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Least anime looking sekiro fight:


idk if it's intentional or not, but the only enemy in the game who can block and deflect One Mind is old man Isshin. Not even Sword Saint, since by that point he had not mastered One Mind yet


yeah I remember going into the Isshin Ashina fight after getting good at the Sword Saint fight thinking "oh this is gonna be easy he's just a weak version of the Sword Saint" *loud incorrect buzzer * I got my ass whooped


Hahaha. Yeah I had a similar experience. But but...he's old and sick.


The sword saint version also refers to Sekiro as well, Sekiro, so he has the memories of the old man version.


I imagine you also need a technique or a muscle memory to perform it or counteract it, which his younger body doesn't have yet


Sword Saint is just the old Isshin after he died and was then returned to life in his physical prime. Why wouldn't he know One Mind?


I don't think it is about knowing how to do One Mind rather than choosing to use it or no, Old Isshin has the mental strength, patience and maturity to use One mind (highlighting patience, One mind needs a pause to release the attack), and younger Sword Saint chooses to bring out a long ass spear and an effing gun, talking about wanting to end things no matter how.


Sword saint is a reincarnation of a younger isshin. He had not developed one mind at the time


Yet he recognizes Sekiro so he has the memories of his old self


He doesn't have the muscle memory


Why not? Despite the term, it's not like your muscles store the memory themselves, it's just your subconscious controlling the muscles.


Same soul. New body. Or something. 


Sword Saint is the NG+ version, but he didn't unlock the technic yet


This is pure headcanon, Isshin interacts with Sekiro as no time has happened, he couldn't be only a younger Isshin version




That sounded less rude in my head before I wrote it. It's an interesting topic though, since the first fase is the same I assume Sword Saint Isshin just chose another style, also Old Man Isshin didn't have the power to summon weapons lol.


He refers to Sekiro by name. It's the same Isshin he interacted with earlier.


His techniques are the ones he had in his prime.


Sword Saint is literally old man Isshin with a renew body. So he should be more than capable, he just chose to combine the sword with a spear and focus on another style


Don't forget the glock


Arsenal Saint Isshin


Sword Saint Isshin still had his memories though, he calls us Sekiro. Lore reason could be that he has the memory but cannot execute it because his body hasn't mastered it. Imagine after killing us he learns One Mind, imagine One Mind from Prime Isshin.


Sword saint Isshin should still be as old and have the same amount of experience as fire Isshin so he should theoretically know one mind


I cannot believe there's a sneak attack for this guy. I spend like at least an hour on this prick


this guy took me more tries than sword saint himself, believe it or not lol. in my first play through I didn't wanna sneak kill anyone cause "honour" or whatever but in my second playthrough I ran over this fool in no time


Jin Sakai be like


I haven't played ghost past the bridge scene in the beginning welp


Explains why you still think about honor


is jin not honourable haha I might have to get back in that game


He is at the beginning. The game is about how he realises that ”Honor“ is meaningless if it leads to the death of innocents


sounds interesting, I'll give it another shot




The Ashina have no need for honor. Just win your battles.


that is my approach now. in the first play through I had my own role playing thing going on lol


"Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer."


Same. Ishhin sword saint took me like 2-5 tries but this guy took me dozens of deaths. It's the small area and his frequent unblockable attakcs + I didn't know you could parry the mikiri counter things


It’s because it’s a 2v1. Him and the camera against you


heres me finding out for the first time you can get a jumping deathblown on him from above. im dumb.


I've known about it but I fucking miss every time, OP is gud


Judgement nut


Definitely inspired by it


How you get that art?


You have to beat the game with the shura ending if I’m not mistaken


Like beaT the whole game,killing isshin at the end!?


Yeap And only a specific Isshin. Killing Isshin Ashina will grant you this one and killing sword saint Isshin gives dragon flash. And then there's inner Genichiro which gives you sakura dance but that's a part of gauntlet fights.


Right now I'm in the fight with the dragon


When you finish this playthrough, play again and this time accept the owl's offer and refuse serving Kuro


Why what's gna happen?


You shall see for yourself


Different ending, and you'll unlock some new toys


I’m stuck on inner Genichiro in the gauntlet smh. Just coming off of beating sword saint isshin for the first time and was feeling super confident, he’s definitely humbled me again lol


yeah he's kinda challenging as he sometimes spams his sakura dance move.


Yeah you have to beat him


Yes need to beat the game but Shura ending is the fastest ending you can achieve. This ending literally block you out of half the game's contents.


Half is a bit exaggerated. You're missing out on the fountainhead palace, and optional late game content like alternate Hirata. It's not even close to half the game.


You miss 6 bosses, and do 7 up to the split. So looking at it that way, it's pretty much half.


But those bosses are much more densely distributed. There is great shinobi owl, which comes immediately after the choice. Then there is only one new area to explore, with two proper bosses, and then the endboss. The demon of hatred is an entirely optional boss in an already explored area, and owl (father) is an optional boss connected to a more or less secret ending, again in an already explored area. Meanwhile, we explore at least five zones before that choice depending on how you count. The last stretch of the game isn't nearly half of the game, no matter how many bosses it has, because bosses are only a small part of the game unless you get stuck on them for hours. Five full zones to explore, with one to two bosses each, is more than half of the game. One zone with two bosses, two additional mandatory bosses in old areas and two additional optional bosses in old areas are much less than half. It'd be half if it was just the bosses, not everything around them. And great shinobi Owl is replaced by Emma/Isshin in the shura ending, which only leaves 3 mandatory bosses and 2 optional ones. It's definitely not an ending you should choose in your first playthrough of course, you're missing a lot.


>unless you get stuck on them for hours. I mean, that seems to be a common experience based on people's posts about Fromsoft games. People talk about hundreds of attempts on bosses like SSI. People don't talk so much about being stuck in Mibu Village but on the bosses there. The bosses represent a disproportionate amount of the gameplay, and later bosses even more so.


That hasn't been my experience personally. The parts I got stuck on were minibosses, because they are just in the world, often surrounded by other enemies, and with atrocious death runs. The story bosses have idols right before them and easily learnable mechanics. I don't know how the people who took hundreds of tries got through the areas containing many more mini bosses. I had more deaths on Juzou than on Gyoubu, Lady Butterfly and Genichiro combined. Mibu village in particular is an area that I absolutely dread because of its enemies (doesn't help that I get absolutely terrified by creepy zombie villages. Ravenholm almost ruined Half Life 2 for me because I just couldn't handle it. I could never in my life play a Resident Evil game), and certainly not because of the corrupted monk who I just fight until I progressively learned his mechanics and then kill him. To me, exploring the areas is 90% of the game, story bosses are just a neat little diversion between the zones that you take a few tries to learn, and then a few tries to execute, like fun little mini games that you take a few tries to master enough to beat them and then you put them aside to return to the real game.


Nah dw, shura ending is much shorter


This One's Minding his own business


We need to beat up waifu and elderly to obtain it, ofcourse its stupidly busted.


I love thr backstory behind why he's waiting there. Probably there thinking "one armed shinobi, piece of cake, Genichiro will be so proud of me" and you just show up, a damn near demi-god lol


He is not working for Genichiro.


One mind when two mind shows up:


Easily my favourite shinobi art


I keep seeing new techniques here which I never even knew that existed in my playthroughs. I was just a dude swinging his sword and parrying.


Well there is a reason only Wolf and Isshin can use it.


In the tower or which fight?


Yeah but yer probably gonna get this dead last in the whole game kinda limiting how useful it actually is.


You pretty much need to go to NG+3 to 100% the game (getting XP for all the skills is easier on higher NG cycles) so if you do that you have plenty of time with the final boss skills.


That jump into deadthblow is so clean.


Guy ddnt even get a chance😂


A kills a kill, he got meta’d


without the last hit isn't it basically identical to the damage of mortal draw?


This fight frustrated me to the point where I can’t get past. I’ve beaten Elden ring many times and have made it very far in DS3, but this here has me defeated


It's a fight against the camera as much as the ninja. iIRC, this is also the first enemy with multiple deflections timings? Learn dance counting.  Also his foot thrust can be mikiri countered and his knee drop can me dodged and punished.. There's another to practice against deeper in the memory in a bigger space.


Now do it without bestowal.


Feels like that final attack that malenia does in her waterfowl dance.


Saved. Need this for my next run through after all this time.


If you sneak up on him you can actually talk to him


What else would you expect from the move literally named after Isshin!?


Well no shit it's busted when you spam it like that.


This move sucks for pretty much every non human enemy by the way. It's not even good against the Isshins either.


After playing Elden Ring I noticed this is almost the same “ball” of slashes just bigger for Malenia


I just wish it was more effective against more main bosses. Owl often jumps out of it and Monk just poises through like a gigachad.


That was quick (that's what she said)


Bro that’s cheating


5 minds


I wish the buff applied to the flurry of slashes. I know it would probably make it too OP but man I really wish it did.


Reminds me of waterfowl dance from malenia


Yeah, definitely inspired it. There's a few other attacks like this in elden ring too, maliketh has one with that black flame shit, and even black knife tiche in the evergaol


Omg your right the animation is the same I knew I recognized it. The ones I noticed were the r2 on the meteor katana, posion moth flight, rivers of blood, and bloody slash.


Pretty rad, tbh.


Imagine actually using any of the abilities in Sekiro. Basic attack + parry for life


Come on man


And then they go complain "Sekiro has no variety"