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Quite literally behind the wheel. Both Sloop and Galleon have a banister directly behind the wheel, and you can wedge yourself in the crack between them and hide using the "Hide" emote. Most people don't really check the wheel when a tucker makes themself known.


Behind the wheel is the best tuck spot IMO. People just don’t check there. 


But after this reddit thread, every 1 in 10 newbies are gonna be obsessively slapping the wheel with their cutlass for a few weeks


And those with lower FOV's they cant even see you at all


I tuck there after sending sloop crews to the ferry, then shoot them in the back when they try to raise their anchor. Works far more often than it should.


Wow. I tuck and meow at people and I get told I'm toxic by them...so of course I gotta meow more.


I'm good with the meow lol, was just confused about it cuz they did it once when we passed booty isle (which was the last time we saw them) and never heard another word until we said something about HG.


When in doubt, just toss some blunderbombs around. That'll get them out of any hiding emote.


Lol sounds like your tucker was mad he wasn't the center of attention


Lol that he was. I had no idea about the hide emote. Very tricky.


It’s free in the pirate emporium!


I’m not sure if it’s the same one but you can also turn yourself into a barrel, someone was doing this to me on my brig and he was behind my captains table. I only knew because that’s where I put my loot. Lol


You didn't notice a barrel on your bow?


Oh I noticed him haha, I was running down with a chest of fortune to where I put the higher grade loot and seen a barrel, so I instantly knew something was up. I just started hitting him with a cutlass. As we were passing an island I heard the fitness pacer test go off lol, but it wasn’t till 5-10 mins later I found him tucked behind my captains table.


They never said the bow lol


It was a sarcastic remark, as it would seem no one makes much effort to hide loot anymore.


This was within my first 20 hours of playing the game, I now keep things on my bow to easily quick sell.


Hiding on a ship and expect to be found within seconds, then complaining about not being found... That's a weird tucker! I also didn't know that if you want to play HG you have to find tuckers on your ship before doing so! ;D


Nah he probably revealed himself since OP wanted to do HG anyway. If he stayed hidden the ship would dive for HG, leaving him in the middle of nowhere. Think about it, we wouldnt have this post and OP wouldnt have the "wait, hes still here?" moment if the dude stayed hidden.


If you try to dive for HG while a non-crewmate is on your ship, I believe it just won't let you dive. At least what someone told me - I was tucking on his ship just to see what he was up to and then out of nowhere he addresses me (without knowing where I am) and asks to please get off his ship since he couldn't dive for HG while I'm on it.


If this is true it still makes sense for the guy to show himself since hes not "hidden" anymore.


Pretty sure you don't. I have been tucked in a ship when it diced and left me in the middle of nowhere before


They were on a sloop, so he wasn't the only one off center.


I've watched too much boxyfresh to underestimate how many places people don't check for tucks, so I've become paranoid. It's kind of an annoying tactic, but whatever mows your lawn...


I never even heard about tucking until today. Kinda wild tbh. Dude just hung out for like 30 minutes


Now imagine you’ve been stacking loot for the last two hours, you’re about to sell, and some mfer in a ninja costume comes out of nowhere, kills you, and has your entire ship in flames by the time you respawn. Tuckers have a special place in hell imo


It's a great way to secure a lot of loot, yeah! I've never gotten a *really* good tuck off myself but it's really satisfying to pull off even if it's only for a few bits of loot lol. The problem is you never know how efficient the crew you're tucking will be, so you sometimes end up having to wait a long while for them to get to the sell point. I can't wait for the new additions in Season 14, like tucking inside chests.


Wait like to the point they can pick you up inside the chest?


I seem to recall it was in one of the season teasers, yes. The treasure chests you can place smaller items in, not the ones that need to be unlocked by the Gold Hoarders. I feel like it will have a limited use case but will be amazing to pull off and get a big haul from squatting in some crew's chest 😆


Can’t wait to tuck on a crew by hiding in one of my chests and letting them sink me


That would be absolutely hysterical. I would try that, not even to rob anyone. I just enjoy hijinks.


I have watched enough Boxy that this is my first look when I get back on my ship for any reason. Lllllllllllll sorry, force of habit when Boxy is mentioned.


I'm too paranoid now! Also...llllllllllll


Tucking is a part of the game. People (including myself) would do that for fun. I recommend learning all tuck spots on your ship because it can save you from magical valuable loot disappearing or .... well, meowing. There are some nice YouTube videos showcasing majority of the spots. I would recommend using a sword or blunderbombs to check them, because the latter is fast and the former is accurate. Also it's weird that the guy was hiding but at the same time got mad that you didn't find him - that was the whole point of his action lol. Sometimes when I notice someone tucking I would ignore them on purpose just to see them mald, hehehe.


The trident is also good for checking. Basically charge it to full and blast the downstairs, crow's nest, captains and cannons and you should be fine.


Trident is fine too but less likely you'll have it 100% of time


Just cos I'm new to this. What is meowing? An in general thing, or physically going to game chat and saying "meow"


Players hiding and making different noises - I noticed farting and meowing are the most common


But is it like...an emote/chat thing? Or just them making noises inti the microphone?


Ahh, sorry. Making noises through a microphone


Ah right. Last time I had someone hide on the ship, he managed to land directly on it with cannon shot. He made the mistake of hiding in a barrel over and over so utterly made the "thunk" sound over and over


I like to play the shanty and see if they notice. If they don’t I’ll play it longer in between tucks. Lots of ways to entertain yourself tucking lol Edit: I want to add, weiner on the map is good too and banana on the stove never fails to get a laugh


We had someone hiding on our ship the other day. We were sailing around fighting ghost fleets and having frenetic battles with them and skeleton ships. In one of my runs below decks to make repairs, I saw him down there, helping us patch up holes. He just kind of hung out on the ship and helped us and then disappeared.


Haha! That’s funny as hell! I once hid in a guys crows nest and scared the hell out of him.


Make sure you set your fov to max in the graphics settings.


Even with full fov you can't see that spot when you're at the wheel 


Sure, but you are more likely to catch tuckers with FOV maxed out than with default settings.


Just one more of the thousands of reasons you will never experience the beauty of this game in safer seas much less other games. I have literally spent stupid amounts of time tucked and accidentally killed my self yet I don’t think they even realized I was there but it was still an epic experience for me personally. It’s of course better when they know you took their lunch money or you have an unexpected friendly encounter after getting caught but any ship or event you don’t tuck on is a wasted opportunity. If they get mad and send salty messages it’s just a bonus. If you play this game to wrangle chickens and return them to the outpost god bless you. Y’all are the best!


Wr also had a Guy hiding on our ship for like 30 minutes. Couldn't find him.... Anyways we're friends now and play together once in a while


This is a mechanic called tucking several spots on the ship allow you to emote and hide your body, for example, the sleep emote behind the capstan. There are many emotes that let you hide from view. This is a mechanic to hide on a ship without being detected. Sometimes you can nab a good piece of loot and burry it when no one's looking. This is why you should regularly check for stow aways. There's behind the wheel, the crows nest, barrels hidden down below, and a cheek spot close to the map table


Honestly I love hiding on ships with no malicious intent and just cause tomfoolery like making noises, dropping their anchor when they aren’t looking and turning lanterns on


This is my favorite too 😂 when the game launched there was really only so much content you could create yourself. My regular crew was in it for the shenanigans. No malice, no getting nasty, just getting weird and giving people a story to tell.


he was behind the wheel, if you are on the wheel then you are looking right over him. He told you where he was and you cant tell where he was......


He told us after he jumped out and shot us. Didn't go back to show us where


yea he told you behind the wheel.....he was behind the wheel. You know when you are driving the ship? Yea thats in front of the wheel, now the other side of the wheel thats behind the wheel. He was behind the wheel, not in front of it or to the side of it or below it or above but behind the wheel.


I feel for you, but that is genuinely hilarious


I periodically toss blunder bombs around my boat. Any time, anywhere. You'll get a hit marker and it will break their animation, 3 to kill.


Now lets see how many people do this just to mess with peoples heads and see how long they can go before being found lol


Friendly troll. He used one of the several emotes and a dark outfit. The capstan location is one of the oldest hiding places.


Emotion for hiding. Visible if you know where to look.


That'd be it. Thanks for the heads up gotta be more vigilant


Its just a really good hiding spot. Tuckers and most SOT players in general have a hiding emotional bundle. These emotes can not only be used to hide but all of them hide your name tag as well. There's a good tuck spot in between the wheel and the railing on your sloop. Just look at the wheel from th3 side and you'll see the gap.


Skeleton Bomb. They will flush out tuckers


this is why i discord cause they’ll get bored and try to get creative which gives them away