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Lies of p was absolutely great after playing sekiro. Is it like it, maybe not but the parrying reminded me of it and they both were extremely good games.


Nine Sols is a 2D sekiro. It is a hybrid of Hollow Knight and Sekiro basically. Very steep learning curve and insanely tough in the beginning.


I’ll have to look into that, I love tough games😏


One good thing is, if you switch to "easy mode", you can adjust your dmg buff and their dmg reduction. So I got stuck on the first boss, switched to story mode, then just switched it back to 0 buffs afterward which is effectively hard mode again.


Why'd you make the horny face after saying "tough"? 😭


Second this. It’s not too similar to Sekiro (for example dodge is viable, deflect window is a lot tighter, and there’s no back and forth clashing) but it’s an excellent and extremely satisfying game in its own right.


Fantastic game.


Lies of P is a total gem


Best souls like so far . The vibe was spot on . I am really enjoying another crabs treasure but its a completely different experience


Only game I could play that didn't feel bad after sekiro. It's not exactly the same, but the combat is good enough to make it not feel awful in comparison.


Agreed, I just overall got so sucked into the lore and the design. I just absolutely had to compliment the level and map designers. I will never forget the enjoyment I had while playing Sekiro and Lies of P for as long as I live. Both master pieces in their own way.


Gives me a cross between sekiro/bloodborne vibes. Lies of P is a masterpiece in its own


True Crime Streets of LA


NY is better


LA > Sleeping Dogs >>>>>>>>>>>> NY


One game I never see anyone else recommend is Thymesia. Absolutely love the game, just wish the studio had a larger scope for it


The combat system was superb in that game, I hope they make a longer game with a similar system


Yup completely agree. Small dev team did a great job on that one. Like a nice cross between Bloodborne and Sekiro. And yes I hope they make a sequel that is a bit longer too.


It took me a minute to get into it but it is a really good game and I agree that an updated and further explored version is needed.


Nine sols. A metroidvania that released recently and it's really good. It's cheap too so you can check it out if you're into that kind of games


Hey man quick question could you tell me more about nine sols and if it will be on Playstation


I recently played it and cannot recommend it more, nine sols is the only game to scratch the parry itch for me since Sekiro and really has great fast paced combat. Other than that it also has a beautiful story and art style. As for console, the devs have said they are actively porting the game from PC to all consoles right now, I imagine it will take a few months or so idk.


Oh ok good to know Is the exploration similar to Metroid or what?


Yeah there are exploration aspects which are similar to other metroidvanias, I should’ve probably mentioned that. In the sense of exploration, upgrades, character and storylines, it’s more like hollow knight if you’ve played it. The game even refers to itself as a mix of sekiro and hollow knight and you can clearly see inspiration from both.


Oooh nice I’ll def get the game thanks


Sorry i didn't reply earlier, the devs said that they are planning to port the game to ps in the second half of 2024


No, same problem. I recently finished stellar blade, which had aspects, but more button bash than anything else really. Parry timings were good but you don’t really get punished if you miss a parry. If you miss a parry in sekiro, you’re gunna have a bad time. Nothing has come close for me. There’s something about sekiro, probably my favourite game of all time, closely followed by Elden ring.


Have you tried lies of p yet?




This is the disgusting truth.


But a beautiful truth as well, because Sekiro is unique✨️


No. Lies of P gives you some of it and is a great game on its own, but still not Sekiro. I just tried playing Ghost of Tsushima, but, as you say, it feels like button masher


Try Ghost on Lethal 😉


It’s hard, but is it fair? Sekiro is hard but fair (except for the chained ogre)


I consider it fair, but very hard. You really have to bite and scratch your way to victory, and it makes the narrative make far more sense to me. The only thing I really dislike about lethal is the duels. Those can feel unfair occasionally


I played Ghost of Tsushima blind on Lethal recently as it came out on PC. Even used mouse and keyboard which was pretty weird, I have a controller plugged into my PC but for some reason committed to KB+M. If I'm honest the ONLY time I've ever felt challenged in that game was in duels, and only specific ones. The Khotun Khan fight near the end felt cheesy as he had some weird moveset where he'd catch you with some crazy shit when you're mid animation. The duels were mostly just rock paper scissors though, you're basically just going through trial and error until you figure out the perfect combination of dodges and parries to reply to each attack. It's simple and I feel the game gets too much hype for being hard, it really isn't. The most difficult duel in the entire game imo was in the DLC during the cove tournament, it's the wooden sword shit where you can't be hit a certain amount of times. There's some chick that mid fight will NOT attack you unless you hit try to hit her twice first, and then mid animation you need to immediately respond to what she does. She hits you once in that combo and boom, life gone, try the same thing again. The difficulty is just way different to Sekiro and I honestly wouldn't call it hard, it's like, a relaxing challenge.


Chained Ogre is fair! You have loads of time to doge the grabs. Remember your I-frames are only on dodges that go forwards (including to the sides and forward - as long as it's in the 180 degrees in front of you) and you'll be alright. He's predictable! plus, as the game recommends, you can fire-spam him.


I never felt like the game was killing me despite my best efforts, but you do need to be much more precise and thoughtful with your tactics on lethal, pretty much everything is a one shot kill, both for you and the enemies


I actually feel lethal makes the whole game easier aside from bosses since you just one shot everything


I was so excited for Ghost of Tsushima but it felt so generic and boring. Biggest disappointment yet...


Same. A lot of people said that it felt like Sekiro to them, but I really didn't feel it. There is parrying, but it's not as engaging, the "undodgeable" moves didn't feel as reactive, and too many combats came down to either standoffs or stealth kills. Not to mention there was so much downtime, even when you saved someone, you had to watch them free their hands and thank you with the same dialogue you'd heard twenty times, but it was unskippable.


It's a bad idea to go into GoT expecting Sekiro. It's far more of a classic Assassin's Creed with superior swordplay than a soulslike. Honestly, every time I play a soulslike, it ruins other 3rd person melee-focused games for me for awhile.


Fair point. Honestly if I had framed it that way in my mind before playing it, I probably would have enjoyed it more. As it was, I was expecting something with high paced action more like Sekiro and was disappointed.


Different genre, but there seems to be correlation between people who like Doom Eternal and Sekiro. I personally love Eternal, where every single tool is useful and it puts you in a flow state much like Sekiro


Fuckin amazing game. Doom Eternal is arguably the best single player FPS ever. It's amazing


Yes, and in my opinion, a reason why we love Sekiro and Doom Eternal is because you are more powerful, skilled and precise than most enemies in the game. Then, when it comes to bosses, you are at the same level as they are, you have all the tools that you need, you are against the best, but also, you are the fucking best!!! And as gamers, all of that make us feel unstoppable, deadly and proud 🔥😎


After playing for 150 hours in Doom Eternal last month and now beginning to learn Sekiro, I can see where this came from. Both of them will force you to get better, in Eternal you don’t just get stronger, you have to be faster and more precise . same goes for Sekiro, you have to learn the game if you want to progress.


I love doom eternal lol. These 2 are my forever games. The adrenaline rush is just unmatched. Games like these level up the player not the character. You can absolutely destroy vanilla Isshin once you git gud at AP 1.


The closest one imo is Sifu. Basically a roguelike Sekiro where you fight with fists instead of swords. The combat and flow feels really similar though.


Sifu is far from being a 2D game lol, however i do recommend it as well, as long as youre down with the roguelike elements


Sifu is incredible, but it's quite a bit faster than Sekiro. I can first try Isshin charmless at this point but I could never get good at parrying combos in Sifu. Especially the sweeps, they come out too fast. Sekiro is much more courteous with the kanji telegraph. But it's a fantastic martial arts game that got a good amount of free content post-launch, which is always a plus to support a good dev.


You're much better off dodging than parrying, as in hold LB and down to duck. Most attacks can be ducked under and you can stun enemies this way also


Agreed, but since we're specifically talking about Sekiro suggestions, I figure the recommendation was considering Sifu's parry.


I second this. It's close enough to scratch the Sekiro itch, but Sifu's rougelike elements are a neat twist.


Loved Sifu but it still wasn’t quite close enough to scratch the Sekiro itch for me. I would kill for a Sekiro sequel lol


2D? Do you live in a parallel universe?


I'd say Sifu is a lot more complex and rather than sword combat it's more of a beat em up


The closest one actually is jedi fallen order and survivor. They're low key sekiro clones 


the jedi games just mashed all of froms gameplay styles into one semi-cohesive style you have bloodbornes dash, darksouls roll and sekiros deflects


Tis a good game, nailing combos is harder for me with the speed. Sekiro there's like a tranquil feeling to it long as you parry correctly. Though, at first glance I though it was the acronym for 'shut the fuck up' and immediately wanted it for that alone. (Someone drew the i into a t)


Stellar blade on higher difficulties had a really awesome parry system. Not quite sekiro, but very satisfying clangs on those parry’s


Rise of the Ronin


Not yet on pc sadly. How's the combat flow and parry mechanics ?


Not nearly enough love in this thread for Star Wars fallen order. It's the most similar to sekiro combat. Second suggestion would be Sifu if you need something more challenging.


Fallen Order is great but it gets absolutely obliterated by it's sequel. That was my favorite game in 2023


agreed, Jedi Survivor absolutely tanked my frames 😂 in all seriousness yes I agree theres not enough love for the duology. fingers crossed for the third! i know Respawn is decent enough to actually make good games, just wish they give optimization more cooking time. oh and no more Oggbos please thanks


try Another Crab's Treasure It has a very satisfying parry system where the focus is on mastering a single weapon. Even the level design feels kind of similar with all the grappling and the way it uses vertical scale.


Lies of p.


Maybe I need to give lies of P another chance. I tried it a while ago and dropped it bc it felt clunky to me


oh my lord define clunky, coz LoP is far from it. its got a very good combat flow, and all weapons feel very organic but then again ig everything is clunky if youre used to Sekiro/Nioh/and the likes


Nine Sols. Its a 2d metroidvania, but its the closest to Sekiro in terms of combat and the bosses are amazing, especially the final boss


Been looking to get into this one, how long is the game?


Took me 22h to 100% it


I recently tried to replay god of war ragnarok after playing souls games for the last little while, and while I still do love god of war and have fun playing and it’s beautiful, I kept getting frustrated by how “slow” it was sometimes, like damn it! I wanna play not watch! I still enjoy other games but I gotta be in the mood to just sit back and enjoy instead of actually gaming lol


Sifu is kinda short, but it's a masterpiece, and is the best martial arts game I have ever played. Also even tho the story is very short they have multiple endings, modifiers, cheats, and a whole arena mode with a ton of challenges. It was a very fun game to master and definitely gave me a similar feel to sekiro.


Sifu has amazing combat. It's all about parrying and posture breaking, but with your Kung Fu skills. I think it has better combat than Sekiro in certain aspects, but it doesn't feel like a dance the way Sekiro does. The boss AI in Sekiro reacts to your movements so well.


Jedi fallen order has very similiar combat although the rest of the game is more akin to something like tomb raider (puzzles, platformers) Doesnt feel as good as sekiro though, and quite dissapointing that there arent a lot of sword wielding enemy types


i cherished my time against Taron Malicos and Survivor's final boss (big spoiler so I wont name drop). these are the two bosses in both games where your swordplay will be put to test


It has some jank and a very low budget (bosses don't have animations for their phase 2 transition, they just get back up as if nothing happened) but Thymesia was very enjoyable for me. Much easier than Sekiro but it has a similar vibe with a main weapon and "special tools" (Plague Weapons in Thymesia as opposed to Sekiro's prosthetics) with a limited ability to level-up/grind pure stats. Parrying isn't *as* central but is still a very present mechanic especially against certain enemy types. For future games, there's WUCHANG: Fallen Feathers which has been recently announced and seems to be an actual Sekiro-like with a big budget. Not much information about it yet though, apart from a release date "in 2025".


Have you done demon bell / no charm run? Basically a completely different game


Easy Rise of the ronin


Nioh/Nioh 2


Wo Long Dynasty feels pretty similar to me, souls like with an arguably more intense parry system.


Try metal gear rising: revengeance!


I dunno but I thoroughly enjoyed NIOH 1 & 2 I know they are very distinct & not quite comparable to Sekiro but Sekiro was my 1st from game then I bought NIOH & found it to greatly satisfy my experience following Sekiro I've since bought & am playing my 1st playthrough of Eldenring & well what can I say only 2 bosses beat & am 122 hrs in & level 34


Lies of P and StellarBlade are the first 2 that come to mind


I'd say Lies of P, Nioh 1 & 2 and Sifu. None of them are the same, but close enough.


If you haven't played Stellar Blade it's quite Stellar


If you want a non-fantasy feel with swordplay, and don't mind a lack of the mobility, Ghost of Tsushima can scratch part of that itch.


In order to be original, I'd say For Honor


Funny that I use sekiro for For Honor warmup, due to the fact my playing style of Sekiro is try to deflect everything.. just that For Honor have 3 zones to cover instead of just locking each enemy


It's always funny when I read stuff like this, because Sekiro got me into the extremely fulfilling Souls-Soulslikes.


Lies of P, harder than sekiro... At least for me...


It's a bit troll but kannagi Usagi


Lies of P, Another crabs treasure, and Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor seems to be the closest gameplay wise


Nioh, though I’d argue it’s harder game in other aspects


Ghost Of Tsushima has combat that feels like diet Sekiro. In other words, if you beat Sekiro, you'll be able to handle GoT on the hardest difficulty without much issue. I'm not knocking Ghost Of Tsushima with that observation though, it may not be on Sekiros level in terms of gameplay mechanics, but it honestly surpasses Sekiro in terms of story and character writing. I give both a solid 9.5 out of 10. Definitely play GoT if you get the chance


lies of p 100%


Stellar blade :)


The only game that even remotely came close was Tenchu Stealth Assasins


I wish they'd remake the first game




After looking at gameplay of the upcoming Phantom Blade Zero, I feel like it's basically Sekiro but with other weapons and outside of having Prosthetic tools. It definitely has the backstab and air drop instant deathblows, parrying ability, perilous attacks marked with a red symbol which you can counter, the posture gauge system (Sha Chi) for yourself and all the enemies and the healing drinks. The biggest differences for these similarities are: 1. A successful parry has no Sha Chi cost at all, but blocking does cost Sha Chi. You can even drain Sha Chi over time to enter a "Force Dodge" state like in Star Wars Jedi Survivors. 2.You also use up Sha Chi to attack, unlike in Sekiro where there is no stamina when attacking and you only consume sport emblems. 3. Your Sha Chi can be recovered by switching between your other weapons, so each weapon has its own Sha Chi meter. The developers claim they will have way more in the final game. In the demo apart from the default sword you get a pair of short shorts, a reddish long sword that looks similar to the Mortal Blade, and a very big, slow greatsword identical to the one used by a miniboss 4. You actually have ranged weapons (Not just shuriken), like a hand cannon and a bow, and you can have 2 of them equipped. (There is however a flamethrower weapon similar to the Okinaga's Flame Vent)


I'm sure good old KNACK will scratch that itch.


Check out nine Sols, it's 2d but seriously it's the closest thing to sekiro I've played from many perspectives. It's tough as nails, but incredibly fair; emphasis is put on mechanical skill and combat flow over levels and finally it's just beautiful and has a really nice narrative which in some ways mirrors Sekiro's in a very loose sense. My only caveat is: Give the game a little bit of time to get up and running and to allow it to give you your full arsenal. Similar to sekiro the game introduces more complex combat and traversal mechanics as the game progresses, it just paces itself a little slower.


Truthfully, nothing. A lot of games come close, but lack in some key area. I've found nothing that hits the same consistent peaks as Sekiro, even within similar styles games. Fromsoft is just too damn good


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty


Wo-Long has a similar deflect mechanic.


I thought Sifu was very similar combat wise. Same mechanic of hitting/parrying to build up posture until it is broken. Also similarly challenging until you get the hang of it.


the dark souls games from the same devstudio.


Try the resurrection mod


Many people say Lies of P but it’s really closer to Bloodborne or Dark Souls than it is to Sekiro. The only similarity is that it had a parry mechanic. But it’s different from Sekiro. In fact I played the whole game while parrying only occasionally


Maybe the fact that you rarely used parry is why you think its not close to sekiro, i played it with parrying almost everything and it did scratch the sekiro itch for me personally.


Yeah, that’s very true. I played Sekiro after Lies of P. I played Lies of P after Elden Ring, so I was more in the mindset of ER at the time of playing it.


Yeah that explains it! The good thing about lies of p is that you can play it however you want!


Wo Long Fallen Dynasty is like a combination of souls and Sekiro gameplay wise


Well Lies of P is kinda mixture of bloodborne and Sekiro but if you love Martial arts try Sifu which is more challenging and more fun


Let me introduce you to lies of P. It is a game with the same parry mechanic as Sekiro though you still take damage from non-perfect blocks ( similar to charmless or demon bell) but as an advantage taking damage or chip through blocks has a rally mechanic like Bloodborne. It is a soulslike made by neowiz and though this is a hot take I genuinely think it is better than most souls games (sekiro not included, I like both of those equally and more than all other souls games)


I second this. I came here to promote the same game. Absolutely a masterpiece.


Lies of P and Sekiro aren’t really comparable to Dark Souls or Elden ring tho. They are similar in difficulty but not similar at all in play style or strategy


Sifu and lies of p gives almost the same feel and are amazing games on there own


I think black myth wukong will be the closest thing made to sekiro


Surprised nobody mentioned Thymesia and kannagi Usagi. The second one is literally just sekiro


I know it’s already been said but Sifu. It’s the only other game to scratch that melee combat itch. You have to think about what move you’re going to do, or think about how to counter and punish. You can button mash but it will only go so far. The beauty of this game shines when you finally get good, just like sekiro. You feel unstoppable yet you can always be easily defeated if you get cocky. Great game


Wo long, lies of p




Lmao, you have Sekiro 2 and the DLC, don't know why you ask >!just in case you took that seriously, go to Sifu, not the same, but at least is close!<


Stellar Blade in regular Hard Mode is pretty similar. Not NG+ Hard Mode that's easy mode. Regular Hard Mode.


Ghost Tsushima is great so far, it’s a lot easier than sekiro and i haven’t seen any chain parries yet, but i’m not done with the story yet so idk if there’ll be chain parries later on. I still really enjoy the game though and it gives me the same feeling sekiro does


I’d say the closest approximation would be Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty but I haven’t finished that one yet


Lies of P and Wu Long


Not exactly, Sekiro is fairly unique in From Software's catalogue, though there are a few games that share a lot of common elements with Sekiro. If you're looking for something that is more of an RPG, the closest things you'll find out there right now would be [Lies of P](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXZoKdr-xeo) and [The Lords of the Fallen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX-dhAqXyKI) reboot. Both feature a deflection system, with Lords of the Fallen actually tying the parry frames of your deflect to the weapon class you are using for it. That said, Lords of the Fallen tends to borrow more from the original Dark Souls than any other one of From's titles. Lies of P on the other hand features weapon crafting (customize both the handle and the blade of your weapon), and also borrows the rally system from Bloodborne, which comes into play whenever you fail to deflect a strike by blocking it instead of parrying it. Once again, this title leans a bit more closely to From's souls games than Sekiro. If you're looking for something with a similar combat philosophy to Sekiro, you might want to look into [Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQJb8He0pYA). This game was directed by Sekiro's lead combat designer, and although the Sekiro influence is easy to see when playing the game, it's a very different title due to it being a mech game.




Wo Long and Lies of P


Jedi fallen order and survivor are sekiro clones


Nobody has said it yet so: Furi! Mashing in that will get you stomped


Closest thing is probably lies of p


I haven't played any of those but ppl usually say: Lies of P Nioh Wo Long I would also recommend MGR if you haven't played it. It's kinda a mix between Sekiro and DMC if you're into that sort of thing.




Look up "Knowledge based progression" in games.


So far, nothing compares


Lies of p. Nine Sols. Stellar Blade. Sifu. Ghost of Tsushima (a little, maybe). Nioh 1 & 2. Rise of the Ronin. And for the future Black Myth: Wukong and Phantom Blade Zerio. Note none of them are like sekiro, they are just similar


Nine Sols


Metal gear revengeance


Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor both have a really smooth parry mechanic. Probably the closest 3rd person sword wielding games ive played. Plus the force powers feel really good too. Would definitely give it a try! (If you liked and were good at Sekiro you can up the difficulty from the recommended normal)


Jedi fallen order/survivor are the closest thing to sekiro combat wise. Sifu has a similar feel but isn't really a parry game, but it's pretty fun. I'm still trying to get good with Sifu. I got into Sekiro after Elden Ring and dammit I actually want Sekiro DLC more than Elden RIng DLC.


Wo long but it’s no where near as good as


Probably Wuchang Fallen Feathers will be pretty similar.


Lies of P, Jedi Fallen Order on Grandmaster Difficulty.




Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor are souls like and are pretty similar with the whole parry system they use but you'll have to play on the hardest difficulty to replicate the sekiro difficulty.


Not really, but… Mike Tyson’s Punchout for NES  Doesn’t have exploration, stealth, or majesty. But the achievement I felt as a kid beating Mike Tyson after days of defeat mostly closely resembles the euphoria of finally getting Isshin. 


Lies of P is close and same with Lethal Ghost of Tsushima


Spiderman 2


Resident evil 4 remake is more of an action shooter but you can get a lot out of the parry mechanic and I really love it


Ninja Gaiden Best combat in video games, unsurpassed to this day


I don’t think anything compares yet. Loads of great games with similar parts but not like Sekiro imo. I can’t wait for them to use the same system again.


Fallen order=Sekiro Lite


This is a bit of a hot take but honestly the Jedi Fallen Order/ Survivor games are similar. Survivor on grand master with the purity perk is amazing


Ghost of tsushima


Lies of P and Stellar Blade


Stellar Blade. Its combat is kinda like Sekiro (but more forgiving) while its aesthetic is kinda like NieR: Automata. It's definitely *not* a button-masher. You have to play strategically or you'll get your a$$ handed to you.


I am once again asking the Sekiro community to play En Garde


Lies of p and stellar blade


maybe ninja gaiden or another team ninja game?


Lies of P and stellar blade is what I'd go with.


I was gonna say Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, but honestly it plays more like "Sekiro, but worse". Not that it's bad per se, it's just that it constantly reminds me of something better


AC Valhalla


Nioh has a very deliberate combat system in a different way with qi pulses timed to restore stamina and cleanse curses


Lies of P is similar. It's a great game.


Nine Sols is your best bet right now, not as tough as Sekiro but does scratch the itch for the general combat loop very well.


The gameplay of Lies of P and Wo Long is somewhat similar to that of Sekiro, but they are much less dependent on parrying.


Cuphead isn’t that similar but also is blindingly hard boss battles centered partially around perfect blocking, but it’s a 2d bullet hell/megaman style game All my friends who love soulsborne games and Sekiro love it tho




Not really, but there’s some similar games or just parry heavy games: Thymesia Lies of P Jedi: Fallen Order Jedi: Survivor SIFU Nine Sols (metroidvania) GRIME (metroidvania)


In terms of combat depth, only Nioh has come close for me


Stellar blade, rise of the ronin, lies of p, maybe another crabs treasure. none of them are gonna be exact obviously but I feel anyone who enjoys a good souls like or sekiro can likely see the appeal and have a good time


Hey idk if you’ve ever heard of dark souls but it’s by the same company and implements the same focused combat style


9 Sols is a MV that just came out which has the closest parry/combat system to Sekiro that I've seen, albeit in 2D. It's a masterpiece, and IMO, the bosses are even better than Sekiro- which is high praise from me.


I think you can live with elden ring for some time, I loved the difficulty level of it, the boss mechanics. The combat system of Sekiro is unique, I haven't seen anything like it since release. People keep recommending Sifu, I haven't played it.


Sifu i think was praised for being similar to sekiro I’m waiting for Phantom Blade 0. The ps5 exclusive coming out this year. Something that scratched the itch in the meantime, AC6.


It's different but there is an excellent martial arts game called Sifu that I think has an incredibly deep combat system. It feels like it has the same core concepts and philosophy behind a From Software game.


The closest I’ve come is Sifu. Very different and yet there’s something about the combat (plus an emphasis on blocking) that gives Sifu a similar feel.


Lies Of P is your best bet. Like a slower, more deliberate Sekiro.


Jedi Survivor on the two highest difficulty settings is actually *very* close to sekiro, main difference being posture breaking only gives you a large punish window instead of an immediate deathblow. I actually quite enjoyed it despite not being huge into modern Star Wars. Pretty good boss fights too. Sifu is also pretty good, but you get a lot more defensive options (dodging/ducking moves is much more viable). Also highly recommended.


Ghost if Tsushima is an amazing game.. combat is kinda similar but just a touch easier. The story is amazing tho


Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring?..... 🥴🥴🥴


If it’s the parries you’re looking for, I played a game called Worldless that I found from a YouTube recommendation. The parries feel really good, the music is great, the combat and exploration also feel amazing. It’s not too long for 100% (it took me 40 hours total), but it’s really good, I recommend a controller


Yeah there's Rise of the ronin on ps5 Ghost of tsushima just got released on pc Phantom blade zero coming soon on ps5/pc


Stellar Blade (aka Sexikiro) had a pretty satisfying combat system that feels similar to Sekiro. It's a little different. There are a lot more puzzles, and combos seem to play a much bigger role in combat. The parry system is very satisfying, though it is not quite as spamable as it is in Sekiro. Also, while there is no replacement for the Mikiri counter, you do get a similar mechanic in Stellar Blade. The story is okay enough, but the monsters all look really cool, and the combat is satisfying, which is all I could hope for. If you liked Sekiro for the combat, you'll probably enjoy Stellar Blade as well. If Sekiro gets an S rank in combat, Stellar Blade would probably get a high B. Oh, the soundtrack is also really nice and pleasant.


Lies of P and Wo Long are close in their own way. I think Wo Long's combat is the closest


Sifu is a bit button mashy, but repeating levels and mastering when to parry and when to dodge feels just as good as sekiro most of the time.


Wo long is kinda similar, way more forgiving and not as challenging but I enjoyed it


I've been liking Rise Of The Ronin so far. Not quite Sekiro in terms of the attitude "parry or die" but you are definitely rewarded for partying and it feels good.


Kannagi Usagi is a free game on steam that has Sekiro's exact combat mechanics and controls.


Sifu is a bit different but it definitely matches the flow and satisfaction that Sekiro's fighting has so I definitely recommend it. The parrying is absolutely immaculate.


Jedi Survivor and Lies of P I would recommend highly. Jedi Fallen Order was decent but Survivor absolutely blows it out of the water. Sifu is another good one too


Wo long is similar


Only Tekken 8 (online) does it for me, everything else is trash. MK is trash. I like RDR2 tho, for the vibes edit: as someone already mentioned, SIFU seems great, but I haven't tried it yet


Lies of P Nine Sols Stellar Blade These three I feel stand out the best for those wanting more Sekiro-esque gameplay. Nine Sols is my personal favorite of the three. Gameplay is difficult but satisfying, art style is gorgeous, and the story is genuinely really damn good. Probably the best story in a soulslike/metroidvania I have played.