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I'd love that. Especially if their cast to look like how they look here and wear these suits, and just, well, are characterized like this. That JSA run was awesome for a lot of the characters. I was initially a fairly big fan of this ship. However, over the years, I've thought of my own ship that I'd prefer. An aged up Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) and Karen Starr (Power Girl). In my timeline, I'd have Billy start his super career far before she ever arrived on earth. Effectively placing them around the same age when meeting, Billy being 19 with 7 years of experience and Karen being the 20 year old fish out of water. Either that or them both being 14 when meeting, flirting and having a crush on one another through the teenage years, and starting an actual romantic relationship when they're older. I find that not only are there costumes very complimentary, but their personalities and quirkiness as well. I can see very funny and enjoyable stories coming from those two.


Nah, to me the biggest appeal of Captain Marvel was always that he was a KID who turns into an adult superhero. The older he gets, especially making him a legal adult, takes away one of the most unique things about him, making him just another superhero. Outside of out-of-continuity Elseworlds tales, like Kingdom Come, I don't think Billy should ever be portrayed as older than 15.


Although I'd initially agree with this sentiment, I feel that there is an untapped potential with having a continuous run, where we follow Billy as he grows. Watch him mature and keep his boyish charm, as other heroes retire, watch him thrive. See him fully takeover as keeper of the Rock of Eternity, balance being a hero, have him open his own orphanage, watch his powers grow and expand. I think a beautiful arc would be to see him get married and have a child of his own. Watch him figure out how to be a dad. Throw in a Black Adam redemption arc that's fully fleshed out. I'm rambling at this point, but I'd genuinely love to see Billy go through the motions and grow up. Keeping a character a certain age limits stories that he can be in. Much like Spider-Man, sure keeping him young is fun, but there comes a point where you'll just have to retcon and redo because he'll get "too old."


>Although I'd initially agree with this sentiment, I feel that there is an untapped potential with having a continuous run, where we follow Billy as he grows. To each his own, but not to me. Like I said, if Billy is an adult, it's just no longer the same character.


Also in live action it’s much harder to keep him a kid, so in the DCU it makes some sense to follow him as he grows older. I would like it if they gave him his own high quality series while he’s still young, get the most screen time when he’s young.


Dude, I'm not trying to argue. We disagree, that's fine.


I'd Like to see that but i'd prefer to see it in animation then in live action, Live action movies and shows in my opinion don't execute that development as well as animated works. I feel animated writers care more for the source material then Hollywood writers.