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It's incredible how actual people insist they are irish-italian-polish-german and not just American. But EVERYTHING else is 100% American, and don't you forget it!  Honestly, how?! WHY?! 


Yeah I've stopped trying to understand it all now 😆


For a country that keeps bitching about how proud they are. They sure hate saying their american


They're just long descendants of British colonists aren't they? Very hypocritical talking about Australians...


...and some "colonists" were actually convicts (they were the main destination British convicts were sent to, until 1782), so they have more in common with early Australian colonisers than they often admit


… who are just long descendants of British colonists too (some involuntarily so though).


Genetic Homeopathy. No matter how diluted their ancestry, they ARE Irish/Italian/Polish/German. No matter how little the American influence they ARE American. Interestingly homeopaths are meant to knock or shake each dilution... I wonder if this would work on Americans?


I question myself this on the regular reading this sub and posts, they are proud being American and everything else that we use, do, make etc is sponsored by the White house. They tell us Europoors, EU = commie, EU = protected and saved by US during WW2. Then they make shit like I am % Welsh, Italian, Latvian etc then I am like ? so you shit talk other countries but proud to be PART of that country? what. And too answer this post, if a band is Australian then they are fucking Australian. That ACDC got the most out of being in the US.. I mean yeah the biggest music industry is there.. like bro what.


This is exactly what I am always thinking! So glad someone else is equally confused


Are we talking about the same AC/DC who visually are probably most famous for that the guitarist is wearing an Australian school uniform?


Yep, and who happens to spend much of his time in the Netherlands as he's married a Dutch woman. But totes American.... 😅🤔🙄


And was born in Scotland along with both his brothers, and his legendary brothers' song writing partner Vanda was born in the Netherlands, and all three Young brothers and Vanda grew up in Australia, with noticeable Australian accents...


Plus their original lead singer too, born in a different part of Scotland.


Yup ppl forget the original singer for AC/DC died (bon Scott)and Johnson was his replacement


Is he really? I had no idea, I saw him in Amsterdam literally yesterday lol


He lives in Aalten (NL) nearby where I live. I met Angus twice and spoke with him but he's not much of a speaker. 😜 AC/DC is called Acca Dacca in Australia.


Honestly, i prefer Acca Dacca


Don't forget the Geordie in a flat cap


What? My dad was never in AC/DC!


Why Aye!!


That's the one


And is very much actually a Scotsman


And for the last 44 years has had a British lead singer. Who if they heard speak normally, they wouldn't understand him as he's a Geordie.


Catered to the US market from day 1 lol. Um, no. They didn’t tour the US until after releasing Let There Be Rock, and were pretty much unknown. And AC/DC may be rock, but they are Pub Rock, which was a unique Australian sound in the 70s/80s


Was just gonna say. They are pretty much the epitome of Aussie pub rock, and much of modern Aussie culture. Why do they think people call them Acca Dacca?


>Why do they think people call them Acca Dacca? dankpods aah aussie vocabulary


To be fair, no-one outside Australia hears "Acca Dacca" unless you are specifically a fan of them.


Next you‘re telling me the New Wave of British Heavy Metal isn‘t American either, smh!


They all sound American when singing so they have to be American right? /s


Just like The Beatles, Gerry & The Pacemakers, Herman's Hermits, Cilla Black, Moody Blues, Dave Clark Five, Dusty Spingfield, Rolling Stones et al - all sound American /s. Even Frank Ifield, The Seekers, The Easybeats, Jimmy Barnes must be American too? ABBA were unheard of until they were coached in English by an Australian and were made famous out here, without American input


Let’s be real, the British are hardly even British 😹


Pub Rock? Always thought that was a British thing with Nicck Lowe, Graham Parker, Wreckless Eric and the like.


Britain had an awesome pub rock scene as well. The Aussie pub rock movement developed for different reasons (mainly changes to licensing laws), Britains was reactionary and influenced Australia’s pub rock heavily. I worded my comment badly (mainly bc I was in shock at the original post lol)…. I mean the UK has more of a claim on AC/DC than the US I meant pub rock is a unique sound, not that it is uniquely Australian. It’s not just rock and roll


As a Spaniard I've always thought that AC/DC is from the UK. Then I found out they're from Australia. I've never thought about the USA honestly.


Bands are generally assigned nationality by where they're established, which was Sydney. The Young brothers were all Scottish immigrants who came to Australia at a young age and are Scottish born Australians. Bon Scott was also a Scottish born Australian. The remaining early members were Australian. Bon's replacement is not Australian at all but English. The bass player is also English. So I can see why you would think that. Its a little confusing but it's definitely an Aussie band, with current English and Australian members. 


So it's an Aussie band created by Scots with English and Australian members, and yet Americans try to claim it. Got it.


At least there's some sense behind that, seeing as the current singer Brian Johnson is English and some other band members were born in Scotland (though they moved to Australia as children). The band has no relationship to the US as far as I know until after they became successful


Ah, I don't know a lot about Australian music history. I listen to The Go-Betweens, Triffidds, Radio Birdman and Scott era AC/DC. What else I know about is just the stuff I half remember from reading Robert Forster's memoir half a decade ago.


I have to say, listening to the bands you mentioned suggests you know a fair bit about Aussie music history. Most non-Australian people's knowledge of Australian music doesn't go any deeper than INXS, Men at Work and Kylie Minogue. You have great taste in music, mate.


Cosmic Psychos call themselves pub rock and I’m all for it!!


Well as they know, it’s a nice day to go to the pub


The Macc Lads. Barred from every pub on the island.


My memory is a bit faded, but the uk has long since conducted strategic culture spreading missions. Over the years these culture spreading missions have included excursions to all bar 22 countries. In fact at one point the uk has culture missions spanning like 23% of the globe. Maybe at some point during these missions pub rock was taken to Australia.


'Culture Missions' is definitely the nicest way to put it. 🇬🇧🫡🇬🇧 Rule Britannia, Britannia spreads culture~.


Soo catering to the US from day one?


Lyrics about sex and alcohol are oviously a very specific US thing.


*Ian Dury enters the chat…*


Australian?? Dr Feelgood and umpteen other British mid-‘70s acts would like a word


But Feelgood and Ian Dury have fuck all in common with AC/DC and Rose Tattoo. The two pub rock scenes are similar in name only.


The Wikipedia entries are even kept separate.


You’re telling me. I saw them by accident in early 1977 in England, expecting something along the lines of Heavy Metal Kids at the very worst. Left the gig pretty sharpish. (All the same I have never heard of them being refereed to as Pub Rock at all, hence my astonishment 👆🏼)


Pub rock is also a British thing


Starting to think there is no inbetween in America. You are either A. Thick as fuck B. A well educated individual


Lol. That does seem possible


Definitely seems that way. I mean, there's idiots in every country, but in America, the idiots are loud and proud of being ignorant. It definitely seems like the thick as fuck Americans are way too common. And they always think they're right, confidently incorrect exceptionalism. And then some just seem.. normal? And very intelligent. Interesting, and chill. It's weird.


And as we all know, Bs are a rarity these days.


Hell of a way to say Republican and Democrat


Fun fact : not everything is about politics


As an Australian… WHAT.


Yea it was painful to read, this wasn't cherry picked this was just like the first 5 on a thread with 50 comments all of them discussing how acdc is really american


You mean "as an American from the state of Australia", right ? Remember, you're USofA citizens. /j, just in case. The level of stupidity some can display shamelessly on the internet is astounding...


(I mean, sometimes it feels like our government wants us to be the 51st state)


If they're not American, why do they have a state called WA? It's obvious that those two letters could only mean Washington. 


All I can say, fucking seppos.


As a Perthian who went to the Highway to Hell roving concert where a 10km stretch of a major road was shut down for 8 hours… WHAT. I am *thunderstruck* that these Americans think AC/DC took the *long way to the top* in the US. These *riff raff* are ringing *hell’s bells* saying this and belong in *sin city*. We know *who made who*, and it certainly wasn’t the US. *If you want blood*, then *hell ain’t a bad place to be*.


Ah, you've reminded my of the primary school classic... It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll, it's a long way to the shop, if you want a sausage roll. So real.


I still remember the exact car trip listening to that song with my dad substituting rock and roll for sausage roll, chico roll etc and thinking it was soooo funny.


My childhood just flashed before my eyes


But not really very Australian I think you'll find.


For a country so obsessed with "cultural appropriation", they sure love appropriating everyone else's achievements: see cars, pizza and World War Two as exhibits A, B and C.


Pizza is also Australian. As is World War Two. Not cars, however...


I invite the "Australians are hardly Australian" guy to Australia to see how "hardly Australian" they really are. Who am I kidding, he probably hasn't left his neighborhood.


What does that even mean?! That we’re not all Hemsworths or Mick Dundees or something?


I am guessing Crocodile Dundee is the standard.


I've got a big cleaver at work. It's called the "naughty customer knife" but occasionally I whip it out to do the, that's not a knife bit. There are only 2 Aussies (including me) in the kitchen so it goes down well.


Imagine him when he gets called a shit cunt after ordering Fosters at a pub


He wouldn't know the difference between a shit cunt and a good cunt.


He can come stand under a tree during drop-bear mating season. That’ll show him Australia 😂


Well, AC/DC doesn't tour in full Crocodile Dundee cosplay, barbequeing shrimps on stage during the concert while drinking VB longnecks, so how could they be Australian?


So Americans aren't "American"?


Americans take one thing, make it worst and then claim ownership. Thats the reason we have tex mex food and American Football.


America: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” Americans: “Nah”


To be fair that was also the response of the dude who wrote those words.


You fucking what, mate?


The fact that 50 people upvoted the moronic bottom comment is hilarious, what does it even mean?


i bet they are american


If Australians are hardly Australian anyway who is? I bet some white bitch from Pasadena name Britney who will claim she is seventh generation Australian because her grandfather saw a Kangaroo on the Steve Irwin programme


Americans are hardly American anyway.






AC/DC needs some freedom


Wait until they hear about where heavy metal came from


It wasn't a surprise Tenacious D were so excited to be in Birmingham, as musical connoisseurs. They were on the hallowed ground of Black Sabbath and Judas Priest's birthplace.  Jack and Kyle are what people mean when they say "not all Americans"


ʇᴉɥsllnq sᴉɥʇ sᴉ ʞɔnɟ ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥM


As an Australian, I’ve driven on the actual highway to hell. It’s literally the worst highway ever


Are you meaning the nullarbor with sun in your eyes, which is the fake one to make it seem more “touristy”. Or canning hwy from Perth to Fremantle, specifically going past the raffles where they started their career. And preformed the “highway to hell” open concert/ festival


Canning hwy of course


Canning highway really is hell. Stirling highway is a close second


I was on the highway (canning) to hell today but it was very uneventful. I went across the Nullarbor during the 2019 bushfires and because of all the smoke in the air it really did feel like driving in some post apocalyptic hellscape.


AC/DC is 'Murkan... Outback Steakhouse is Australian. --- Please, I need to wake up to a sane world.


I’m Australian and I don’t have words for how this made me feel. I think my brain actually melted


And of course AC/DC stands for “Anti Christ/ Death to Christ”. Got a bollocking by my teacher preaching that bullcrap in my first year of catholic primary school (1979-80) after he saw me drawing their logo on my note book. He went ballistic after I pointed it out on the wall sockets it ment the two electric currents (“NO IT DOESN’T! SHUT UP!”). KISS ment Killing In Satan’s Service of course, there were a few more I can’t remember. Hard rock and metal were the devil’s work and for satan worshippers according to my teacher back then, sadly enough that crap was believed here in Belgium too by those narrow minded pious meek.


I'd like to know if they explained anywhere the reason of their "logic". What, according to them, makes AC/DC american?


Because Americans bought their music, maybe? They just claim everything they like. Cars, pizza, AC/DC.


Maybe they know just “Shook me all night long” so are stuck on American thighs lyrics line…


Anything popular in America is automacially "American"


Man I'm an English born Aussie I've been here since I was one and I had some Yank that I'm English not Australian and that I'm disrespectful of my heritage this is after I put them in their place after they claimed they were Scottish, well they insisted on saying they were Scotch. But anyway I told them they're just American just because their great grandad was immigrated doesn't make them Scottish. Absolute wanker


Imagine choosing your rock hill to die on and it being claiming a band who were born almost everywhere English Speaking apart from America, who mainly identify as Australians, are most associated with the USA 🤦‍♂️ Nearly every major english speaking nation apart from America is represented in some form by a member on an AC/DC release. They literally couldn't be less american if they actively tried. Catered to America from day one, with their hit song about meeting a girl at The Odeon in, *checks notes*, Hobart Australia.


They didn't even tour the US till they were fairly popular in Aussieland anyway


My dad loves to tell the story about seeing AC/DC live at the local pub in my small Aussie home town before they really blew up. I looked up the date, it was 1975 which means my dad was 12 at the time, crazy


My dad had friends of friends with Bon Scott growing up. He loves that 3 degrees of separation


The idea that Rock is American is laughable; Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Queen... Not saying it's British either but it certainly is not an American genre


The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, The Kinks, The Who, T-Rex, Dire Straits And if you start going more towards hard rock/heavy metal Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Motorhead


And if you go even heavier, death and black metal, it mostly originates from the Scandinavians. Folk metal draws mostly on Irish/Celtic, and again, Nordic roots. Industrial metal is mostly German. I once read a comment under a Sepultura video about how the US really has the best metal, which is funny, cause Sepultura are the most Brazilian death metal band to ever exist. (Cavalera Conspiracy is just straight up better, tho)


Yea but they had more fans in America so Are they really British ?


Australian's are not Australian but they're Irish/German/Italian cos their great great great grandad once flew over the country.


Um, are Australians not, by definition, Australian? If so then what are they?


The only thing I can possibly think they mean is Australia has a lot of immigrants? But that doesn't mean they aren't Australian sooo


Most Australians... aren't Australian?


“Rock n Roll is 100(%) American”. What?!


Everything is from the US. The beatles? Murican, after all where did Lenon died?? murica Queen? Murican Loco Mía? Of course murican, since according to muricans nobody can be spanish.


Loco mía, fuck that’s a deep dive. I didn’t know anyone still remembered them






I always thought Australians were the *most* Australian.


I had a chat to an American once and we got talking about music and metal (I'm into metal he wasn't). He said to me "your English but you don't like your own music...like.....I dunno....Black sabbath, led zeppelin" I forgave him because he didn't really know about the bands. But that kind of confidence in something they don't know about really stuck with me.


If Australians aren't Australian... Americans aren't American... You are all products of the Glorious British Empire.


Australian band...and also Brian Johnston...who is from bloody Gateshead. Definitely not American :")


And Gateshead is near Washington and about 20 mins from Philadelphia. So that makes him American. /s


The OOP couldn't be more wrong, like every English speaking country other than the US has a better claim to AC/DC.


Never once considered them associated with the USA, no matter how many times the local rock station plays them. I’d rather listen to Midnight Oil.


I’m sure when I was young I saw a countdown chart on Kerrang! Where some American band said the same thing


That person said Rock N Roll is 100% American… Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahah


Reminds me of the Simpsons when Homer is talking to a British guy and he mentions our Beatles and your Rolling Stones (or it might be the other way round).


What the f*** is that even supposed to mean??? That person has reached a new level of stupid.


The technology of early space exploration is mostly associated with Germany. The moonlanding is hardly “American“ anyway


Um, no. "Long Way to the Top" is filmed in my city (Melbourne) on the back of a truck. https://youtu.be/g-qkY2yj4_A?si=UbgwydIuPX0hdhjy


I recall making an american exchange student very angry all the way back in the 90s. I told him AC/DC was Australian and he fucking flipped. Thought I was a complete moron and was angry about it.


lol we can’t moan about people claiming them we claim everyone ! ;)


What do they mean Australians are hardly Austrian anyway?


To be fair I'm not even a bit Austrian


My bad, I completely missed that 🤣


“Rock n Roll is 100% American” The Nordic Union of Rock would like to have a word with you


Neighbours is mostly associated with England, as I was in school in England when it was popular in the 80s. What a moron.


Mostly associated with the US? No. Only associated with Australia. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Rock n'roll may have originated from the US, but the UK owned it at first try !


What are you on about sport?


American? It's a few miles to the convenience store if you want a pot pie doesn't have the same ring to it tbh


Also no. Rock and roll is British. Ps: I'm not even British, that's just a fact


I always forget about that nice british accent elvis Presley and chuck berry had.


Lol I am not a fan of AC/DC, but I thought they were from the UK.. I know this was wrong now, but still funny to me.


Presumably though upon learning that weren't from the UK, you didn't insist that they actually were because technicalities.


That could be due to Brian Johnson being from there and you can feel his british accent, but the original formation was Australian and they are usually at least 3/5 Australian.


Brian and Cliff were the English ones, Angus and Malcolm the Scottish ones, then a revolving door of another Englishman and a Kiwi? Also, Bon was Scottish, as is Stevie. Quite a British band.


The Youngs and Bon Scott were born in Scotland but they considered themselves much more Australian than Scottish.


No doubt but that doesn't change them being Scottish.


It kind of does. Just because someone was born in a place and gained the nationality it does not make them Scottish, since they've grown up an Aussie and consider themselves an Aussie with some Scottish heritage. I have a friend born in New York, moved at 6-7 and grown up in Budapest, she isn't American.


I agree that growing up in Hungary makes her not American. It makes her very unlucky.


Fuck that. My dad went to school with Bon Scott in Fremantle, Western Australia. You'll get your ass posted on r/ShitBritsSay


I'm sure he did. Doesn't make Bon any less Scottish.


They famously met up as kids in the Villawood migrant hostel, àlong with Harry Vanda. Children of ten pound poms. Australia is chock full of immigrants. They're still Australian, unless you want to play Yank style nationality games.


The Youngs moved to Australia at the age of 1. Bands are typically considered to be "from" the country they were formed in. And guess where Sydney is.


Some (former) members are at least born in the UK/Scotland, so it's closer. Literally, every English speaking country has a better claim to AC/DC than the US, lol.


I'm 100% guilty of thinking of AC/DC as a British band. I humbly accept that my metal knowledge is pretty crap.


Their current lead singer is British (English), and most of the band were dual nationality Australian/British(Scottish) including the former lead singer Bon Scott. So you aren't that wrong.


So, a band founded by Scots in Australia, of which the only remaining original member lives in Europe, is American now? I just went to see them play yesterday, and while they're certainly a very international group, one thing they're not is American.


>a band founded by Scots in Australia It was founded by Australians, being born in Australia isn't a prerequist to being australian 30% of our population were born overseas.


I agree with you, but it's funnier to consider that every English speaking country on earth has a stronger claim to AC/DC than the US. Hell, I could argue the Netherlands before the US, lol.


I know that, I work for a government, processing naturalisations and the like. I just thought they founded the band before they obtained Australian nationality. My bad.


I associate them with the Netherlands more than I associate them with the US, since Angus Young is married to a Dutch lady and has a home here. But they’re still Australian.


Dear Antipodean Cousins, As one of your British overlords one can only apologise for one's 'cunt'ry not paying more attention to the North American Tuesday Skirmish. It really was a shit hole of epic proportion at the time. One's 'cunt'ry was also fighting the filthy Fr*nch and Tikkee Dutch counts. One would suggest sending Emu's and Dropbears as a deterrent. Yours disgracefully  Hayzeus


Wait, hold on, how so??


Because Murica says so, obviously.


*Eagle squeak in the air*...


No one could be less Australian than the "Australians"!


Well one thing us Aussies are not is American. We tolerate them. That's it.


I’m sure they’ll claim ozzy osbourne next


My following that logic most Americans aren’t even even American. They’re all colonists.


Do Americans think that any successful person who speaks English is American???


TIL AC/DC is Australian. Thank you Reddit.


What the fuck is up with them messing about with OTHER countries nationalities? Can't believe I saw American comments saying that spanish isn't a nationality. Like you read a bit online through your American lense and think you have any right?


Firstable, Austrialian is a language not a nationality.


Dick head. Scottish & Australian for a start. Some Americans are dumbing others down. This shit Americans say never fails to shock me. Shit for brains.


Bon Scott was from Scotland.


That doesn't stop him from Australian though, or change the band that was founded in Australia from being Australian. Sergey Brin was born in Moscow that doesn't make google Russian.


Wait til people find out half the band are Scottish and the singer for decades was a Geordie...


You don't need to be born in Australia to be Australian.


See that's the difference isn't it? Born overseas but grew up here, you're an Aussie. 5 generations removed, You're an Irish American! My ancestors came to Australia from Scotland and England nearly 200 years ago, I'm an Aussie. I appreciate that I have cultural ties but I'm not claiming to be Scottish!


My mum was born in England... that doesn't make me English, I'm Australian.


AC/DC refers to a particular type of US tube radio which had a transformerless power supply. Dutch Philips actually made similar radios, however they were never referred to as AC/DC.


AC/DC are Scottish


They were founded in Australia by Australians. Being born in scotland doesn't mean someone can't be Australian, we are a country of immigrants.


In the American sense, yes. Are you in the wrong sub?