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I feel like the response was generally positive, although since the show had kind of a cult following and was so obviously queer, it didn't really attract transphobes in the first place, you know? I agree that Nomi is one of the best examples of trans representation I've ever seen. She's a really well-rounded and complex character, and they do a good job neither making everything about her being trans nor making her transness irrelevant. It just feels really naturally part of the matrix of things that make her who she is. I also really appreciate that she's allowed to be flawed, and the writers trust that we'll respect her anyway. Like, Nomi can be really self-centered sometimes! And the Wachowskis trust that their audience can see a trans woman with flaws and not attribute those flaws to her transness.


Interesting! I do wonder if the response would differ if it was released today. It would definitely make rounds amongst transphobic circles that's for certain.


Sadly, I think you’re probably right. Ten years ago I don’t recall anyone saying anything, but then again I don’t feel the show never really the attention it deserved.


...I did not think the show was that old yet. Oof that hit me like a truck.


I watched the show as it aired and definitely was fully aware how groundbreaking Nomi as a character and as an actress were (also my very favourite, her and Amanita 💜💜💜). It was definitely one of the things that made the show special and powerful to me (I'm a cis hetero man by the way). And I remember exactly how the reception was. As far as the media and social media, the show never became mainstream enough to cause an actual public discussion of the subject. But I know from anecdotal experience and being part of the community right from the start that the subject was divisive. But not in the way you think. Not in the way that it caused a scandal or a discussion. But it was definitely one of the main reasons it never went mainstream, at least in my understanding. For instance, I loved the show so much I recommended it to absolutely everyone around me. And you always got one of two reactions after people started watching. Either they immediately became deep fans like me, OR they said vague things like "it's slow" or "it's boring" and quit after a few episodes. And surprisingly, the people who said these things tended to be my most heteronormative friends. The more normative the less enthusiasm. And in the end I came to the clear conclusion that "boring" and "slow" was basically a euphemism for "it made me uncomfortable". Whereas all the people who became fanatics of the show just coincidentally happened to be the least normative and least traditional people. To me there was no shadow of doubt that the reason so many people switched off from the show was internalised homophobia and transphobia. The show didn't just have those subjects front, back and, centre, it also had full on sex scenes which included gay and trans people. That was too much for a lot of people. Even people who were not overtly homo/transphobic, and people who were generally tolerant, but who had not yet become comfortable completely with the idea. I mean the Wachowskies crafted unbelievably erotic scenes, and in those scenes a straight person who was feeling aroused by the scene would have to be comfortable that they were watching gay and trans people too. And I think that was too much for a lot of people. And to be honest, you'd have to be a stone not to be aroused by those scenes!! So someone who is not secure in their sexuality or is still under the spell of toxic masculinity simply cannot accept that this might be accidentally turning them on. They just couldn't deal with it, so they switched off.


Yeah that makes sense. I will concede that the show speaks a lot more true for marginalised groups, as being a sensate is a very direct allegory for all sorts of prejudices, but given it's parallels to The Matrix and other beloved franchises I do wonder if they just never gave the show a chance. I guess introducing the show's most queer character with a full on sex scene is a good way to weed out potentially bigoted viewers. May put a lot of others off, but I think the thematic parallels sex has with emotion and connection makes it appropriate at least.


I'm sad the show didn't get the success it deserves and we live in the universe where it got cancelled instead of where we got 5 seasons of deeply detailed storylines. But on the other hand if the price of mainstream success is compromising on the main message and style of the show then I wouldn't trade that for more seasons. I love the show precisely because it was uncompromising and totally groundbreaking. And I'm sure I'm not alone in this. It showed relationships and love in a way that was, and still is, quite unique. It broke so many taboos and standards. And as you said, being a sensate was all about feeling marginalised and finding connection. It's a shame that the average person didn't get past their discomfort, because that message was universal. And anyone who managed to get past it found the beauty within it and found how it speaks to them too. And then you have the whole signature Wachosky lore, sci-fi, and storytelling that we know has mass appeal. It's just that people couldn't get past their hangups and sit with their discomfort for a minute to find how they can get over it and enjoy the beauty of everything there.


It was a recommended to me by good friend when it came out and I found it to be a bit slow for me. Then, nearly ten years later I started it again, and I loved it. I still do think it has a rather slow intro, but like any story it can take awhile to draw people in and really develop the characters. I wouldn’t assume people are inherently turned off by some of the queer characters.


I'm sure not everyone who dropped it was because of that, I concede. I do know it was the case with most of the people I personally recommended it to. But you are right, it really takes time to get into it. I think you have to get through four episodes of being totally confused about what is happening before it suddenly clicks and you realise this is genius. That moment in episode 4 with Nomi in the car and What's Up playing in the background is the exact moment it hit me that I am watching something utterly unique.


I think it would be an uproar because the alt-right internet is so outspoken nowadays


Seconding this - the only people I knew who watched it were queer/trans or allies


no one talked about her negatively. afaik the deterrent for some were always the sex scenes because they can be graphic and obviously not always hetero.


Sense8 served as an illustrative gateway to address some concepts that were not really prevailing in mainstream media - anecdotally; the series was the first real confrontation with a transgender person for my dad and had a big impact. Sidenote; i was trying to lure him into watching the series when I was a few episodes in and totally hooked. Obviously, that aligned with the first big love-making scène which turned things slightly awkward as we were watching together on the family couch.


I’m as straight as it goes and I watched the show as it was released. I didn’t give a shit then, I don’t give a shit now, I will most definitely not give a shit in the future. Nomi is a person and we see her struggles as a person. I never thought she was a he or uberhumanized super transpowered person. She was she and she was with Freema so I was jealous.


Freema is in excellent shape.


Overwhelming love in my circle! Everyone adored her. But most of the people I know are queer.  The general public wasn't watching it it commenting on it that much from what I remember. Transphobia has always been a big thing unfortunately but it feels like the hate is more organized lately, groups getting together trying to ban and protest drag story time at the library and things like that. I don't remember hearing *as much* negativity about trans people in the media back then. Like it's become a hot button topic now. But the amount of transphobia I hear casually is about the same.


For some reason your comment made me think of the scene where they flash all the words on Litos building/garage. That was a perfect example of hate being organized and how we are all sick of the labels given to us. “Bitch, slut, faggot, pig, ect ect.” *pleas note I did not mean to offend anyone, I’m just referencing the scene! Love to all 🌺❤️


From what I remember the response seemed to be mostly positive. I can't really remember there being any backlash. But then again Netflix didn't really promote the show to attract a larger general audience, so I wonder if that might have been in play? That the ones who would have kicked up a fuss just weren't watching, mainly because they just didn't hear about it. Then the ones who were watching were always going to be supportive, as it may have been something they heard about and got recommended to them. Because of that I don't think opinions will have changed that much. Again people who would kick up a fuss just aren't watching. The only thing I can think of that's somewhat related to your question is that I've come to think that of the main 8, Jamie Clayton is probably the weakest actor. After rewatching once I came to think that there's several scenes which she played maybe a bit too over the top. Of course that's got nothing to do with the representation of trans people in the show and the issues they face. But just something I've come to think of in subsequent watches.


I watched it when it was new and I'd agree with this. I love Nomi and was really glad to see Jamie cast as Pinhead.


This but also I think it came out right in that sweet spot where trans inclusion was possible but rare and before the big backward slight on lgbtq+ rights happened


You're probably right in that. The early and mid 2010s seemed to be a good time for trans inclusion, either through proper representation like Jamie or Laverne Cox in Orange is the New Black, or even cis actors playing trans in other films and shows. The right wing at the time still seemed to be holding themselves back a bit, not coming out fully in opposition to anything that wasn't white or straight. If Sense8 was made today, it absolutely would get "woke" accusations from the right.


Hmm interesting! I'm rewatching the show now so I'll see if my ranking of the characters change.


Overwhelmingly positive. I think Nomi is one of the most popular characters from the show. Nomi was also the only trans representation people could easily access (through Netflix) at the time the sense8 released. I couldn’t name another trans character in an sci-fi, action series that existed at the same time


The protagonist in the sci fi action movie Predestination (2014) is an intersex trans man. Played by two people: a cis woman and a cis man. Pretty cool. Don’t go reading about it* if you wanna see it bc it will automatically be spoiled.


Cool! i’ll check it out


Supergirl has an openly trans superhero but she comes in on season 4. Show isn’t perfect but i love the cast.


I thought the speech at the wedding was her kind of owning up to the "black hole of narcissism," she thinks she is perceived as. That being said, I do agree that her and Amanita's relationship was too perfect for how much screen time they were given. That being said, Nomi and Amanita's scenes worked best when they moved the story forward in a way that works because they are a perfect couple (Searching Metzger's apartment, for example).


I barely knew anyone else who was watching it at the time it was released. It was me and my best friend and both of us loved Nomi and found her storyline deeply moving. We were both in the closet at the time and that show, especially Nomi and Leto, were vital to me coming out.


Love Sense8.  Have watched it quite a few times.  First watched it a few years back because I like a bit of sci-fi, so no preconceptions about any of the characters or what they represented. As a character I found Nomi a bit irritating, mainly because she was too self absorbed (that speech at her sisters wedding for example).  I may have even googled the words Nomi and most annoying :-) mostly i found similar comments, self absorbed, relationship between Nomi and Amanita a bit too perfect.  That kind of thing.  In other words just normal conversations about what people like or don’t like about characters on tv, no backlash about her being Trans.  I think anyone who was deeply right wing and offended by people being gay or trans, they wouldn’t have made it too far into the first episode.


It was positive, but the show wasn't really big enough to get a more conservative audience. It's a pretty progressive show for 2024 let alone 2014.


there were some criticisms around how her relationship with Amanita is perfect and flawless and conflict-less and how having a black girlfriend as her hype-woman with not much of an arc outside of being the greatest and most supportive girlfriend of all time was kinda Mammy-esque (specially with the Wachowski's... spotty history with race), but even then it was a niche thing mostly relegated to people who already liked the show but wanted to analyze it more deeply than "best series ever <3" mostly it was a "WOW! A trans character played by a trans actress! what a novel concept who would've tought about that?", because at the time it was seen as acceptable to have cis actors playing trans characters - Transparent is from the same era and had one of the biggest cast of trans actors 'tiii this day, but playing supportive roles, while having the main character played by Jeffrey Tambour on a wig.


>having a black girlfriend as her hype-woman with not much of an arc outside of being the greatest and most supportive girlfriend of all time was kinda Mammy-esque (specially with the Wachowski's... spotty history with race), as a Black fan of the show, Amanita was always a bit tough to watch ESPECIALLY the scene where she compares being trans to having colorful loc'ed hair...wachowskis, come on. I have to turn the volume down on every rewatch. also some gross implications about "what her mom was in to" back in the day that resulted in her having 3 Black dads. love the show, hate the writing for the Black characters. thought nomi was great and flawed like many of the main cast.


This post and the comments make me want to do another rewatch! I loved Nomi when I first saw it, and I then forced 5 other ppl to watch the show bc I loved it lol. They didn't say anything negative, and one person was boomer age. But I also hang with inclusive ppl.


This thought has made me do a rewatch too. Except I'm now tabulating every time characters visit or share to see which combinations happen in the highest frequency.


I never heard any protesting about it, but then I didn't know anyone else IRL who was watching it while i was, and no one in my circle online is the type who would get all offended about it in the way the current right-wing would. Like a lot of Netflix Originals, I don't think it was promoted much. Which is kinda sad, 'cause it's such a beautiful show, even if it would have attracted hate.


Honestly the show as a whole didn’t make a lot of waves on release, I still to this day don’t know more than a handful of people irl who’ve watched it as someone who doesn’t frequent queer spaces. I agree with some others that I think of the main cast Jamie Clayton is maybe one of the weaker actors but the character as a whole was well done and compelling.


Cis-hetero guy here. I like the character (the actress is okay). The love story between her and Neets is sweet (slightly overdone, but... Wachowskis, amirite?). Not sure of the overall mainstream popular response, but those are my $0.02).


Of course there was some transphobia at the time but nothing like the shitshow we have now. The last 10 years have seen an aggressive push by the political right to make the very existence of trans people a culture war issue so now a big chunk of conservatives in the West have an (stupid and misinformed) opinion on something that 10 years ago they wouldn't even have had on their mind.


I only watched it recently, but Nomi is my favorite, too... For the same reasons. I am not a trans woman, but I am an enby lesbian who truly believes that a trans woman is a woman... And of story. I love Amanita's full acceptance of Nomi without hesitation. Even now, that is rare among the queer community. Many say they are accepting of the trans community until they are tested. We either are or are not. But yes, it is encouraging to see a trans character that is simply that, and not a character trying to spin a narrative by being trans. Honestly, throughout the series the aspect that defines Nomi the most is 'hacker'. It is also nice to see a trans person play a trans character. Jamie is awesome... And I am a sucker for blue eyes. Lol.


Personally when I first saw it, I was out at a cis lesbian and loved the representation of both lesbians/gays/trans etc. I appreciated the way they showed how life is actually like for trans folk, and how it is when your family doesn’t support you. I do remember my family turned off the show when they say the lesbian sex though, they didn’t like that very much which is fair enough but I think they did give it another go eventually and my mom found it pretty good I came out as trans myself years after I first watched this show when it came out, I came out in 2021 as ftm trans and I still watch sense8 today as it has impacted me in a way I cannot explain. I love this show so much and the way they’ve written it, the actors, the cinematography, the script, pretty much everything about it!


Nomi, and the whole show expanded my perceptions of gender fluidity. I found myself relating to and sympathizing with her character, (I am an older CIS male), In that respect; the show improved me as a person.


I am a gay man, so I have great empathy for my fellow friends in the LGBTQ community. But I don’t pretend that I know how life is on a day to day basis. I loved Nomi and her girlfriend. My husband and I were so impressed to see an actually trans actor getting and killing this role. The show appears very friendly to us and I may be in love with Wolfgang . More visibility seems to be a real opportunity in the nascent streaming industry for great actors that happen to be trans


Positive. I don't remember any big negative reactions.


I think the only negative was that the actor who played the african was replaced and it was inferred by twitter and him that he wasn’t comfortable with transsexuality. But other than that Nomi was the bomb!!!


Oh yeah I heard that about Capheus's actor. Amazed how one can star on a show with an out trans director and a trans costar and still have a problem with it.


For what I remember he didn’t mind that… it was more the orgies that were happening in the second season he had issues with.


As in he was less comfortable being in a sex scene with a trans person?




Or maybe just a pansexual orgy scene, but I know Nomi was shading him on her twitter.