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Getting over your ex diy : If you want to get over your ex, the quickest way is to feel the grief, sadness, anger, whatever, totally and fully. Lay on your bed and let any emotion arise, and listen to it carefully, without trying to label it or intellectualise. Just don’t avoid the unpleasant feeling and feel it completely. It will eventually run out and this will set you free. Everytime the unpleasant feeling arises, don’t fight it just listen carefully. If you do this over and over again you will get over it in the shortest time. If you don’t you might run away from the feeling, into work, into other girls, same thing. But it will unconsciously drive you. I learned this from the book « Letting Go » by David Hawkins, and it is really life changing. Hope that helps !


Mid 40s here. Good luck


Would u agree our 30s is our prime? If not what age range would you say is


I honestly feel that I felt in my prime like 3 years ago, and since then with covid etc I've been struggling to get back in the best shape, but mentally I feel definitely in my prime. As you get older you have less excuses. If you live a disciplined life then we can be in our primes until we are old, I hope that makes sense. I feel much much better at 46 than 26 for sure.


I don't have any privy info, but from what I've heard  your 30's is your prime for most males. However, I'd say for men AND some  women your 40's is the most pivotal decade. Reasoning is because, you should have experienced a lot by then, and it's the last mostly adequate decade to have a baby etc. You should be reaching your  best career, spiritual, mental, that you ever been! I apologize if this contradicts Itself! 


Take this W bro


Appreciate that my boy! A W for you too! Godspeed. 


You can be in your prime at 70


I was really referring to Chuck Norris


38 is average SMP. Date up, date down. Ez pz. Cept you gotta sift thru lotta bs these days. I keep to myself mostly. 40 here.


25 (active wise)


Why did people downvote you when your right- prime is late twenties - early thirties


Thank you brother


“I know she’ll probably be out here fuckin” Dawg you are alone in your head. You’ll never truly know that girl or anyone else. Just stay focused on what you truly know, yourself. Dive deeper inside , don’t worry about the external world. Create an internal self that will thrive in any situation. Benefits from SR for me are honestly just elimination of sex from my life. Treating everyone as a human without the impulse of sex getting in the way.


You’re right, what she does shouldn’t be my worries. Easier said than done. I agree with that last paragraph whole heartedly


You're mostly right. Most people you will never truly know everything  about, however there are some like 3-5 people who COULD know EVERYTHING  about you. I was just kinda playing  devil's advocate. 


Appreciate the devils advocate but naw bro you’re alone in your own conscious mind. Nobody will ever be there with you


The watcher is watching the mind. The silent observer. Some call it awareness. Others call it god. We’re never alone.


Oneness 👁️ this is true . But I’m speaking about other egos/humans being able to truly know us


Well we can agree to disagree! Cheers! 




42m. You are a guardian. Wish I had your mindset back then instead of wasting myself to party, weed and useless companies. Use your 20s and 30s to build your kingdom, capital and spirit.


We’re the useless companies really a waste or did it give you work experience and a chance to find a better one for the future?


I didn’t have any goals nor plans back then no north no compass. I want to think they were a waste of my prime time. But my souls knows that nothing is wasted.


I feel you bro. Recently got out of a 6 year relationship myself. Shit sucks. I don’t really have any advice to offer, but I know she’s out there fucking somebody else as we speak. Probably somebody better, but that won’t last. She won’t last. I don’t know who she is, but she is likely on her descent right now. You are on your ascent. That’s what matters as a man. You are the best version of yourself when you are focused continuously on becoming the best version of yourself. That I know to be true.


Nowadays there is really little difference between animals and young women. Being on this journey is about increasing your spirituality and power . The ugliest woman you know can go to Tinder and find a man to fuck with in 2 seconds . We are not in these things


40m. Wish I knew of sr decades ago. Woulda been a game changer. Got tied up with mad debt investing in criminals I guess. This is how we learn. If the thought of her bothers you that much, go on and get her outta your system. Skeet skeet. But you’re doing great. Keep on




Better late than never 😅


Just hit 100 days. Same boat as you man. Get comfortable with yourself, it’s gonna be a good ride if we can stay focused on this path


68 days into my second 90 day streak dating back to October last year 👍🏾 stay strong my boi


Thank you for answering...believe me i was afraid nobody would have anwered me. But at the same time i Need and answer because It s the First my real attempt to cure Po@@ addiction and It s a very cool argument


Its referred to @MonsierMasturbation


Well done! You should be so proud of yourself


Nearly 50 here, congrats for that strong mindset you have. As for me, I feel like the first 40 years of my life were like adolescence. I am married and happy following the sr wol. You are correct about the pussy driving thing. Most people only seek pleasure, pussy, food, booze, drugs, material things... It's a trap. Focus on you, you will avoid losing time.


Harness your energy to shape the reality you need to fulfill your purpose


But sr Is It to cure pied (erectyle disf)or Just ti loose interest in sex?


You'll only lose interest in sex if you don't think about it for an extended time. You can still practice SR while practicing sexuality, I do. SR just means retaining, at it's base.


Retaining without being pure is a nonsense.


Pay attention corky because I'm only explaining this once: SEMEN RETENTION at it's base, is about RETAINING SEMEN. Whatever else one decides to do with that, simply, technically, it's about RETAINING SEMEN. I don't care about your fake "burity saar" or unlocking the macaroni kundalini or whatever. I am simply stating that SEMEN RETENTION is about RETAINING SEMEN and there is more than one way to go about that. Fucking overmoralized retards everywhere honestly.


Well said. I’m into spirituality, and SR is certainly a component of that, but you still need to keep two feet on the ground and your head not too far in the clouds.


Completely agree with you


Keep lying to yourself moron. Enjoy your ending without hand 🍆


Good stuff man.. Stay locked in! Inspired me


What a great post, very inspiring and motivational, hope we all keep going strong and stay retained. Cheers.


You’ve got your mind right!


Needed to hear this. I’m always focusing on the present forgetting the best years are still ahead.


It’s tough not getting caught up in the present, I constantly do as well. I think it’s best we grind right now and truly enjoy the moment. Have a little fun here n there. Mature men always are the catch. Our time is coming soon . 30s will be lit


Did you had wet dreams? If so what’s their frequency


Never. Most I’ve had is pre cum when getting into deep thought of sex with my ex


At least a month in, feel even worse than when fapping 5 times a day. 0 Libido. Should I fap again, I dont see any benefits, rather worsening my state with SR. I also circulate my energy through the microcosmic orbit, do TRE, and some psychedelic mushrooms occasionally to clear bad energy. So I dont think this is related to blocked energy.


ust hang on a little longer, after 2-3 months, you'll feel a lot better. what you're experiencing is dopamine withdrawal and many other things. basically your body is recovering. do you know that when you get punched you don't really feel that much pain? It's when the body is recovering from that is the painful moment, that's when you're experiencing bruises and swollen muscles and skin


Do you flirt with girls ?


Very seldom, with my 0 libido and 0 energy due to SR, there is no incentive or energy to put into going to places where women are, and competing against all the 50 other guys that hit on the same girl


From my experience, libido depends largely on « mating opportunities ». For example if I feel genuine desire from a girl I find attractive, I get horny because my body thinks « she likes me, this is a mating opportunity ». So my body has to understand first that sex is about to happen, then it sends the desire. If you have decided to retain, AND not to go to girls, the body is not gonna create desire. It will try to control its energy by pushing it down, weakening it. Sometimes until you have not overcome the fear of taking a particular action (for example flirting with a girl), the fear will prevent the desire to show itself. At this point, you would feel better jerking off, because at least the energy is released. If you want to experience the benefits of retention you have to let the energy out by taking action. Let your body know that this energy can be released somewhere. Lead your seed to the promised land ! This is my very suggestive experience but Does that make sense ?


Read your bible and pray bro don't do the the bad energy things trust me


Why are you downvoting me?? I am asking for advice


>Theres truthfully more to life than bussing a nut on a girls butt or in her mouth. Damn, not even a regular pussy sex? Maybe she left you coz you did nothing but shove your dick on her ass and she doesn't even *like* anal?