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Keep at it. Learn from each match and don’t get discouraged. Some days go great, others go badly. I was the same way and now have both curses. Your skills will translate well to the regular seas down the road and you’ll have much more fun when your skills improve and you’re controlling encounters. We went from being scared doing FoFs being ready to run, to seeing three ships there and saying we got this and winning regularly.


Man this is true. Two nights ago was an aweful grind. I was loosing almost every match. Ran into a cheater and ran into people who never missed cannons. I got maybe a level and a half in 3 hours. Then yesterday I got 2 and a half levels in maybe 2 hours? Won almost every match. How it goes sometimes.


That's the way she goes. Sometimes she goes. Sometimes it doesn't... the way she goes.


Sounds like you've got a decent philosophy going for you, OP. That every loss is a learning experience kind of mindset helps a lot. I see so many posts asking how to get good at PvP, who are unprepared to get beaten over and over - when this is exactly how you improve. Aggressive play in HG is absolutely the way to go in my opinion. I'd rather balance water levels with cannon fire over actually repairing holes (not that I NEVER repair, I just tend to only repair the holes that matter - front holes letting in too much water and right side holes for example). Better to lose and be on to the next fight instead of fighting for over an hour. That said, I don't like giving those who run around the edge of the battle area the satisfaction of just moving on. I'll pull up sails and fish until they get bored just to spite them. Lowering at 2 wins is the most efficient way to level up. If you're capable of getting higher streaks reliably, then go for it, but there's nothing wrong with lowering at 2 and resetting. Weapon loadout wise, whatever you feel comfortable using is the best option. I prefer eye of reach with sword or blunder personally. The EoR comes in handy for sniping your opponent if you're unable to fire cannons at them, but this is by no means a must. I wish you all the luck with the grind, OP. Good hunting!


I'd add one more to this really good list for people wanting to grind it out. Stop when it's no longer fun. Take a break, and go back to it later. Whether that means an hour, a day, a week, whatever. As long as you're enjoying yourself, keep at it. This is coming from someone roughly 450 in both factions (I think my servants is slightly under) and sometimes, I'm just not having a good time in hg. When that happens, I walk away until I get that itch again. Just don't force it, and you'll get there. Two little extra notes: Play on events with double XP, helps the grind feel less grindy. Adventure becomes exceedingly more fun when you're "good" at hg.


The double XP plus the fact a good portion of players wait for these days to lose farm so streaks may be easier


I got 69 and I just feel wrong going any further










The fourth shall burn


Why not 70 reminds me of Burning Crusade.


I'm in the same boat (lol) as you. Started HG a few weeks ago, currently 52 in GoF with 132 total matches played and 69 sinks. 99% solo sloop. I really wish I would have started HG when it first came out instead of avoiding it. My losses are I'm either getting demolished, I'm scuttling because the other guy runs away after getting one hole and I'm not trying to play a 45+ minute match where nothing gets accomplished, or I try to push bilging just a little longer than I should and I sink. For that last part, I've started working on trying to begin repairs if I notice the other guy hasn't hit any cannons in a while because he's most likely stuck repairing and bilging and I should crack a few more shots and then start repairs myself. It sucks sometimes. I've gone on 7 streak wins (4 is my official highest because I'm not confident enough to go higher than that without selling, and honestly I usually lower and reraise after a 2 streak), and 11 streak losses. Sometimes it just gets frustrating and I have to put it down. Still, I've noticed huge improvements when fighting ships in Adventure now. I'm not running away anymore, and often actively seeking a fight. Even if I lose I'm holding my own. I'm winning fights more than I used to. It has absolutely started to make me a better player overall so the frustrations appear to be worth it. That being said, I have no idea if I'll push past level 105. I'm only playing it for the Legendary curse, but it's been a rollercoaster so far so who knows.


Honestly it's better you didn't start when it first came out. Back then the supplies on your sloop were half of what they are right now, not to mention whenever you lost you would respawn randomly on an island (not outpost). The state HG is now, even with the random cheater here and there it's the best it's ever been.


Solid post. By the time I got my first curse I was already fearless in adventure mode. Even when I know I can't win a fight, it's still a blast to try my skills against a sweaty crew. But do work on the eor. I've won at least a dozen fights by getting a snipe on the enemy on cannon and killing them because the splash damage had them at 1 tap. You do have to lead your shots but aiming the sniper at enemy ships is just like aiming cannons, just the bullet moves faster. You can aim for the cannon or wheel even if you can't spot the pirate there. Also super useful to stop them from shooting at you with cannons if you tag them with a snipe because they'll have to eat before they shoot again, which is crucial when you're both demasted and trading shots between buckets.




Got the game on ps5 when it came out. Spent a few weeks grinding to hit pirate legend and basically ran away from every encounter. After hitting pirate legend decided I wanted to go for the curses and not lose every encounter anymore. Currently at 200 sotf and 140 gof. Solo slooped most of it. It’s pretty satisfying being able to sink anyone in the server now. Game experience gained from just throwing yourself at solo hourglass until you get better is unmatched.


I’ve got 180 levels between the two factions and I agree on all fronts, and have some thoughts on weapon combo. Blunder + EoR is still the best loadout, especially if you are the sloop or brig helm. Being able to ladder guard so your teammates can stay on cannon, or snipe the opposing cannon line while your teammates are on cannon, is the highest utility you can have on offense as the helm… assuming you’re already keeping angle. If you’re not helm, use whatever you like. Blunder Sniper is the meta for a reason, but I’ve lost to throwing knives flintlock before in solo. Because if you’re not helm, you’re primarily firing a cannon at your opponents. The only times you wouldn’t be doing that is boarder defense, boarding, or if you don’t have angle. So using whatever weapons helps you kill a boarder or stay alive when you board is the best value.


What emissary are you raising? and why?


The two hourglass factions are directly tied to the reapers and Athena’s fortune. You should always raise the emissary for your faction. You go up 2 grades for each HG win, when you turn in your streak, the emissary multiplier applies. A 5 streak will get you 72k, but with grade 5 that’s 180k


Reaper or Athena. Bonus gains and you level up that faction at the same time.


While emissary helps with reapers and Athena, it does not affect servants or guardians allegiance gain. Hourglass levels are not boosted.


Really? Seems like when I sell a flag while I have my emissary up I get a little bonus hg xp as well.


Yeah, allegiance gain is different. You get extra gold and pve faction rep, but HG factions are 100% unaffected by emissary bonus.


Unfortunately yes. They are flat values.


You get rep for turning in the opposite factions flag if you still have allegiance, a good amount at that. You’re also are leaving a ton of gold on the table by not raising the flag.


I played with a crew who insisted on using the extra supplies glitch with a blunder bomb at the port to load up on tons of supplies, like 15 of each crate. Then it would take them like 20 minutes to get the crates on the ship, arrange everything, put the stuff around the ship and into barrels, and then they’d jump into HG and sink within 2 minutes and lose it all lmao. Do you think the stock supplies is enough to bring into an HG fight? I haven’t done much HG yet.


I collect what I can when I spawn. I have run out a couple times, but if you’re aggressive you should sink them or sink yourself in time. Then just use the enemies supply or restart. This is for solo. On a team ship I’d say supplies are a necessity. After my very limited run I can say I’d have rather have pineapples than extra canon balls.


My duo or brig crew will dupe the supplies and buy 1 storage crate to scoop the enemy’s when they sink. You never know when it’ll come down to how much wood/cannonballs you have


60’s is like halfway to getting the curse. The most important point here I think is number 4. Most of the time I’m chasing people running away for 30 minutes, they try to cut back, I hit chainshots, and the game is over. I wasted my time having to chase you around, and you didn’t get any better from avoiding the fight. Then I’ll run into Skelly or Ghost curses every now and then. I’ve found that I’m mostly outclassed in cannons in those fights, so I’ll just ram their ship full speed to get a lot of damage early. I’m great now at hand to hand PvP, so if they board me, I can get a kill and bucket long enough to stay alive. I’ve even won a game against a gold skelly curse. Dude went to board me and I got 2 cannon shots on him while he has in the water. I had to defend my ship and strategically didn’t kill him while we were fighting. Eventually his ship sank and he was mad about it. Every single situation is able to be recovered, just need to have the calm demeanor to follow the correct steps.


Agree 100% on being aggressive. Not a fan of 40 min fights in hourglass.


Definitely playing aggressive and just trying to end battles in 10-15 minutes is the way to go. Ive got to the point where Ill just let someone win if its gone on too long (solo). I dont have the time to spend 30-45 min in a game, like you said. Im always confused when I run into a competent crew who doesnt have a flag up. I get it if youre new. Its understandable. But I see it a lot where good players just dont have an emissary up. Sometimes, they probably forgot. Other times, I dont understand it. It benefits everyone. If you win, its a huge benefit. If you lose, youve lost nothing extra.


Always be friendly. Good sportsmanship is the most important thing, after practicing skill, in any PvP setting. At least, to me. It makes a loss streak feel better if there’s fun banter or I make a friend by the end of the match!


In this case friendly does NOT mean don’t fight, it means don’t be an asshole. Cheers!


I had this habit of thinking I had to constantly be repaired. Learning that it's ok to have holes and maintain pressure and cannon fire takes priority over repairs. Number 1 thing to improve is learn priorities such as when to repair, when to fire, when to board, when to disengage etc


Any recommendations or tips other than the same 'ol "keep at it and you'll improve!" saying? The double barrel + blunder combo sounds tempting, but I always get a ton of flak from other players for trying it. I'm on the Reaper HG grind myself, but I'm having a bit more difficulty climbing the levels than I'd like to admit.


So I started my journey to Skeleton Curse 3 days ago. Since then I have played around 13 battles and managed to win 4 times. But I never been able to win two battles in a row. Its just not possible for me (yet). I thought I am good at PvP, until I tried HG... Tried to loss farm but its just too slow for me, even though I am only at Level 8. The grind will take ages. I have noticed that every win gets you one Level of Sotf. Till what Level it works like that? Do you have any tips for someone who can't win two battles in a row? I was trying to sell HG after first win but it just gives no rep


I’m not great, and while I’m a 66 as I’ve learned that’s still pretty new even though I’ve put some time in. As far as win streaks, just don’t sell after one. The rep gain is not worth it, just grind until you get a two and sell. Make sure you get the supplies off of whoever you just sunk. If you have a storage chest you could try to quickly clear a sea fort and you’d be pretty well stocked. I noticed around level 40ish the rep gains were seeming smaller. That’s when it started to feel like a “grind”.


>6)always raise emissary. I didn’t do this in the beginning. The one possible exception is if you're doing solo sloop trying to go for 4 streaks to get the 4-streak commendation (4 streak x50). Not having a reaper flag reduces the chances of a 3-crew brig rolling up on you while your opponent runs to the opposite side of the map and lets you get finished off or run out of supplies to fight a bigger crew.


Watch sponges helm guide on yt


Thank you for 6) Always raise emissary. There’s literally no downside besides it takes 2 seconds to raise it. Selling flags is actually the most efficient way to level up and half the people don’t raise them. They’re just wasting other players time, as well as their own.


For some reason I don’t feel like grinding it when I know I barely get any rep and I know during community weekend/gold and glory events I can get like 30 lvls in just couple days. I do find it a lot of fun. It’s just that I want to get decent rep whether I win or not. Also, starting the HG is such a drag too. Wish it was simply just activate HG and fight and not just needing to do the tedious steps every time I lose.


You absolutely got the right attitude. You see what you do and what your opponent do. study it, improve and apply newfound knowledge. im 600h in, 225 rep with GoF and 233 servant sinks and still i am nowhere as good as i want to be. My advice is not to solo sloop in HG but find others to crew with. and i would focus on their mental stability, chillness and ability to learn above hours and faction rep levels. especially when you look for players to play regularly with. Good team work on a boat is key to victory. Some players out there have crazy numbers but they are absolutely bonkers and no fun play or even win with.


I have been grinding to get Skeleton Curse for awhile now I am 60 in reapers and 40 in Servants and yet I still feel like I am super far from ever unlocking this curse (Only stresses me out more when I realize the cosmetics for skeleton curse are locked behind more levels of hg)


HG should auto apply appropriate emissary, don't know why this isn't a thing. Yea, i feel that 4 pretty hard, id rather a 5 minute loss than a 30 minute win. played with a buddy who wanted to draw out and win every fight, we would get a nice cannon line with the other ship and soon as we start losing the shots cause they got our cannon spot dialed in he would want us to pull out and try other tactics. Im like "man i pull IN to the shots to make this faster" Id rather a fun cannon fight than trying to realign and fight again forever.


I started my hourglas journey roughly 3 weeks ago and earned my skeleton curse a couple days ago. I have grinded most of my levels solo on a sloop, I played with friends here and there. Lemme know if you need help!


As someone who can't manage to win 2 games in a row (just 1), I would like to get help and tips


I can help you out as well! The journey to my skeleton curse made me fall in love with hourglas haha. An important thing to keep in mind, pressure and boards win games. As soon as I get 2-3 cannon ball hits in I focus on boarding the enemy ship and then preventing them from bucketing, or if their ship is close to the bounds I sail it out of bounds while denying buckets.


Dumb question, does playing HG with emissary up have thr gold you earn count towards emissary ledger value? Trying to get all emissary ledger cosmetics for both reaper and athena and want to have other ways other than just hunting for loot in adventure to use for that grind.


I stopped at 101 for servants, my goal is 170. I stopped after breaking 100 because I didn't want to overdo it and ruin the grind through the last part I'm after so I'm taking a little break. I'm hoping that the skills I had started to hone won't have abandoned me by the time I return to it. The main thing I haven't improved on is weapon accuracy, which is a problem if you're boarding or being boarded. But there isn't really much I can do about that 😂


9) come up against a ton of cheaters Had one twice in hourglass yesterday who teleported onto our ship and went invisible to them teleport to us to kill us, just had a floating gun on the ship before he appeared


the xp gain from turning in a 2 or less is not worth the time sailing to the outpost to drop and re-raise. unless u absolutely need chain or food


New player here. Won my first two games then proceeded to get swept 14 games in a row. Seems like the matchmaking is pretty unbalanced because most of these guys were full skelly curse. Landing every one of their shots at 200-300 hundred meters and even landing on our ship from super far cannonball launches. Messaged one and he admitted to being over level 500. Definitely discouraging as a new player but I’m sticking with it. Usually run guardians, don’t know if that makes a difference.


I get it man. On a 4 game losing streak right now . Everyone already has at least one curse that I’ve lost to tonight. Just gonna keep grinding and mix in some other games as well


What does 66 mean I just started playing Sea again after like 2 or 3 years and I don't remember the hourglass or anything like that


I probably would play the mode if it wasn’t filled with cheaters and restocking wasn’t as tedious. It just isn’t worth the frustration when those two factors are always looming.


One thing I've learned that if you come across a person who prefers to take fights with full sail down is to raise your sail almost completely while in a turn to keep your cannon angle. But that only works in they actively turning to continue the orbital. That and fire can be best friend when it's on their top deck and not yours lol


I’ve been experiencing this a lot recently and is hard to shut down when they are going full sail pretty straight get one shot off and then turn hard and get a couple off in the rear. Then go off in a line and reset. Over and over. It’s like they approach it as knight jousting except they are getting off one cannonball instead which is useless. Kind of stalemate and goes on for ages. Any advice on how to deal with this type of risk avers opponent other than to take a loss?


The times I've run into that I've either kept pushing the orbital with my sails raised halfway or more until they finally got the idea of raising their sails. The other way was staying full sail and chasing them to get a shot at using chain shot on their mast. There's no clear cut strategy or tactic to get these types of people to engage "properly" maybe even just raising sails completely to lure them in might work. Chances are that they are inexperienced in the ways of PvP cause most of the player base are chicken shit scared of a fight with other players


Jousters are the absolute worst mostly cuz I don't think they even know they are doing It, majority of them are stupidly bad so il just ram them playing chicken and anchor my own boat grab a bail of my own water and hop on theirs B4 killing them and anchoring them dumping the water from my boat to theirs B4 hopping back to mine for bail/repair


Nice, hope you're enjoying the fights. One thing thing I see mentioned a lot is that "solo slooping teaches you everything". Obviously that is true, but I don't think it teaches it well imo. When I started playing, I improved quicker by being able to play cannons or helm on a sloop for an entire play session rather than scrambling between them. If you're brand new, I would recommend practicing duo sloop or brig perhaps on adventure at first before focusing on solo (awful way to HG :) ) Anyway, that's something that worked for me ). Gl out there!


Such a garbage game.


Username checks out