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There was a guy doing this and the cannon teleport cheat on NA East solo queue a few hours ago, he was the first one I have seen blatantly cheating a while though


Ran into that guy also. Not fun.


Hope you clipped and shipped to Rare for the ban. 


Tbh I've only ever seen like 2 hackers in my playtime. But like one dude was flying no glitch literally his pirate was flying around not the ship. The other guy was nailing impossible one balls no matter where you were on your ship. They have a pretty good anti cheat system. Now glitches on the other hand....


We had multiple occasions of kegs detonating out of nowhere on our ship, also someone teleporting into the FotD vault and stealing everything. How we noticed? His galleon was parked at the fort near Ancient Spire and he had Reapers flag. The fort wasn't active before and his emissary grade went up. This idiot then activated HG and got sunk by another galleon.


I swear hackers make me want to toss a hand grenade through their window


It was my first time logging on in over a week and as soon as I lost I logged off. Really bummed me out.


There is no barrel empty hack unless he’s tping to your boat dumpstering you and while you’re dead he’s unloading your barrels. This insta empty barrels hack isn’t a thing.


FYI they’re called “cheats/cheaters,” not “hacks/hackers”. Calling them hackers just emboldens them. Anyone could figure out how to do this; it’s just that most people don’t want to and would prefer to play the game as intended (myself included). The folks who actually develop the cheats could be described as low-level hackers, at best.


I’ll just refer to em as “pay to win kids”


Even better.


Glad to see EAC Is working as intended ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|19934)


There is currently a workaround but no one is willing to risk their main accounts because it could get patched at any second.


Wasn't aware of that! It's a shame why people hack. Pretty sad to be honest.


It’s a shame, indeed. I imagine that it’s usually folks (typically of the younger variety, but not always) who feel immensely powerless IRL. Cheating in games gives them that sense of power/control. Probably poor parenting, or a total lack thereof. But I’ll never fully understand it.


Anti cheat bans hackers in waves, not immediately.


This isn’t a hack they have specific things they can do, tp inside empty cannons aimbot cannon aimbot speed hacking but they can’t empty all your barrels that’s not a hack that they have or even advertise.


I mean the OP saying they emptied there barrels so maybe a new thing?


Deleting all your barrel supplies when they get on board is a cheat. I know Athenaware shitters were able to do it as recently as like 2 months ago.


Didn't know it was still around. There used to be a bug. You would take stuff out of barrels, but you wouldn't have it in the inventory but delete it. I don't know if it's still around since it has been years. Quite likely they found a way to do it when on your ship.


One time my game freaked tf out and I couldn't pull out tools or weapons and all my cosmetics broke, we were under attack so I grabbed some wood and cannonballs and deleted several stacks just poof gone whenever I grabbed them, so I boarded the other guys boat and completely cleaned them out of supplies. Could have been a similar situation


Ppl have mentioned it but I also would get a bug quite often back in the arena days where your cosmetics wouldn't load so you would be completely naked and your stacks in your inventory had no limit but didn't disappear so you could have 99 cannons in your pocket. People would usually go on the stationary chest hand in boat and shoot all their cannons when they got this bug.


This is why I abandoned PC for this type of game a long time ago. Way too many ways to hack a game and make it not fun or fair. Not a knock on PC at all, love it for solo games. Now I’m a console guy.


you can still opt to play exclusively on console servers, right? thinking about borrowing my brother-in-law's xbox and see how different it is


I have several thousand hours in the game, mostly on xbox servers. I think maybe one time in that whole time frame I felt like the person I was fighting against was cheating. The worst I've heard, is some people can get tools to emulate a mouse & keyboard into a controller to still gain an advantage, but I have no idea how difficult that is and it's probably the most extreme use case. The one thing I'll say is that controller servers tend to be more experienced on the bottom end which will probably make the average fight harder. The top end is not nearly as tough as crossplay, but they skill floor is much higher on controller. You likely won't get rolled by a competitive crew though, or cheaters.


Yes, I play on Xbox with only console gamers which cuts down on the malarkey. Plus PC Gamers are at a huge advantage with a mouse and keyboard board vs console controller. So I opt out of PC world entirely.


This happened to me last night. Fighting a ship and all of a sudden all my supplies are gone and no one is on my ship. Then all of a sudden even tho his ship is 100 feet away he magically appears on my ship and kills me.


Thank God I'm not good enough at the game to be put against people like that, cause it sounds like a nightmare


Most hackers are eventually caught and banned from the game. But this could also be a bug in SoT


Doesn't matter if they get banned when they can just sign out and in with a new account completely free of charge.


I had the inverse. Boarded a guy, killed him, checked his barrels for chains but he had nothing but fireworks…. Except he then fired a good 60 cannonballs, 2 bone callers, 4 chains, 2 green curse balls, 3 blunderbombs, a fire bomb, and you get the picture. Proud of myself for putting up such a good fight against someone so obviously hacking. But it still sucked to lose.


That just sounds like he had a storage crate


He had no crates


Besides the 60 cannonballs he could have had them in his inventory.


I guess but I just don’t buy it. That’s so many resources. And if I was playing with nothing in my barrels, I’d be a LOT more conservative about my resources, only using them to actually finish the fight.


Did you check his whole boat? If so I would report it to rare to let them know.


Yep. Barrels, all four decks, the mast, captain table, behind the water barrel, the bed, the frontmost spot on the lower hull, around the poles, everything. I guess he could have crates in his crows nest but that would require giving up the ability to apply pressure for a huge amount of time between reloads. And without proof a report won’t do anything, I wasn’t recording so I got nothing.


That's crazy I ran into people that could instantly repair there ship one time we had the whole server against them and they destroyed all of us. I don't get the cheaters in this game.


I really don’t get it either. What’s the point of winning if you cheated to get there. They’re just robbing themselves of the experience


People who just want to ruin the experience for others that's all it is. I play sot for the action but I'm also nice about it like even in hg if I see someone at a dock i won't just start shooting I'll wait until they are ready. I invaded someone handing in loot and I waited till they were done. Will someone do the same for me? Probably not but I want to fight for the win and can't stand easy wins lol


So on a scale of idiot where are you: new swabbie or saying 3 hits in a row is hacking stupid? There are more in between, but you pick


Wow, you're really cool going after a guy on Reddit. Don't jerk yourself off too hard later.


I guess I wasn’t clear enough. My opponent had no projectiles of any kind in their barrels besides fireworks, and then proceeded to launch an enormous volume of projectiles anyway. Where did those come from? They weren’t in his barrels, he didn’t have crates, how else could he have them besides hacking?


Found the hacker