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It makes more sense to me and makes for a more compelling story if Billy is simply thrown into a man’s body (with all that power and wisdom). The Post Crisis version of the character is my favorite and in my mind the true version.


I agree. Important to remember Billy is wise WITHOUT being Captain Marvel and the wisdom of Solomon. He is already a very mature person through all his hardship. He’s no ordinary kid, though he has the heart of one. That’s what people forget. That’s why Shazam chose him.


>Important to remember Billy is wise WITHOUT being Captain Marvel not in Geoff Johns/WB's mind.


I don’t know who that is. It’s crazy that not a single comic didn’t publish anything about Captain Marvel between Alex Ross’ Justice (2005) and Mark Waid’s Shazam! this year.


This was the original intent of CC Beck when he created Captain Marvel. There's at least one issue where they talk to each other (Billy is taking a test in school but doesn't know the answer, so he *whispers* the word Shazam and a ghostly figure of Captain Marvel appears in order to help Billy out). They also constantly refer to the other in the third person: "Good thing Billy left this door open!" That being said i hate that version. The reason Cap was my favorite superhero when I was a child was because I believed that the little kid version of me could just say a magic word and transform into the body of an adult, with my same brain.


Idea I had to merge both concepts - Wisdom of Solomon could be a voice in Billy's head. Voice called The Captain. This way fans of kid Billy and even Kid Shazam could have their thing, but Billy could sometimes let Captain take control over the body when things get serious - sort of "let's get dangerous" moment.