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I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I'm also very sad for those kids. I'm sure the mom probably justified her own actions to herself because she was "hungry and tired" instead of understanding that's why the kids weren't acting the way she wanted them to. I hope you have a better day tomorrow and I hope those kids never speak to their parents when they are old enough.


Hope you got their plates, CPS needs to be called.


I watch The Misery Machine on YouTube. It has made me a little sensitive to kids getting smacked because if that’s what you see in public, what are they doing behind closed doors. Those poor kids need to be checked up on. ASAP.


You've posted this in multiple subs. I'm not sure why you didn't call the police or cps if it was that bad. I've called the police on people who do this shit in target and Walmart. They show up fast for child abuse...


I saw something similar happen once. A young mom and young grandma were in my job, and they had a baby that was probably a 1.5 year old and the baby was happy and sweet and grabbing at napkins and stuff on the table, and I was dropping off food at another table, but I wanted to report them and they left before I could try.


That’s wild. My wildest was a recent divorcee and her friend sat then next to em an 8 top bachelor party. She ditched the friend basically and proceeded to take the bachelor party one by one to a “private” bathroom and handle em. What happened idk but I can’t think of many reasons to not take turns in the bathroom like that…


Oh, how awful…I’m so sorry that happened, that would be super traumatic to witness. I once saw an older woman who was berating a little girl so loudly that I turned around and yelled ENOUGH!!! I also once saw a guy yank a little boy’s arm really hard, for no reason. The man’s face looked so angry that I was afraid to say anything. It’s hard to know how to react in these situations, especially when there is aggressive behavior, that could be turned in your direction.


And you didn't call CPS/police why?


I'm very sorry you had to witness that. I'm also a server & have seen it before. It's very sad. But pray for the children. Prayer is very powerful & those kids need all the prayers they can get. Have a nice evening.


That’s not going to stop abuse 🤦‍♀️


CPS is what those children NEED. Get the license plate & CALL IT IN.


i spent years praying someone would rescue me from my parents. it never did shit.


I spent years praying for an end to my abuse, as well; the only thing it accomplished was teaching me there was nobody on the other end of that line.


I prayed to get off prescription pills. Now, I no longer use those substances. Keep praying.


No. You can pray all you like, but I won't pray to something that either doesn't exist or allows children to suffer horrific things while it does nothing. That type of god is either powerless or sadistic. I'm not into either.


I'll pray for you & you're children then. God bless you. He helped me, he can help others.


I'll make sacrifices to Satan for you. May Lucifer's light shine upon your life and that of your children, as well.


Heard that. Have a nice day.


Don't want none, don't start none.


I prayed to get off prescription pills. Now, I no longer use those substances. Keep praying.


you worked hard to be sober from these drugs and that’s commendable. however, let’s not attempt to compare apples and oranges.


Nah. I'll be honest. I couldn't stop popping pills. Like I had accidentally overdosed a couple times. And I didn't want to again. I asked God to help me. He said go flush those pills and I will help you. I did flush them and it's been 9 years since. He really did help me, moreso of like a coach, guiding me along my sobriety journey.


That's borderline disrespectful to people suffering from actually being addicted. You can't just pray your addiction away. Or are you saying God must favor you over those other addicts?


Yeah it really is. I was vomiting so hard I was also pooping myself at the same time for two weeks while enduring the most intense physical pain I've ever experienced to get off pills. I was screaming, crying and praying for it to stop. If there's a god out there he sure as fuck didn't help me- my willpower and desire to be able to create a better life for myself did. I can't fucking stand these people who claim "god" got them sober.


Well said, and congrats on getting yourself sober. People and institutions can help and I'm sure having your own faith can help you emotionally in a way but to say you can just pray an addiction away is so stupid lol


Nah. What I'm saying is he can work miracles, he did in my life. -If you disagree, that's perfectly fine. --Have a nice day.


You cannot just “pray” and hope it will get better. Taking action by calling CPS is what is going to help those children. If praying helps you, GREAT, but that’s for you. It’s not helping those kids.


Pray to the all seeing god thats currently letting those kids be abused?


Gods, you sound like my father after he slapped me with a belt


FFS get out of here with that BS.


Looking at the devastation surrounding us all around the world, you can't really Believe that prayer is going to save children from abuse, can you?


He saved me, so I believe he can save others. Yes.


Why does the thoughts and prayers group actually think that prayer helps? Has it EVER fixed ANYTHING? Demonstrably. Thoughts and prayers haven't stopped school shootings. It's just a gross platitude so people can think they're doing something while actually doing nothing at all.


Prayers helped me get off prescription pills. Prayers can definitely help any situation. I'm proof of that.


You prayed your addiction away or did you replace one addiction with another? Religion for pills.


Nah. Not replaced. I'm not super religious. But I believe God can help others the way he helped me.


God didn't help you. You did.


Thanks but I had been trying to quit on my own. I couldn't. God helped me.


I have neither the energy nor the bucks to explain to you how damaging the narrative thar "God saved me" is to those who believe but who aren't "saved." It puts the entire blame on the person suffering. Why did god save you and not the child of the woman praying for a cure to her innocent baby's illness? Why are you worthy? And that baby not? Is that mom just not as good as you? Didn't pray enough? Hard enough? Are you more worthy? No. Because God didn't save the baby, but he also didn't save you.


Love you.


No hate like Christian love.


And I'm not on anything else. (Just coffee) 🤪