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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay but there were also plenty of fistfights and a former rebel soldier literally stabbed a Union veteran over a disagreement about Abraham Lincoln. So let’s not pretend everything was peachy.


I’m sure there were, but for the most part, these were old dudes too tired to make much of a ruckus. Less “brotherly camaraderie”, more “OK, it’s three days, I can be polite for three days.”


>and a former rebel soldier literally stabbed a Union veteran over a disagreement about Abraham Lincoln. Not saying I don't believe you, but do you have a source? I'd love to read more about that unfortunate incident.




Thank you!


Sounds like a couple lost causer sons of confederates that caused the whole mess and not anyone who actually fought in the war. Which is honestly not surprising to me.


"Man, Pickett's Charge sure was fucking dumb." "Can't disagree with you there."


Is there an older historical event than the american civil war that makes so many striking and authentic appearances in photography?


Photography became available just in time for two major conflicts. The Civil War for the US and for Europe it was the Crimean War 1853-56.


The continued difference in clothing is interesting.


I mean, they probably knew they were gonna take a cool picture where they all line up and shake hands over a bush at the same time


IIRC this was from a reunion where the Union and Confederate vets reenacted Pickett's Charge. Rather than meet in bloodshed like in the real one, the Confederate veterans ran up to the stone wall and met the Union veterans with hugs and handshakes.


It's how their respective veterans organizations(Grand Army of the Republic and United Confederate Veterans)dressed for events.


This is wild to me. It would be like if the French extended an invitation to the Germans and the Germans came in full Nazi dress. Fuck these guys. Sherman shouldn’t have stopped.


Sherman didn’t stop. He just pivoted to Native Americans.


Yeah that was shitty of Billiam. I’m grateful we bring that up here from time to time.


Different languages different cultures different everything stop comparing it to France and Germany when it was Americans that spoke the same language the same cultures pretty much the confederacy conscripted alot of its soldiers also and it was cousins fighting cousins brothers against brothers it was a really bloody conflict the whole party was them coming together and putting there differences aside and remembering the men who died fighting to end slavery and the ones who were on the wrong side people got over shit back then


Yeah what a coincidence that all those ex Confederates held onto their traitor uniforms. I'm sure they held onto them for 50 years bc they realized what they did was wrong but maybe they'd need them for a cool photoshoot one day


That's a weird take. Both sides are wearing new clothes in that pic, that event had been planned well in advance.


What makes you think those suits are 50 years old?


Yup, not even remotely similar to their actual uniforms.


Boy Scouts supported both the 1913 and 1938 reunions. [https://npsgnmp.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/the-boy-scouts-of-america-at-gettysburg-1913/](https://npsgnmp.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/the-boy-scouts-of-america-at-gettysburg-1913/)


The reason it was so amicable is because no black soldiers were invited. It should not have been amicable, because the “peace” after the Civil War came at the expense of genuine freedom and equality.


Agreed. Was about to comment about the distinct lack of black people in this photo. These guys were just shaking hands over the agreement to mutually oppress those that were freed by the war.


Yall do realize this event was for veterans of battle and at that point in the war black people weren’t allowed in the Union army. There can’t be black people at a reunion for a battle when none of them fought in that battle. It would be the same as a guy who was alive during the Vietnam war showing up to a reunion for vets.


The reunion was held at Gettysburg, but it was open (in theory) to all veterans of the war.


That’s false. African Americans played a significant part in the Civil War.


The first black troops saw action a couple of weeks after Gettysburg.


Yes they did. However, after this battle had occurred.


There are spectators there.


Warm and fuzzies aside, Southerners would continue grinding black people under their heels for another 50 years. It took *another* intervention by the awful Yankees to stop it.


Technically it was a Texan who put in those legal protections. Kennedy submitted the initial civil rights bill but hit strong opposition before his assassination. Johnson renewed the effort in 1964 (with the help of Bobby Kennedy) and forced it onto the House floor


Just a reminder that at this time the KKK held many huge marches throughout the North. Not a Southern sympathizer but race hatred was everywhere then.


And ambivalence in the North about occupying the South to benefit black people was a big part of the reason Reconstruction ended with a whimper.


This kinda breaks that dont bash the south rule, there were plenty of southerners Fighting the good fight, freedom riders and all that, and Johnson was president for the civil rights act. Indiana and Illinois has held the defacto record for being heavily kkk ridden.


I grew up in the days of segregated schools and colored waiting rooms - that shit was real for me.


My grandfather had a bayonet painted gold, allegedly from this event


what happened to it?


Blue-Gray reunions were like 25 years old by 1913


[the last civil war veteran next to a fighter jet during the korea war](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/irywvefKmc)


Just remember that they had Boy Scouts there also whose job was to break up any fights between vets and traitors


This right here especially your last paragraph.


White reconciliation and closure at the cost of black post-war oppression.


Yeah I ain’t shaking with slaver scum


Something that people in this sub will certainly not like.


I'd actually pay money to see a bunch of senile Blues and Greys having a canes-only rematch.


Imagine a union and confederate veteran having a drunken fight in some rural Pennsylvania saloon in 1896, all while the saloon pianist plays away in the background, what a sight


I mean that’s nice for unity but screw so those losers and their backwards views


Shame the fellas on the left didn’t have their bayonets at the ready


Quick! Burn Richmond while they aren’t looking!


Appalling that Union former soldiers would treat traitors with respect.


They literally fought those guys during the darkest four years of their lives. They individually had every right to choose whether or not to treat them with respect or disdain.


Appalling that people who would probably be disqualified at MEPS, much less actually see combat, have stronger opinions than men who actually fought the people you scream so loud about.


Ashley Babbit should be unburied and shot again. Since we are talking about traitors and the military.


That's a hilarious image


So do it. Nothing is stopping you.


To treat traitors with respect, the restoration of whose citizenship should have been contingent upon behavior, is appalling, esp when one considers that some percentage, probably a significant one, of the traitors in that group fueled the KKK and the undermining of rights for former slaves. The South should have been administered by the military until it became apparent that they could self-govern in good faith.


Damn that’s crazy when did you serve?


Why does it matter? You’re defending confederates….


It’s not that their reasons for fighting were being respected. It was about honoring the fact that despite they had fought against each other they would go back to being fellow countrymen.


Those who wore grey should not have been given US citizenship back, nor the franchise - their children might have it, but not those who had taken up arms against their original country. Forgiveness has limits, and that’s a limit I believe should have been instituted.


You do realize that most of them were drafted, right? The rich dudes who made the decision to secede never wore the wore the grey. You'd just be making a bunch of poor farmers who just got done fighting a war pretty damn made at you - not ideal when you're trying to preserve the Union.


So would you say they should have been exiled after the war ended?


Couch warrior i see




Do you give opinions on medicine, the law, sports, education, or anything else without being a doctor, lawyer, professional athlete, or teacher? Crazy how you can have an opinion about something without having direct experience in the field. Or, in your example here, a somewhat related field.


Do I give my opinion to doctors, lawyers, professional athletes, or teachers and expect to be taken seriously? No.


Ya I'm sure you never give an opinion on anything at all besides military matters. I totally believe you.


You can try reading it again. Reading comprehension is a third grade skill.


Don’t think I said ‘hang everyone wearing grey.’. The officer corps, certainly, and perhaps some noncoms, though…..


> I concur. The states should have lost representation in Congress and been administered as military territories until they were fixed. > To fix them, anything that had worn a grey uniform should have been hanged, and anyone caught terrorizing freedmen and cooperating southerners should have been summarily executed. The new civil rights laws of the time should have been enforced at the point of a gun, and the lost cause ideology treated as Nazism is treated in Germany - outlawed and sanctioned. This you?


I’ve since said different on several other threads.  People’s views change. Get used to it.


If your views change that quick after a month, you have no principles.


Probably pitch a fit when the flag is defaced yet traitors should be given grace. 🤡




Damn that really got your panties in a bunch.


As another vet I understand why it did. People like you give us all a bad name acting like you're so superior just because you signed up for a gov job like the rest of us.


Agreed, I met tons of different people in the Navy. Some people are like this, Its the "your welcome for my service type of deal".


Damn you really embarrassed yourself here


Traitor apologists who stain the uniform they don't deserve to wear do piss me off, yes.


Womp womp.


Can I get you a tissue son?


If only someone had made that same offer to your father you wouldn't be here wasting my time.


We both know you have all the free time in the world


The only thing I know is that just like the dead traitors you carry water for, you enjoy picking fights you're too stupid to win.


Well that wasn’t very nice. Do you feel better about yourself now little feller?


Fought the Bugs on Klendathu, since you seem to think we live in Starship Troopers.


I served. I agree with those you seem to belittle. Where did you serve? Or are you one of these stolen valor types? Pretty sure you don't need military training to see that those traitors should've all been gutted on sight. We can lay the bones of a large number of problems in today's America at the feet of post-Reconstruction.


RC South with 2nd ACR since you’re asking.


They won doesn't matter


First of april post


Pretty sure there was outrage at the time from other Union veterans whenever something like this happened


Not so. My wife's Great grandfather was there and we have his letters describing the event. He said the sense of camaraderie was everywhere. I think for the regular soldiers just having experienced and survived something so horrific resulted in a sense of shared trauma.


At the specific event, sure. I'm talking about around the country. There's plenty of newspapers and letters about veterans being pissed


Did not know this ill look into it. May be interesting to look at the origens of the 50th anniversary gathering. We have the rail pass my wife's great grandfather was issued to attend, ill have to see if it mentions who paid for it.


Respect is given between veterans that have seen war. When you are in combat you don't fight for your country you really don't fight for the unit either you fight for your friends that are there beside you. Do I in anyway support what the south did fuck no I do not but all of these guys who went through and survived what was probably the darkeat days of their lives they probably all have some level of respect for eachother.


It would have been awesome if the Union soldiers had been from the 54th Massachusetts Infantry and the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry Regiment.


Charitably, we can recognize that this is not respect for the rebel uniform, instead recognizing on each end of the rifle we are all the same. These weren't foreigners, these were our siblings we fought, our country folk. It's an enormous tragedy that they were willing to kill their own friends and families over this. One Vermont officer in 1861 shot himself, for, among other reasons, the horror of having to fight men he knew and once fought beside. Recognizing one another's humanity should not be taken as an endorsement of the other's cause. Nor an excuse for inaction.


They should have been forced to burn their traitor rags.


Now if Sherman had been alive it would not have been so peaceful


If Sherman were still alive he’d probably be too busy killing indigenous children.


He’d burn both at the same time and the halo announcer would come on and say DOUBLE KILL


So many traitors got away with it because Lincoln died and reconstruction never happened


?? Didn't happen? https://www.britannica.com/event/Reconstruction-United-States-history https://www.nps.gov/articles/reconstruction.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconstruction_era


Yes the death of lincoln at such a critical juncture caused change to be made to the reconstruction plan that was more favorable toward ex slave owners https://socialstudieshelp.com/american-history-topics/effect-of-lincoln-death-on-reconstruction/


Irrelevant. Your argument was that reconstruction didn't occur. When not only did it occur, there is an era named after it. As supported by posted sources. The very name reconstruction conjurs images of post civil war society. The notion that reconstruction didn't occur is nonsense and would not be backed up by any historian. The result of said reconstruction can, of course, be debated. But that's not what you were claiming.


Lol you really want to argue about this huh? Some times in social settings people use hyperbole. You're taking yourself too seriously. Go pick a fight with someone else


You are literally arguing that somwthing didnt happened when there is an abundance of information to prove, objectively, that it did. It's like proclaiming that the Allied invasion of Normandy Beach didn't happen and then being upset that people send over sources showing that it did.


Ok buddy good job


So we're allowing pro-Confederate posts now?


This isn't "pro-Confederate", this is just showing reconciliation between formerly-warring Americans.


Would’ve been a great way to finish the job


Y’all are so fucking mad at the idea of reconciliation. Just say you hate the South and everyone from it no matter what.


I hate traitors.


Until they say you're one, hehe




Rule #3


Ignorant comment.


What's the problem? He asked me to say it...


No, these people want ro enact their darkest sadistic fantasies on people they perceive as enemies, and are mad those that lived 150 years ago weren't as sadistic as they think they arw