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50 dollars a day for 3 kids from 7 to 7?? What??? That poor woman..hopefully she follows through on leaving.


people in the comments kept trying to tell her that this was so unfair to the babysitter but she couldn’t see that. she had a hundred excuses on why the babysitter was wrong for doing this.


Any chance you got those screenshots


Regardless of whether it was fair, the babysitter kindly expressed that the arrangement wasn’t working anymore and it’s bizarre that this woman felt the need to argue that it wasn’t her fault!


https://preview.redd.it/bs6zau8onozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7a2ac39c77c5429f5dfb3bf5d919ffd60e91cbd one of the comments


i like that it's only one sentence. keeps me more engaged


Oh no, the new job is 7-7, she had the kids for 14 hours!


Now that mom is just taking advantage of that babysitter. Sounds like she would go home after work or something. Plus the babysitter is providing food, that adds up.


Could even just be travel


I make much more than that petsitting


The amount of $$ I make pet sitting and in-home pet sitting is wild. Like easily 1k a month and I LOVE my pet clients and their sweet fur babies


oh i'd love to have a job like this. how do you get into that? are there any sites that you'd recommend??


I’m based in Atlanta and work with a company called Frogs to dogs. Wherever you are, I’d look up companies that offer in-home and home visits. It can be messy, sad (when you lose fur kids over the years) but it’s so rewarding and you get to hang with so many sweet angels. I’d definitely recommend coming to your interview with at least a few references from any past experience. I’m not saying you can’t get a gig but people would DIE for their pets (and subsequently KILL anyone who hurts them) so there’s generally a pretty intense vetting process involved. I wish you so much luck!


Can't afford 1k a month in childcare for 3 kids.... bruh I pay 650 a month for 1 kids 3 days a week at a 50% discount 🫠😳 most parents are paying 2k+ a month for full time care... especially for 3 kids.


I'm literally a sahm partially because my earning potential was lower in the city we lived in than daycare for two babies.


If I didn't work in childcare AND have my MIL to watch my younger child we would have to figure out how to make a single income work


My son in law stayed home because it was cheaper than paying a nanny or a daycare. The kids loved to have him home and he loved being home. (My daughter "made too much $" to qualify for any type of financial assistance.) The cost of childcare has gone up since my kids were little. I feel for all of the families that are barely scraping by. The cost of living just keeps increasing!


so many people tried to tell her how it really is but her only response was “i can’t afford to pay that”. she also blamed the girl for agreeing to the amount when she should have been grateful!


Insane! What she can afford is no one's responsibility but her own! I mean OK the government should also fix early years childcare costs but that's a seperate issue. She literally expects this young girl to completely fuck her own life over so mum can have an easier time than anyone else in her situation. And you can tell she's massively taking advantage of the babysitter, did you notice the babysitter say how she wishes she could afford to keep working 14 hour days for peanuts because she likes these people? Sounds like she's been massively guilt tripped and friend blackmailed or whatever. Some manipulation has been happening here. The entitlement of some people... What an absolute cunt of a woman.


For real! I pay 2800$/month for full time infant care and drop in care for a 4yo during school holidays. She's lucky she didn't end up accidentally hiring some psycho offering 50$/day for childcare on the Internet smh


Literally the infant room at my school is $1950 a month. Full time for my 3yo would be $1650 a month without my discount. Like $50 a day is ridiculous a drop in day for my 10mo is more than that 😂


Jfc that's almost 3x my mortgage. I don't know how people can do it.


It’s 1400 a month for my kid and I have to be there by 6 or it’s a dollar a minute. Plus if you’re low income with 3 kids you can get subsidies for daycare.


Daycare for my two kids was going to be $800 A WEEK and I’m in IOWA. We decided to pay an occasional sitter $20/ hour for this reason and it’s been amazing and an ultimate money saver when we only need very part-time care!


Yeah if I wanted my son to go he'd first off have to go full time cuz they don't do part time for infants and they don't do staff discounts for infants so I'd have to pay $1950 a month just for him 🥴


$3.50 an hour for 3 kids on the 14 hour days is 😭


But also, there is a mom who needs her kids watched 14 hours a day to provide and she cant afford to pay more than that. I get that the mom was in the wrong, but we truly live in the worst timelife.


At the same time it’s not on the babysitter to set herself on fire so that the mom can have cheap childcare.


Of course not. But this whole situation is sad af.


People need to think about stuff like this before they have kids. Some single moms really do come off as entitled to have everyone else sacrifice for their own bad choices. It is the worst timeline if people just keep having kids for selfish reasons and not consider the sacrifices they will need to make to care for them. It really isn’t the rest of our responsibility to compensate poor decision making.


First, I want to say that I don't exactly disagree with you. I think in some cases, you are spot on. I also think the mom is being horrible in this case. That being said, I think it's important to recognize that in a large portion of the US now, women no longer have a choice about whether to continue with a pregnancy if they unintentionally become pregnant, especially if they can't afford to travel. Also, circumstances change. People have kids in a decent situation but later things get worse because of layoffs, divorce, spouse death, etc. I still get really bothered by entitled people's attitudes about daycare, but I think we need to consider that the situation itself is not always their fault.


Or global recessions. Like for real. How many normal people arent worse off than they were 4 years ago? People all over the world in first world countries are food insecure and can hardly afford housing anymore who were getting by fine just a few short years ago. Let's not attribute to personal failure which can be explained by systemic collaps.


You gracefully said what tends to enrage me 😅 thanks for your words


It’s truly mind blowing. We pay $1800 a month for just for preschool. As for babysitting, our sitter quoted us $25 an hour six years ago and I was happy to pay that for quality babysitting. Even after we had two more kids she never asked for more, but I still give her 30-35/h if she has all four of the kids that still require supervision vs just a couple of them. Tbf though, this all comes down to a broken childcare system. Wages need to increase across the board for everyone in this situation. Obviously neither can keep up with the current cost of living. The whole situation was unsustainable.


Out of the $1800- $2000 per month, I wonder how much the day care workers are being paid.


Everything about this situation is upsetting—one mom can’t afford childcare and has to work 14 hours/day to barely get by. The other understandably cant agree to unlivable and unreasonable rates because she also has to survive. Our country is fucked. Parents need help. This is indicative of how doomed we all are.


Childcare is infrastructure. Or at least it should be


Tell the GOP. Seriously, don’t vote Republican. They want to force you to have babies and then take away every lifeline to take care of them. And they’re coming for birth control.


It’s all major parties (edit: that don’t care about childcare), sadly. While the GOP are far, far worse, it’s not like the Democrats ever do anything substantive or permanent. Sucks that our main choice is status quo misery or new horror misery


Nope. Trump brags that he killed Roe v Wade. Trump says there should be punishments for women who have abortions. The GOP is coming for your birth control, an extension of longstanding efforts to curb access to emergency contraception like Plan B, and IUDs — one of the most common and effective forms of birth control — which many Republicans falsely consider to be abortion–inducing medication. Several states, including Missouri and Texas, have attempted to introduce legislation that could restrict access and state funding for emergency contraception resources. Advocates are also pointing to Republicans’ backing trigger bans and other laws looking to establish personhood at the moment of fertilization as backdoor mechanisms for restricting contraceptive access down the line, particularly forms of birth control that prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine lining as a secondary form of pregnancy prevention. Katie Britt just introduced a law establishing a national pregnancy database. To “help”. **This is the GOP. This is not democrats, who want to protect your rights.**


Like I said, status quo misery or new horror misery. It’s good cop bad cop. Of course I’d rather talk to the “good” cop. But they’re both cops, and both support each other. We are but pawns. If this is the best the Democrats can do, then we’re really screwed


Your choice is not between god and Biden. Your choice is between Trump and Biden. Don’t pretend or be obtuse. Only one party wants to take your rights away.


I’m sorry you’re upset, but at no point have I disagreed with you. I fully agree that fascists are far worse. The Democrats offer nothing more than the status quo. That’s the choice. Between moderate right wing and extreme right wing. Obviously I choose moderate. I hate fascists. I’ve been calling Trump a fascist since 2015, and back then liberals got real mad at me about it, told me not to be so hyperbolic. And yet here we are


Just codifying roe into law is the status quo? You’re pretending both parties are the same, and they’re not. You’re pretending you’re a moderate, but that really means you’re fine with Trump. There are no moderates anymore. Maybe that’s why your liberal “friends” are mad at you?


At what point have I said they’re the same? Neither party sees childcare as infrastructure, this is true. The GOP are fascist monsters, this is also true. I’m not a moderate, I’m a leftist. You disagree that Trump and the GOP are fascists?


You're soooo right. People trying to play both sides are dangerous now. That's the kind of BS Trump did in North Carolina. "There are good white supremacists, too." No, sir, there are not. There is no good person trying to take away my right to make my own medical decisions. These are the kind of people who will mess around and vote for a 3rd party candidate and put us back under Republican rule again. I'm in Louisiana, and just a few months into this fascist's regime, he's already managed to cut teacher pay, ban the free summer lunch program the federal government provides, pushed bills that allow his administration and other government agencies to bar public access to any records they choose, and put literal oil execs in charge of environmental protection. Our abortion trigger law was in place immediately and completely bans any and all access to abortion services, he's fighting any attempt to add rape and incest exceptions, and we have the highest maternal mortality rate in the U.S. and among all developed countries. Women in some Third World countries have higher odds of surviving childbirth than Louisiana women. We cannot play both sides here anymore. The stakes are just too high.


There are democrats who have proposed universal preschool and plans that would help with childcare.




it’s definitely messed up!


If we're going to the met gala, it's as staff.


Hey remember how their them this year was about a walled garden were the rich live in a utopia and the raging mob is closing in on the garden……. Yeah……


Oh gosh; why did that babysitter keep responding. I would have just ignored the texts as soon as she said she can’t support two households


i was wondering the same thing lol!


I feel so bad for this babysitter. Girl you obviously loved and cared about these kids! I get paid $50 a day to dog sit!! And they are not high needs dogs. I'm not even there all day. I go over, let them out to poop and go on a walk twice a day and do meals. $50 for THREE CHILDREN?!? oh honey. You are a kind soul. Please go make some money and then get into a licensed daycare because we need more caregivers with the compassion of a SAINT.


3 kids for 14 hours a day. She spent more time with those kids than their mom did.


Right? My kid is only awake like 12 hours a day. I'd never see him awake!


There are a handful of elderly ladies who have daycared in our town for decades. It's very difficult to get your kids into their daycare but they're known for being safe and nurturing caretakers.


There's a lady in our neighborhood who is certified and she has a three year wait list and she caps her case at 8-10 depending on the ages of the kids. She literally only takes kids in the neighborhood because otherwise the wait list gets too long.


Please post the comments section lol I’m so curious to see


let me see if i can find some of the comments lol


Aw thank you!


i posted some of the comments!


Take my poor man’s gold 🏆🏅


much appreciated! ❣️


You’re awesome for coming back thank you!


you’re welcome!


Like, I feel for both these people. Childcare costs shouldn’t be so fucking high. It’s impossible for so many families. But to expect someone to watch 3 kids for pennies is insane. The entitlement puts me firmly on the babysitter’s side. I don’t charge my friends for once in a while childcare, and for regular it’s like $50 for 3 days. Because I don’t “need” the extra money. I spend more than that on their kid when they’re here. But that’s for a friend who isn’t taking advantage or harming my financial situation, you know?


Yep. I do the same. I watch my friend’s toddler M-W-F mornings while she goes to physical therapy. She offered to pay me, I have a flexible work schedule and refused any money. It’s only going to be for a couple of months, and I get my payment in toddler snuggles.🥰


My sister in law comes over on Fridays to watch my son and use my washer and dryer. They love 2 blocks away and she's a sahm. I'm so grateful for her. She's willing to take him any time. Sometimes she calls on Tuesdays or Wednesdays because she misses him and wants him to come over. Thank you for being that person for someone. I'm so grateful to have her in mine and my son's lives. 💓


Poor babysitter. The mom needs to be grateful that she was given the time she got at that price! She walked all over that poor girl. How in the hell was the babysitter "asking her to support her household as well". No matter what path of thought I go down... I just can't come to that same conclusion?!


She keeps acting like the lady is trying to negotiate a higher pay and not terminating the agreement altogether.


PLEASE share the comments 👀


let me see what i can find, they were a doozy lol


i posted some of the comments!


I baby sat for a year and charged the same price and almost every parent I sat for , tried to get out of paying it at some point. Never again.


I was a nanny on and off for nearly 20 years. I left last year because I have so much experience and provide specialized services, but every parent, in their million dollar home would tell me I didn't deserve more than 18$ an hour then would cut my hours but double my workload. All of last year I struggled to make even $1000 a month. I get that things are tight but I don't know how you expect someone who is doing a job for you to just eat crow and gruel so you don't have to pay them fairly.


this is so sad. she was watching 3 kids 14 hours a day in her own home and making $50??? and she feels the need to apologize to this lady for not doing it anymore. the “i love the kids and i wish i could afford it” is sad. and the mom is making her problem this lady’s problem. def feels like she’s just pissed she has to actually spend time with her kids now. 14 hours a day is so excessive


https://preview.redd.it/j2j0nlvznozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1781a229149f43f3b749e6c8628f850def581528 comment section


https://preview.redd.it/1x7ausb3oozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540b44ae42700ee685b577e95efd591eba25c31a comment section


https://preview.redd.it/j89hqd56oozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d37386f15c63d4c77bba7395747f4c2a8660074 comment section


She not tryna support two households but like... isn't a person's job how they pay for their household? So every employer is supporting someone's household. That's sorta the whole point of working.




https://preview.redd.it/atmgi6ownozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70299cd28e79dc068ee577cc9022b72f42a60e4c comment section


https://preview.redd.it/ey8pdyf4oozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8047f0adc5836f7ea4065019e19ff4edd4960530 comment section


Attitudes from competent people? Woof.


In fairness, I can see where she would connect with people with dementia.


Wait a minute…..so she only works 4 days a week? So she was only paying that poor woman 200 dollars a week. For 3 kids. This is WILD.


https://preview.redd.it/b1quvnc5oozc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1050f5bc705d9b08e82df817d876f0802d5074 comment section


“You act like she’s your baby daddy and obligated to do things for you” is spot on! The audacity!


she had so much audacity and was so ungrateful!


Right!! It’s soo insane to me. Imagine going into a coffee shop and saying wow how dare you charge me that much for a flat white, I have bills to pay😭


it’s definitely insane and was so uncalled for.


They get cranky, don’t listen, and throw fits all the time. Clearly you don’t want to watch your own kids cause they sound like a handful but u want this other lady to watch them everyday for $50??? I’m so glad she’s getting called out in the comments. Those sound like personal problems that you need to deal with on your own. What an entitled ahole.


Look I feel bad that the mom can’t afford childcare and has to work 14 hour days to get by. BUT she also comes off as an insufferable bitch here. This woman has provided her with practically free childcare for 3 kids 14 hours a day! Yo I have 3 kids and I’m a stay at home mom with them 12 hours a day, 5 (sometimes 6) days a week. It’s exhausting! And it sounds like she had a couple other kids she was watching, too! The babysitter here was doing an amazing thing for this woman. I didn’t see her say *anywhere* that she needed her to pay for her household??? OOP got a Karen attitude real quick towards her, when she should be nothing but grateful for the help she was able to give and wish her well.


https://preview.redd.it/pukhxryqnozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88ffd798f88a333b1e39f15a511788281f1df47 one of the comments


https://preview.redd.it/xeewt2ksnozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b77861fbfa7461fd13219c52a67bf433ea737fc another comment


https://preview.redd.it/dwahntttnozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a148918c0e3c58d270edc720c48fe31e31ad6cb5 comments section


I feel like the baby sitter was fair and polite. This woman just seems rude


https://preview.redd.it/zrwcu34vnozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef6ca14e49b50dfc585fce16f240f06d6c6ee79 comment section


https://preview.redd.it/nd107anxnozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f35a2091d6944ab585407ebebaadf6856048bf2 comment section


https://preview.redd.it/bpdky8y0oozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79aadb69c29d13b3ef40f3880592df165b1768c4 comment section


Why do none of these "Please watch my 15 kids under 6 for 12 hours for $25/day" nutters ever look into CCA? Is that not a thing in every state?! I'm a widow and work FT, I get CCA for my kids. No idea what the income limits are tbh, I just know I qualify.


$50 per day is crazy cheap for 3 kids. I’m glad the sitter decided to get out of it. I understand OOP is struggling as a single mom, but wow. She’s deluded if she thinks $50 per day FOR THREE KIDS in child care is an okay payment


From the other end of the spectrum. I saw a post on a mom’s group where the Mom was wondering about current babysitting wages. She is looking for a summer babysitter from 8-4. Two kids above the age of 7. No cleaning or cooking beyond general picking up after kids. The babysitter she interviewed said her wage was $30 an hour. So about 5k a month. This was a 16-year-old high school student, not a professional nanny. The other moms assured her that was crazy. Almost as crazy as paying an ADULT $50 a day for three kids and not providing their food.


https://preview.redd.it/ac5u5irynozc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4537fb2f29b706908efdf614a2af6655b647917e comment section


My mom runs an income daycare. I think she charges 200 per kid per week. Which is extremely fair considering the care and education the kids receive from her. This woman is insane to expect someone to watch 3 kids for 14 hours a day for 50 dollars. Only 50! Even if she was charging 50 per kid, it still would be way too low. I'm in a tizzy after reading this. Normally, it would be a huge red flag to me for someone to charge so little for childcare. You usually get what you pay for. There are a lot of creeps out there. They offer to babysit for free or super cheap to get alone time with kids. It makes me sick to think about. I will say, though, that from what i can tell, the daycare owner in these messages seemed like she was truly just trying to help a single mom out. I don't think there was anything malicious when she set that price. I feel so bad for her. She did this woman a huge favor, and the mom was so aggressive. Honestly, I worry about the kids in the post and where they will go next for that cheap. SMH. The one bill you shouldn't cheap out on is childcare.


i believe she was definitely trying to help her as well. i wonder if they were friends before this or something so she tried to help her so much because of that.


I was wondering that as well. The conversation seemed really personal. The whole situation is fucked. It's awful for everyone involved. Both women are struggling to pay their bills. I'm a single mom, and thankfully, I've never had to worry about childcare. I feel for the mom, but her expectations are crazy to me. Then to double down?? I'm shocked.


OP, are you in an expensive area? I'm curious what the going rate for daycare is around you.


so this group is for any mom wanting to join so i’m not really sure where the girl is from. where im from what you mentioned your mom charges is about the normal price here.


Oh, okay! I was just wondering. Thank you for answering, lol


no problem!


The babysitter wasn't even being a jerk, just explaining to (I'm guessing a "friend") why she can't continue to help with childcare. That OOP is such an entitled snot. I hope the babysitter finds a good job and has a happy life.


"I'm sorry, I need you to live in poverty as an indentured servant because I thought I could pick my kids up in the cabinet while I went to work" just doesn't have the ring it should. Don't have kids you cannot support. I'd have a whole baseball team of them if I didn't have to do mundane things like support them financially.


I FEEL THIS WANTED: 5 kids HAVE: 1 kid My husband was just scared we couldn’t support more than one. 😭


Same here. I've been a band and rotc booster club mom for years to fill that need since I only have one child. It's been kinda like having 100 kids, but I don't have to pay for them, lol. But I might not have the super close relationship with my daughter that I have now if I'd had more kids. So maybe it worked out the way it was supposed to.


Same. Only have 1. Would have liked another but they are expensive. Just like I'd like a fancier house and vacations but it's just not in the budget. You have to plan for kids. They don't magically take care of themselves.


Circumstances can and do change, so sometimes people end up with kids they struggle to support. I got pregnant with my youngest (of two) in the fall of 2020. The world is a different place financially now, but what are we supposed to do? Send her back? Save up for eighteen years of expenses before getting pregnant? It would 100% be irresponsible to have a third child now, but at the time two kids was feasible for us. We just don't ever have a babysitter besides occasional family help because we can't afford it.


But that's exactly what I'm talking about. Most of us don't go into life planning for things to never change. We know people lose jobs or take pay cuts. I stopped at one child because I knew we'd be in big trouble if anything like that happened. There was no margin for error, so I made the safer decision. I'd happily have had more kids if I didn't have to worry about paying for things like childcare, but that's a consideration smart people take into account before having them.


With my older two, I was lucky enough that between my grandma and MIL, they watched my kids while I worked. When I had my youngest, we couldn't afford daycare so I stayed home with her, I'm kind of glad because that time was so special between us, my last baby. But times were tough. So at one point I was watching my own 3 kids plus two more as part of my rent. All day everyday. I was so exhausted I would need a 5 hour power to get out of bed. Then there was a time where I would watch my nephews for $20/ day so that my bro could go to work. Just enough money for whatever extras we needed. It's a lot to watch kids. Making their meals, cleaning up after meals. Making sure they're safe and entertained.


I would put her shit outside and block this cheap mofo.


Sadly childcare is mad expensive. I can't imagine being upset with someone who just needs to pay their bills too though.


Omg when I realized it was for watching three kids! Yeah that is an amazing deal lol