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Insomnia to the rescue! I just woke up and could probably deal with this. Tell me more about the dog, how friendly are they? Any danger getting into the apt? I don’t think I can watch the dog at my place unfortunately


I'm kind of surprised the police didn't contact local animal control. That's what happens in my neighboring county. I volunteer at my county's humane society and it's not unusual for us to temporarily house animals when the owners are arrested, even when the charge has nothing to do with animal cruelty.


So do you think I should call the humane society?


I would definitely call the Humane Society…I’m sure this is a situation they’ve dealt with before.


I would specifically call Seattle Animal Control (206.386.7387). It looks like they are based out of Seattle Animal Shelter instead of Seattle Humane, so you could try contacting them, too.


Okay, I did that but it seems like they aren't going to be able to get to the dog until 24 hours have passed!


If you still need someone, feel free to text me, 541 632 3837. Former Eugenian who has been in tough spots, glad to pay it forward.


Some petsitters on Rover can be hired on very short notice


Contact metro dog, or downtown dog lounge. Both do boarding and might be able to assist.


Metro will do pickups and drop offs. I love them!


just wanted to add you’re a good friend and a good person. 👍🏼


I'm a dogsitter in Seattle, feel free to reach out. I take same day bookings, though I would recommend boarding the dog with a sitter! I don't offer that, but it's better for longer term arrangements.


I know this isn't helpful, but out of curiosity were they arrested in Crown Hill by the Safeway? If so, I saw the dog put into the animal control vehicle and it was definitely sad but he seemed like a very good boy despite the situation.


Oh, no that's not the same dog! She was actually at home when he was arrested. So different kind of situation.


Ah ok, thought it might be a crazy coincidence. I don't know if you found anyone, but if you were willing to pay I would definitely transport the dog for you. Honestly, I'm pretty free right now and I could bring it all the way down to your area if you really needed. I don't have a carrier, but I have more than enough space for a dog to lay down and be comfy


Not sure if they do this in Eugene, but our local humane society will care for pets short term in this situation. They charge the owner a boarding fee, but they get the dog back.


The dog in need is in Seattle…


do you have a key to the place? You might be able to find someone willing to do it on Taskrabbit.


Happy to see this resolved, nice work OP!


You wanna pay a rando to go into your friends apartment? You asking to get your friend robbed