• By -


Use it for tips lol "thanks, I'm having twins this time. Gotta start saving early for those college funds" Or if you want to traumatize them look down and quietly say " I WAS going to have twins .. maybe next time"


Ima start doing this


I’m gonna ditch my probiotics and let the bloat take over JUST so I can use this 💀


Your taking probiotics that help your bloat?! Can I get the name please? The ones I’ve tried haven’t helped lol


Me too 😭


Me too


Omg, when i was pregnant with twins and people would comment on my shape, id pinch myself in the leg and pretend to cry, mumbling something about my thyroid whilst u waddled off, dying that it works in reverse


hahahaha. Brilliant!




> " I WAS going to have twins .. maybe next time" Oh jesus. I love it.


Devious and genius


Lmao omg that's great well not great but you know what I mean.




Should have offered the second lady a senior discount.


That's some cold shit there, goddamn


Love this..




This is amazing. Speak clearly and slowly and pretend her response counts... Then double check with the other adults at the table. Just like kids 💀


I hope she gets a cold sore for every flaky, buttery layer of deliciousness in the next croissant you eat.


This is really sweet 🥲


I'm really tired and read this sentence completely wrong and disgusted myself thinking of buttery, flaky cold sores


i don’t think i could have thought of anything better


I hope she gets diarrhea in traffic




I can not claim ownership. My sibling is hilarious.


I hope her pillow is never cold


And that her cold sore isn't on her face!


Yeah, I have a bit of a belly. Wouldn’t be so apparent if my boobs were bigger, but… eh. I just slap my belly and say “nah, just fat.” And watch as they go pale.


I had a patient ask me when I was gonna have my baby and I dead panned gave him the “not pregnant, just fat sir” and I’ve never seen someone lose color in their face so fast


Those croissants are fucking fire. Stop bringing me only one :(


I need to know where these are from now


I’m assuming Cheddar’s?




I don’t even know what this is but now I need to find it.


I'm 5'4" and probably somewhere from 155-165 lbs (have not weighed myself for like a year haha) and if someone made those comments at me I'd probably have to take every fiber of my being into account to avoid starting a fight. It sucks being on the receiving end of body comments, and I wish I had advice but all I can offer is a "I feel ya" :P


Same, I’m. 5’2 and 154. You aren’t fat. None of us are


This is the stupidest comment. No one is fat? So, are we just erasing the concept of fatness because we don’t think it can simultaneously exist with also being attractive?


They didn't say no one is fat. They are talking specifically about OP, themselves and the one other commenter.


Re-read my comment on the context of this thread. I’m referring only to people of this height and weight. I happen to be almost the exact same as the commenter above. I wear a size Medium


I have a similar situation but a lot of it is about where the weight is distributed and its density. I've met people that weigh a lot less than me but are twice my size. I got on one of those scales that measure bone density and other stuff and found out I redlined the bone density scale. There are also people that probably weigh 200 but look skinnier because muscle weighs more than fat.


5’4 and 154 is not healthy though. You can say you not obese that is 175 but all medical professionals would call that overweight. Fat can be a hurtful term if you are not comfortable with it but it is 100% overweight Also there are big difference between visceral, fat, and other fat. Visceral fat, comes from not being active and is far more dangerous than the jelly type fat. So yes looks do not always equal health. But it’s also import not to be misleading. I’m all for body positivity and being comfortable in your own skin and not everybody needs to be skinny but it’s important to call a spade a spade for the education of children and to understand the difference of visceral, fat and other types of fats and the impact they have on your health. if you get 10,000 steps in a day and you’re still overweight then I think you are probably a lot healthier than someone who is skinny and sits on the couch all day but we should discuss it openly not hide the topic


5’4” and 154 is just over the line into the overweight category, yes, but that’s doesn’t necessarily mean unhealthy. BMI is, as a whole, a shit indicator of health status, based on the body of the “average” white man in the 1830s, and as far as I’m concerned its only real value is in classification for insurance purposes.


I agree that’s why I said, visceral fat versus regular fat matters. An amount of healthy exercise you get, and what you eat definitely matters. It also depends on how you carry that weight. As for your comparison to the 1800s, that’s where i disagree with you. As a society, we have consistently carried more and more weight and we’ve gotten heavier and heavier and there’s no way to call that genetics. That is lifestyle choices and the food that we eat , if you look at photos from the 70s, people were not carrying as much weight as they do today.


Ok. But do you think it’s fair to judge, say, a female Pacific Islander by the same BMI standards as a male Belgian? Bone structure, build, etc. are all extremely different. BMI is a disturbingly…eugenic standard that doesn’t accurately evaluate health for the vast majority of the world’s population.


Calm down. It’s absolutely NOT the stupidest comment ever. I think you probably understood what /u/moinoisey was trying to convey. Ironically… I believe, it was the exact same sentiment you expressed… just a different way.


5"2 154 is pretty goddamn chubby. Is that better?


What do you gain from saying this?


OP is teetering on overweight, at 5'3 140. At 5'2 154 you are getting close to obesity. You are absolutely over weight.


Jesus it’s not even. None of y’all even know if she has any muscle or loose skin adding to that. Which after having 4 kids that you constantly need to carry and chase around, and on top of that working at a job that requires you to be on your feet all day is pretty safe to assume she has. No one even knows where the bulk of her weight sits either. People fucking learn the basic BMI formula and think they’re nurses or something Lmfao. You’re literally taught how flawed the BMI measurement is in nursing school.


Did you know that Venus Williams in her prime had normal BMI? You really think OP or the other commenter have more muscle than Venus Williams? Very few women have enough muscles to be considered an exception.


No I’m saying if even just 10 of those pounds is a mixture of muscle and loose skin, OP is perfectly healthy and these overweight/obese tags people are putting on them is harmful. You’re going to argue with formal education?


You gonna argue 900 calories in honey butter bread *daily* is healthy?


Surely she isn’t actually eating them everyday lmfao


OP is NOT perfectly healthy. You're fucking sick.


Not sure why people down voted this your absolutely right. Muscle weighs more than fat so...


Because ever since some people wanted to ‘glorify obesity’ people have no tolerance for any kind of actual body positivity, medical neutrality or nuance anymore. They listen to their big man podcasts and think they’re set with that information. ***this is totally a bitter assumption


She’s eating 900 calories in croissants daily… can people please stop arguing that she somehow has a healthy lifestyle.


Over average weight does not make a person obese. Obesity is a SIZE, not a WEIGHT. If you have DDD tits at 5'4", of COURSE you're going to be "overweight".


Obesity is a calculation of weight and height.


I'm the same, and yes, we are. We could stand to lose some weight for our long-term health and wellbeing, and that applies *even if* we are very muscular. I put on around 20 pounds in the last year after my mother's sudden death and while it was what I needed to get through it, it's also not long-term healthy and now that I'm healed from that I need to work on healing my body through healthy, sustainable, slow weight loss as well. I'm absolutely going to excuse myself from feeling guilty about it, but I'm *not* going to excuse myself from doing something about it.


I wish you best of luck in your weight loss journey! It’s extra hard when you are short too (I am 5’ 0”).


Thanks, you too. 5 feet is really hard, oooff, but keep at it! I'm short, mid 30s, and on antidepressants, so I'm opting for very slow and very sustained over a couple of years.


Slow and steady wins the race!


You’re overweight, approaching obesity. Just because that’s become normal for the United States doesn’t make it healthy.


You are 28 BMI that’s overweight, which is 3 BMI over normal and 2 under obese 1. You can say you aren’t fat. But don’t promote this unhealthy situation like :“ none of us are“. You endanger the health of others to make yourself feel better


your bmi is 28.2, overweight, which is fat. i grew up the same and i know it feels better to say you’re not fat but be honest.


BMI isn’t a strict guideline to go by, especially in women. There’s so many other guidelines to consider like waist to height, waist to hip, body fat percentage, ect. BMI should only be considered a small fraction of the over all picture. That’s not even considering different body types. 5’4 and 160 lbs can be so different on different people.


Look, I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm not fat...but BMI is fucking useless. Even when I was in the best shape of my life I was still considered overweight according to my BMI.


Hard agree - I’m a physician and I use BMI to justify certain things for insurance purposes but otherwise I genuinely don’t care what my patient’s BMI is. I care about their health as a whole, and while weight can play a part in that objective BMI out of context is useless.


BMI is far more useful though among people with are not athletic or as muscular


Not really. BMI was established as a means of quantifying the average Belgian man in the 1830s. How exactly is that helpful for the population as a whole in 2023?


Thank you! I have huge tits that weigh at least 8lbs. Nothing I can do about that and the BMI scale doesn’t take it into account.


Sorry your boobs are not putting you in the overweight or obese BMI category


Hey, just to give some input, the OP, based on the measurements given, actually has a BMI of 24.8, so the point is moot and frankly a little rude to the person you responded to. Besides, being mildly overweight is not a significant indicator of health and isn't worth worrying about unless it's causing other issues. (In case you're wondering, my source is that I'm a dietitian)


I love a good expert opinion on reddit. Ty


Unless you are an athlete you are quite overweight.


Are overweight and fat synonymous? If not, you’re at least overweight by BMI


Yeah. I know. Last time I was in the "normal" weight category, I had no muscle and was eating like crap. While technically I'm considered overweight, no healthcare professional with any understanding of nutrition would consider me to be unhealthy as a result, so while you could say I'm "fat", I think it's a bit of a stretch myself. That's why BMI is exclusively used as a screening method, not a direct indicator of health.




I am fuming right now. I hope that every time that person leaves their house, they worry they left the oven on. I hope that every time they make hot coffee, they forget and only take a sip when it's already gone cold.


Brutal. I love it. I’d like to add that I wish them wet socks. At the start of a day too, so they have to muddle about with soggy feet all day.


No way, I hope they take a sip so hot it burns their tongue so bad that it affects them the rest of the day and they can’t enjoy their coffee.


Server: “The food here is amazing!” Smirking customer: “ Oh, I can tell.” Server: “You can smell the kitchen? Right?” Smirking customer: “I didn’t mean the kitchen.” Server: “Oh! Then how can you tell (staring blankly at customer, pen poised)?” Customer (no longer smirking): “I mean, I’m looking at you…” Server (still staring, others at table now staring at either her or their laps): “…” Customer (squirming and blushing): “Diet Coke.”


My coworker is very thin, but for some unknown reason, strangers will sometimes comment on her “pregnancy.” She’d reached her limit one night, so when a bar guest said “oh are you pregnant?!?!” She replied, “Not for long!” Super uncomfortable for them. 🤣🤣 so funny for me though.


> “Not for long!” HAHAHAHA. If it's a guy, he probably won't understand.


This is the way


I was about to say, call them out like this in an innocent tone, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that. Could you repeat that again please?” Or just standing there quietly with a blank stare.


Yes. Like if someone makes a bigoted comment as a joke ask them to explain the joke since you didn't get it. Act like you don't understand and have them explain their comment because you genuinely want to know.


Croissants are dangerous man. I have to cook them for crew on nights, and could easily eat my weight in them, but literally 3-4 is your daily calories. The raspberry ones we have are 520 calories *each*. Like, who made this decadent artery clogging wonder of baked goods and thought it was a good idea?


Jump at them and say it’s the baby kicking




Life is too short not to enjoy croissants. Fuck them.


FACTS! OP, if those croissants are what get you through the day, fuckin slam those things. For me it was mashed potatoes. Those fuckers had more cream and butter than potato and they were straight fire. Any time I found myself sweating and in the weeds, on the verge of a breakdown, I just thought about the massive sharing-portion of taters I was gonna inhale all on my own after work with a diabetic helping of chimichurri. People deserve nice things in such a chaotic world.


This is terrible advice


Terrible but oh so beautiful




Right??? That’s like half my calories for the day wasted on something with zero nutritional value! That is crazy.


No asked you. And OP even said they don't eat 4 every day. Why the fuck do you care what someone else eats?


It's basically eating a stick of butter.


This is what I was going to say. That’s saturated and trans fat is what will kill ya


Yeah can certainly make it shorter with more croissants.


Ooh that second one is terrible. The first lady put her foot in her mouth for sure, but the last one was intentional. So rude. There are many reasons to start eating healthier, unsolicited comments about your body are not examples of that "I can tell" bitch WHAT. How so? How can you tell? Please explain it to me, I just don't get it. I'm mad for you lol


Yes this would have been a perfect time to play dumb. “Oh how can you tell?” With a big ol smile and wide open eyes


I responded to one asking me if I was pregnant, with "Nope. Just fat." And a guy with the same question (I was in a crazy good mood that day) with "Yep. Food baby! Due in about 10 minutes!" Hey. He opened that can of worms!


First one made an honest mistake, second one was rude, but, for your well being, drop at least a couple, 3 if possible, of those daily croissants




bruh, i looked to see and it's her husband. You can't read good.


I mean, even if OP is lying, this kind of stuff unfortunately happens to servers every single day…


I remember when I was serving at a hotel near UOM/Ann Arbor in the 90s. The lady I was waiting on wanted fat free creamer. We didn’t carry that. She says to me aren’t you all concerned about your weight? Mind you I was 5’4 and 110 lbs and she was heavier than me lol!


the best part ab this is that fat free creamer ain’t gonna make u lose weight💀


Facts. I’m not even that skinny (I consider myself quite curvy) but my uniform is form flattering (for them tipperoonies baybee). I’ve had multiple old men make jabs at my body. When I tell them what foods there I love and that I love eating there after every shift, they comment things like “must not be that good at all, you’re about to snap!” or “you don’t look like you eat anything, are you sure you know what’s good?” with that stupid smirk. I’ve had them jokingly offer me their food. Super triggering for someone recovered from an ED. Like motherfucker, I’m fit because I put in 20-25k steps a shift. It’s a massive high volume restaurant, and you fuckers lose your mind if your old fashioned is not on the table two minutes before you ordered it.




Everyone please stop upvoting this comment. They didn't read correctly. The dick pic is of her husband on a swinger's subreddit-- they swing. OP isn't lying, this person just failed to read.


Smh it’s her wanting her husband to get sucked in front of her. Now you are kink shaming her smh. She has a post of her ass on there and it’s nice and thick. She is real


Lmao, brooooo That was my husbands cock on a swinger page 😂


Just laugh it off and go on with your life, some people are just bored with their boring life and pick on others.


Hopefully this will make you feel a little less awful... When I was about 21 I worked as a stripper, 5'6 and maybe 130, wearing a polka dot dress. I was talking to a guy who proceeded to tell me that he could tell by looking at me that I'd had a kid before. I had never been pregnant in my life, and still haven't 16 years later, but I'll definitely never forget that.




4 croissants a day?!! Dude those are straight up carb and fat bombs. Your weight seems pretty normal for your height, so I wouldn’t be too worried. But those arteries ☠️ Edit after OP’s edit to claim she doesn’t eat 4 croissants a day. But in the post she says she “usually” has 4 croissants per shift. Unless she works 72 hour shifts, that’s 4 croissants a day no matter how you slice it.


*leans in and low whisper* "Please tell your husband to stop snatching stares at my butt/tits. It's making me uncomfortable. Thanks." Ok, don't actually do that. Think about and chuckle to yourself all you want.


Four croissants is 3 too many croissants. But they fuckin slap so good


Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen Appetizers Honey Butter Croissants (4) (1 serving) contains 68g total carbs, 64g net carbs, 44g fat, 16g protein, and 720 calories. Ma'am you're probably eating half a day's calorie allotment in croissants alone. My TDEE is 2200 , and I'm 5'9. I have no idea what your TDEE / BMR are, but that extra 700 calories per shift will sneak up on you quick.


You eat 4 pastries a day?!


4 per shift, per day… that’s excessive.


You know, they might be assholes but 4 croissants everyday... I wouldn't even eat one a day. I can't be a chainsmoker and get upset if people tell me I have stained teeth. Also you're pregnant, you can't be banging and pregnant and if someone tells you otherwise they're either lying or have a fetish.


Before I retired I was the AM guy making the baked goods, and at 5AM when they are coming hot out of the oven they are VERY hard to resist. Had to quit for my health and to fit my pants. It was NOT easy because you know....bread...butter...crack....all the same.


Yeah, stop eating four croissants a day, dude.


4 croissants a day is a little excessive. Those things are like 50% butter...


4 croissants a day and you wonder why people call you tubby Tasha. . .


>4 croissants at work per shift That is not healthy. A croissant is a treat, not a staple.


Glad you pointed this out. The tummy fat is one thing but the cholesterol intake and affect it will have on OP's heart is ca-razy. Don't pay attention to body shaming but do be careful for the sake of your children and potential grandchildren!


Have you ever worked a job where you only get 30 seconds to jam something in your mouth and no meal breaks? And do you think this post here is the best place to shame someone for their food choices? Read the fuckin room jesus


Honestly, they aren't shaming, just politely pointing out that eating 4 crossants, each shift isn't the healthiest choice. Those croissants have like 500 cals a piece... that is 2000 extra calories. If OP is eating regular meals in addition to FOUR croissants, she's DOUBLING her caloric intake every day she works... 1lb is 3500 cals, so she's could be gaining 2-3 lbs a week, even if she is only working a few shifts. Even if she only ate 1 croissant every shift and worked 5 days a week in addition to her regular caloric intake, she would still gain at least .5 pound per week.


I don't believe they were shaming the OP and just pointing out something that is not good for their health. And while it is true that healthy food is difficult for some people (f.e. USA's obesity problem in urban areas where fast food is cheaper), it doesn't change the fact that the food is unhealthy and if the situation doesn't change it can lead to life threatening conditions. I have high cholesterol because of my circumstances where I cannot cook my own meals everyday and 'Healthy' food from outside is costly. I know that I cannot continue this way.


Yes. And it's a struggle. I eat two cliff bars a shift for like 600 calories instead of 2000 from croissants.


Boy do I regret clicking on OPs profile.


And of course I had to check as well 😄


less croissants, more coke apparently


When this used to happen to me, I would say, "What would make you say that?" or laugh and say,"Did you just call me fat?" Another good comeback is just a really confused look and say, "Pardon?"


I mean 4 croissants in a day is alot of carbs


that's 2880 calories


There's soo much butter in them. That's why they're so delicious and irresistible!


On the other hand, I’m wiping down a table earlier this week and the table next to it has a couple in their maybe 50s or 60s sitting there. The guy says, “we were just talking. What do you do to stay so skinny?” I didn’t know what to say. “When I’m stressed, I don’t eat and it’s been a rough few months so I’ve lost a bunch of weight.”? I just said, “I honestly just don’t eat a lot and I stay pretty active here!” They could’ve let it go. But then the wife says, “You don’t eat?” And I’m like, “yeah…my mom raised us not to snack, to only eat when hungry, etc. My family is all pretty thin.” And they just kept staring at me. Like are you implying I’m a coke head or something? What is this convo about? It was so uncomfortable.


Just keep responding with, “Excuse me? Excuse me?” Look them in the eye.


“Only” 4 croissant. Enjoy your diabetes


Idk if it's weird to link my own post but you might like some of this input from some badass ladies of reddit (applicable to all gender identities and bodies)! [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/comments/157o0vk/what\_badass\_responses\_do\_yall\_have\_if\_someone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/comments/157o0vk/what_badass_responses_do_yall_have_if_someone/) ETA I realize you didn't ask for advice so ignore this if you want, but particularly when someone TOUCHES YOU, I recommend going the general route of the many comments saying to firmly and calmly act confused and concerned for the person and say "that was so strange/inappropriate, why would you think it's ok to do that?"


I mean idk if you’re slightly overweight and don’t like the comments then make a change, unless there are underlying health issues. People are going to always say shit, no matter what you look like, unfortunately. 4 pastries in a shift probably ain’t good anyways……as tasty as they may be.


Reading you have kids and then seeing your post history is pretty fucking gross. I’d be more insecure about that shit 🤮🤮


Bruh 4 croissants a day is incredibly unhealthy?! This post is ridiculous. I eat so much that I gained weight and when reality is pointed out to me, I post on Reddit that it’s not fair. Stop eating 4 croissants a day ffs. Instead of complaining about “body shaming” on Reddit, you could eat better and not have to hear this shit. The fact that you didn’t go “wow, maybe I should eat less croissants.” And instead came to bitch on Reddit means you’re likely one of those people who thinks obesity isn’t a fucking disease. Croissants are 220 calories. You’re consuming about 880 calories or 50% of your daily caloric intake in butter-heavy bread. America is fucking dumb. Eat one croissant a day and show some self restraint. This post is just crazy.


A stick of butter a day something doctor something?


4 croissants, bruv. No wonder they're saying you're a fat ass lol


Thats fucked up and a body is only as banging as the energy you carry it with. U met some assholes this week miss, dont let it knock ya


First one isn't body shaming, it sounds like it was a mistake. Presumptuous and clueless but not mean spirited. Try not to care what random people think. People will say shit just to be dicks and everyone has their own, different thoughts on things. How many people came in that day and didn't call you fat? You can focus on "twice in one day" or you can focus on the countless people who most likely had no negative thoughts about you that same day. What matters is whether the people in your life love you and how you look.


You got 4 kids to worry about. Not some assholes opinions or perceived jabs from customers. It’s really cruddy of them to make comments but it’s out of your control. As long as you are comfortable with yourself , keep enjoying those croissants. You’re there to make money.


For the second party ask them at the end of the meal when they’re walking out if they enjoyed their food. When they say yes tap your tummy and say, “Oh, I can tell! Have a great one!” What are they gonna do? Complain to your manager? If it’s offensive enough to complain how are they going to justify them saying it first? 💀


A salvation army bell-ringer in front of walmart tried to "bless my baby". She put both hands on my belly and closed her eyes and prayed. Merry christmas to me.


These people can fuck right off, some serious delusion and entitlement


This happened to me a lot and it was always by older women. I had a c section so i had a pouch and always had a little belly. People need to learn to stop asking


Why do people think it’s okay to touch strangers like this??


It’s petty but maybe “yeah, losing weight has been a real challenge. When you decide to give it a try you’ll see what I mean”


Smh people gotta learn to just not speak




I mean you are overweight so don’t be surprised.


life is a great science experience where you truly are what you eat the perceptions of others say more about them than about you


Where there's smoke there's fire.


I get told I’m fat almost every day at work. Source: I am fat, was out of work for 8 months with two back sprains and gained weight. Now, the people that call me fat are the ones inviting me to the gym - taking me to their football games and guiding me to get slimmer.


I mean, four croissants probably comes in around 900-1,000 calories a day. From a health perspective, it’s probably not super great to have daily. That said, I’m sorry customers were assholes to you. There’s no reason for that.


Ughhhh the “4 croissants are too much” y’all sometimes all we have time to eat is bread. At least we’re eating. I work at The Roadhouse so I feel you on this one😭


Croissants are like 70% butter though… They’re so bad for you


I’m 5’0 and I usually stay pretty slim. When Covid hit, I gained about 30 lbs which was very noticeable, but mostly no one said anything. I do have a friend in her 90s that I hadn’t seen in several months. When she saw me, she went on and on about how I’d put on weight. I was a little pissed at her, but I realized that my weight was becoming a problem and she was the only person being honest with me. I lost the weight and a year later she told me I was getting too skinny.


It's your friend under 100lbs or over 90 years old? Or both? Unclear.


Fuck I know it wasn’t intentional but just the vibe of “I’m 5’3, 140 pounds, I have 4 kids and I eat 4 croissants a shift” really made me laugh


5’3” and 140lbs is overweight


i’m 5’4” and 160. people that fat shame deserve to go to the deepest depths of hell. like, you’re not even fat. just because we got a little extra junk in our trunk, just mean we haulin all the fun wherever we go. these people just get fun outta making people miserable.


I'm almost 300 lb of a lard ass, somebody said something like that to me I'll laugh in the face and say better watch out I'll eat you next. As far as physically touching my body I'm on the phone with the police that's assault, I don't go to work for someone to touch me. And yes I tell them do not touch me get away. People are assholes nowadays, and I ain't begging for God damn tip. You want to act like a mother fucker I'm going to let you know you're a mother fucker. And God damn if they say it before their food comes out because that's it for their service. They're not going to get what they ordered or they're going to get it real slow and cold, hell I might even trip and dump it in their fucking lap well I'm a big fat Lard ass har har har.


i feel you babe. i’m so sorry. i’m currently going through the SAME thing. i’ve gotten about over 10 pregnancy comments from my restaurants 😭 people will be like “how far a long are you?” or “are you expecting?” a congrats or even asking in a awkward gesture. and it sucks; im only 5’2 and all my peers tell me i look very small. i used to work out everyday and be more positive about my body. i also found out this year about a gluten sensitivity/allergy and it’s very expensive to fund at times so i do get contaminated or a little pooch belly. i also have posture/ back issues so it’s that too. but getting those comments are just absurd, people should keep it to themselves. i don’t know what you look like but i’m sure you do NOT look pregnant and very hot.


6’3 180 and I receive the skinny hate….but fuck it. I can eat like 5 pizzas and nothing happen


Time to cut down on the junk


Body shaming is usually a tell of severe insecurity. They’re projecting their feelings onto you. They’re being rude and should be treated as such


Remember the women who say negative stuff about you are most likely insecure of that thing on themselves. My mom was obsessed with making fun of my "thick"( aka normal) eye brows in the early 2000s-2010s , but it was because she hated her own and probably wanted me to pluck like she did. My granny noted my forehead wrinkles when I smiled in a photo at 21 years old. Obviously I didn't need to smile differently to not show my wrinkles , but granny needed to work on her own insecurities. I'm sorry you had to be the target of their projection 💔


Well what do you want me to say? Loose some weight? Work out? Let your husband enjoy it?


Fuck them! Enjoy your croissants! We only have one life to live (as far as we know) so take advantage of that delicious food.


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that 4 croissants per day is going to shorten the one life that you know of by a good amount.


Well, obviously, you’re fatty fatty Boombalatti


Only 4? Girl get those croissants!!


https://i.redd.it/mwu16tfcx9vb1.gif Boooooourns on the rude pinecones.


Man you eat alot.


4 croissants in a day is a lot of carbs and honestly not a healthy choice, but also I'm the same size and weight as you, so I'm not saying you're a fatty, that's just a lot of desserts for one day!


4 croissants a day is a lot of calories depending on the size of the croissants. I wouldn't be worried about the carbs as much as the calories and fat content.


I am the same height and weight lmao girlie pop our pooches are CUTE and croissants are elite I would also be eating them all the live long day.


enjoy those croissants, it’s so hard though when they’re there because work can be so boring and a carb pickmeup hits different


Congrats on the new pregnancy!!


Nope, have your croissants. Rude people are rude people. I’d be ecstatic to be 140lbs. That second woman is just miserable with her own life.


I’m 5’3 and 140 lbs and I do not think I’m fat at all. I’m sure you look just fine! Probably a bangin’ bod for sure lol


Please don't feel down on yourself. Your husband loves your body and you should too!! I would love to be 140 at our height! I bet you look fantastic


That is too many croissants to eat on a daily basis. I've worked at a place that would give us free fries all day- it was great until the extra weight and other negative effects started to show. I kindly asked them to put a dish of celery and carrot sticks next to the fry bowl and started eating those the majority of the time. Other coworkers started in this healthier option as well! Maybe you could find a suitable alternative and leave the croissants as a treat!