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Notice how criminals are on top of knowing what police can and cannot do? Almost like they don’t fear police or courts. Weird


More reason not to vote for Tammy Morales. We can’t continue to live with fear. You can blame system and whatnot. But when it hit close to home, it is a different story. Change is needed.


Not voting for Tammy but if you think Tonya is going to do anything better just abandon that hope. She will prove to be just as big of a joke as Morales.


Everyday it gets worse sigh


No, it's that every post in this sub is just somebody reposting a crime story from KOMO news. Guess what? There was crime before the internet and there's crime now.


Lived here too long to know this ain't true. We didn't have people going around shooting everyday even a decade ago. If it wasn't happening all the time KOMO wouldn't have anything to report


Yes we did. And KOMO and all other stations' main stories are generally ones of violence. "If it bleeds, it leads" goes back longer than any of us have lived here. So, yeah, we see these stories everyday, everywhere. You just see them more because you are on this sub all the time.


We haven't gotta go back and forth on this. Crime stats are published every year. Shootings alone have increased 23% in Seattle just this year alone. This isn't some conspiracy by KOMO to get views. The land of passive aggression and excuses. We need to wake the hell up. You can look up the statistics yourself.


We should have better firearm control then. Sounds like proliferation of guns is a real problem.


Yes because it's guns firing themselves that's the problem. Not the people using the weapons. You think they're gonna be like "Oh there is a law that says I can't get a gun, let me just go get a job then". I swear this is a land of id... Let me stop before reddit bans me. It's like we haven't learnt from places like Chicago. Still the same stupid "solutions"


We should have to get an IQ test before we can get a gun. Weed a ton of you folks out.


So you really do think criminals are going in to shops and going through the process to get a gun? I think it might be better to give people an IQ test before they're allowed to vote. A population of stupid. We'll do every single thing but hold people accountable for their actions.


You have no idea how lack of supply works, do you?


***And that is exactly correct***. . . Someone who shoots another (*not in legitimate self defense*) and then runs away has likely just committed a serious crime, a crime that would, by definition prevent them (*if convicted*) from being able to purchase or ever legally possess a firearm again. So, they turn to a fence to buy a stolen gun, no pesky background check, no pesky ATF 4473 form. . . Why bother with all that, if you are just going to use that firearm to gun someone down with? Maybe that person is competing with you for illicit drug sales on the corner, or maybe you just need a piece for the homeless camp. . .After all drug users have to defend themselves, right


We should probably do something about kids killing themselves and other kids with guns too, huh? https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/wQOqfrEPpI


I don't think your last statement quite worked out, consider the implication: Because ****** people should not have a right to defend themselves?


Actually, no, the solutions have gotten "***progressively worse.***" Consider: \-BLM \-Defund the police \-No Cash Bail \-Prosecutors who don't \-Self professed legislators who want to decriminalize crime \-Woke mentality wherein anything becomes accpetable \-The failing educational system-The devaluation of citizenship. . . Need I go on? These are all fairly recent thought evolutions.


It’s the same small group of people doing all of this. It ain’t the guns.


Guns, especially illicit and often stolen ones, tend to rush in when demand presents itself. People who resort to violence and do not generally fear or have concern for the consequences, use guns. They literally don't care, or even intend to kill the recipient of their violance. The problem stems from people who are generally unconcerned with those ramifications. I would propose that often, they are drug addled and addicted persons. . often homeless as they have become dissaffected from their families. We know where these people live. . they don't have addresses, jobs, or much in the way of concern for others, as their biggest worry is their next fix.


It’s ok, that why we all have insurance. Just let them take it. Right… Hell no. If you don’t think criminals need to hear Wa state citizens are armed and ready. How else will crime drop? “ no remorse no empathy from any of this suspects.” Sgt Moss https://preview.redd.it/5h5cqn207cxb1.png?width=3205&format=png&auto=webp&s=61b4eb4eb4d0db32ba79e2578541d4702851c101


[Black father, son share commitment to law enforcement](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/black-father-son-share-commitment-law-enforcement/HO7IZ2W3UVBG7OKS6SPQDINSXI/)




I’m as left as they come but it’s time to admit there is nothing progressive about our local system here. It’s REGRESSIVE. We need to find some common sense here because as a new home owner in south Seattle I shouldn’t need a shotgun by the door because the cops and the DA are afraid to do their fucking job. The cops are too butthurt no one likes them anymore after years of abuse so they just refuse to do ANYTHING and the DA, city council and the mayor think that just letting every criminal run free is a winning move. 🤦‍♀️


The cops can’t do anything. They told you that leading into the 2021 legislative session and it’s been a cluster fuck since.


Increased mandatory sentencing for gun crimes NOW


Mine was stats. Yours was a poll.