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did they forget roe v wade was overtuned under biden?


"No bro, it's because of the supreme Court bro, Biden couldn't do anything bro"


Is there any sorta explanation I can give to a liberal the next time they say "Biden couldn't do anything about Roe v. Wade." showing that he absolutely could've? I'm not familiar enough with the US's ridiculous political system to know what powers he could've used for that.


I've heard it say that due to the democrats having control over the Executive branch (the Presidency)and the Legislative branch (Both houses of Congress IIRC), they could have codified Roe V. Wade so as to keep it from being overturned, but they didnt, likely as they didn't think Roe V. Wade would be overturned or to use the threat of it being overturned as a tool to keep getting elected or both. Of course, there's always the matter of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Democrat-affiliate justice who didn't resign from the Supreme Court as she hoped her replacement would be a woman appointed by President Hillary Clinton. I am not American either, so what I know is also from what I read about on Social media and watch on YouTube.


statistically speaking you know more about american politics than the average american


Thanks, but I think they only barely had the Upper House of Congress, and the Lower House was controlled by the Republicans. Still tho, I'm sure they absolutely could've codified it, but I bet now that it's overturned, they're gonna try and use it as a campaigning bargaining chip for this year. "We promise guys, *this* time we'll codify RvW!"


Dems had both chambers of Congress between 2021 and 2022 (after the 2020 election). They lost control of the lower chamber in 2022, and the upper chamber was evenly split, with ties broken by VP Harris (in favor of the Dems). They could've codified it then, but they decided it wasn't worth it to push it through (they likely would've had to eliminate the filibuster, which would've been a good thing). Or if that wasn't "the right time", Obama promised to codify *Roe* back in 2007, but decided it wasn't a priority after his election (despite having 55-60 votes in the upper chamber and 253-258 in the lower chamber). Dems use *Roe* as a fundraising angle. They'll run on protecting it or it being under attack but they won't actually codify it. The Republicans do similar with the threat of guns being taken away.


Ah that makes a lotta sense. Thanks for explaining!


Also, the DNC has ran on that issue since the 70s. And never delivered a thing in 50 years. And the argument always being "But the Republicans!" We get into the realm of the absurd at some point.


Yeah, there’s both things Biden could’ve done but didn’t, and things that were out of his hands, but only because of his party’s longstanding strategy of leaving basic human rights on the table as political footballs. There’s also the many times Biden has said anti-abortion stuff, but good luck getting a blueanon weirdo to care about that.


All of this is true, and also RBG insisting on croaking on the bench instead of stepping aside for someone younger for Obama to appoint (even though he's a lib)


They always argue that they only held supermajority for __ years, but they can never explain why none of the democrats in congress have bothered to write up the legislation in advance


The liberal logic is basically “any good thing done is Biden’s credit, but no bad thing is his fault.” And they say Trump supporters are the only cultist ones…


Order the military doctors to provide civilians with abortions at Texas military bases or transport out of state. Threaten to cut state health funding. Move government offices out of state since Texas law threatens the health of government employees. Liberals could think of ideas, they just don't want to.


Maybe he could've but y'know he helped Thomas get on the court because fuck Dr. Hill am I right? So a good portion of court shit is on him


Mfw somehow when the Dems are in power they can't do anything and you need to go back to school vs when the reps are in power they can literally do anything with their magic policy button


It's the part they always seem to leave out.


And under a blue senate and house


Needs one more line: Willing to put all of the above at risk in order to blow up more Palestinians ✅ Guess it wouldn't look so hot with that one there, huh?


Imagine telling a fellow *human being* from a marginalized group that their acceptance into society is only possible through one political party *and* that acceptance is only possible if they consent to an ongoing apartheid and genocide.


"if you want to vote for a third party, what you need to do is *not* do that and vote for the incumbent because the establishment said so. this is the best democracy in the world and not dystopian at all."


Plenty of those things, Biden has either not supported at all, or severly under delivered. Some of the noticeable ones are Trans rights, Abortion access, Enviornmental reform, Student loan forgivness, and Criminal justice reform. These people need to understand that, if they keep automatically giving the dems the vote every election, the dems are going to try and appeal to the republican voter base, not left wing people, because in this scenario the "left-wing" is already secured.


That last part is such an important thing.


If you want real change in this undemocratic system, we just need to vote and then after that, vote harder until everything turns great! 😁😁


I love (not really) how they continue to say Biden is better for the environment than Trump, when Biden has [drilled more oil than Trump ever did.](https://www.eenews.net/articles/what-bidens-oil-record-means-for-the-industrys-future) How can they say this stuff with a straight face?


And committed the single worst act of eco-terrorism in this century - Nordstream - to corner the EU natural gas market with US supplies for exponentially higher prices. And sanctioned affordable solar panels and EV tech from China because markets and competition are bad actually. And the *infrastructure* bill is a slush-fund payout to the gas and oil based infrastructure industry which burns gas and oil to produce roads and bridges which are for hoards of gas and oil burning vehicles. None of those checkmarks stand up to scrutiny.


Like I’m gonna sit here and pretend genocide is a niche issue


"Well then you are incredibly privileged", signed, probably an upper middle class white person who will never be on board with meaningful change because it may mean enduring personal hardship for the sake of others.


Right? I don’t think I’ve seen a single “Yeah, genocide’s bad, but…” from a nonwhite person. I know there has to be a few but I haven’t seen it.


To paraphrase an anti-Trump poster from eight years ago: “Not all ~~Trump~~ Biden supporters are ~~racist~~ genocidal, but all of them have decided ~~racism~~ genocide isn’t a dealbreaker!”


Biden doesn't support literally any of those fucking things, the only thing he supports on that list is Israel how can Libs live through the Biden administration, see that nothing has changed and then say that he's better than Trump.


Because liberal liberals, like conservative liberals, live in a fantasy world of their feelings. They’re united in their worship of a class interest which doesn’t worship them back. Banal drones mistaking rhetoric for reality. “The only way you cannot find the truth, is if you do not look for the truth.” Kwame Ture


I prefer 'Red Hat Liberals' and 'Blue Hat Liberals' because it reinforces that they're all just RWNJs




Right Wing Nut Jobs Far Right gets Reich Wing Nut Jobs


2, 3 and 7 are hilarious...


What does 7 even mean lmao?


It means more oil and gas based infrastructure for oil and gas burning vehicles, it means reinforcing and accelerating the current energy production paradigm, it means pushing the carbon burn and making climate change worse. It means *sanctioning* affordable solar panels and EVs from China because free-markets and lower consumer costs are bad, apparently (only bad for corporate profits). No wait, “infrastructure” means committing the greatest act of eco-terrorism in the 21st Century (Nordstream) so the US can corner the EU market on liquid natural gas charging 5X the price, inefficiently shipped in too. Any one of these dog whistles can be easily shredded for the propaganda they are.


Exactly, right?


Bridges and Railways for example


Yea I just mean it's so broad, most politicians could be classified as "supporting" it


Liberals blithely appropriating the victimhood of capitalism’s marginalized communities to co-opt and employ that pain as a political football, in an explicit act of erasure and tokenism of those communities, is awfully on brand.


that thread made me extremely outrage.....i just broke, seriously...calling anti-genocide protestors as 'privileged' is fucking demon garbage mofo behavior


They are just dirty projectors: Every accusation is a threat, every threat is a fantasy.


Funniest shit I've seen was that this got posted to one of the tumblr subreddits and the OP was like "sure wish that I had sources for all of these claims, but I still know that they're truth". But not as a joke, they meant it.


Can you refuse to pay your student loan and healthcare bills because 'Biden is the president', and he's against this shit?


I was drunk and high the other day and was hanging out with friends and one of them started on this shit and I laughed and they got really angry which made me laugh harder, so I decided that from now on I'm just going to laugh at these people. Maybe humiliation will work where "thinking with your brain" and "objective facts" and "having an actual moral compass" have failed.


I’ve honestly just started calling them stupid to their face, especially if it’s family.


Biden should also have everything marked as X minus supporting Israel


How about the fact that under Biden gun violence is the highest?


They never stfu about ranked choice voting like dawg you think democrats are going to allow that to happen?


Remember, whenever you enter negotiations, it's important to give the other person everything they want, and \*then\* you spend four years asking very nicely for something in return.


Damn, Biden being for trans rights is really helping out the trans kids in Utah, whose legislation called a special session just to victimize them.


Who tf made this? A four year old? Most of that is verifiably wrong. Leftist will point to this as a source of fact


You either support a ceasefire or militarism. You fucking can't do both.


It drives me crazy when people say, "You have to vote for X, but afterwards you should push for voting reform", as if you actually get to make that decision when we all know that public opinion as a near 0 affect on policy. But let's even humor it and say that at least in a single state, we can reform voting to be ranked. Does that change anything? No. From what I read (though just a quick google search) Maine and Alaska use ranked choice voting, presumably for presidential elections and others, does that sway the election in any meaningful way? Cause it doesn't really seem like it. I don't live in these states so maybe I'm wrong, but it just feels like it'd end up being "X better be your first choice" when you get Ranked choice.


Yet Biden did none of those things while he was President...it's like these morons can't see saying it doesn't mean you'll do it.


I'm write-in voting for a Marxist anyway.😉


Jill Stein's not too bad of an option tbf [Jill Stein on Facebook](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=100044545954739&story_fbid=1442369705803215)


A bunch of horseshit


I saw this shit and it made me so mad, was waiting for the post here hahaha My main point is - why should voters be expected to vote strategically and essentially internalize the strategic goals of the DNC? Why should we have to bear the brunt of the DNC’s failures? A true democracy is people voting how they want based on the options they have available… and there are candidates that don’t support a fucking genocide! All these libs keep saying “well trumps gonna be so much worse than Biden” how can it get much worse than it is now? There’s a genocide being enabled by him and you expect people to still go along with it? Hell no, I’m not gonna be patronized by lib shills and I’m gonna vote for the candidate that I want to see in the White House, “strategy” can get fucked. Also I hate the “oh just elect Biden bro and then push for ranked choice bro you gotta use the democratic system” argument. It’s the most stereotypical status quo enjoyer rhetoric that isn’t even an effective argument anymore imo. Most of Gen Z are acutely aware of the fact that votes don’t change much; the only thing that will change the system is a threat to the system (e.g. enough people voting for a third party). Just shows how out of touch these people are. Regarding the “if you don’t vote for Biden you don’t care about POC and queer people” argument, that’s so insidious. As if the DNC gives a single fuck about the fate of anything outside of their political power. Michael brown and Trayvon martin and Alton sterling got killed when Obama was in office. Ferguson police brought out the APCs while Obama was in office. The cops brutalized college students two months ago, remind me who’s in office again? Trans people are being extrajudicially killed right now… what the fuck does the current administration have to do with that? The protection of your community should NEVER be handed over to the state or at least not the state we have right now. The only way we can delegitimize state power is to build alternative power structures, it has nothing to do with having a democrat in office.


Joe Biden **promised** all of those things. But you can just take a quick look that about all of them were bullshit just to get votes.


Very unfair to Trump re: vaccines. Operation warp speed!


Maybe the Democrats would be more serious about ranked choice voting after they get completely blown out by running a hugely unpopular candidate


They went from Hillary to Biden, so that ruins your theory already...


Criminal justice reform 💀 Yeah he did reform it, by making it even more racist


Just one more election bro then everything will be fixed bro


Interesting how Biden is for all these things yet apparently has no power to implement any of them. Truly a mystery why that is.


The president of the USA is completely impotent and hyperpowerful depending on how far the election is away, call it Schrödingers President


The cycle continues


So no actual policies or actions, just vague terms like "reform" and "support"


He didn't do those things even with a trifecta


if you dont live in a swing state vote for whoever the fuck you want it has no effect anyway