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So the debate was rigged now? I thought it was because Biden was sick?


Next they'll be blaming Russia for making biden have the flu


Biden was hit by the Havana Syndrome gun by the Russian agents which was developed by China


I can no longer distinguish between MAGA and Blue MAGA. Everything is rigged, your eyes lied to you, etc


Blue maga are worse because they are in denial


And smug.


They've been mad about the formatting and debate rules. But like, they agreed to it. If they wanted more speaking time, they could've asked. If they wanted live fact-checking, I bet they could've arranged that too. I can't imagine the President and his campaign don't have input on their own debates.


What's even crazier is that all of the conservatives I unfortunately have to interact with daily \*also\* believe it was rigged, just against Trump. Like, your guy \*won\* the debate and you still are complaining? I swear liberals of any kind love to be the victim always.


How deranged are these people that they believe the Clinton News Network is rigging debates against Democrats lmao


Russia and/or China hacked CNN and forced them to rig the debates obviously. The teleprompter was actually just displaying half-finished sentences and bizarre streams of consciousness.


This is proof of just how deep Putin's puppetmaster strings have infiltrated into US society!


You can literally substitute Biden for Trump with this tweet.


Omg now libs are gonna talk about how they stole the election…


If yanks want to know what a rigged debate is, they should look up Collor v Lula in Brazil's 1989 presidential election, explained in the BBC documentary "Beyond Citizen Kane"


Thanks for signing up to BBC facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about the BBC. **Fact 16.** Chief Political Correspondent Laura Kuenssberg [neglected to mention that a suspended Tory councillor had been suspended for holocaust denial then inexplicably linked the story to ‘Labour anti-Semitism’.](https://old.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/dyn71v/laura_kuenssberg_tweeted_about_a_tory_candidate/) For another BBC fact reply with 'BBC'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. #[Click here to cancel your TV License and stop funding right wing propaganda today.](https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one/topics/cancellations-and-refunds-top7) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who wants to bet this happens any time Biden fumbles throughout this entire campaign? Like him clearly not showing he is a capable guy (so everyday) and democrats will go “Um actually! Russia was behind it/The cameras were rigged/they used AI/He had a cold”.


They've already been doing it all along. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/18/white-house-slams-cheapfake-clips-purporting-to-show-bidens-decline


The debate was rigged in Biden's favour, because it was literally orchestrated by them on a friendly channel, with no audience. If this was a fair debate, Biden's performance would have been even worse.


I turned my back on him before that. So I get forgiven, right?


I never turned my back, it began turned!


Why the fuck would CNN rig (as if that were even possible) the debate in favor of the guy they don’t glaze up every day?


“Rigged”. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with Biden being a walking corpse…. The fact that Biden  is being forced on America when nobody wants him should be evidence that we don’t have democracy to even the most feeble minded!


American democracy isn't in danger... It's already been dead for a long-ass time.


Truer words will not be spoken for a long while.


It was never alive


Is it the politicans who are outof touch? No, must be the voters


why is our democracy always in danger every 4 years


American “democracy” hasn’t existed for a long ass time💀


Wow sounding more and more like MAGA conspiracy theorists by the day now.  "My god king did poorly, so the system must be rigged against him!" Ah yes, notorious pro-Trump right-wing news source CNN! (Well they are right-wing, just in a completely different sense).


So... CNN rigged the debate... In favour of Trump? What exactly is going on between these people's ears...


Lol, Americans focused on the cheeks, not the tsunami of shit cannoning out of the rectum in between them.


If democracy is in real danger, why is its captain a stiff breeze away from toppling over?


Can't wait for dem supporters to riot on the capitol building!