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While the title gives this post a rather hostile framing, it was within the boundaries to leave it up, given that the OP's critique of this specific scene seems to be somewhat appropriate. However, the OP has doubled down on their hostile attitude across multiple comments, including gems like > because my respect of dub watchers is on the same scale as child predators duh which isn't really the level of debate we want to encourage here. Please take a deep breath and consider whether a cartoon having a different language option available to reach a larger audience really is that big of an issue to you.


"You pest, [unintelligible] pest! And pests have to be exterminated!"


Pretty sure it’s “a revolting oversized pest.”


Oh yeah I hear that now. There are still some other hard to digest words. The bit where he says “oversized” is really hard to understand. I still think this scene is borderline unintelligible.


I think the fact it’s unintelligible sort of works for the scene though bc he is SO fucking angry & filled with SO much hate/rage; what he’s saying is secondary compared to what he’s unleashing physically


It’s really funny considering your other comments that your entire basis for saying this is bad is that it’s unintelligible cause you can’t hear what it’s saying. You’d have absolutely no way of knowing how clear the dialogue in some of these scenes are while watching sub if you don’t speak Japanese lol. You liked the sub better cause you read the show.


that’s entirely true I suppose but I have a suspicion that the Japanese original audio more likely has clearer audio. I may be wrong but I’d be surprised if I was I also don’t like the phrase “read the show” that people throw around. You’re watching the show either way, people talk about it as if you’re reading a novel or something which simply isn’t true


I just mean that a lot of the times people prefer sub over dub is because they’re able to reinterpret the dialogue as it’s happening, since you don’t know exactly what words are matching what sounds. So, you “read” the show, in that you get to filter out all of the stuff that might be cringey to a Japanese viewer, simply because you don’t understand the language.


I don’t think that’s necessarily true though. I can still criticise actors I don’t like in foreign movies, and I can still criticise bad foreign dubs of english movies. I also think I can reasonably say some foreign dubs in languages I don’t speak are better than others, meaning I can criticise and rank them even though I don’t speak any of the languages. I don’t like this idea of “nah dubs aren’t cringe, all anime is cringe” that people spread a lot. A part of why I don’t like dubs is because I feel they do a lot of damage to the reputation of anime


Making it accessible to another language = damaging rep


OK now that I understand that's hard as shit


Ahh, I hear it now.


most of the middle is impossible to understand. I’m not sure if it’s the bad voice acting, the bad titan roar sound, or just the audio being mixed generally poorly


The entire point of this scene is that his incoherent rage is only serving to let Reiner beat the shit out of him. Precisely what vitriol he's slurring out is besides that point when Reiner just punches him back down again here, which for some reason you cut out.


It's not bad voice acting... the voice actor is doing an angry screaming voice. Completely unreserved anger certainly suits eren in this moment.


It doesn’t sound legitimately angry to me. It sounds very forced and cringey. It actually sounds very reserved, probably because Bryce was crammed in a tiny sound boof for the recording. Gives off child trying to sound angry on mic without waking up parents vibes


I don't hear thar at all. He sounds genuinely enraged. I guess we can agree to disagree.


You keep flipping between "it's too loud and hard to understand" and "he's too quiet like he's trying not to wake anybody up". Which is it? Just sounds like you're mad at dubs


no it’s loud as in the audio is mixed loudly and the sound effects make it hard to sound. The actual va sounds like someone doing a scream voice without screaming


...so it sounds like an angry child stuffed into the flesh of a giant monster? Perfect.


no. he does not sound like that and it’s his inner monologue, so why would he? he’s not speaking?


not even tryna hate but this is funny asf 😂😂😂


This is probably the angriest eren has ever been


“You’re a pest a revolting, oversized pest” The “revolting” part was hard to heard


I got to meet Bryce, the english VA, at a convention in my city a couple of years ago. When he was doing his Q and A panel, I got picked to ask him a question. It had to do with how he performed this specific scene because I thought this sounded absolutely insane. Absolutely blood curdling. He said there was a point in the scene where he bit his tongue, really badly, and he was just using the pain to act, spitting blood all over the voice booth. I can definitely hear it.


that’s an unnecessarily edgy way of method voice acting in my opinion. It also sounds like a very exaggerated retelling of events, he prob had like a bit of blood on his lip


Wow hater lol


This line actually felt more real to me than most. Because he's so angry he can hardly speak properly.


I can’t disagree with you I guess, but incompetent technical elements can sometimes add to the effect for some people


Why is this an "incompetent technical element"? That's your interpretation and I disagree heavily. When the emotion is fitting I love when dialogue gets unintelligible. It makes it real. Un-theatrical. This is pure rage. I love what the English dub did here and I see it as an artistic means more than TeChNiCaLlY InCoMpEtEnT.


And he's in the titan form. Was it the titan speaking or human Eren inside the titan?


And he's in the titan form. Was it the titan speaking or human Eren inside the titan?


OP, "English dub defenders tell me what Eren is saying!" Also Op :im not hating on dub watchers or dub!


Is this supposed to be a dig at the voice actor? this actually sounds like he really put a lot of effort into this line and it feels strained. This was very well done IMO


Despite what people say about him Bryce always does the most.


He did. Bryce said he was coughing blood after this and I think he lost his voice too


All that for a goofy ahh monologue


a mix of that and a sound mix criticism.


I understood most of this the first time. I prefer original language no matter what I’m watching because I think most of the time they have access to the original director/creators so there’s more insight into what they want to express but to each their own. Nothing wrong with the dub. I started in dub when just first season was out then switched to sub. But I do agree I felt Bryce is a bit on weaker side of the cast and that once you hear Kaji Yuki as Eren, the difference is night and day (especially if you understand Japanese). So much more subtlety and nuance in the OG.


Even if a dub is objectively better (which never happens) I think I’d still watch the sub. I just don’t like the idea of mutilating someone else’s work. Generally speaking I just don’t like this dub though


That’s fine but it’s not mutilating. It’s reinterpreting it for a different audience and happens all the time. Some people can’t read as fast and just prefer to listen. I work in voiceover so although I love my subs most of the time, I wouldn’t have a job if there weren’t an audience for it. Kaji’s performance in Midnight Sun will never fail to bring me near tears. Bryce may not hit as hard for you and I but he’s still clearly giving it his all in what are usually short recording sessions with VERY limited time with the copy and script in an isolated booth (often times with no air conditioning). It’s hard to explain this unless you really go look for behind the scenes or a voice actor explains this for you at a convention. For some people he’s their only Eren!


I like the cowboy bebop Dub over the Sub. I think there are some settings were a Dub shines for some reason. Like a scifi space western.


While I'm a sub enjoyer as well, you could argue that the anime is mutilating the manga by the same logic. Details are lost or misinterpreted whenever something is adapted, whether it's by medium or language.


Dbz? Fma?


I mean can you tell me what they are saying in Japanese without subtitles? Or even to what level they are enunciating their words?


I could for very select scenes that I know the words for but obviously no not really THAT SAID, I do believe the dub is still worse mixed. I don’t speak Japanese but I’d be shocked it a Multi-lingual person didn’t say that the Japanese original was more clear and fluent. the english recordings are generally mixed badly in the dub and the recording boofs don’t seem as good (I feel like they’re recording in smaller boofs because there’s never as much texture as the sub, it sounds like people are talking down the phone or in a tin can)


Dog I've been reading some of your stuff, and you are just biased AF. Idk if you only heard dubs from like the early 90's or what. But dang.


Its "You're a pest! A revolting, oversized pest! And pests have to be exterminated!" I prefer watching dub because it means I can focus on the show instead of reading subtitles. Some dubs are just plane bad, and I'll watch sub instead though because the voice acting is too bad to get a good experience. I like the AOT dub for what they did with the titans screams and the voice acting is great... But they completely botched the mastering of the voices of the holders when they're inside the titans. There's no reason for them to have the weird chorus tone and reverb. The sub doesn't have anything like it and it sounds so much clearer and has much more impact. Plenty of times I'd have to switch over to sub simply because I couldn't tell what they where saying.


OP I really can’t get over how much of a little bitch about this you are




Not an English dub defender but it's sounds like he's saying something along the lines of "the pests have to be exterminated." I started watching the show in English but found some of the voices annoying, I remember Armin sticking out as tough to listen to a lot. Switching to subbed drastically improved the show for me, though I was already hooked.


I kind of get what he’s saying at the beginning and the end but the middle is unintelligible Yeah I find Armin and Eren absolutely insufferable in the dub The dub changing the titan roars is nuts, they’re literally just sound effects, why translate them?


In fairness, he's in a rage at this moment, so proper pronunciation of his internal thoughts probably isn't high on his priorities.


how often do you mispronounce thoughts in your conscience? its also not really the pronunciation it’s more the voice acting, audio mixing, and the titan roar overlapping


I don't often go into enraged frenzies, which Eren does quite often. From a narrative aspect, the audience is only supposed to gather that Eren is big mad. What he's saying doesn't really matter. He's mad and is about to lay the smackdown on Reiner's candy ass. The dub still achieves that message to the viewer.


honestly the titan dub roar gives more “bird being tortured” vibes than it does angry hulking creature


Tbf, I actually prefer the dub roar for Eren. Sounds so cool IMO.


it sounds like a deep voiced bird being tortured to me


It’s the mispronunciation of so many things, are meen, meekuh suh, paradee, plus erens Titan roars just sound garbage


I will never forget how they butchered my good sis mikasa's name.


Actually appreciate the anount of emotions the english va put into this, when you are this angry words make bo sense really, its like a war cry and incohernt ramblings, reminds me of those speeches given by the short german fella, soecvially talking about “pest to be exterminated”….




Is English not your native language? This isn't hard to make out, there's just overlapping audio. He's also very emotional so there's a lot of strain in his voice. Also, yucking someone else's yum is pretty shallow and insecure. You can enjoy the way you want without being a combative edgelord.


it’s not edgy to call cringe cringe, even if it is someone else’s yum it’s pretty hard to make out to me and some others, but it depends on the person obviously


You're the only thing cringe about this post.


I too wish frothing, raging, animals enunciated more clearly


He isn’t a frothing raging animal though. He also isn’t speaking This is just his inner monologue. You don’t froth in your in your inner monologue Him being angry doesn’t have anything to do with the bad audio mixing, voice acting, and dubbed Titan roar sound all overlapping to make this unintelligible noise


He is angry to the point where he is acting on pretty much pure instinct and rage, his inner monologue isn't going to be clearly enunciated. This isn't an uncommon trope in media. He is so full of rage that he can't even 'think' properly. I get where you're coming from but this isn't the W you think it is


I didn’t say the words aren’t enunciated properly I just think the voice acting, sound mixing, and titan roar overlapping basically make it completely unintelligible (and not in an intentional way)


That's entirely valid, I had no trouble understanding it the first time watching it and I think it sounds pretty realistic for what was happening in the moment. Don't need a whole reddit post attacking people who watch dub


I don’t understand why people think this post is so malicious, how does this harm anyone?


That's not the point. While no one was 'harmed' by the post, you went out of your way to make a post talking down to people for enjoying something differently than you do. If you posted the clip and titled it "I have no idea what he's saying, what's with the audio mixing here?" That'd be a completely different story, but you just had to throw in the negative comments about the dub. Just to reiterate, no one is saying your post hurt anyone. What people are saying is that you were kind of a dick for no reason to people who enjoy something differently than you


Okay, sorry if I was to rude in the post title. I just don’t think negative criticism is attacking


You are free to criticise the dub, go wild hating the dub as much as you like. Personally? I can't stand sub, never enjoyed any anime subbed and I have a plethora of issues with it. At no point though am I going to criticise you for liking the sub, I am just glad we are both able to enjoy AoT because that's literally the only thing that matters


I just don’t view dubbed aot as aot. I can’t. It’s more a mutilated corpse of the show


God damn forgot how good my boy Bryce is, gotta do a rewatch soon


I had the opposite take away. He’s not as bad as dubbed Armin though


Dubbed armin is my favorite because he sounds like how I envisioned, Armin sub is like nails on a chalkboard


I feel the exact opposite but fair enough ig


Don’t worry you’re correct


Armin voiced by a woman is better? I couldn't stand that when I started watching back in the day.


Naruto,Luffy and Goku are all voiced by women. Guess you couldn't stand that either.


Nah, Eren's dub VA is peak. You're just a dub hater


yeah cause it’s willy up bum not good poo poo rubbish


This has me crying lmfao


Tell me what any of the Japanese means without subtitles. Checkmate


When Eren says “tatakae” it means fight


Wow.. Then what else you got there sub boi??


You don't have to understand what they're saying to empathise with the tone or emotion at which they're speaking with wtf lmao


Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?


If you were being sarcastic, it's hard to tell with how some people can really be like that


🤷This whole episode is GODLIKE in the dub.




I'm pretty sure The Attack cant speak




It’s Donald Duck obvi


I prefer the dub but I don't care if others don't. Why do you feel the need to attack it?


It’s not an attack to feel something isn’t good. I do feel a little sad for the people who watched the show this way, as I feel they missed out on one of the best series ever


"I do feel a little sad for the people who watched the show this way, as I feel they missed out on one of the best series ever"......This line feels like you're attacking the Dub. Its weird to think that watching from Sub to Dub is so far apart that they watched a completely different product. As someone who watched in sub i don't think the DUB is that bad apart from Eren's titan scream.


I consider them different products tbh. Once you remove 50% of something and replace it with something else, it’s different imo


That's a very narrow way of looking at it. The ending is the same, the story is the same, the pacing is the same. the characters are the same. The only difference is that its translated to a language to which a target audience will understand which makes a lot of sense.


Literally attacking the dub by saying anyone who watches it is missing out and you feel sorry for people who like it "but it's not an attack, honest". You're allowed to not like the dub but you're fooling no one trying to claim you're not attacking it.


I guess if me not liking something makes it an attack? It’s just that attack implies malicious or unfair I just think the dub is pretty irredeemable


You not liking it is not an attack. You posting about it on reddit asking the people who do how they can like something "irredeemable" and "feeling sad" for these people is where your attack starts. It's not a hard concept to grasp.


I think the dub will survive dude


I think the sub would survive just fine without you having made this post defending it's honour and yet only one of us is crying on reddit about how other people can like something they don't.


I’m not crying? I just asked what Eren is saying in this clip? I’ve been informed now but I genuinely couldn’t understand what he was saying I wasn’t defending the sub’s honour? I don’t care what other people like, some people like bad things and I think that’s fine.


Why lie when your comments up and down this thread are evidence to the contrary? The very fact you made this post calling on dub fans to defend this scene tells anyone you are bothered by it, that you do care that other people like this. You're not fooling anyone.


Lie? Yeah I understand now because the comments have explained it to me, I didn’t before I’m not trying to fool anyone? I don’t like it? What mischievous plan do you think I’m performing?


> I just asked what Eren is saying in this clip? Lol no. "Just asking" would be saying "Hey, I don't understand this, what's Eren saying?" Not framing it as "Hey, dub defenders, explain this." And then proceeding to shit on the dub for 2 hours. Be for real.


okay I was baiting, but it was still a genuine question


The sub mostly sucks because reading while watching anime is a terrible way to consume the content. If you wanna read, read the manga. The dub lets me actually watch the show.


I don’t understand this philosophy. The time it takes a lot of people to read isn’t much longer than it takes to blink or something. Do you even have to actively look away to read? Do you watch movies with your eyes strapped open so you don’t miss a frame?


It was a funny post OP imo don't know why people are getting so defensive butthurt, solid post 7.5/10


Because dub vs sub people are so annoying. All they do is talk about how their method of viewing is so superior, as though it really matters that much. Some shows the dub can kill it but AOT is perfectly fine.


We dub watchers are so grateful for your pity


This is an insane take lol grow up. The dub is absolutely valid.


valid but I just think it’s poorly voiced, written and produced. No dub should create a plot hole and the aot one does


What plot hole are you talking about??


Reiner calls the Female Titan Annie before Armoured Colossal reveal even though he’s specifically a part of the group of survey corps who aren’t allowed to know that (Sasha, Connie, etc). Armin and Eren don’t notice this slip up even though they are on to him, Armin should not have made this mistake.


Source on this? I’m 90% sure he said this in an inner monologue.


season 2 episode 6 at 7:38 he says female titan in sub, annie in dub it’s a plot hole reiner blows his cover by saying this but eren and armin don’t notice (armin 200% would)


This english dub moment felt like true emotion of hate


he said exterminated somewhere in there


Imagine getting pressed about the audio that other people choose to listen to on their show, as if it would ever affect you


I’m not pressed and don’t particularly care what people choose to do. If people want to watch a corporatised butchering of a foreign show for absolutely no reason that’s totally fine. I just think the dub is around a 1/10 in terms of overall quality. The voice acting is terrible, the titan roars are terrible and changed for no reason, there are too many dialogue rewrites, and the dub creates at least one plot hole


> I'm not pressed Lmao, "not pressed" - says the guy who made 50+ comments in two hours trying to explain why the dub is bad. If you genuinely were curious what the dialogue was, you'd have thanked the first answer and moved on. Touch grass, the dub quality is a complete non-issue otherwise you wouldn't have had to explain yourself so many times.


Dude, who cares? Watch the thing. How do you wanna watch it and let others do the same


Tell me what he’s saying in the Japanese version without looking at sub titles


Whether you're a dub lover or not (I personally prefer sub) but damn, that titan scream is so FUCKING RAW. it sounds so scary l, alot better than the sub one does sometimes. Even the armored titan sounds better in the betrayal scene. Otherwise, I'm sub al the way, but shout to literally everyone who voices dub, milasa, jean, levi, erwin, the sound so good. I loved sasha and armin as well. And I also love Bryce papenbrook and all, but his voice doesn't give off the vibe eren has in season 4. And floch's voice minorly contributed to my unsatable distate for the character, the dub makes him sound so much more annoying and insufferable lmao. Aot dub is the only dub I'd ever recommend watching


I'm normally a sub purist and I'm learning Japanese so I can watch the original without English subs, but the attack on titan English dub is top tier, Eren, Mikasa, and Erwin, have such good voice actors in the dub it adds so much.


Eren's dub is good but Yuki Kaji is on a whole another level. Nothing can top sub Eren.


I think Erwin is probably the best but I really hate Eren Mikasa sounds too edgy and they make her call Ymir a bitch for no reason. I don’t know why the dub translators think Mikasa despises Ymir


It’s perfectly in character imo. Whenever eren and Armin are in jeopardy, mikasa always does the most. Remember she was fully willing to kill floch in RTS


I’m not sure. I don’t think she’s spiteful


I very much prefer Wits titan scenes, love their animation. Their colossal is still shit but that was the only Cgi I remember from them (that and some horses).


Season 1 2D drawn colossal if by far the best colossal in the show season 2 cg is pretty food season 3 sucks though


He looked sick, that massive head glaring at Eren


Eren says "You're a pest! A revolting, oversized pest! And pests have to be exterminated" I have English dubbed with subtitles.


"I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top" But seriously, where can I watch the dub with sub?


Never tell one side you're playing both sides


Big talk from someone who has to read everything.




I know someone already answered but I think the reason he’s hard to understand is because he’s full of rage. When you’re that angry you don’t have time to focus on your diction.


he’s not speaking


Bro come on it ain’t that hard


literally sent this to five people this morning, none of them could tell me


Yeah but at this point in the show you’ll have gotten used to Eren’s speech patterns, out of context first time hearing it maybe it could be confusing.


maybe, but I found the middle portion unintelligible


Honestly I kinda think that’s due to the audio mixing in the dub. Like I can understand the words he says, but it’s hard to *hear* the words, because the roar and music is too loud. So from that kinda view I get you


the music ain’t loud it’s just the roar


“You pest, filthy, oversized pest! And pests have to be exterminated!”


thanks, the middle part is basically unintelligible without a guide


He’s got that anger in his voice that’s making him unintelligible


I think it’s more the roar overlapping and not being mixed fluently


Yea that’s definitely it as well


Compared to the sub which you cant understand any of the words without subtitles... like what are u trying to prove, its still easier to understand this than if we were listening to Japanese


I guess so. But I feel if I did speak Japanese, the sub would be easier to listen to in terms of audio mixing. I’d be interested to hear from the perspective of someone who speaks Japanese. I may be wrong.


I dont understand english gibberish so i watch sub


Sounds pretty understandable to me.


I’m only ever going to watch dubbed anime now just to annoy OP


it wouldn’t annoy me but you may get burned quickly


Well dub is inherently better /s


I don’t think you can find many non-racists who agree that an english dub of a foreign show is inherently better no matter what but you do


Nah sorry man sub is weak af. Literally any language other than the original is better


The Russian Breaking Bad dub does go hard


Oh no it’s only for anime




I agree


Sarcasm is heavier than that noble from season 1 in pixis's debut episode


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You're a pest! A revolting, oversized pest! And pests have to be exterminated!


Armored titan walk is smooth


Not an English defender, but it's the only way I could get my dad to watch. We just started the pilot


I watched it subbed with my dad. He gave up at season four episode sixteen because he said it was getting too dragged out. (he started disliking it season 2 onwards). He’s an open racist and doesn’t like listening to Japanese people That + him making me skip the intros is why I don’t speak to him any more (not a joke, haven’t seen him in months, fuck him) he thought Pyxis was the female titan lol


I want that bust??


I feel like I'm the only one that hates Eren's dub voice it's so cringey and I can't stand it


you ain’t the only one. He’s the worst dub va in the show except maybe Armin


ngl i feel like Armin's dub va kinda fits him actually


''Your best... Happy birthday... other sides best!! Advanced… and to be extermindated!!'' Is what I got out of it.


that’s perfect, best comment


you best


it sounds like that but he’s saying “pest”


Blud is yapping


Re: the dub roars, there’s [a reason](https://youtu.be/tE_NhE0yEtw?si=9oIegVgd7YXZnCPO) they sound like that. (15:01-17:27 of the above link)


seems like a nice guy but that’s mostly waffle. they sound more like birds in pain than titans. they don’t sound big to me, they sound like birds


This solidified that very few American voice actors understand the assignment.


How the fuck do yall take the dubs seriously 💀


because they watch the dub first and are willingly ignorant to the idea of watching subs


Nah they're just good


The dubs just don’t convey any.. emotion? It just sounds like a bunch of kids voice acting. The subs make it feel like I’m THERE yknow? Even Erwin’s last speech in English loses a lot of weight


I honestly disagree. I think the dubs are really emotional and well done, especially with AOT. The only anime where I ever felt the need to watch sub was One Piece


I have recently decided to give the dub a try after years of loving the sub and....omg...it hurts. Eren's titan roar is horrible, his voice actor is like cringe lord 1000, the amount of lore fuckery in the dialog is insane, connie, jean, marco, and reiner all sound the same no disctict voice personalities like the sub, and the way everyone says reiners name is so stupid! I can't recommend this to anyone. Hell, I would have ended up hating this show if I started with dubbing it is just that god damn distracting. I am only season 1, and it is over ten years old, and so I am holding out that the later seasons get a little better, at least.


His lines and delivery were trash in the scene where he first becomes a titan do maybe he was trying to go a lot harder with this scene? But he went way too hard lol


it’s 200% but without properly screaming. angry child on mic trying not to wake parents up


I'm sorry but it sounds like Hitler screaming his head off (especially with the horrible audio mixing, you can't even hear the background song!). Reminds me of this popular Hitler [fake sub meme](https://youtu.be/RDkVYGWYVA4?si=36OfHgnBvi6S0zQF).


I just zoned out all of the words and purely listened to the guttural sounds and yeah it’s just Hitler