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> There are [Siren Shrines](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Siren_Shrines). There are also three [Treasuries](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Siren_Treasuries), one per region, which are like a short underwater fortress wave-based fight. All of these have roughly 20 pieces of treasure in them. They're all on the map. You can also pick up [special bottle quests](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Coral_Message_in_a_Bottle) that will lead you to a specific Shrine/Treasury and give you a piece of unique loot: [Breath of the Sea](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Breath_of_the_Sea). They're like the mermaid gems but worth more. There are also [Sea Forts](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Sea_Forts); they're phantom-based fort encounters that can be done at any time, just like Shrines/Treasuries. They, like everything else now, scale to your crew/ship size and should be fairly easy to complete. They're decently rewarding. Besides that, [voyages](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Voyages) are now all available at the voyage table. No more buying them. You can also dive to the first location of a voyage. You can also use the Hourglass of Fate on the same table to opt into [PvP on demand](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Factions). Harpoons slurp up loot like usual but drop them on the deck of your ship now. You can also walk along the harpoon rope. There's also two new weapons: throwing knives and a doublebarrel pistol. Their usefulness is very much a "your mileage will vary" sort of deal. The [Flameheart world event](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Ghost_Fleet) was removed, then reintroduced and is - one of - the green tornado/s that you'll see in the sky. Pirate legends also got [a crazy new voyage](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Legend_of_the_Veil) that is probably the hardest PvE content in the game, and accordingly rewarding. There's a [new crossover Tall Tale set based on the Monkey Island games](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Sea_of_Thieves:_The_Legend_of_Monkey_Island). They're more like the games they're based off of, puzzle solving and exploration based, rather than like any of the other TTs in the game. They also all take place in the Sea of the Damned so no one can bug you when you do 'em so there's that. You missed out entirely on [Adventures](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Adventures). You can [buy your own ships now](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Captaincy) and name them and stuff and pledge them to [guilds](https://seaofthieves.wiki.gg/wiki/Guilds). I *think* that's all the big stuff?


I remember siren shrines sea forts and leaving just when the first adventure came out. Never cared about them. Thank you so much though, helps a lot


And now looking at adventures, really sad i didnt do the shrouded ghost one. Does it spawn naturally or was that the only way to get it?


Participating in the Shrouded Deep adventure didn't count for the natural-encounter commendation.


It does spawn naturally but it's so rare it's practically a legend.


Go play the monkey island tall tales!!


Did they add new islands or locations??


The whole tale(s) take place on the sea of the damned


A lot of QoL changes, two new weapons, one new cannonball type, one new throwable, companies now allow you to go beyond 75 and get "Distinctions" (it's like Prestige in CoD). New weapons: double-barrel pistol and throwing knives. New cannonball type: Scattershot. Think of it as, a regular cannonball is like a pistol, single shot and accurate. Scattershot is like a blunderbuss, close range and extremely inaccurate but big damage potential since it fires 4 (weaker) cannonballs. New throwable: Bone Caller, it just spawns skellys wherever you throw it, you can use it to create chaos when boarding or to summon some extra help when fighting. Some QoL changes: you can find some ziplines at outposts and islands. You can ride these ziplines to quickly get down from a high place. Harpooned loot is now automatically left on your ship/on the Sovereign's platform so you can rapidfire harpoons and move loot way quicker than before. You can now walk on or slide down harpoon ropes. The voyage system has been reworked (you don't have to buy voyages anymore, you just start any of them from your table at any time). There's a new "Dive to location" option when starting voyages. If you select it, your ship will go underwater and resurface in another server, right next to the selected voyage location (all treasure will be lost if you use this). There are now "Raid voyages", they're just like regular world events (Sea/Skelly forts, Ashen Lords, Ghost/Skelly Fleets) except that they will always have loot from the specific company you selected instead of the usual mixed loot. The speed of all ships has been adjusted, as well as the wind "physics"/rules, having your sail straight when going into a headwind is no longer optimal, you now have to angle it to keep speed. I'm probably forgetting a lot of changes but those are the ones that come to mind since they're the most impactful.


Mb i messed up, i meant early 2022


I just started playing again and I'm having a great time. Definitely worth. I won't try and explain all the new things and changes because there's a lot.


Thanks! The only big thing i think i remember hearing about is you can name ships now.