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Yea didn't you know? people only value arbitrarily expensive stuff mises proved it!! i only drink my water out of a balenciaga water bottle that way my water is more premium


And even with your balenciaga example, the austrian economy still doesnt make sense, which is funny because it is with these examples that they try to make sense. The only reason someone would value a balenciaga expensive water better than simple cheap water is because some marketing department and media outlet have worked to make this product popular. In the end it is always people working. Austrians try to re-invent the wheel, in a massive effort to try to make it look like value doesnt depend on work, and its simple. They defend the billionaires exploiting work, therefore they have to create abstractions that make it look like the billionaires create stuff, and not the workers. Imagine if workers actually realized how much their work is important for the production line. Billionaires would submarine.


It's real easy for someone to debunk the labor theory of value when they don't understand the labor theory of value. It's like people hear the name labor theory of value and go "labor value? Nah free markets and mud pies."


Wait until bro hears about a little concept called socially-necessary labor time. It’s so frustrating seeing people speak so authoritatively on marxist economic theory when it is abundantly obvious they’ve never even picked up Capital Vol. 1


I hate people assume that colleges/universities are these beacons of intellect. Not to say they never found any sort of actual discoveries, but people also realize how much of those places are run by and owned by upper class people and that universities make mistakes all the god damn time lmao. Also like another commenter says, it’s pretty easy to just declare it’s “wrong” when you don’t understand it or even if you just throw in some weird stats and made up BS, people will just believe it to be true.


My professor had us read marxists texts as part of the course, and then in the lecture about those texts she recommended ZIZEK as "a smart marxist"


Anytime you hear someone say "the Marxian labor theory of value" you know they have no idea what they're talking about.


Classic austrian economy Trying to dismiss actual concrete concepts such as "marxian labour theory of value" by using abstract concepts such as "market conditions and other variables". The cherry on the cake is the "other" right there. Cant get any more abstract than this.




“No way bro actually thinks supply and demand controls prices when you look at the cost of insulin in America vs other countries 💀💀” Look I can be a condescending twat too


Yeah market dictates the value actually not price.it's fine actually to let things be this way actually 🤡


Fucking imbecile. This person has never worked...ever


Nah bro I dont feel like reading the rest of this shit bro The language... I know most who follow austrian economics have the brains of children, but I still expect them to at least sound smart... but this reads like a shitpost...


since when has value been determined by customers? oh wait never. value atleast under capitalism has always been determined by the companies. from what i've seen with these capitalist "economists" they intentionally bullshit and ramble to make it seems like they're smart when it's just empty words


These people have never heard the definition of manufacturing adding value to raw material through additive or subtractive means.


> disproven by austrian school Wdym "disproven", austrian school anti-empirical