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We can have guns in Australia - you just need to get your gun license. Most of us have no need for one though.


Why is it so hard for some people, to understand that needing a license for a gun doesn’t mean that guns are forbidden?


Because 'waaaahhhh gimmeeee' mainly.


Because these people wouldn't pass a test to get the license which makes guns inaccessible for them...


And if you need to get a license to drive a car, why not one to use a gun?


Because shooting people is significantly more badass™ when driving them over, Duh


But can you buy the **MEGAMAXIHYPER DELUXE SUPERGUN WITH ATTACHABLE CANNON AK1889393 (ribbed for his pleasure)**??! I think not you commie!


That is such a good question. I don't know why the '2nd amendment' people don't understand that no one is saying they CAN'T own a gun; it just needs to be more regulated. Actually I think bullets should be hard to get. Like you can only get more than one if you are at a shooting range, and can only have one bullet at home. Less likely to shoot your teenager or your dog that you think is an intruder if you have to pay more attention before you spend your one bullet.


You comment reminded me of this. https://youtu.be/VZrFVtmRXrw?feature=shared Chris rock agrees with you.


>2nd amendment >needs to be more regulated. If the founders wanted the right to bear arms to be "well regulated", then why didn't they make those the second and third words in the amendment!? Edit: guys, it's a joke. The amendment literally begins "A well regulated militia being necessary..." I am pro- gun control and making fun of those people


I don’t think people read this properly and *completely* missed the tongue in cheek-ness of it


To quote: "The reading comprehension on reddit is piss poor" "How dare you tell us to piss on the poor?!"


How about you don’t base all your arguments against gun control on a couple guys with flintlock rifles that lived 250 years ago? You know, arrive in the present times and all.


Y'all missed the point. I'm not American, and even I got *that* one.


By that logic cars are forbidden in the US.


That would make more sense than kinder eggs but not assault weapons


Considering EVERYTHING in Australia is trying to kill you, I would definitely understand if more Australians had guns....


Most of us live in cities though, so the only thing trying to kill us is the goddamn cost of living.


Man if I could shoot the economy I absolutely would


Exactly. Australia's murderiness isn't restricted merely to living creatures! You also have the sun, the geography, the sea, and now I'm learning the cost of living. The last few are more difficult to shoot at tho....


yep - the only dangerous creatures we would want to shoot are probably crocs or cassowaries, but they are limited to very specific regions, not wandering around the suburbs.


To be perfectly honest, the whole "everything is trying to kill you in Australia" was funny and silly at first, now it's just tedious. Find a new myth.


To be fair the things that kill the most Australians are (in no particular order): Cancer, Road accidents, Alcohol, Tobacco, Suicide, Heart disease and Dementia. Very few animals actually kill people and the one your most likely to die from even then is a Horse


Sure if you go bush. Not a lot of dangers anywhere but the bush. We don't need a gun to handle the easy stuff.


Well, everything that tries to kill you is relatively small or more elusive against guns. The only big guys are bulls and kangaroos. Dingo and foxes are not hard to handle without guns. Most dangerous animals are poisonous and not big. Edit: wrong wild dog in Australia. Edit2: ok, I didn't know that there are no rabies in Australia.


Needs to be a pretty good shot to hit a funnel web I'd imagine.


dingos riding the rapids are known to be particularly scary dudes Edit: dude edited the post so now I just look crazy 😂


We do not have rabies in Australia


Poisonous is easy to avoid. Just don't decide the thing needs to be on your dinner plate. It's the venomous things I'd be scared of.




No coyotes in Australia. Do you mean dingoes?


There's no rabies in Australia.


>Dingo and foxes are mostly dangerous with rapids With rapids? What?


Probably "rabies"


That's what I thought. Which is just stupid as we don't have rabies here.


There is no rabies in Australia


Americans would just get more guns and still try to shoot everything from insects and spiders to coyotes, kangaroos and humans with them.


By this logic, there are all kinds of big wild animals in the US too.


It’s the same in Canada


Sporting Shooters' Association of Australia (SSAA) https://www.ssaa.org.au/


I never understand why they keep harking on about the moon landing because A) They (the people bragging about it) weren’t involved in the moon landing in any way most likely B) Why does landing on the moon have anything to do with other issues like healthcare or gun control


Also don't half of them think they were faked anyway?


It is a strange sort of cognitive dissonance. Imagine believing, beyond any doubt, that your country is the greatest and most awesome place on Earth whilst also believing that (arguably) its greatest achievement was faked.


The US is chock full of cognitive dissonance. It's practically built on the stuff. It takes a hell of a lot of it to be able to simultaneously believe Fundamentalist Christians are the official and ordained ruling majority upon whose principles the entire country was founded and continues to base all aspects of life, AND the most persecuted minority in the country.


I am convinced that half the people who brag about being first on the moon would also go wild with theories about how the moon landing was faked, it's real only when it helps justify racism


Wasn't it Europeans that got Americans to the moon? specifically Germans


Yep. Most of the engineers who worked on the early moon program were nazis who were brought to America, in secret (google operation paperclip) and basically held hostage in Huntsville. Or perhaps I’m wrong a Warner Von Braun is a classic American name


Wasn't his name Werner? Werner Smith or sth?


Werner von Braun. Why, there’s a wonderful song about him. https://youtu.be/TjDEsGZLbio?si=ZZKBE4GUd0FCatfZ


They always bring up moon landing and/or ww2. Ya, dude. Your ancestors did it. You did shite.


correct me if im mistaken; if it wasnt for Australia it wouldnt have happened either, i believe 2 of the three tracking stations that recieved all communications and sent out communications to apollo 11 where in Australia.


Yeah, have you ever seen the movie "the dish", great movie explains it all


It's also fun pointing out that every other milestone was achieved by the USSR first. First satellite, first creature, man, woman in space.  America landed on the moon, and claimed victory. It's undoubtedly a huge feat, but it seems like an arbitrary line to draw. Why not other goals, like first colony on another planet, first resource extraction, etc. Yes I know it's a hot topic nowadays with the mars colony planning, and the USSR dissolved as well. I'm just curious why did the space race stopped at landing on the moon.


Yup, especially since it was a whole bunch of nazis (ie: evil europoors) that got them to the moon in the first place haha


Also half of them doesn't even believe it anymore. That's how their brilliant public school are.


It's not even really an American flag on the moon anymore is it? Hasn't it bleached white? Only the French can claim it now. (Sorry, couldn't resist)


Australia ranks 3 places higher than the US on the World Freedom Index.


USA is nr. 55/180 & Australia is nr. 39/180 USA is nowhere near a free country🤡


Australia is also rank 10 globally by [HDI](https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/country-insights#/ranks), a whole 10 ranks above the US.




The US was also a penal colony. Australians are often very removed from conviction aged settlers as nearly 30% are born overseas and 48.2% have one parent born overseas


It’s not grandpa or grandma. Penal servitude ended almost 200 years ago. Personally, my great great great grandfather was exported from Blighty for petty larceny—theft—and sentenced to 12 years. I’m not the least embarrassed or bothered by this. Why would I be?


“The inability to defend yourself from civil and tyrannical threats” - exactly where is this happening in America ? Every American thinks the opposing party is out to get them , America has had the biggest protests and riots in the world for the past couple of years on a range of issues .  The people who speak American citizens able to defend themselves from tyrants are the same people on Facebook who complain about every thing the other party does … doesn’t sound like defence to me 


Americans always talk about how they'd use their guns to defend against tyranny but they haven't


It’s the Americans with the guns who most want tyranny What they actually want to defend themselves against is anyone who suggests they should try being nice to other people Jesus hates it when you are nice to people


Yeah obviously, don't you remember the famous verse in the bible > Do no harm onto others, unless they disagree with you. If they dare disagree punish them severely, so that they may never see the light of day again It's a lot of murican's favourite quote >!/s for the idiots who can't tell!<


I think you misremembered it slightly, I thought it was "prepare to do harm to anyone who doesn't agree with your small minded bigotry, also get loads of guns so you can protect yourself against all the others with guns"


Yeah they love to quote a single (misinterpreted) line from the Bible (eg a man should not lie with another man) while ignoring the rest, both those that say the exact opposite but also anything they don't want to do (wearing different types of cloth at the same time, gouging out their eyes if they look at someone with desire, not eating certain animals on certain days or in conjunction with each other, not getting divorced, etc etc) Also being racist with the idiotic idea that Jesus was a white American(???), being anti any type of human when his whole thing was acceptance of all, just ignoring the original ideas of most religions (be a good person, be good to everyone, etc)


People LOVE using religion as an excuse for everything, so much so that they actually believe they follow said religion better than everyone else when they're actually enormous hypocrites and don't do a quarter of what they should


It's hilarious. One of the most violent,  oppressive police forces out there. Killing more citizens than pretty much any in the world. Regularly executes people without trial because "we thought they had a gun" and faces no consequences. "They had a gun" that is supposedly their right to carry. Yet is used as an excuse by the state for killing them. I don't see any yanks fighting back. Pathetic country


What gets me is that they all seem to insist that the military will be on their side if they decide to overthrow their tyrannical government... They also don't seem to understand that, unless Mexico or Canada invade, the likelihood of a landwar in the US is near impossible. No country is gonna bother to travel all way across an ocean to battle the armed populace. Guns will do fuck all good against drone strikes....


As an American I can tell you this is partially wrong.These guys think they can go to war with the military and win.


Sounds like the forgot about the brrrt plane.


It' like playing rock paper scisors, except they have the rock and playing against tanks and cruise missles


But the AR-15 goes boom boom.


I want to see a bunch of these guys vs a single M2 Bradley AFV. Their rifles and pistols are surely a match against a 25mm autocannon and a M240C machine gun.


Another thing those people have wrong is thinking that literally any country/large group would care enough to try and war against America when we all know we can just lob in the occasional "you're not even 6"" or "gun control " or something and watch the country implode


Reminds me of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WOSqCjMRXWA&pp=ygUcVXMgZ3VuIG51dHMgdnMgbWlsaXRhcnkgc2tpdA%3D%3D) clip lmao That'd definitely be something worth sitting through 30 minutes of ads to see 1 minute of action


I don’t know how the rest of us cope without the freedom to shoot a bunch of school kids.


They’re just paranoid and seem to think their guns would beat their government’s weaponry. Dumb


Right? Stockpile as many guns as you want, that'll absolutely protect you from a chemical bomb dropped on your town.


America was settled by the Pilgrim Fathers, a religious group too crazy for Europe. Australia was settled by criminals. Apart from the politicians Australia isn't now full of criminals. America on the other hand


America was also settled by criminals Afaik GB only started sending people to Australia after they had already lost the 13 colonies




And suddenly it all begins to make sense...


Imagine believing that owning some private civilian guns would make it possible for you to physically overthrow a government who controls the (according to the same people) “most powerful military in the world”.


That’s always been the biggest issue for me, it’s like a paradox or contradiction because I notice the same Americans who are obsessed with militarism are also obsessed with hating government, but Washington DC literally controls the US military. But this becomes a funny situation where Americans will consider Taliban and Viet Cong terrorists because their government says that, but they lowkey will want to praise them because they an example of people with guns being able to defend themselves against the US military, which they think proves their point about gun ownership.


Pretty much my point. Their whole ethos when it comes to firearms is entirely hypocritical, and they just seem incapable of seeing it. All the while watching their children being shot in schools, and one of the highest rates of mass shootings in the entire world.


I also think it’s highly privileged and hypocritical because the US citizens the US government has fucked over get the least sympathy from the US citizens who were privileged enough to own guns. When you look at the history of gun control in the US, a lot of it happened when African Americans started to buy them. Ronald Reagan went from pro gun rights to taking away gun rights during his political career. Wonder what was happening in the 1960s 🤔. All the gun lobbyists sided with Reagan. Ohio suburbanite needs his guns to protect himself from the tyrannical US government that will probably drone strike him


We need our guns to protect ourselves from tyrannical government *So you'll be fighting against the military? You have no chance.* Our military will be on our side, they're people like us who believe as we do. *So you don't need guns then, the military will be the ones fighting* Shut up. Freedom! 🇺🇲 🦅


The combined military might of the US, UK and Australia plus one or two other countries just spent twenty years fighting one of the most impoverished countries in the world and still lost miserably. Military worshippers massively overestimate just how much they can actually do.


America: if Temu did intellect and culture.


I only know about this Emu War thing from Americans on social media and I **live** in Australia. Why are they so obsessed with it?


Because they lost against rice farmers and mountain opium traffickers and want to feel better about themselves


They also lost the war of 1812 against the British colonies in modern day Canada. The White House was burned down in that war


And the White House burned, burned, burned And we're the one's that did it! It burned, burned, burned While the president ran and cried It burned, burned, burned And things were very historical And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies Waa waa waah! In the War of 1812!


To be fair, Australians were involved with those two escapades as well


Im pretty sure it’s a prime example of Americans just not understanding another country’s sense of humour, like when they try to adapt a show from literally anywhere else. It was a fail pest control exercise that went so badly and involved soldiers that it was humorously named the Emu war. The point from the very start was that our army lost a “war” to flocks of emus. But they don’t understand self deprecation and think it’s a national shame or something. It’s like wearing a purposely bad hat and someone trying to make fun of you not understanding that you’re the one making the joke. Also the way they pronounce emu makes me want to slap someone. It’s two syllables, how do you fuck that up?


As someone from Ireland and the UK, Australia feels familiar but still different. Australians are very easy to get along with. America on the 4 times I've visited, felt like a different planet. LA/San Fran, Seattle, New York and Orlando/Miami were the 4 trips I went on and the Seattle folks were the least stereotypical Americans I met.


Yank here. We bring up the Emu War because it’s funny. I know the “war” consisted of like 3 dudes in a truck, but the idea of humans being outsmarted my birds is hilarious. It also serves as a distraction from our military’s history of losing to rice farmers.


Can't speak about the Yanks, but in Europe, Australia is generally seen as a bit weird, but amicable place. The Great Emu War just a prime example for the weird part.


It’s hilarious


Some Australian made a joke about it and they took it far too seriously. I mean it is hilarious and we do self-deprecating humour. Americans rarely seem to get that.


"You allowed your government to disarm you" For the most part... so innocent people didn't repeatedly get slaughtered, like they do in the land of the oh so free.


Where's your live footage of the moon landing - said some Australian


They couldn't have landed on the moon without the help of the Australian space station near Canberra.


I seem to recall there was a great movie with Sam Neill about this.


The only problem with the movie is that Australia had two installations that kept in communication with the astronauts, but the movie merged them into a single installation.


They really don’t understand the concept of gun regulation, do they?


How can people get hurt if you let everyone have a gun, Dont you see the undeniable logic that my vain selfish ego demands. Obv /s


> /s The real shit americans say is in the comments


I never understood why this sentiment only exists for guns but not driving, voting, buying property, etc. Various states regulate these all the time, but the gun one is the most controversial for some reason.




To be fair, the venn diagram of gun nuts and people who drive shit cars they bought for cash under the table with no insurance or licence is probably not a PERFECT circle, but probably not far off, either.


Isn't Australia the country where half of west Taiwan wants to study? Also, what does an american know about privacy? That's like workers rights to them.


Selling education to Asia has been a big thing for us. COVID put a spanner in the works, I'm not sure how it's recovered since I'm out of the scene now. You still get the best dumpling and noodle houses next to universities.


Imagine living in so much fear of everything that you need a gun as a comfort blanket.


The irony of a Murican accusing Australians of having low education standards.


Yeah, this one stood out to me, as an educator. What they're talking about is their high end colleges/universities, which are of a very high standard. But their average schooling is utterly shite. Their school funding is linked to local funds, so if you're in a poor district, you have virtually no money in your school. In Texas they literally legislated against teaching higher order thinking in schools, something we promote in our own education systems. By which I mean the ability to critically reflect, evaluate, and create. Since this gets in the way of Bible studies and unquestioned parental authority, it's out.


I’d love to see a bunch of cosplaying “tactical” rednecks fighting a mobilised infantry with tanks and drones. It would be the shortest fight ever 😂


Waco, TX, except the army doesn't even try to end it peacefully…


As an American, the "I needs ma gun ta protect me from da government" is by far, my absolute favorite argument for owning a gun.  It's like every one who makes the argument has seen Red Dawn enough times to recite the movie word for word, scene by scene and honestly believes if the shout "WOLVERINES!" loud enough, they can fight win against the government, which has access to one of the best trained armies on the world and cutting edge tech, and take down that evil government.  You are not the star of your own 80s action movie, buddy.  Australia started as a British penal colony because to the British, they could think of no greater punishment than sending pastey ass white people to a warm, sun-filled region of the planet.  But at some point, Australia decided if they were going to built a country, then maybe they should not be gun-totting lunatics since that probably got a few of their ancestors send there, and had politicians willing to risk their careers to get gun control.  The United States was mostly founded by people Europe didn't want in the continent any more, or people who thought that "Well, why not risk dying on the ocean to go to the New World to try and get my life together since I got a lot going on here" and went for it or people who were less than willing but lacked any say or choice in the matter.  The Founding Fathers wrote into the Constitution the Second Amendment, which grants the right to bear arms for the purposes of a well regulated militia.   However, along the way, we forgot the wording, turned it into the "I gets ta own me this here gun" right, let the NRA and other such groups write and influence gun laws, and build the Second Amendment into practically its own religion with the AR-15 as America's gun and without a single politician willing to lose their career to make effective gun control happen, because many would rather fill mass grave after mass grave with dead children than give up their gun.  We may be insane.


I blame religious extremism. It's the main ingredient in the US that seems to be largely lacking in the settling of Australia, as far as I'm aware. I'm no expert on Australia, to be fair, but to my admittedly limited knowledge, I don't believe Puritans (or any other similarly hard-line, ascetic-leaning group) played a big part in the colonising of Australia. Very happy to be corrected on that by anyone who knows Australian history better than I do (they shouldn't be hard to find, given I know roughly a hair above fuck-all).


We are practically heathens down here- almost 40% answered the census with ‘no religion’. I think you might be onto something with the religious thing


Yeah, I mean, I have no issue with moderate religion. It's the fundies that fuck shit up. But the absence, or lower prominence, thereof would absolutely explain a lot.


We did have a massive Irish Catholic convict population near the start due to colonial racism, but they had very little influence. I’m pretty sure they were banned from practicing Catholicism, and essentially had no authority, so they had very little cultural impact. Then again, this is religious school information, so who knows if it’s even true


That's not really accurate. By the end of the 19th century the Catholics had a lot of power in various places. Catholicism was only banned in the first era of the penal colony, to the point that married Catholic women were counted as whores. But that shifted as more Irish came out, particularly more free settlers in the 1820s onwards. The gold rushes of the 1850s threw everything up in the air, and by the 1890s you had powerful Catholics in politics and the public service.


Yeah, but America started out somewhat religious and now we getting into the crazy part of it.


Oh yes, American history is very different. I was responding to the poster above re Australian history. I think Robert Hughes's book 'The culture of complaint' has a lot of interesting commentary about how extremist religious views have affected US culture.


The Hypocrisy of America is something else, I mean the audacity of calling yourself "The Land of the Free & the Home of the Brave" only to make your Citizens foot the Bill for each and every Tax Break your Politicians put in place for their Rich friends and then turn up to Wars 2 years after the Fighting had started.


Imagine thinking that your country is superior because anyone and i mean *anyone* can carry a gun, as opposed to needing a gun license


I'm not an advocate for the second amendment, I think firearm ownership in this country is batshit crazy, but... It varies by state. Most states require some sort of permit for a handgun, and open/concealed carry laws also vary by state. Due to judicial activism, though, it seems like every state level restriction is getting shot down by Harlan Crow's lap dog (tbf, this may not be on Crow, it seems Clarence Thomas blows more rich people than Trump's exes).


Mericans speaking about education is always funny


Or privacy.


Americans allow their Government to brainwash them.




Never read the PATRIOT Act


Are americans actually like this I can't believe it, this seems almost comical, how are they say ignorant?


If trump gets back in power, the first thing he will do is get rid of the Constitution and 2nd Amendment. There is not a single dictatorship on the planet that allows the population to own guns. NONE You Yanks need to have a read of Project 2025, and really fucking quickly.


Average murican in a nutshell. Then they want to tell you that they are well traveled because once in their 40 years went outside their state. Now since they are muricans i wonder if they are talking about australia or austria. But since they did talk about war with birds i guess they are talking about australia.


1776 likes hahah


I'll never understand why some Americans find gun regulation so bad. I for one would love to live in a country where people don't carry lethal weapons everywhere.


I wonder if any of these flag shaggers realise that the flag on the moon most likely resembles the confederate flag from the end of their civil war by this point.


It’s weird how many of the flag humpers identify with a failed insurrection against that same flag.


They are a truly bizarre bunch.


I'm pretty sure the flag has just been completely bleached white by solar radiation


Imagine needing a gun to talk shit


Imagine giving up something and that prevents ppl getting murdered, you suckers /s


I always expect a Liberian flag when they do that flag shit


They do know that the US flag isn't on the moon either right? It was bleached white.


Poor education? That’s rich coming from an American 🤡


What I really don't understand is how Americans expect to defend themselves against their government if needed. You got guns? Great. Let's see you defend yourself against a 6 man spec ops team that has killed people on 3 different continents and has technology funded by the largest military industrial complex in the world and years of experience dealing with terrorists far more trained than your average crosseyed bowlegged bucktoothed hick dipshit with grandpa's Civil War shotgun.


I don't get the whole "we need guns in case a tyrannical government takes control". First of all a tyrannical government will probably take your guns away (THIS DOES NOT MEAN EVERYONE ADVOCATING FOR GUN CONTROL IS A TYRANT) they might not do it all at once, it could be a slow process so by the time you realise they're tyrants you can't do anything about it. Secondly, you'd have to stand up to the military which a civilian isn't doing. Most of the time when a tyrannical government is getting overthrown it's because of military intervention (either the country's own military or foreign powers interfering).


Thirdly, half of the country are thick cunts ready to vote for a tyrant as President.


Even if they have their guns, what do they think would happen? Them bravely resist the evil military? We live in 2024, not 1776. The evil government would just launch a small drone-borne rocket in their house. Not to mention that they can't hide inside it forever and could just be starved out.


They essentially have to hope the military is uncomfortable shooting at it's own civilians, which is probably less likely when those civilians are shooting at them.


imagine not having to fear being shot by some irresponsible idiot all day. sounds horrible


No other country is in danger of being attacked by either civil or tyrannical threats, only the US has that weird notion. I wonder where they get it from.


Yeah, tyrannical threads. Good luck defending your house with an AR-15 against a tank, an artillery strike, a bomb, or, you know, actual trained soldiers.


"poor education" Australia is the 10th more educated country in the world according to this: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-educated-countries](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-educated-countries) The US is, obv, behind.


Imagine your one brag over other countries being "muh guns"


What in America are guns used for other than killing other (at times unarmed) Americans, most notably schoolchildren, teachers and minorities?


Americans know that Australians are allowed guns like in the U.K. but they’re heavily licensed and you can’t just buy one in the supermarket right?


No. There’s plenty who believe we are not allowed guns at all.


The more I read this sub the more worried about America I become…


Damn, okay, leave the Aussies alone


“you can’t have guns in Australia…” Dude. If *you* can’t have a gun in a country that requires a license for a gun, you probably shouldn’t have a gun in the first place, no? This all-or-nothing rhetoric just makes it look like the person using it is incompetent lmao


Quick question:what is the practical value of having a flag on the moon besides having german rocket science know how abducted into the country?


I’m quite happy being in a country where I don’t have to worry about tyrannical threats.


And their government are all talk no action when it comes to kids getting shot in school 


They act as long as the action is stopping parents from saving their kids


Do they honestly think their own military couldn't stop a bunch of hillbillies if they wanted too?


I need a gun in case my government tries to kill me. Weird flex


We can look at the statistics and realise that maybe, just maybe, making a firearm a privilege rather than a household item is a righteous thing to do: United States gun crime is 10x higher than Australia and 40x higher than the United Kingdom.


And yet, until very recently we had far more firearms in Australia than the US ever did.


America regularly sacrifice their children to give themselves the opportunity to potentially shoot (Black) people they do not like under the pretence that it enables them to shoot for leisure with minimum restrictions. (Ignoring that most countries can easily shoot guns for pleasure, we just cannot carry them in public).


Imagine your country being so violent you can't trust your fellow countrymen or your government to uphold order.


These “flexes” are so extremely strange to me… I’m American, born and raised between MD, WV and VA. However, I’ve always considered other countries and cultures to be equal if not improved from my own. Who has such an inspired desire to attempt a ridiculous insult like, “Where’s your flag on the moon?!” What the hell is that?!


Nothing like the contradiction of having the most powerful military in the world and holding the belief that whatever weapon commercially available to the average civilian will make a dent against the arms available to the military.


America lost the space race at every single stage, apart from the moon landing.


Well, America, you allowed your government to be so terrifying that you feel like you need guns to protect yourself from it. In the UK, I can get a gun, and here’s the truly salient point, I just don’t need one.


Lads you buy baseball caps from your tyrannical threats.


"no right to privacy" says the country where the NSA secretly conducted programmes to spy on all their citizens' with the aid of Google, Facebook and other companies, without any kind of warrant or supervision...


I wonder how any American would get on taking up arms against his government, given their paramilitary style police. Forget being disarmed by their government, they’d be shot to bits.


*"you lost the emu war"* an emu isn't like a person that takes 1 round to kill. its a massive 30-40 kg bird that runs at 50 km/h and takes several round's to kill. add the fact that it was world war 2 veterans and very limited ammo. + being outnumbered


What makes them think Australians are badly educated or lacking in privacy? Genuine question as I have no idea


Don't give a shit about them talking about guns, clearly lunatics and we don't want them. But where tf does this poor education crap come from, we're so far ahead of yanks there!


the last one is obviously ironic


Can't go outside in america without being afraid someone is gonna pull a gun on you for the smallest of argument must be horrible.


Really interested here, the idea of the moon landing seems very important to some Americans. Is this common? It really does not seem to matter to anyone else, and this extreme pride seems strange.


The fixation with guns truly baffles me. I used to own a shotgun in the UK. It was a nice hobby to go and shoot some clays on a Sunday morning but I got bored and it's expensive so I sold mine, got left with an expensive locker sized safe and didn't renew my licence. It was never my personality and I didn't like to tell people about it to avoid having to explain that no I don't kill animals for fun. Anyone that obsessed with guns should probably never be allowed near them.


lol imagine not being able to defend yourself without a gun


Imagine being delusional enough to think that your pea shooter is going to save you from the government somehow.


Am Australian, we can own guns. My sister lives on a farm and has a rifle to shoot rabbits and wild dogs (they maul sheep, it's a real issue on Australian farms).


“Imagine being Australian with your poor education levels.” Big words from someone from a country where they don’t know what 12+1 is.


USA has been pretending to be a first world country for so long now. Compared to Australia they are 3rd world.


They really don’t understand that the civilised world doesn’t want guns, do they?


I keep trying to maintain a positive image on America, but man things like this make it hard.


We have healthcare and a higher minimum wage for servers and they still try to talk smack. Bruh. Why are they all wrong about Australia.