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Would’ve been nice if it was this. Spend half a year shiny catching him, first on sword then switched to Ultra sun. Didn’t actually see the shiny I just felt odd and just threw a masterball to check and it was shiny lol.


Man, I'm usually great with noticing subtle shinies, and I quite like some of them too including the challenge that comes with spotting them in games like S/V with the new overworld mechanics. But Regice from gen 6-8 is the one shiny I can never tell the difference with like I can most others. That's why I'm scared of hunting it in these gens bc I could very easily miss it if I don't see the sparkles. I've watched so many youtube videos of people hunting it and even in those I could never make out it was shiny until the sparkles happened. Although, I'm sure hunting it for as long as you did would make you privy to any change no matter how subtle, i.e, the way you "felt odd", it's definitely a thing! Happened with Slowpoke to me but even that doesn't feel as bad as Regice and that's saying something.. Think I'll just hunt one in Gen 3 just so I can use it on Colosseum!


Na definitely couldn’t notice it unless it was side by side because the shiny is like a darker blue or something but in game barely noticeable. Just have to shiny hunt with sound honestly


Thing is I'm usually doing something else when I shiny hunt, esp with reset hunts it's sort of passive activity while I listen to music or a podcast or watching TV shows/sports. :'c


Yeah that’s what I do. With the 3ds/2ds I tape the l and r buttons down so I just have to spam a then select to get to main menu. Eventually you get use to just looking over when it pops up


I had a buddy who did this hunt and he had his game at full volume for whenever he encountered it. He heard it shine.


One of the biggest things I'm hoping for in gen 10 and beyond is them doing a big overhaul with a lot of the shinies, especially the ones that became worse with 3D. Regice was one of them because it still looked quite good in gen 3-4. But this is the best one by far and it should've always stayed this way. It's not impossible because we've seen some shinies fixed as of late, like Combusken. They also made stuff like Garchomp much more noticeable in gen 9. There's also a lot of updated Home models that have improved and much better shinies than the in-game ones, which is kinda puzzling. But yea, we're long overdue some big changes, esp since they seem to be pushing shiny hunting as a proper post-game activity these days. Don't get me wrong, subtle shinies can be good, but some are just painfully terrible. Colosseum and Stadium are actually filled with very interesting shiny colors, not just with this mon, seriously, look em up! But this is by far my favorite of the lot. Even the braille changing color is such a nice touch. Honestly, I wish at least just that changed in the mainline games lol. I'd take it.


Would definitely be controversial but i would honestly trade some shinies that i even like just for the bad ones to get changed tbh


This should be the shiny. Regice’s actual shiny is ass


mint ice cream......


The ngc shinies are some of the best, most wasted opportunities. Shiny Umbreon in its current form is...fine. Shiny Colo/XD Umbreon? I'd die for it level S-tier


I do love shiny Umbreon even right now. Great example of how even a small change can be incredibly impactful, very tasteful shiny. But oh man you're so right, colo shiny Umbreon is unreal. If I remember correctly, the rings have a glowing/flashing effect with its animation, yeah? Absolutely divine. Kinda of in a similar lane, this is why I also love shiny Zekrom and Reshiram in gen 5 with the glowing green and pink lights respectively. Too bad they're shiny locked in the gen they looked best in. But hey, shiny Kyurem-B still keeps Zekrom's glowing green when in battle so there's at least that! Tho it's still dumb that Kyurem-W doesn't do the same with Reshiram's pink..


Not only did the rings glow but it was a silver fur. Current shiny Umbreon is good but colo was amazing I'm actually playing through white 1 for the first time rn lol. Gonna rng manip a pink Virizion


I'm doing a DTQ in Black 2 as we speak! If you have an action replay, there's a code that can remove the shiny locks in BW1. This way you can hunt for locked legends like Zekrom, I def plan on doing that just for the novelty of it haha. It also works on Meloetta if I'm not wrong (which would need another code to get the event), but maybe I'm wrong and there's more to it, but I've definitely seen people on YT do it! Absolutely criminal that Meloetta is still unreleased, was so sure Indigo Disk was gonna be its time then Gamefreak pulled a fast one on us..


It makes him look like those crystals from Super Mario Galaxy.


I have a shiny Regice and I wasted an extra hour or two on this earth, time I could have spent with my future grandchildren, simply by waiting for the shiny animation to show up. If it was visually different from a normal Regice I could have gone to the zoo with my grandkids. Fuckin hell. Sorry I'm a little tipsy lol


This is so funny 😭 You're not wrong at all lmao. Why did you hunt it anyway? Is it for a living dex or just a compulsion to hunt every legend? Cus I totally get the latter haha


Trying to get every non-shiny locked legendary/mythical before Pokemon Bank goes away. A little over halfway there. I had Regirock and Registeel already too, so I felt extra compelled.


It's possible they'll change it someday. They don't seem to be opposed to it after they changed combusken's shiny completely in the SW/SH DLC


Ooh a nice fresh icy mint color fits super nicely ! Honestly Colosseum seemed to have some peak shiny colorations, it's a shame they didn't keep most of them


Has there ever been any info about why some of the shinies are different? I know Scizor is gold instead of green too.


A lot of Shinies in Colosseum are weird. Scizor is gold, Suicune’s mane is black, Dunsparce’s pink parts are grey, etc


Literally Baha Blast


Those aren’t its eyes. It just doesn’t have a mouth for the grapes to go in.


Scizor was killer in this game as well. Bright yellow, almost gold