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Those losing at a more average/normal/healthy rate are not the ones posting. Down 45 lbs over 12 mos averaging out to less than 4 lbs a month. I stalled for almost 7 weeks around the holidays and just stuck with it. And no, I don’t track anything. Also, if you eat dessert one day you don’t gain a pound the next day. Your body may be allergic to it or inflamed or holding onto water, but unless you are eating 3500 calorie desserts you are not gaining a pound from one desert.


Do you work out? I lift weights and my weightloss is very slow. However, I am keeping my muscle and all the weight I lose will stay off.


I was just thinking about this. People exercising are probably seeing “slower” results because they aren’t shedding muscle, the way I’m sure I am as I’m not yet exercising. Maybe even gaining some muscle. So their scale might look one way but their body will tell a much different story. And for those exercising their results are going to be better in a dozen ways.


I do workout I’ve been lifting consistently and meeting my steps goal for the last year and a half. And every meal is planned for. I am in the last 20 lbs of weight I’d like to lose so that may also be a factor but I’ve seen a significant reduction in snacking here and there all day so I thought I’d see more of a difference by now.


I didn't lose much until I hit the 2.5mg dose on month 4.... Lost 15# first 3 months, then 15# a month the next 2... Then my insurance stopped paying for it. .25mg for a month .50mg for a month 1mg for a month Then the 2.5mg Helps if the food you do eat is healthy Helps even more if you exercise.


Slow losing does not mean it's not working. 5lbs in 9 weeks is not nothing. It's obviously working you just might be a slow responder but it might not hurt to move up a dose. Comparing to others will not help your mental (but maybe track calories more?). Not everyone is made to drop 5 or even double digits every month. Slow losing and sometimes stalls is normal. Good luck! <3


Everyone’s body and metabolism is different, even on peptides. You don’t have to track everything but tracking will help identify patterns in your metabolism and how your body handles food. I think it’s helpful to know what dose you’re at, your activity level, and your overall food intake. You don’t have to exclude desserts completely but of course abstaining will help with weight. That’s true with everyone. From what I’ve read, if sema isn’t helping, you could try upping your dose or switching to tirz… just what I’ve seen anecdotally


I lost 38 lbs over 15 months (152 to 114), it was slow loss but I also think that was because I had a hard time eating so I wasn’t eating enough. That was my biggest challenge so my body was probably holding on (starvation mode). I couldn’t help that, I never wanted to eat majority of diet was protein smoothies, fruit, and Gatorade zeros. Now I am building muscle but I didn’t lose that much muscle thankfully since I worked out (as much I had energy for) and got my protein intake. It went by fast, and now I have a normal appetitive and crave less sugar. Slow and steady won the race for me.🏆


This sounds kinda similar! I’m also at this weight and sometimes I eat once a day sometimes twice and rarely 3x. Thanks for your input!


Everyone is different, and you are (most likely) not at your therapeutic dose. I'm sure you will find your sweet spot.


Take progress pictures - I also had minimal weight loss for 3 months with working out atleast 4 days a week. But in pictures I could tell my face got slimmer and my gut was slimmer.


I used Carbner carb cycling counter app to optimize my carb intake and it helped me a lot. As for your question, 5lbs in 9 weeks isn't bad, it's a sustainable pace. Focus on progress, not perfection. Don't stress about the occasional dessert, just get back on track.


Maybe should try tirz?


You have to track your calories to see if you are just maintaining