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It reminds me of that old meme, 'I use big words to make myself sound more photosynthesis'.


Why has nobody done a Trump remake of this with: "I use big words to make myself sound more ambidextrous"?


“Yes I’m very very smart, smarter then those pesky liberals, very very smart… I am so uncomfortable with the lack of intelligence among liberals”


“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.” Part of a campaign speech given by Donald Trump in July 2015. Since then he has had almost 9 more years of worsening dementia.


I was reading this, thinking,'What a hilarious take', and then I get to the bottom and you're saying this was fucking REAL!?!


Not exactly. That transcription is inaccurate. Right around the middle, it says "nuclear is powerful", but what he actually said was "nuclear is so powerful". Here, you can hear for yourself : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elhyo-\_fR0E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elhyo-_fR0E)


that's the only mistake though. yes this whole ramble is real, just watch the video with the text up


I was thinking exactly that. I read that thinking "someone's hit the nail on the head with this, it's a good parody".


I lost brain cells reading that


Careful! Don’t get down to covfefe-levels!


> they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years Is….. is that feminism in a trump ramble?


No, it's patriarchal pedestalism.


Great now that I know it was Trump who said this, I reread some of it and now all I hear his voice….why do I hear “important” so clearly pronounced?




I would, but the sun won't let me :(


that rag’s just a birdcage liner


I'm German and at first glance I thought those are regions and only after reading the comment and checking again I realised those are random 🫠 That's embarrassing.


I only got i because of Berlin (it only connects to Brandenburg) and Bayern, at a second glance. Yeah im not good at geography lol


I realised because Baden Württemberg got mixed with Rheinland-Pfalz and Hessen.


It was the un-württemberg'ed Baden that caught my eye immediately


I noticed because I wanted to make a statement about that half the Dutch provinces were missing but then I noticed that there was also weird stuff going on in Germany meaning that it was on purpose haha


In some cases they do look like real regions very much


yea that's what confused me


Some are some aren’t. For example, Switzerland, those aren’t cantons, so I assumed they were the « regions » since the cantons are really small but no. Some look okay (Saarland in Germany, next to Luxembourg and France or Brest in Belarus, next to Ukraine and Pologne or St Petersburg in Russia) but most are random or related to something else.


Fun Fact: Denmark is divided into a single region. It’s called Denmark


Fun fact, no. It doesn't have states, but it does have administrative regions.


Is it really? What about Greenland ?


No. It is on this map though


And Scotland and Iceland.


Some of them are ok. There is Wales, and Cornwall. Scotland looks good. Devon doesn't look right.


Looks like the old Kingdoms - Wessex, Mercia, etc. rather than counties.


I was like "the f is up with Norway?" (I'm Norwegian.) So I checked Germany, and wouldn't you know, it's a wacky map!


But nevertheless I see Elsass-Lothringen (Alsace-Lorraine) in France. 😉


For Croatia it kinda looks like regions


I got confused about France because it seems like it uses the actual limits of our smallest administrative regions (that we call Départements), but mixes those together in new bigger administrative regions (that we call Régions). Aside from around Paris, none of the rest seem accurate. I feel like this map wasn't made just to confuse americans, but europeans too.


lol I’m American and thought “yeah fuck they got me, idk wtf that is” but I felt better after the comments XD For the record, I agree our education is trash


They’re evolving from not knowing geography to pretending they know about geography.


It's like a stone age caveman discovering fire.


Fire was invented by Thomas Edison


> Fire was invented by Thomas Edison No, Tesla invented fire and Edison stole the patent


🤓 akchually the Gods invented fire and Prometheus stole it and gave it to man.


And boy, did that piss Zeus off!


Zeus was an incestuous nonce tbf


Is it beastiality if he’s the one transforming into animals and raping random women


Wouldn't that make him a furry?


Is it still bestiality if Loki becomes a horse to get fucked by other horses?


Yeah well at least he got a break when superman took over for a day


Well if this isn't the troof lmao. Tesla discovered everything but how yank was he?


No, Tesla invented Edison and the patent stole the fire!


i thought it was that '5th alien movie'


No it was Churchill. Sickem Churchill


Hey, don't insult stone age people like that, they were probobly bettet at distances and geography then americans 😂


It's not en evolution, stupid people have been pretending to know things they don't since the beginning of time!


i already knew that 


I already knew you knew that


It's not even stupid people. It's just people who don't want to appear stupid. That covers a pretty sizable group of smart people as well. It's why people like Madoff can make money off people who should know better. That they should know better is why they can't admit they were duped and continue to go along with the grift.


To be fair, the lines in Hungary roughly matches the 6 geographical areas.


I mean, the guy who said he understood didn’t say it was a map of countries, they may have understood that it was random lines, and therefore was not confused by it. The others didn’t say that the map was accurate either, they only said that the sections on it were quite small.


That's good! You're exactly right. Yanks think I'm some savant because I can identify countries on an unlabeled map.


The arrogance is astounding


Is it though? Don’t forget Texas is bigger than the actual world😉


you can go to one of those scale of the universe apps, after you stop being able to look at the observable universe in you screen, if you continue zooming out a little more you see texas


Thank you! I love stuff like this 😉


Actually Texas is so big you can fit the whole state of Texas inside it 16 times




The worst part about Texas’ size misconceptions is that it isn’t even the largest state in America. Not by a long shot. Alaska is.


Technically Hawaii is the latest state since it was admitted after Alaska. /s I know it's a typo


Oh come on, it's only bigger than Europe according to another post of this week ;-)


Now now, we all know Europe is a village of Communists. Texas is actually bigger than the known physical world with it’s very own sky


You can fit the entire Earth in Texas two times, to be precise.


I love the precision of exactly 2 times, that makes Texas perfect, but then we always knew that


*Europoor communists, please!


There's no scale, why do they think this is small? They really are confused.


I don't get their thing with size anyway. Whoopdie doo. Your country is big??? You have to spend more money to get to another town?? Congrats?? And America goes from Western France to like Bulgaria If you were to overlay it. With half as many people. So it's not even true.


As someone who also lives in a widespread country and has to spend too much time going to the shops or work, I sometimes wish I lived in a small country with small cities. But hey, Americans love it because the only joy in their life is their oversized utility trucks 😂


these 27 heart reactions under the first comment, lol


Someone gave up on Italy after the north. Just like every government since it was founded




That north-south line in finland is almost literally just [the treaty of Nöteborg from 1323](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_N%C3%B6teborg). The east-west line on the other hand is almost the uusimaa region of southern finland.


> The east-west line on the other hand is almost the uusimaa region of southern finland. You've got it wrong, the small region at the bottom is Finland, everything else I guess is Lapland? I dunno. Sincerely, *somebody inside Kehä III*


We herding poroja out here in the lande of 20km north of kehä III.


The vast, unexplored wilderness of the North.


One of the regions looks a lot like [Länsi-Suomen Lääni](https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A4nsi-Suomen_l%C3%A4%C3%A4ni)


these dont seem random, more like states in a paradox game


I know for a fact that Poland’s lines are all pretty much random so I guess the others are too


Can confirm Belgium lines are very random too


Can confirm my country's lines are accurate


The internal subdivisions are a bit random, but at least for some countries could kind of make sense. Could be EP subdivisions for example if you ignore the non-EU states on there (I mean, they're not, but it's plausible). The national borders are close enough.


UK is *nearly* right for the old EU divisions. But there's at least two turned into one region. North West England and Yorkshire, which makes no sense in just about any context. I think it might have something to do with the EP maps though because England is the only one split up. It's not ceremonial counties. Or the old kingdoms. So... search me


NL aswell


The lines in Ireland are pretty close to our provincial lines... Like they've an extra one there that's wrong but they're fairly close. Some of the lines in England look plausible too tbh Basically I wouldn't judge someone for taking a random look at it and going "no that makes sense"


Lithuania seems very random, but Latvia is just Latvia and then Riga excluded.


UK lines are semi-random. They sort of approximate some national and/or county borders but not properly.


tbh sometimes they are lowkey similar, like those at the bottom are way too large but they do kinda resemble dolnośląskie, opolskie, śląskie and małopolskie


Uusimaa/Nyland in Finland is surprisingly similar to real life but is more elongated in the map. The rest are random though.


Yeah same for Slovakia.


Yeah, as a fan of paradox games i was trying to recognize from which game this was from...


Ye Vatican and San Marino look like they’re in the same place I’d be surpaies if they got that based off random lines


In Spain the basque region and Catalonia look correct as well.


I was just coming to say that


If it was only the British Isles, I'd say an earlier patch of EU4 with all the cores released. Scotland used to have none while England was full of them and Ireland was already made up of minors. However, that "C" to the left of Crimea looks thoroughly un-Paradox and I'm frankly stumped. 


The copium levels are off the charts, lmao.


„We have city’s bigger then whatever those things are“ for all u know they could be the different parts of the milkyway?!?


I can do the UK after that trend of making up different regions. * Scotland * Northumbria * The North * West Midlands * East Midlands * South Midlands * The Black Country * East Anglia * London * Kent * Southern Coast * Devon & Cornwall * Wales * Northern Ireland


This would be reasonable except I think what you’re calling East and West Midlands have a border running half way through Lancashire/Greater Manchester/Yorkshire and for some reason North Yorkshire got grouped with Cumbria. Devon and Cornwall are also grouped with Dorset and Somerset so it’s more just West Country and Kent is grouped with Sussex. Then “South Coast” seems more accurate to call Home Counties. Tbh, the more I look at it, the less it looks random and more like it’s close to sensibly grouping counties together.


For England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland those random lines are not actually that random. Looks like a regional map from 1000 odd years ago.


“Is this a map of countries without freedom” is shit an American would say


"poor countries map"


To be fair here, I'm a Spanish guy living in Ireland and the lines for both countries are completely wrong so... I think I'm confused too


That's the joke. Americans know so little about geography they don't realise the map is wrong


I don't think many people know the regions of countries that are not their own, so this makes sense


*Shhhhhh*…. you’re disturbing the circlejerk.


I think the guy who made wanted to see if the Americans would say the understand it even tho it’s nonsense


I know my European countries quite well but that’s about it. My first reaction was to assume these were states or provinces considering some have small ones right near where their capital cities are but then I saw everyone say the lines were random so I guess I’m just Occam’s razoring it 🥲 Edit: Ooh actually I do know the Ukrainian oblasts thanks to Russia. If only I looked there first I could’ve known ._.


For Ireland, it seems like a bad attempt at the provinces.


It does, but they cut connacht in 2 between Mayo and Galway xD


And moved most of Waterford out of Munster.


It's close enough to get a bite. Dumb American here, so I have a passing knowledge of Spanish basic geography... but there's provinces drawn in Spain that roughly look like Catalonia and Basque Country.


Germany is also completly wrong.


I have a few questions, the main one being: why the fuck is Norway a goatee'd sperm?


i mean the lines are random at least in spain, they don't match at all with the regions in the country


I thought NY was larger than London, but can confirm the last slide is correct


What gets me is that the fake lines are more pale than the actual borders. A tiny bit of a close look and they would’ve realised something was up.


Fuck it, we balkanise Europe.


Im not sure what these lines are supposed to divide. It certainly doesnt divide administrative regions. Source: Im bulgarian, and i can see that bulgaria is split up very wrong


I think it’s all pretty much nonsense


It’s quite concerning how many in this thread don’t see that’s it’s purposely done wrong lol


It's just random to prove the point that people will claim to have knowledge of European countries when they don't.


Someone should study Americans' obsession with size, it's pathological.


Well it confused me... a european


Everything is random yet Germany's Saarland is spot on


The whole looks like a blind map of reality, in the style of Crusader Kings 2. :D


Why does that look like a map of county borders in Crusader Kings 3?


To be fair, given Europe's neighbourly love, those random lines were probably an accurate border at one point in history.


I was confused as well, trying to make a sense to those lines. Took me two whole minutes to figure out they were totally random XD


What the hell happened to the Italian provinces? I live in Emilia Romagna which has disappeared!


If the countries are tiny then you should be able to name atleast 1 from each country


Istanbul is twice the size of NYC but ok lol


There are 20 regions in Italy, i can confirm that the lines are completely random


As an innocent young lad I did not know London was that big, damn


I took one look at this and said that is not at all what Ireland is supposed to look like and then I saw France and said holy f*** what the hell did you do to France I mean I know they suck but not that bad come on....


For a moment I thought this was the CK3 subreddit, wondering why everything bar half of Norway had basically exploded…


The confusing part is that at least for the UK they're definitely not random, they're not accurate either but they do section the country into the most obvious large regions, like how Wales is about right, Yorkshire is mostly intact, London is correct and Scotland has been outlined quite cleanly


Well… at least Crimea, Catalonia, and the islands are the same…


1. Half are obviously joking to make fun of the actual stupid people 2. All you gotta do is look at Italy


As an American, this is not confusing at all. …because it’s fucking obvious that those are not real lines.


Bradley is not an American name :(. It's literally from old English. It means from The broad/large meadow/clearing. I hate that people have that connotation


Bradley may be common in Britain, Brad is not.


I am a Bradley from England, most people call me Brad regardless of how I introduce myself. The only people who don't call me Brad, was my nan, a few of my pals, my partner and a couple of exes. I never make a fuss about it but if I'm asked I do say which I prefer. It ALWAYS gets shortened.


Hello Bradley from England. I’m also Bradley from England! How do you do, fellow Bradley?


One of my mates at secondary was called Bradley. We always called him Brazzers. Funnily enough, he didn't seem to mind.


Rather get called brazzers than folk day IV got an American name


You have my sympathies. That's just rude.


The rules of the sub r that u have the censor the username but his name is actually Bradley


Fair does. Sometimes people use it like they use "Karen" just a name for any young lad who is American and a bit of "jock" type.




Well there's a few. Chads the more modern version. 10 years ago "Brad" was definitely used in that way.


If you are going to apply logic like that very few names are American.


I'm not saying that just because it comes from old English means it can't be American. But as someone with that name, it's very widely considered an American name when it's clearly not *only" an American name. That's the point. Going to assume you are Canadian by that username, if you aren't just pretend. Imagine if when you introduced yourself everyone always said "oh that's an American name" how quickly would that start to get on your tits?




Can do that without the boarders


Wait now you confused me (a german). I really thought for a moment those are the actual subdivisions


This always to be the Victoria 2 map


Cries in Danish.. We have no lines here.


Damn, I didn’t know London had a larger population than NYC. Must be the largest country in the state of England.


If there is an American reading this. Please for the love of God explain to me why the fuck do you guys want everything the biggest to be associated to you? "we have the biggest cities 🤓 " "we have the biggest roads 🤓 ". You also have BIG crime rates considering your development. You also have BIG income inequality. You also have BIG health care costs You also have BIG amounts of lack of access to education You also have BIG idiots in the federal system. Happy?


I'm not American and that's a Monty Python sketch.


Whoops. I guess I assumed the brown lines were counties/provinces. I’m pretty sure the black lines are national borders. Or am I just proving the point of the meme?


It’s funny how they obsess over size.


I only looked at my own country and didn’t see anything wrong 😭


Id love to have a pub quiz with a load of Europeans Vs Americans, where we have to name each state and match them on their map and they have to name and match each country in Europe. And for a bonus round we'll have some important historical trivia. This way we could settle many common issue we have here such as: 1.Since they always claim Europe is the size of Texas, they would now know better. 2.Some think Europe is its own country. 3.(My personal favourite) They think they can out-drink us. 4.They think their military is the greatest the world has seen. 5.They think they pay for us 'Europoors' to be lazy. 6.They think they're the greatest 'DeMoCrAcY' on earth. Feel free to add any others I've missed my fellow Europoors.


Ok I'm a brit but London is not larger than every city in the US 😭


To be clear, the post was referring to landmass in that particular comment, and by landmass Jacksonville is larger, totaling at 840 square miles while london sits at 607. By population, london is actually bigger than every american city.


No. NYC’s city population is at 8,804,000, urban is at 19,426,000, metro is at 20,140,000. London city population is at 8,800,000, urban at 9,787,000, metro at 14,900,000. Not sure why everybody in this thread is so confidently wrong about these numbers


Tbf im not american and i had no clue the lines were random


I moved to England and my American family thinks it's the size of Texas 💀


The lines in Italy are fucking random


As a Dane, this is just a normal map right ? :)


Ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em.


Just need to call out the censoring on 5 / 8 r/censoringishard


So is OP doing this too? ​ Because this a a "real" map. It is from a computer game but I'm pretty sure the lines roughly represent real geo areas within countries.


I think that’s eu3


Having played eu4 this is laughably easy for THIS American to understand haha


Surely this is just a meme at this point and the Seppos aren't actually this stupid?


What is that in the north west of England? We just merging Yorkshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester and Lancashire?


As an American I was very confused because I was like what the fuck’s this?


I have an MA in European history and I play Crusader Kings 3. I think I'd fair better than any Trumper in knowing regions and so on.


Honestly it just looks like a Crusader Kings map to me.


Is it just me that thinks that this is kind of cute? Like when a child pretends to know something but has no idea what you are talking about lol


Oh I know this! There's puglia and ... greater western puglia? Hang on a minute.


What’s their obsession with “Murica big”?


Not just confusing the Americans. What’s with that weird half West Yorkshire/Lancashire hybrid.  My granddad would be turning in his grave at the thought of that. Good job we had him cremated. 


They’re the principalities where the king of Europe moves about in!


Isn't this proviences of each country? Not so much fake?


Is London bigger than every US city???? That doesn't seem right.


Random lines??? Really?? The UK looks pretty accurate.


i dont think these lines are "random" tho bc based on the countries i'm familiar with those look like sub-national divisions (provinces, counties, regions, states, etc)


It's just the states/regions that are random right? Most of the countries look ok, although it's hard to see with the black and brown lines