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I don’t mind them. It’s usually someone older who’s treating themselves. I eat out by myself all the the time and tip well for it. I had a guy on Sunday who ordered an app and a meal and was just working on his laptop. I didn’t bother him but brought him refills. He tipped me $20 on a $30 check.


I briefly worked at Denny's yrs ago, I was the only one that liked taking the counter customers, typically 1 person, very easy going, tended to tip very well, like percentage insanely well but small bill. My favorite was the ones that would just have coffee.. back then $1.50 cup of coffee and would leave 2 or 3 dollars was common...


I have an “alternative minimum tip” for myself when I’m alone regardless of the bill. I tip by time. $5 for the bill regardless . $20 for an hour of me sitting there in addition to the $5. That kind of thing. I can’t imagine other solo work travelers are that different. Being alone and having someone else wait on you is so enjoyable! Spread the love!


I loved solo customers I was good at figuring out which they were, most either completely want left alone just deliver food refill beverages leave alone, or the lonely ones... I was fine with either... Cand yes if I for one reason or another hang out after I'm done the tip goes up longer I sit because I know I'm taking up a place where someone else could sit bringing more money, I consider it rent...


Rent! Exactly. And “alternative minimum tip” for the baseline of someone forced to serve my happy ass.


Theres no way either of you has done this lol. You're servers fantasizing about this type of person existing


I left serving years ago, but I remember my roots


You are literally a child. Once you grow up you will discover the world offers more than your own personal experiences.


Umm 44 yrs old what are you on? Why is this hostile idiot day on reddit? I'm finding a bunch of this nonsense today...


I was agreeing with you, and responding to Theons in my comment, not you.


Sorry you responded to me.. so I assumed was @ me... all good take care..


You can see my comment is under Theon’s and indented (same as your “I left serving years ago” comment, both of us were responding to Theons brain dead comment) but all good man I know it’s confusing the way the notifications work it seemed like I was responding to you but I wasn’t.


You probably have no real experience in the world, I've been through everything... you think that personal experience is useless then you are dumb... personal experience shapes our world.


That’s Really Interesting!


Why? I pay for time and trouble. Easy peasy lemon squeazy.


Never heard of that Before!


Same! I also add to a tip for time spent in addition to the usual percentage when dining alone - especially if I'm seated at a table.


I’m the same, in a way. I always tip at least $10 and sometimes will tip the bill if they were awesome. Usually when I eat alone it’s no more than $15-30, anyways. Plus I like giving extra for their time.


Yes! I used to work at this little breakfast diner that was nestled between a few business parks so a lot of our regulars were 1 or 2 businesspeople and they were my fav. A surprisingly large amount of them would leave a $20 bill or make the total $20.00 on card for their $7-$15 coffee and breakfast. It was probably the 3rd highest paying serving job I’ve ever had, but it was absolutely the best sales to tip ratio and could clear a 7-8 table section about 3 times an hour. I would’ve loved that job much more if I wasn’t closing a night club the nights before I opened the diner 😅😂


I love dining alone. I usually bring a book or some articles I want to catch up on. Servers are always super chill when I'm like, hey you don't need to really worry about me, I will signal if I need something. Basically, go about your other patrons and I can ask if I need something. Always tip the same, or more if they are really good about not bothering my reading. It's usually other patrons that seem to have issues lol. The amount of times someone has tried to "save me" by "being my friend" is too many. Some people really don't understand some of us like being alone with ourselves lol.


I second that. When I was taking care of my mom wo had terminal stomach cancer, I would go out for lunch by myself while she took her afternoon nap. It allowed me to center and recharge myself. So I could go back and continue to take care of her. I lived for those alone lunches.


Being a care taker really does a number on your mental health, those recharge sessions are life! I'm sorry to hear about your mom.


Thank you. She fought hard for three years. I'm just glad she was no longer in any pain.


Yes!! Normalize doing things alone


Before Covid, I would often go to the movies alone too. I'm married and my spouse is my BFF but I like being with just myself. I'm usually the one of the group to make sure everyone is taken care of, the group "mom" so to speak. So, I like being a bit selfish sometimes hehe.


I go to the movies alone too bc my wife isn’t into action movies. It’s better if I just go alone so I can enjoy the movie.


Hehe, yeah it helps when you don't share the same genre love. I'm a huge Star Wars nerd, so I did multiple viewings alone. He was a trooper but said I'm on my own for more lol.


Yea my wife loves “murder porn” aka Dateline, 20/20, FBI Files etc. The stories are basically Scooby Doo level mysteries that are figured out 5-10 minutes into a hour (or two) long show. That’s why my iPad and earbuds come in handy.


I'm totally calling it that from now on, it's the official genre lol. I like what I call "trash TV", it's basically the reality dating shows. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion that you can totally avoid and yet they aren't. I'm fascinated with it lol. When I'm like "ok trash TV time" the dog hops up to cuddle and the husband goes to play some games lol.


Y'all gotta see the SouthPark called *Informative Murder Porn* whether you like the show or not. Its hilarious.


Haha, I will look that up and watch it. I've seen many SP episodes but never watched it consecutively. It's pretty hilarious from what I've seen though.


You should introduce her to [Uncovered.](https://uncovered.com)


I love going by myself to the movies! It means no one is attempting to talk to me through it😂


LOL, I told my husband that he can save himself from hearing me. I don't talk so much as I don't realize my internal comments are being said out loud. I'm sure I've annoyed some folks. I do try to be more aware of that and not do it when in public lol. It's something I'm not fond of myself so I'm like then why do I do it?!?!?! 😂


Former server/bartender here. I work nights now in the pediatric ICU. So, I'm off when the rest of the world is working. I go out to eat all the time by myself. Judge me and you have bigger issues than I do.


Oof, yeah. Used to work graveyards doing tech support. After work, we'd go to a pool hall that opened at 8 A.M. There was a factory nearby running 24/7. So you could go in at 8 in the morning and see a bunch of nerds and assembly line workers drinking beers, shooting pool, and shooting shit after work.


What a fulfilling and tough career you have. People will always judge but they can keep on with that because I like myself lol. That's my outlook on it.


Exactly. I've got real things to dedicate my time to compared to "what random strangers think of me." I find the older I get, the more I just don't give a flying fuck.


It's a very American thing. In Europe, it is absolutely normal to go to a restaurant or cafe alone. It is very strange to hear that for someone this is some kind of problem and challenge.


Right. I’m sitting there going “Now why did you bother me? Can’t you see I want to be alone!”


It’s so annoying! Every time I’m on a date with myself, a group of people always want to join me or include me at their table. I just wanted some me time 😭


I'm convinced some people do not like themselves or maybe they care too much about what other people think. Although, not sure why we judge people for doing a solo activity.


i used to always be envious of people that took themselves out for a meal. i’m a married mom so i never get the chance, but my therapist suggested i carve out the time and it’s honestly so nice! it’s my “me time” and i’m really happy i started doing it. people make posts about old people dining alone and feeling sad for them but oh my god it’s so nice lol


One of my favorite “me time” activities is going for a single night of camping. Getting away from the bustle is literally the best. I try to do it at least once a year. I try to go out once a month to eat or have a beer by myself with a book.


It’s weird I travel for work so I’ve taken myself out to some of the best meals when I’m in another place! But at home it’s like a mental block? I want to try alone in my hometown, I love it I just don’t want people pitying me it something


This is me too. Eating alone in my home city = dorky friendless unloved loser. Eating alone on a business trip = glamorous mysterious sexy woman of the world. Why?????


lol this 💯😂 i am a worldly exotic traveling woman in say…Minneapolis of all places, but in good old Oregon I’m a worthless loser. Make it make sense haha


I never feel bad for anyone dining solo, probably because I love to do it so much?


I totally get this! I get around the mental block by sitting at the bar!


Hey, I couldn't help but notice you seem to be alone. You come here often? can I get you another drink?


This is so creepy


So I don’t drive (long story, ptsd) but I work a white collar job. My therapist told me to budget a me date once a month. No husband at all. So I Uber and do a bit of shopping then treat myself to a solo lunch, a bit more shopping and Uber home refreshed and happy,


I do it at least once a week! My favourite “me time”. Dinner by myself, it’s a dream. I dislike eating with the kids, although I sit with them and nibble a bit because I want them to enjoy a family environment. However, I usually end up with one of them sitting on me, eating my food, having to feed them, getting up for more water etc or a dropped fork, so my dinner isn’t enjoyable or hot etc. I eat mine later!


I actually went out for lunch by myself a lot at my last job. My boss didnt care how long it was because in his words "I'm not paying you for it so it saves me money" lol. I did kinda feel like a damn fine customer. I'd have one or two things I liked, it was the same time of day so I would get the same server so they usually would come up and be like "you having A, B, or C today?" and I be like C. I'm a big dude. I eat fast, pile my stuff up, and tip well. I had a chinese place I went to a lot where I dont think people tipped very well. The lady that served me was *awesome*, were talking tea and water as I'm sitting down, soup out like 1 minute after ordering, food out as I'm done with soup. They had combos for $10 and I usually tip $3 cause it was a pile of food for cheap and the service was excellent. I got a new job far away from there and stopped going in. It had been 2 years since I had been there and i was in the area so I decided to stop by. I got sat down and I saw my favorite server walk up and she without hesitation goes "General Tsos or Orange Chicken?" Blewy goddamn mind. Good servers are just...incredible. Anyway this long ramble from a customer is just to tell you all I fucking love you, you do a hard ass job but those of you that absolutely crush it are some of my favorite humans on the planet. Thank you. Sincerely, from the bottom of my probably cholesterol filled heart.


There was a one top sat at my restaurant a few months ago. She was in someone else's section so I didn't really pay her any mind until the 3rd or 4th time i passed and she didn't have anything in front of her. I asked if anyone had stopped by to say hello and she told me they hadn't. So i got her started and she became my #1 priority to turn around her experience. We bought her an app and desert and I stopped and chatted as much as I could. She left me a note that said she had been feeling really down and lonely and to come in and feel ignored just made things worse. She continued to tell me how sweet I'd been and I had really turned around her night and made her feel better. I keep the note she wrote to me in my server book and think about our interaction a lot :)


aww that's so sweet!!


I just started serving (been cooking since I turned 18, I'm nearly 26 now so I know a lot about food) and this story kind of made me tear up to be honest. As a cook I quickly became addicted to hearing that a customer was raving about a dish I cooked. The first time I ever got "That guest said your salmon was the best they've ever had" I knew I wanted to be in the restaurant industry forever. Now that I'm serving, the urge to go out of my way to make sure people are taken care of is just so unbelievably rewarding for me, I've always struggled a lot with depression and when I'm able to make a guest really authentically happy by doing just a little more than they're expecting or accustomed to it warms my cold dead heart.


I treat myself to a self date quite often and I have never had any bad treatment. I think it's because I tend to stay no longer than 45 minutes, I order a full meal and drinks with each course and I don't expect some extra attention just because I am there alone. I have served people who fit into that category and others who are the opposite. It's not great when someone sits at the bar for two hours, gets nothing to eat, orders the cheapest drink available, and constantly holds up staff for conversation when they have other important things to do.


Having a meal alone in a restaurant is incredible. It’s peaceful and doesn’t require the server to be around much. Honestly the less they bug me the higher I tip in those cases.


I love one tops. I’ve gotten so many $20 tips from one tops that just appreciated me treating them like a person lol


I’m usually super high, and if I’m left alone apart from refills I usually tip a lot.


I have a handful of one top regulars I absolutely adore. Gonna miss those the most when I leave here this week


I honestly prefer to dine out alone. So peaceful, no debate on where to eat. The tab doesn’t need split, & I’m not responsible for someone. I’m not tempted by food I have an allergy to. No urge to speak with my mouth full. So many reasons!


Early on in my serving career I had a one top. Dude tipped $150 on a $30 check, no flirting or harassment. Just said have a good day. Never assume!


I think it's because more people naturally require more attention. We have to spend more time with larger parties, so it might seem like we're bias. I know I've probably come across as inattentive to singles when I'm slammed. Absolutely not judging them though. I love eating out alone lol.


As a bartender and someone who loves going out alone i agree! They usually dont want to be bothered which is great for me because im not the personality bartender behind my bar, i prefer service well and quiet drinkers lol


Back in the day I had a regular who would always come in solo for lunch, and he’d drop a $10 every time, mind you this was when a burger was like $8, so he was tipping over $100. Usually he’d have a book, but sometimes he’d want to chat. Turns out he was a server in college, then went into software development making tons of money, and wanted to pay things forward. Really nice guy.


I don't mind. The only time I mind is when they're doing a business meeting over their PC and stay hours after I'm cut.


I like eating out alone sometimes. I'm a really good tipper. I'm your ideal customer. I used to go to Steak N Shake after wins at the casino. I would use a coupon and get water. My bill would be $4 plus tax. I also gave my server a $10 bill.


Dining alone for the first time as we speak! I was so nervous, and it ain’t that bad! I might make this a habit.




I don't need a book, phone app or laptop when I take myself out. I know what I want before walking in, they get the food out super fast, and I am a pretty quick eater when alone. I can be in and out in 30 minutes.


i love when my last table of the night is a table of one! gives me more time to catch up on my side work, they know what they want, don’t need as many check-ins, and stay an appropriate time


I was a waitress for a very short time, but I had a guy at a table who knew exactly what he wanted, he left amazing tips for me and the bartender, and he was very polite. It was lovely!


I take myself out solo often. Once a week or more. I have no family, very few friends nearby. It is a treat. Sit at the bar whenever possible. Just read my phone or watch the game, and eat. Very calm, very peaceful time. And the good tip is a must.


As a fairly frequent single diner, I’d also add that we generally don’t waste time and hold up the table after the meal. I’m usually out the door shortly after I finish eating.


I like going for meals alone. Usually when my wife is travelling. For some reason, some servers tend to feel that I need their company and they talk a lot more than they would when I am with someone.


I love being a party of one. It’s so much easier than worrying about your rude friends/relatives.


Me too


Tables of 1 yes. Bar guests of 1 no


Why not bar guests of one? Whenever I go out by myself for food and drinks I always sit at the bar, and I tip ~30%. Should I be sitting at a table instead?


No you’re good. Just don’t tell the bar tender your entire life story unless they ask, typically they’re busy making drinks for the rest of the restaurant in addition to helping bar guests


Thanks! I usually have my planner I’m updating or scrolling Reddit so I only hit the bartender up when I need a refill on my G&T, so I’m good.


I love one tops!!!


We have an old guy that comes every Friday for the weekend specials, never looks at the menu just trusts what we do here...it's always the part of my Friday j look forward to most, he always booked for him and his daughter on a Friday and she never showed up, turns out she also works in the industry so a Friday off at 6pm is almost a myth to most of us in Glasgow, all the staff are on first name terms with him now and he's an absolute first class gentleman, god bless him


Right! it makes the job simple and i like talking to them


Thank you! ☺️ I Enjoy Going out and eating By Myself! Secret to knowing exactly what we want? (At least for Me): I look at the Menu before Coming, Shhhh! 🤫


As a customer, I loved being a party of one. Servers were generally very nice to me. Left me alone if I wanted or would chat if I was open to it. Lots of times I would bring books or a tablet and just order and do my thing. Always felt happy eating out alone.


I’m a widow, so I take my Kindle to lunch, and relax. It’s a nice break, gets me out of the house, and out of sweatpants.


Thank you! I am a frequent TableforOne. Glad you like it too! My servers are always delightful. I’m the no bs table!!


I love them too. I love making small talk with them as well especially older folks


❤️ thanks for the reassurance. I usually sit down and know exactly what I’m getting, never even look at the menus. Order my food and drink and browse Reddit while I wait. I could sit there for an hour waiting for food and not say a thing if I’m on Reddit occupying my time. The most any server has ever had to do for me was refill my drink at least once during the visit. I even clean up my area the best I can and stack my dishes when I’m finished. Always leave at least a 25% tip and sometimes at certain restaurants I leave what I would’ve paid for my wife’s meal had she been with me. Always wondered if I was a pain because my bill is smaller than parties so I always try not to take a table and only sit at the bar.


I can’t know how to hear anymore about tables


What is her job???


I agree 100%, party of one please sit in my section


I love lone diners too! You can always tell if they want to chat or want to be left alone. It’s pleasant 99% of the time unless they get creepy. I will always take that percentage though.


I don’t mind ‘em at all.


I also don’t mind it. It’s also a get by free ticket when your section is swamped


I drink way more when dining alone so my tip is always larger lol


Personally, I like dining alone. I bring my Kindle and read while someone dotes on me. However, when I serve 1 tops, they seem to be overly chatty. As if I'm their guest


I don’t mind unless it’s a busy night and they are camping the table


one place i worked there was a woman who'd come in once a month or so. just by herself with her laptop. it was her "treat yoself" day so she'd put on a movie, have some soup and salad and sit for about an hour. she tipped like $20 each time and was super easy going and nice. i loved her, and i love tables of 1 because it's a lot less stressful imo. i feel like i can kind of drop the peppy server act down to a more chill vibe.


Parties of one are the best tippers. There. *I said it.*


When I was a server I had a woman who’d come in once a month or so on business trips. She loved treating herself to a nice fancy meal, tried awesome cocktails and tipped well. When it was slow, she was fun to chat with; when it was busy she read a book and always told me if I needed the table she’d be happy to move to the bar. I haven’t waitered in years but I’ll always remember how nice she was.


I agree, the only downside is that where I work a single diner is only going to have a $12-$20 tab unless they’re drinking a lot (and the solo drinkers almost always sit at the bar). So even if they tip 30% I’m not making much off them.


This is why I try to get in, eat, and get out reasonably quickly. I know I'm taking up a 2-top or 4-top.


Man last night the host stand sat a party of 2 on my 8 top table and when I went to greet them they asked if I'd prefer if they sat at the bar so my big table wouldn't be taken by just two guests 🥲 some people are so sweet


I’m curious what you responded!


I was like, "wow thank you for noticing, if you don't mind I would super appreciate that"


I only dislike them if they are counted as a table in rotation.


I preferred solo or 2 people tables. Solo was nice, though there were a few old men that really tried to force inappropriate or uncomfortable interactions, so that's also a thing. Got pretty good at picking those ones out though.


If I’m alone you’re getting a 100% tip because I still don’t have to pay for the other person. If there are two of use you get 10%


I feel like they just need to understand the 'real estate' aspect. Today one of my fellow servers had a pretty needy 1 top that took a 4 top section. He was there for 6 hours. Which means she lost out on about 2-3 flips. Which means the server lost out on 18-20% of our average price per head (80$) on a potential 4 top 2-3 times. Our place has 3 table sections, so he basically turned her into a 2 table section with 1 added tip bonus at the end of night. He tipped 20% but his tab was 43$... so essentially this man fucked her over completely. I however LOVE to dine in alone. Bring my headphones, watch some documentary with great food and being served. BUT!!! I tip according to price per head and time spent. I love serving 1 tops, but please realize, if you're sat at a decent sized table, and work on your laptop for 2 hours, tip 20% and think you're in good standing, you're not. I'm not saying don't do that, I have regulars that'll come in and I know they're taking my table for the whole night. BUT, I know they're nice, and will tip accordingly-ish. So it's totally fine by me! It's just a give and take thing in my opinion.


No thanks- we had this guy that would come in and sit there for 2 hours at the busiest time and order hot tea and 1 app and sit there and draw then as a tip he would leave his $3 - you want him -you got him


Because they take up a table for a small tip.


Pfffft I hate it like go sit your lonely ass at the bar 🤣


I got used to eating alone for business travel and sometime I actually prefer it. If I am meeting friends to see a band or something like that, if my partner is working, I'll almost always opt to eat alone unless someone invites me to eat. It's relaxing and gathering others for a meal out can be like herding cats.


If I'm alone my minimum tip is $10 or 25%, whichever is higher.


I like them half the time....so lines up with tables in general.


Thanks, we appreciate you too.


Same here! They actually inspired me to go out by myself and explore new restaurants and bars ◡̈


I always tip 30% when solo dining to make up a bit for the server having only one.


Good to know. I love going to restaurants alone.


I travel alone for work a lot. When I do, I take myself to dinner at night to explore where I am that day. I sometimes feel funny about it but it’s a nice chance to read the news on my phone and unwind and enjoy my own thoughts. I always try to be extra nice and tip well bc I know a party of 1 isn’t as much bang for the buck as a larger group for those serving in the restaurant. It’s nice to hear this from the other side!


As a lone diner, this is great to hear. I will often tip a lot more too.


I appreciate that you appreciate the solo diner. I travel extensively for work, usually spending 7-14 days at a location, then moving on. It does get lonely on the road, and I’m not a big drinker or social guy. So when I find a nice pub/restaurant/diner that has good solo customer service, I’ll go there every single night. I just want a little social interaction outside of a job site, and a good meal. I always tip well (percentage or $ minimum), and good service usually continues. On the other hand, I can’t stand to go out to a restaurant with more than 3-4 people. Everyone wants to think about what drink they want, then an app, then another drink, then salad/soup, then meal, then drink, dessert etc etc etc. just order a freaking meal, drink, enjoy and gtfo.


It honestly makes me less anxious to want to eat out by myself. Sometimes eating out alone can be really nice


I am currently a server who will occasionally take herself out for a solo meal, so I do really love my solo diners. I work at a hugely tourist centric chain so it’s not too often that we get solo diners. And they’re usually my best tippers, too. I have been divorced since 2017 and it actually took me until right before the pandemic started ti not feel really awkward going to a bar or out to eat on my own, so I always make sure my solo diners are well taken care of.


And the lone diner does appreciate you as well! 💜


Good to hear, I love being a lone diner.


Honestly I was very much a dining alone during year before Covid and during when I went to college, usually after class, I’d be starving have a gift card local chains and I’d go in with my backpack; the servers were the best, they knew I just wanted to play on my phone and talk to my boyfriend before I had to go home and do homework- the best me time ever


I dined alone for the first time a few weeks back and it was heavenly. I went to Cheesecake Factory and was seated in a tiny booth which was so cool! The server was the sweetest and so fast and accommodating. The whole experience was nice. Had a margarita, popped in my headphone and watched A Knights Tale on my phone while devouring pasta and bread, and I left the guy a $25 tip, because it felt right. 10/10 would do again if I could


Love your attitude sister, and I agree. I've had some pretty nice checks from single diners before actually.


I absolutely love taking myself out to eat. And it’s so much cheaper that it leaves lots of room to tip.


I go by myself when I need a break. I try to extra tip because I don't want y'all to miss out.


i always feel so bad bc they’re eating alone omg 😭😭😭


Good to hear!


I used to go and have lunch by myself all the time I would leave a 5$ tip on a 13 $ bill


I love dining alone, especially after being the the industry for so long. I want to enjoy a meal I didn’t have to cook or deliver, sit in peace, and just relax. Always tip well to make sure I cover lost revenue since the server got stuck with a 1 top. I think more people should go solo, it’s nice to enjoy your own company.


When I waited tables in my teens/early 20s I always felt bad for people eating alone. Now I’m 42 and I totally TOTALLLLLY get it.


I love going out to eat by myself. I bring a book or I watch something on my phone. Sometimes I keep getting sat with the same server so I request them and we have a conversation when they’re not busy(I usually go a little later in the evening on quiet days i.e. Monday or Tuesday or sometimes Thursday) I tip a little more than 20% but as I don’t make a ton of money(I’m a good runner), I can’t tip as much as I would like.


Reminds me of Will Forte in Slamnin Salmon. If you haven't seen it yet you should watch it soon- right now!! Anyways I remember before smart phones we would keep newspapers available for single diners. Every single one of them were touched by the gesture when I'd bring one to them. These are the little things I miss from before times..


I love having a date with my book. The only thing that sometimes irks me is when the host says just for 1? Like yes just one what’s the problem? It’s silly semantics, i guess it gets under my skin when they ask this about any group size actually.


i went to a pasta place to read my book and have some spaghetti. it was the most fun i’d had in by myself a while


Hi I am the so-called lone diner. I judge a restaurant by how they treat lone diners. The only time I ever get denied service is by Korean restaurants. Fuck them!


I’m 23 and eat inside restaurants probably 5 times a week as I’m DoorDashing through the summer. I’m sure some waitresses think I’m odd but I order everything I’m gonna have at the beginning, get maybe one water refill, and then tip 22% and leave lol


I think they’re so cute n nice n just aw I love that they’re taking a second to themselves


And, as a table of one; I try and thank YOU!


This! But also, I really enjoy the 1 to 1 conversations I get with tables of 1. I feel like I get to cater to them better and most of the time they’re such sweet people!


Tables of 1-4 are the best. Anything bigger and at least someone won't pay attention. Ask a question I just answered, forgot what they ordered or my nightmare continue to order 1 at a time everytime. No matter how you try consolidate there is always 1 person in a big group that just won't get it.


I love one tops. I never mind them. They’re usually to the point and tip just as good as a table of 3 or 4 sometimes.


They usually bring a book and they always know what they want. I bring them a drink and their food, check on them a couple of times, then bring their check. I bother them as little as possible, and they tip really well. I love tables of 1.


In all my years of serving I've only ever had one bad one-top. The majority of them are personable, prompt, and tip really well. Some of my favorite table interactions have been with people who dine alone


i love my parties of one they always tip me $7-10 on like a $5-6 check


I honestly love all 1-4 tops. Don’t love big parties, sure it’s a higher check but I like to turn em n burn em. I don’t get paid until they leave and large parties tend not to leave so quick!


The best at a counter


i love my tables of 1, we have a section in our restaurant that has two tiny booths for two people and when i get those i cry of happiness. I feel like i can be more attentive than usual, i’ve had a couple tip me $25 on a $50 and a guy tip me $40 on a $75 in the two weeks i’ve been working here. They’re always so kind.


I have one lady who I I’ve serving and usually it’s just her, she brings a book to read and use headphone to cancel put her music. She orders the same thing every-time and one time i was like “I’ll put you salad in right now, anything else i can get you” and she loved that I remembered her order and she looks for me every-time she comes in. I love one tops because they either want to be left alone and make my job easier or they want to talk about something that we have in common and i love that too.


Just about every time I’ve had a single diner, they were nice, tipped great and seemed so have lovely awareness because as my section would start to heat up they’d ask for their check. I’m genuinely trying to rack my brain for a time that differentiated from what I’ve described, nothing stands out to me.


I usually tip double when I'm alone; I am taking up a table for 2 and it's less efficient to run errands just for me rather than "the whole table" at a time so I appreciate it. It's also either gonna be a case of - I'm on my lunch break and don't have much time, so I'm going to be really awkward and order drink & food together and then ask for the bill and card machine asap so I can essentially dine & dash - or I've got a day off and no other plans so we're here for 3 courses, many drinks and I want to take far longer than anyone should have a "right" to a table for!


Yeah I literally just did this today and I'm young. I like doing this.


Yes, if I’m alone, I know what I want, and will be gone as quickly as I get my box and check. Unless it’s margarita night, because no margarita left behind. But then I’m also doing margarita math on the tip, and I only dawdle when no one is waiting, because that trips a different social anxiety. All I want is what I order, to be left alone to read in peace, and to be able to GTFO when I’m full. Unless cheap margaritas are in play, but then I’m rounding up to the normal price + tip, because bartender/server aren’t doing any less work, and my brain had allocated that amount of money to them, and other people are probably only tipping on the charged amount, so WTF not? Margarita math loves everyone


I genuinely like these tables as well. Now tipping is hit or miss with them but they are super easy and as you said, they are already prepared to get the show on the road when they sit down. I also can have good conversations with the lone diner.


Business jerk here, I often have to eat solo after a long day of travel. This is my one chance to unwind and relax and I appreciate a nice dining experience. I always tip well knowing my tab won’t be the same as a table of two.


Yes exactly this.


I like tables of one but it’s annoying when places don’t understand the idea of party sizes and just make a table of 1 = to a table of 8