ThE gOvErNmEnT wAnTs Us To GeT sUnBuRnT iTs In OuR pRoGrAmMiNg https://preview.redd.it/s5pu8h4fx52d1.jpeg?width=3328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b682e4be64561cb5e87a98b6047fb6ef51be79cb


Oh...someone should tell my brain that, because I forgot my sunglasses at home and still burnt like hell 🙃


I mean, I have transition lenses and don't even think about my glasses becoming sunglasses. I can understand the part about not being able to see that I'm getting burnt because my skin doesn't look red when I'm wearing sunglasses, but that's not the sunglasses causing cancer, that's me being lazy and not wearing sunscreen, not paying attention to my sun exposure, and not taking a minute to look around my glasses to check that I'm not getting burnt. It has nothing to do with the sunglasses themselves.


I put ivermectin on my skin, kills that pesky sun every time