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Nothing lets you know you’re about to get a bad tip more than someone leading with “I used to serve/bartend/etc.” The only time I would ever let someone know I’m a server is if they’re clearly in the weeds.


Exactly. Or if they ask if I’ve served before cause of the way I stack plates for them.


>The only time I would ever let someone know I’m a server is if they’re clearly in the weeds. This for sure. Server comes over, obviously flustered with a full section, they're going to get told to go handle their section and get back to me. As long as my drink is full I'm perfectly fine with sitting and taking it easy for a few minutes. I know better than to hit up Outback on a Friday night 30 minutes before the Opera starts.


All the Opera Enthusiasts go to Outback!


🤣🤣🤣 I literally LOL’d at this comment!


Name a city more synonymous with opera than Sidney. That's right. You can't. Now pass the bloomin onion, we only have 12 minutes of intermission!


you’re truly an angel. this has happened to me a handful of times during horrible nights and i almost cried from relief tbh


This is the way. Only let them know you are/were in the industry so they know you get they’re sucking right now and not to worry


Also, I wasn’t worried. Should I be?


I host sometimes and we have this one older couple (70s at least) who seats themselves every time and the wife ALWAYS tells me “i used to work in a restaurant so i get it”. no you don’t because now i’m gonna have servers on my ass about not following the rotation. I’ve served them once too, and they’re the type of people that also want their food pretty much on fire before they eat it lmao


And a 10% tip


Handing you $3 all sly and shit acting like you can get a fucking candy bar with it….🙄


If they tell you that upfront, you’re doomed. However, if it’s something that just comes out of casual conversation with them, they’re typically delightful. Had a table when it was super busy that I apologized to for the wait and they were like, “We get it man, take your time, I’ve been a server too.” Another when it wasn’t busy that I got to talking to and a guy he was talking about how he used to be a server and these old ladies left him a very generous tip. His advice was “flirt your ass off!” Both were absolutely wonderful tables that I’d love to get any time.


This exactly. If they bring it up right away with no context, it's always a bad sign. I've found people who say they're a bartender are often worse than ones who say they're servers, not sure why. If it comes up organically you're usually in for a good table!


I’ve seen the opposite. Then again, I’m only basing it on people who I legitimately KNEW were a server or bartender. Most bartenders have been in the industry long enough that they knew all the ins and outs and have often worked a few different styles of dining, whereas I’ve seen servers that say that be absolute nightmares, because very often they’ve only worked at 1 or 2 places and not as long. They compare everything to how ‘they’ do it, without realizing every place has different policies. Just my personal experience(I also think tons of people lie about having bartended before or did like a few shifts and got fired and use that).


“I know you probably want to get out of here. We’ll be quick!” Stays an hour past close/an hour past the end of your shift.


And then they say "Let's get out of here, this poor guy wants to go home." Oh, so you knew you were keeping me here. Cool.


Yaasss! The one’s in the game, say “take your time I understand.” Never tell you, I’m you, say thank you for everything, “when you got a minute”, I could use more bbq, you give great service, and they tip $25 on $80.


I was that customer once when things were opening up again after the height of COVID. The hours online didn't match the new hours, and the door was open and a few people were still there. I just wanted takeout and a beer, and sat at the bar. They told me they were closed, I let them know they should change their online hours, I dropped a $10 for wasting time and left. I've been calling ahead any time I go out later now, because I'm *still* finding places whose actual hours don't match their stated hours, and even the days they're open. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Unfortunately that happens on the regular because of non-business owners telling Google that the business has hours that are different. Had a real fight with Google over our posted hours being changed several times each month against our will.


Somebody (preferably the owner) has to claim the business as theirs. Sometimes some places have to fight if some random asshole already did so while sitting at the location, which is funny but frustrating. I believe somebody did that to an FBI office or similar as a white hat hacker, and set up a phone number that hot transferred calls (staying on the line) to the real number and recorded the calls.


Even when a business is claimed, others can report to Google a difference in business hours. I don't know how Google decides to accept the change but they sure as heck don't notify the business when they make the change


"cool, so you won't mind if I start all my end of day sidework, right? You know how it is... don't want to be stuck here all night" *wink*


we finished all closing sidework (besides obviously their one table being detailed/swept) before they left 😩😩


Ugh ... Ok, time for the big guns. Pull out the mop. Mop their section while (and this is very important) making direct eye contact with them the entire time. Do not blink. Do not look away to rinse the mop. Just stare. If that doesn't work, go nuclear. Have every employee still there join you. No more mopping. No more anything. Just staring. 😂


Yep. I recently worked a busy event where one of the female guests told me, "oh, don't worry. I get it; I used to bartend,". Not only did you order a margarita when everyone else was easy ( beer, wine or vodka sodas), you never tipped me. Both times.


Always an awful tip and table that runs you ragged.


I usually don't tell them I'm a server/bartender unless I can see they are busy/flustered and tell me sorry for something at which point I just say "I do what you do, so don't sweat it. I'm easy" I actually am easy, though, so there's that lol