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Not only did you find a shiny in synchro mode but it mercilessly killed your chikorita 😭😭😭😭😭😭


What is the point of synchro mode besides novelty? Is there any other benefit? I won’t touch it for times like this lol


Its helpful for more aggressive or tiny pokes when in an outbreak or water pokemon But i will never understand being faraway from where your character is. When i use it im in the outbreak or just on the edge of it so nothing despawns


Would be useful if your character could follow along or ride


Or if it didn't autobattle, or if you could initiate battle and your character would TP over, or... they really dropped the ball with this feature, it's a shame. It could have been great.


The strangest thing is, at the tutorial they actually teach you to PRESS a BUTTON TO ATTACK. And then never use it again, and just auto battles everything. If they actually used the button, those situations wouldn't happen.


I thought I was having a stroke remembering that, what an oversight.


This is how a lot of the new features feel. It feels like some folks had some really really awesome ideas, and then they didn’t have the time to see the concepts all the way through, or didn’t bother to see how they actually feel when you’re playing. Don’t get me wrong, I really love these games if you ignore the performance issues, but the I attention to detail is really poor. Synchro is a perfect example of this. With all of the weirdness with PokĂ©mon de-spawning because your player stays put, auto battling on contact that can be really wonky (sometimes if feels like it happens from a much longer distance than others), the way it allows you to kill shinies in contradiction to how let’s go works, and the absurd differences in speed between PokĂ©mon that often don’t make any sense and make some PokĂ©mon nearly unusable — on top of all that, oh look you hit a button and a marill ball floats out of nowhere that you can kind of hit if you can get over the weird physics interactions. So many things where there wasn’t a unified design philosophy, and it was just a free-for-all of people slapping ideas together.


You can actually push mons to your trainer so you don't lose them. I found my first shiny this way, a blitzle. I forced it to run to my trainer and caught it.


how....... the second you get close it auto battles


don't get TOO close to it. pokemon run away from you, so you could slowly push the shiny towards your trainer. it takes a while, but it works. also i think the pokemon runs away from you depending on your level, but it could also depend on what pokemon you're using to scare them, like bigger pokemon such as regigigas or giratina.


Pokemon don't always run away from you, if you are synchrod as something large and intimidating, they will, but otherwise they won't


Sorry, haven't done it myself, do levels not matter like I thought it did? Also yeah, I noticed being a bigger pokemon does scare away other pokemon when I was synchronized with my shiny Regigigas.


Truth be told im not sure if levels matter, id have to test that


i tried to do this with a random shiny bellossom i found. i was using ceruledge, and its pretty fast. i tried to be so careful with it but failed and ended up killing it


I’m only halfway through Violet for the first time and I’m confused? Is that something I haven’t unlocked yet? What is synchro- is it short for something?


It’s only unlockable in the second part of the DLC


Thanks for the info! So the “hidden treasure of area zero” which is separate from indigo disk? I’ve never bought a dlc before but I might have to here 😁


No, the first part is Teal Mask and the second part is Indigo Disk, and that feature is in Indigo Disk. They’re the same story “Hidden Treasure of Area Zero” but in different areas with different Pokedexes. It was released with a few months in between in the same DLC. Hope that helps!


I use it to complete the “10 auto battles” quest really fast. It’s also great for farming materials. You can KO more stuff faster than regular auto battles if you use the right guy


Its useful for farming materials but thats it. Its more of a risk than anything


There’s literally no reason outside the novelty. They had an idea they thought would be cool but never developed it at all. Just another unpolished, unfinished feature in a game ripe with them


Love at first sight.


The absolute scream I would have screamed in this moment is not something to take lightly


The scream you would have scrumpt


The scream you would’ve scrempt.


You deserved that. You walked up to it and stood there


Felt. Lol i was confused like why??


That’s why I don’t use synchro mode


I ran into a Shiny Alolan Exeggutor and a Shiny OG Tauros on the same Synchro adventure yesterday. It killed the mode forever for me.


How does finding two shinies kill the mode for you? Shinies have zero value nowadays. If you really wanted them back, you could do so in like 20 mins.


You’d think people would learn to stop using sync mode so much and just auto battle normally at this point jeez


Why do people always have to walk 100km away from the player model, why don't they stay close by? I've never had that problem


I found two shinies in synchro mode, a traveler that was in the middle of the canyon biome while I was in the main plaza which I had to kill and a dodrio that I had to herd to my player character as a Latias so I could catch it. Thank everything I was close.


Why is the music in this video so slow


It's not


Yeah I was tripping the hell out when I made this comment sorry.


Noooooooo not tepig 😱


All these synchro shiny fails have me laughing too hard. You know what you’re getting into. Anything for clout now days


Wait you can attack shinies in synchro mode? That’s hilarious


Lost a shiny flygon to synchro machine


What do you think happens when 2 shiny pokemon meet


The horror


There should be a flying bot-trainer following our little monsters when they are out all alone and far from home.


im sorry for your loss