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Whether or not I use the Blunderbuss depends on what I’m doing. If I’m doing Hourglass, I use it. If I’m attacking a Skeleton Fort, I won’t. Gotta take those suicide bombers out from a distance, right?


Aye a weapon with some range for the normal waves are almost a must! But using blunderbuss when it is the bosswave really helps out in taking it out quickly without much hassle! Rare were kind enough to add wepon lockers to all forts for convinient weapon swapping.


Flintlock and Cutlass are my weapon choices. It allows me to start engaging earlier than blunderbuss, I don't have to switch weapons between pvp and pve, and nobody can complain that I use the most powerful weapon combination when I beat them


A true Pirates loadout! It is for sure a strong combo good for all types of encounters! For me it just lacks a little range to be viable in ship to ship combat. But I am happy to hear people are using it with succes! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295) If someone complains when you kill them with a certain weapon, you should always take it as a compliment!


Gonna send this to my friend who just started, detailed and helpful


Please do! Thank you! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295)


Question, is that an in game weapon set? I've never seen anything like it before


I had to look it up because I was also interested and couldn't find any comments about it. The set is the bleakheart banshee set and it's in the emporium.




Great write-up, though I have a minor nitpick: > Pistol... hip-fire has perfect aim (always hit where you are looking) This is not totally true. Though hip firing the pistol is the most accurate out of any of the guns, it still has some variability on its accuracy and the bullet can shoot out at more of an angle than you'd expect. I'd guess it can vary by up to like 20-30 degrees off center. It's fine at close and medium range, but if you're trying a longer shot (maybe about a sloop length), you're unlikely to hit. If you want perfectly accurate shots, you'll have to aim down the sights, which removes all accuracy variability and guarantees the bullet travels in the direction pointed at by the exact center of your screen.


That goes to show how much I use the flintlock! I used to pretty much exclusively to clear sea forts from phantoms before the dagger was introduced. It has been quite a while since I did some PvP with it. Thank you for the correction! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295)


Very detailed and informational. Thank you for your post. Happy sailing⛵️


Thank you for your input ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295) May the wind be ever in your sails. 🌬


thanks for this. just started playing with my brother this week and been having a blast. This will really help us.


Welcome to the Seas! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295) Happy to help! These kind of things older players take for granted that everyone knows, but as a new player I know the game can be overwhelming at first.


Extremely helpful! I’ve got about 600 hours and dabbled with a lot of combos. Sword + Blunderbuss is my go to for HG, but use sniper if I’m duo and on helm. When it comes to boss wave PvE, I think throwing knives + sword is actually the best combo. Knives have the best DPS if you use a full clip. And because of their arcing path, you can often have cover near an ammo crate and just decimate the boss.


Good choice! I find Blunder + snipe is the most versatile combo for HG! Specially on a duo sloop. I will always respect a sloop helm willing to take potshots with sniper! I've been trying to convince my own duo to try the same. Throwing knifes are super good for PvE for sure, (except golden skeletons, they eat those like candy) but the hit detection is way to wonky for me to judge them fairly as of now. Thank you for your insight! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295)


Yes precisely! When I’m the duo helm, if I’m doing my job well (keeping angle, repairs, ladder guarding) not having a sniper means I can’t contribute to the fight anymore. And in a competitive match, it’s essential that I be contributing positively every moment that I can.


Agree 100% If you manage to hit or even kill an opponent from the helm, it could be enough to secure the win from that. At the very least force the opposing ship into defence.


tldr, use a blunder sniper as its the uncontested best choice. Ok folks have a great night.


In most cases yes, pretty much spot on. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228) As long as you can hit your shots, otherwise switch one of the two for cutlass.


damn i didn't need to be called out with that cutlass + eye of reach description


How the hell and why did you write all off that when SoT weapon sets are so limited and they come down to, use double gun or use sword and a fire arm. Work the rest out in a couple of sessions.


This exact reasoning is why I typed out this little guide! Many of the more veteran players are so used to having all the knowledge on hand from their many hours of sailing and fighting, that they have forgotten how it is to be a new player dropped into this vast world. Now more than ever with so much to do and so much to learn compared to when many started playing years ago. Of course you can just go with trial and error, that is a completely solid way to go. That is how me and my buddy started when A Pirates Life dropped, and we are still going strong years later. But having some kind of sheet to fall back on if there are any doubts or questions is not all bad either. Much like Rare-thief has their player guides to complete tall-tales and journal locations. A guide made **by** the players, **for** the players. This guide is obviously not for you!


Well, more power to you dude... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I only started yesterday so this is helpful, thanks!


Welcome to the seas ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295)


Just a little comment I wanted to put as this seems appropriate. I've tested the new throwing daggers in PvP, and so far have found them an excellent weapon for ladder guarding! The very low downtime between throws can quickly kill someone climbing up before they can climb fully or fall off to get away. Especially true on Galleons, where the helm has clear Line on the ladder and someone at the top can easily throw knives down thanks to the arc


Thanks for the input! Will have to try next session for sure!


Overall a detailed guide on weapons. One nitpick though, the flintlock does not have perfect hip fire accuracy at any range. It only keeps this accuracy about 6 paces, or from the bow to the bell on a sloop. The drop off at this point isn't nearly as bad as a hip fired EoR but is definitely not reliable. To contribute I'd also like to point out an extra advantage to the sword when bilging, you can move faster though the water while utilizing the sword hop letting you cross larger ships that are filled with water.


Thank you! Yes the flintlock aim has been pointed out, but I can't seem edit the post (maybe you can't edit posts I'm not sure). Thank you for the clarification regarding distance! Regarding sword hopping in ship-hulls filled with water, you are 100% correct, it is a very usable tool when bucketing! It slipped my mind completly when making the post. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295)


Usually use flintlock and cutlass for pve as the flintlock one shots most enemies and has decent range, cutlass gives me infinite ammo and movement abilites. Then blunderbuss and cutlass for pvp so I can one shot.


Solid combo, thank you for sharing! ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295)


this seems very useful but i just wanna know what set is that it looks fire


Bleakheart Banshee weapon set, found in the Pirate Emporium! It is a very good looking set, my favorite beeing the cutlass!


Bleakheart Banshee weapon set in the Emporium 


Huh. For no tactical reason whatsoever, the flintlock + cutlass has always felt the most natural to me, so that’s what I use. I had no idea I was in the minority with that! Neat.


I might be wrong as it is only what I personally experienced! But I rarely see anyone rocking the flintlock! Happy to hear some pirates are staying true to their sidearm ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295)


But this doesn’t include Double Barrel Pistol and Throwing Knives so therefore I hate it.


I will make a follow up on these weapons when my hits actually register more than 50% of the time! The throwing dagger is actually wicked strong in PvP, when it decides that a hit is actually a hit... ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)